just had a very evil thought about what dm might be up to.
Do tell!
Also, am just waiting for Ariael to respond to the subplot hook I've dangled, then we can fast forward to the morning. After you all have had a nice, relaxing sleep. I think the ghostly cleric Andrea will be wanting to hold council with you guys. Maybe Xanathos too.
Ariael seems to be taking his time! He's obviously quite the smooth operator. Just a quick note:
There may be more to the lovely Hannah than meets the eye - a lot more!
I'm going to retire for the night, tomorrow morning I'm going to continue with the narrative whether Ariael has responded or not. Watchghost cleric Andrea will be wanting to talk with you about your next steps. And ... other things may happen, as well!
Lady Andrea's caster level is 18, just fyi. I'm not ANTICIPATING any combat at the moment, but I suppose keeping track of your temp hp is wise in any case! :-)
I'm sure you could pick a fight with someone if you tried hard enough! Maybe not the Spectator or the ghostly cleric though. He could probably disintegrate you; she'd probably cast implode or something, lord knows what an 18th level watchghost cleric can do....
Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3
You're so not gonna be able to out duel me in a war of words. You've really pissed Ariael off, and now he his lashing out, and, though it is very much out of character for him, it is a testament to how angry he is.
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
The DRAMA! the CONFLICT! and the great mediator! CHA dumped dwarven fighter trying to defuse a fight between an elf and a human. That's one for the books. roleplaying at it's finest.
Guys - please - could you tone it down a bit? Conflict between characters is fine, to a point, but some of the words exchanged were hotphrases that I think we should avoid.
And holy crap, Belgrin, stifle it? You're channeling Archie Bunker now? Guess that works for a dwarf with a CHA of 8....
Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3
I warned you I didn't like Hezar randomly speaking Elven. Also, my initial response was pretty much a striaght forward reaction. Hezar was the one who flung about insults first, and there was no way Ariael was letting that slide, consdiering.
+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]
ok completely OOC here.
Anyone actually upset?
If so I apologize.
That said, since it seems like Ariael's PLAYER might be actually getting worked up-at least that is how I read the above-I will make a point to avoid character conflict in the future.
Male Elf Ranger(Demon Slayer)3/Inquisitor(Cold Iron Warden)3
Not overly so, though the whole part about Hezar seemingly speaking Elven just to show off is true.
I have yet to see any time he has spoken it with any good reason, and it always comes across as random.
I also felt that in makes Jan and I a little less special that you speak both Elven and Sylvan, robbing her and I of any way to speak in public, but privately.
Look, I can understand where Ariael is coming from on this, but I think he's misinterpreting the data. People do pick up other languages, in real life and especially in the realms, which is this massive, magnificent multicultural mosaic of a gameworld. It's not unreasonable for a ranger, one who spends time in the sylvan woodlands, to have learned the language of the people he loves (the elves) and of the woodland beings (sylvan).
What Ariael perceives as showing off, has always seemed to me to be a show of respect from Hezar. He's trying to show respect by addressing Ariael in his native tongue, showing that he respects elves and their culture. That's not a bad thing! You're seeing it as showing off but I think you're misinterpreting his actions.
For Hezar's part, it's important to recognize that every player needs to feel there are things only their character can do, things they are special at. I've no problem with you speaking elvish at all; but I'm sure you understand that, for example, were your party to encounter a band of wild elves, it would be Ariael and Janiries that would be primarily engaged as spokespeople, even though Hezar speaks their tongue.
I take responsibility for not having given everyone enough subplots and additional things to do, so I feel this conflict partly has resulted of my mistakes. I apologize to all; I've told some of you privately, and now all of you collectively, that I really do enjoy gaming with you and I really do strive to show you all a good time. I think you're all good people who just want to enjoy a fun game together. For my part, I'm going to keep striving to do better, and when you have feedback I'll do my best to adjust to it. For your part, please, I think we have a good game going here, let's try to keep it a fun and happy place. In between TPK's, of course ;-)
I've been posting a lot more in the past couple of weeks; I've just been laid off, so in between job search activities I have a lot more time for the game. Just in case anyone was wondering about the uptick in my posting rate.
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
I, for one, think it's all pretty on the mark. The characters are acting about like they would in a real situation like this. I find the character conflict rather juicy for plotmeat, as long as we don't let it erupt into party violence I'm ok with it. And as mentioned, there's something hilarious about the prospect of an uncharismatic dwarf trying to break up arguments between an elf and a human.
Part of the trick, and a high recommendation, is to be very particular about when you refer to "you" as having an opinion, and "your character" when we come to OOC chat. While it's great to bring real emotions into your character choices, it's critical to remember where the line is between you and your hero so nobody gets confused.
Long as everybody remembers that, I say it's all good roleplaying.
+2 Bluff, Percep, SM, Surv, Knowl vs Humans, +2 Stealth, Perc, Surv, Geo in a forest Acrobatics+9, Climb+6, Bowyer+8, Geo+9, Handle Animal +8, Heal+6, Nature+9, Percep+11, Ride+8, Stealth+11, Survival+9 SM+10
Human Ranger (Skirmisher) Initiative+4 (6 forest); Perception +8; HP 37/37; AC19/14/15; CMD 19/20vs Trip; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4 (+2 fear/ME); Arrows 14; Blunt 18, CI 15[/spoiler]
not sure if i want the ghost to come talk to me or i should be worried about the ghost talking to me...probably going to smack me upside the head and tell me to stop causing trouble.
@ Belgrin, i think we need to find time for a side plot where belgrin teaches hezar the intricacies of dwarven drinking
The watchghost is taking everyone in for private talks, so the spoilers seem appropriate to me. But I think everyone is walking out a little happier than when they walked in. Also, fyi, you can always roleplay amongst yourselves. Especially if you're finding things too quiet.
Belgrin's clankin' about must have scared away the crickets. Funny, I was going to do a post earlier with crickets and tumbleweed. Great minds, huh? ;-)
Just a quick note to everyone - please make sure to keep your character sheets scrupulously up to date. You've all been updated with new equipment, and I should hope that your sheets will reflect this, along with updated info for your saves, AC, spells, etc. I need that info just as much as you do while playing the game. Spoiler them if you don't want other players seeing them, but do stay up to date, please.
On a related note, please remember that spoilered entries are only for the parties indicated. We're working on the honour system here, so I trust that you will all respect this rule.
Haven't read a one that doesn't pertain to Duvall, and I don't know what the hell is going on! I guess that's a good thing - now, my character and I are on the same page.
2) If you were to know the information, it wouldn't be spoilered. While I appreciate the sentiment that you can separate your out of character knowledge with what your character knows, in practice, metagaming like that gives you an edge you shouldn't have. You shouldn't be privy to a whispered conversation between two characters unless they want you to be. Have you checked out other characters' sheets, even if spoilered?
3) I've stated before that we're on the honour system, and that clearly isn't going to work if you don't think the rules apply to you. If my rules aren't to your satisfaction, then reconsider your involvement in the game.
@ Duvall: It's not that there's really anything hush hush going on. But if your character were to have a whispered conversation with another character regarding, say, Hezar, wouldn't it affect your actions if you knew Hezar was going to be reading, as well?
I make no apologies for asking this of each of you.
Male Dwarf Fighter/4, HP 48/48 perc +2, init +1, fort +9 ref +3 will +4
ok, ok, let's pump the brakes. minor infraction, well intention though it may have been. Let's just re-dedicate ourselves to respecting the spoilers for storytelling's sake.
And no, ariael, you're not joining Lassathor. No more party loss, eh?