A storm over Tethyr (Inactive)

Game Master JohnLocke

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Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

My reason for the quick draw was so I could switch between ranged and melee just a little more easily, and of course never waste an action drawing weapons. I'm thinking about rapid reload next level so I can shoot more readily too. Basically trying to make sure I can switch weapons on the fly. the maulaxe in concert with this was as much a matter of style and flavor as anything, but I'm always watching my choices to make sure I'm not completely wasting my feats.

The 1d6 base doesn't bother me much, since a fair bit of it comes from STR anyway, and all the progression I'm likely to take won't benefit much from larger hit die; flat bonuses are more common. This way, all my enchantments and such will apply to a slashing and bludgeoning weapon all at once.

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

Do you have everything from me? I think I put everything in.

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

Okay level up
knowledge dungeoneering 1
knowledge arcane 1
perception 1
diplomacy 1
sense motive 1
intimidate 1
spellcraft 1

Cunning initiative, detect alignment, track

Bab +1, fortitude +1, will +1

spells gained
level 0
Acid splash
Disrupt Undead (bonus for favoured class)

level 1
Divine Favour

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7
forgot hp

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Belgrin you should look into quickdraw shield to really make full use of the swapping

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

Thinking about it. Trying to cover some bases first, then get fancy with it later.

M Human Cleric/2 Initiative +1; AC 22; HP 17

2nd level adjustments:
HP > 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Guess I'll take the minimum of 5 hp.
Bab +1, fortitude +1, will +1
Spells gained: O level (1) Light, 1st level (1) Dancing Lantern
Skills 3+1 (human)
(Diplomacy, Healing, Perception, Sense Motive)

@ Janiries: Yes, I think you've covered all the bases. Looking good!

@ Landon: Looks good! I think you should have 22 hp, though - toughness gives +3 hp, +1 per HD above 3rd. You won't get additional benefit from toughness until 4th level.

@ Duvall - you rolled a 2 for hp, so you get to take the minimum (5) PLUS you con mod and add it to your total. So, you should have 17 hp. Sorry I didn't describe it better!

You've also only really selected one spell to increase your spell list - you're already entitled to memorize any of the spells in the core rulebook (with exceptions for alignment, of course) so light is already on your list. You can choose two more spells! If you want to save the two picks for next level (when you have 2nd level spells to choose from) then that's fine as well. Next level you get your first religion specific spell, as well, which can be memorized as both a domain and a regular spell. It's a good one, and a long held secret of the church of Helm!

@ Hezar: Everything checks out! Ready to perforate some undead!

@ Belgrin: Looks good! At some point we may need to have an ideas-exchange vis-a-vis your chosen weapon (which has low base damage and a low crit range) but for now I'll leave it alone and have Belgrin do his thing.

@ Ariael - I think you're okay, but I'm mostly guessing and trying to backtrack from your sheet to see what changes you've made.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

why not just say it does 1d8 damage for the blunt side and that it has a x3 on the sharp side and call it a day?

not to meddle or anything, just a thought.

That's not meddling, I appreciate the input! To be honest, I was thinking of having Belgrin find a maulaxe with enhanced stats, though the scenario I was envisioning was going to require some conniving.

Based on your idea, I propose:

Improved dwarven maulaxe! The blunt end strikes for 1d8 damage, with a x3 critical multiplier, whilst the sharp end strikes for 1d6 damage, 19-20 critical range with a x2 multiplier. We'll just retcon things and say it was like that all along!

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

the extra hit point was my 1st level favoured class bonus

Okay, sounds good!

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Belgrin that will be 20 gp for services rendered!

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

What's this? An executive DM decision to buff the fighter? Ooooooh, are you SUUUUURE you want to make me even more dangerous?

cause if you reeeeeally want to...

What DM sees: a carefully planned battle scenario with tricks, traps, twists, and tactics galore.

What fighter sees: overgrown grass.

Yes, I do it despite the fact that fighters are sooooo overpowered.... :-)

Is it overgrown grass you see, or nails that need hammering? Or does it depend on which end of the maulaxe you're using?

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Hey you know...I think Rangers are seriously underpowered...

Don't YOU start, mister!

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

So, am I taking the +1 Serpentine Dagger? If so, how long does the venom on it last? Till I hit someone with it or a number of rounds?

You would seem the best fit for the dagger to me - but it's best the group make that decision. The acid damage lasts from when the command word is spoken (which is a free action, btw) until a creature is struck. Until that time, the dagger hisses and the blade drips poison (which is primarily for dramatic effect, but I suppose could be used to intimidate the weak willed).

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

i say janiries takes it

also my belief in loot is that if someone will USE it all the time then they just get it. in the event it is sold then the gold is then split evenly

evrything else is split evenly.

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3

I gave it to Jan, and I'll fight anybody who says otherwise :-)

Btw, fighters can certainly be badass, with the right feats, even at this level.

Bel seems to have made more of an interesting, flavorful fighter than a straight up basher.

I like it though. He's pulling off a switch hitter quite nicely.

Of course, fighters can be badass! It's easy for someone to look at the rulebook and theorycraft all sorts of scenarios where casters are dominant and fighter types are inferior. In gameplay, though, I don't think any of the fighters I've played with have ever felt useless or underpowered. I try to give everyone scenarios where they can shine and have fun.

Male Human Inquisitor 2 / Paladin 1 | Init +3 | Per+7 | AC 23/21/12 | HP 33/33 | For +7 | Ref +1 | Will +7

I see no reason Janiries shouldn't have the dagger.

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3


+1 Knowledge(Arcana)

+1 Knowledge(Religion)

+1 Perception

+1 Spellcraft

+1 Stealth

+1 Survival

Favored Class bonus to skill.

Arcana and Spellcraft I believe are off by 1. Should be 8, 2 ranks+3 for class skill+3 Int.

Took 5 HP. As you said, slightly confusing there, will adjust.

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

Good to see peeps with an appreciation for variety and believable characters. Got too many friends who go "only +3 strength mod? so gimped." And always build the same min-maxed fighters all the time. tried to run a 3.0 game way back, and I kid you not, I saw THREE people roll up human fighters with 18 str and greatswords. Dropped that game like a rock.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

since you asked us to let you know about things the characters are interested in doing, if the chance arises.

At some point when things calm, or we have a night of rest again, Hezar wants to learn more about Belina.

@ Hezar: No problem! Assuming your characters live to see some downtime, of course ;-) Belina seems quite taken by your Ranger, I'm sure they have much to talk about.

Male Mountain man Woodsman/6

@ Hezar - I've noticed this (below) out from your name when posting:

M Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4; Perception +7; HP18/18; AC16/14/12; CMD 17/18vs Trip; Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +2; Arrows 30/30; Blunt Arrows 14/20

That's really nice and I want to do something similar with Duvall - how do I do this?

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

when you edit your profile in the space for sex and class you just add all the rest as well, whatever you want to put in there

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

traveling day for me tomorrow, might get a post or two in, but might not. 18 hours of flying

if botted Hezar will use rapid shot when he can. If they break through into the chapel, he will move back in to attempt to keep them from getting to those down stairs.

if it is logical he will strike from the roof again.

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3

Just a heads up, I am experiencing really weird issues with my phone that make it next to impossible to post to and from work, which is often where I am able to catch up(aside from once I get home of course).

Didn't want you all to think I've disappeared or am ignoring any in game stuff, I just can't really reply till late in the day.

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3
Belgrin wrote:
He then turns to grin at Marius. "what's the matter? Never looked UP to a dwarf before? HAHAH!"

I may have created a monster here...

Not that I care.

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

long as I'm crushin' corpses and not the party, right?

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

let me just point out that the first ghoul blood goes to Hezar! I will pretend that one arrow found each eye

Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3

I will pretend I just won the day.

Oh wait...

I was going to say the fireball consumed them in a great mushroom cloud of fire and smoke, but that seemed overdone.

Also, more may be coming! Don't get cocky!

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

argh killing me smalls!


Just got to the good part and we slow.

ok rant over, i feel better

Male Mountain man Woodsman/6

Will be offline most of the weekend (March 1-3), so please NPC Duvall. When in doubt, he will cast every spell he has and sacrifice himself to make sure the wounded and survivors get away.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

hoping i do not get taken out by trying to hold this spot against the ghouls, to make sure all get away.

I'm sure your allies won't leave you hanging! I would recommend moving and shooting next round, if not a full-out withdrawal.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

oh yea, he knows he cant stay another round. he might have a heroic bent, but he is not stupid :)

I had really thought that fire might make some of the gols think twice about continuing this way

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

Just as long as everyone doesn't try to break for the stairs at once. That'd be a disaster!

Normally I would have the fire dissuade the Ghouls; they're not especially vulnerable to fire, but the whole fire as a weapon against the undead trope makes sense to me.

In this case, I've decided that the watcher feels this may be his only chance at you, so they're going to have the ghouls plow through the fire, despite their fear of it. I do have them taking damage, so I don't want you to think it was a wasted action. But there's a reason they're so driven to get you guys before you can escape to what you think should be safety.

As for everyone reaching the stairs at once - we'll play it by ear, but I don't intend upon restricting the number of PCs and allied NPCs who can go down the stairs per round. I only did that with the injured commoners to represent them being stretchered down the stairs, or aided down if they were limping. You folks are able-bodied and thus, able to squish down the stairs in great numbers :-)

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

o it is more than fair, just bemoaning my iminent death!

Here is a fort save for you to use for me when I get bitten! That way we don't have to wait for me to roll it
fort when I get bitten 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23


+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

Also I dont like how you said escape to what we "think" will be safety.

evil DM!

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

All DM's are evil. It's just a question of how often, and how cruelly, they spring it on you.

^true story.

Female Sun Elf Rogue 4

Ghouls and Skeletons running through fire to get at us is pretty cool, so no worries about that.

+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]

this is more intense than the fight!

Also when is Ariael gonna put the moves on Jan?

Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4

Patience, leaf-stepper. Patience.

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