mdt |

My GURPS game is down to 3 regular players. So I'm looking to recruit 2 or 3 regular posters. We generally post about 3-5 days a week during the week, and once on the weekends. Obviously RL interferes from time ot time like any other game.
All characters use the following rules:
* Tech Level 8
* Must be in the National Guard (Must have at least 5 points in Rank)
* Nobody can have more than 20 points in Rank.
* No more than one person can have 20 points in Rank.
* Equipment is provided, however if you have wealth, you can arrange for better versions of basic equipment (IE: Customized Firearms, Customized Uniforms, etc). How much is dependent on wealth. In general, only equipment you can carry within a 50lb rucksack can be personal.
* Everyone must take the National Guard Template below (costs 2 points).
* 75 Pt Builds with up to 50 pts in disadvantages and 5 quirks. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO USE ALL 50 POINTS OF DISADVANTAGES.
* You cannot choose a disadvantage that would cause you to not meet requirements to be in the National Guard (IE: Lame for example).
* Template Disads do NOT count toward maximum Disadvantages.
Choose 2 of the following skills (at 1 point each):
SK:Guns (Pistol)
SK:Guns (Rifle)
SK:Guns (Shotgun)
SK:Guns (Grenade Launcher)
SK:Guns (Submachine Gun)
Choose 10 points from the following lists of Traits
Catfall (10)
Common Sense (10)
Rank (5)
Rapid Healing (5)
Recovery (10)
Security Clearance (5) or (10)
Voice (10)
Choose -10 points from the following list
Bad Temper (-10)
Bully (-10)
Callous (-5)
Chummy (-5) or (-10)
Code of Honor (Soldier's) (-10)
Flashbacks (-5)
Hard of Hearing (-10)
Honesty (-10)
Incurious (-5)
Nightmares (-5)
Overconfidence (-5)
Post Combat Shakes (-5)
Sense of Duty (-5) or (-10)
Social Disease (-5)
Unluckiness (-10)
Workaholic (-5)
Before creating a character, I would prefer an interest post, and a concept for your character.
Ideally the group would be 4-6 players who are a squad in the National Guard. Because the attack was domestic, the National Guard would end up being the first responders, and the Army/Navy/Air Force would end up being restricted from operating through this 'gate' that is created due to concern around the world about the US becoming 'expansionist'. The US agrees to only use Domestic Defense Forces (the National Guard) to guard themselves from attack, and to investigate the gate.
Some experience with the GURPS system would help, but it's not required.
It's a d6 system, so everything is D6 rolls.
Unfortunately, there's no online resources for GURPS (it's Steve Jackson games, so no open game license, very old school). I can assist with making characters, and have programs to make them so can provide sheets.
Everyone would start off as modern humans. Once we're into the game, there's a chance you can save up points to learn magic (or save starting points, but that'll put you at a disadvantage). You'll be starting with modern equipment provided by the government, but there's eventual chance of picking up magical equipment later (although you should note that there's not a lot of difference in power level between the two).
Additionally, if your character dies later, there's a possibility of playing a recruited character. However, you'd be then playing someone with limited skills in tech.
GURPS Lite 4E Free download from the SJ Games store site can help with character creation.

mdt |

Yes, both or either would be appropriate. We had a healer/linguistic type, but he seems to have stopped posting. I'm hoping he comes back, but it's been 2 weeks with no posts.
Why don't you type up a paragraph or two of background? The idea is the person would be in the California State Guard. Not special forces, diplomatic requirements resulted in basically 'weekend warriors' having to be sent through, not regular military units. So California is having to foot most of the bill (fortunately their economy is huge, so they can afford it for a while).

Madcaster |

Here's the background of my medic.
Scott's father, David Baker, was in a military for almost 30 years. As was his grandfather. Scott, however, did not want to tie his life with the military, but also did not want to disappoint his father, who wanted his son to continue the family tradition. Scott's dream was to become a biologist, to research living creatures. As a compromise, he agreed to join the National Guard, as a light version of the army. This way, he is in some way belongs to a military, and can pursue his main career. In the National Guard he chose a specialty at least somewhat connected to his degree - a Health Care Specialist.
Scott is your "nice guy" - he doesn't like confrontation and if possible prefers to talk things out. Of course, if the situation is unsalvageable, then he'll do what he has to protect himself and his friends.
So, as I understand, National Guard isn't full-time job, right? I'm thinking first he got his Bachelor's in Biology, then MOS 68W and then decided to go a bit deeper and got an Associate's degree in Paramedic.
Sounds about right? I did some googling, but I'm not a US citizen, so I'm not exactly sure how the education there works. Could this be done?
I'm also not sure about his civilian job. Something in research, maybe? Or a teacher.

mdt |

Sounds good enough for me. Not sure what MOS 68W means, must be something specific to your area of the world? A Bachelor's in Biology works, and some Graduate level studies as well (Masters program) along with a Paramedic Certification and Associate Degree in same sounds correct. National Guard would likely provide funds for that. I would guess he did the Masters and Associate studies simultaneously?
I'll work up a character sheet and you can approve/modify.
And yes, National Guard are sometimes called 'Weekend Warriors', although that is kind of insulting. Basically, they do a few weeks a year and a weekend a month usually.
Day job would likely be, if he was still pursuing the Masters degree, a paid research position with the university.

Madcaster |

I found that on the National Guard site. MOS 68W.
He probably did the Master's and Associate studies simultaneously, yes. He probably would have a lot less free time then, but that's okay I think.
Pursuing Master's degree and working at the university on a researching position sounds like him.
Thanks for making a character sheet, I'm reading the Lite rules now.

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I'd also be interested in the game, although like Madcaster I've never played GURPS before. I do have the 4th Edition Basic Set Book 1, however, so I could look up most of the rules myself.
My idea for the character is that she is a married mother of 2 in her mid-thirties whose day job is working as mechanical engineer for the city of Irvine, CA. She has been in the National Guard for 10 years because they allow her to fly the Black Hawks for the 1st Battalion/140th Aviation out of Los Alamitos, CA. This means that she's a warrant officer (unsure of the exact grade).
She's a pretty quiet person who just likes to get the job done. She's obviously very focused and always tries to work harder than everyone else around her.

Dawn Svenssen |

I am also playing in the game as a combat engineer.
A deployed medic is pretty close to a first responder paramedic or EMT.
You could look at having enough college to join as a full doctor though you might find this to stretch your points.
Since this is modern world, don't expect to get away with packing all your points into "combat" skills. Even modern army grunts get training in support. Secondary skills might include heavy equipment driving, electronic operations (communications), administration, etc.
GURPS is "Generic Universal" that means there is a lot of stuff in the basic book (including the light) that is not appropriate for this game.
Be wary of anything marked as exotic or supernatural.
You want one or two of your primary skills to be 14, another couple at least a 12. This represents expert proficiency.

mdt |

Scott Baker First Draft. Ask questions if you have them about what things do if you can't find it in the light book.
Jane Doe First Draft. Needs a name. Ask questions if you have them about what things do if you can't find it in the main book.

Madcaster |

Looks great. I also borrowed the Characters book from a friend, so there definitely will be less questions.
Now for the questions. There are 70 points in Disadvantages and Quirks. You said up to 50 pts in disadvantages and 5 quirks. Did I miss something?
Edit: Ah, Template doesn't count. But even then, it's 60 points.

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I am also playing in the game as a combat engineer.
A deployed medic is pretty close to a first responder paramedic or EMT.
You could look at having enough college to join as a full doctor though you might find this to stretch your points.
Since this is modern world, don't expect to get away with packing all your points into "combat" skills. Even modern army grunts get training in support. Secondary skills might include heavy equipment driving, electronic operations (communications), administration, etc..
Hmm, maybe not an engineer then. Let me think about a slightly different character concept.
EDIT: Does the helicopter pilot work for a general character concept? I'll pick something different if we're not likely to ever try to fly one.

mdt |

@Madcaster - *grumble* I opened an existing character to get the campaign settings, and it appears the one I opened had the wrong settings (then again, said person didn't use all their points, so it never flagged it). I'll have to tweak the two characters to get 10 points off. Thanks for catching that.
@Branding - Civil Engineer and Mechanical Engineer are two entirely different types of engineers. One is good at building bridges, buildings, dams, etc. The other is good at designing windmills, watermills, engines, etc. As to the piloting, there are helicopters there, it may or may not become common for you to take them. It really depends on how the game unfolds and the PCs actions. This is a guided sandbox game, so even the GM isn't entirely sure where it will go.

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@Branding - Civil Engineer and Mechanical Engineer are two entirely different types of engineers. One is good at building bridges, buildings, dams, etc. The other is good at designing windmills, watermills, engines, etc. As to the piloting, there are helicopters there, it may or may not become common for you to take them. It really depends on how the game unfolds and the PCs actions. This is a guided sandbox game, so even the GM isn't entirely sure where it will go.
I'll go ahead with the pilot concept and we'll see where it takes us then. What rank should I take as a Warrant Officer, 3?

mdt |

The 'Rank' in GURPS is a pain in the butt, and too generic.
I've been debating how to do this for most of the game, and I think I'll be changing how we're doing Rank. So, for my existing players, you may get some points back doing it this way.
Enlisted : 1 pt per Rank
Private (E-1) : 0 Rank (In boot camp)
Private 2nd Class (PV2) (E-2) : 1 Rank (Graduated Boot Camp)
Private First Class (E-3) : 2 Rank
Army Specialist (E-4) : 3 Rank
Enlisted NCO's
Corporal (E-4) : 4 Rank (Req 26 Months in Service)
Sergeant (E-5) : 5 Ranks (Req 36 Months in Service)
Staff Sergeant (E-6) : 6 Ranks (Req 84 Months in Service)
Senior NCO's
Sergeant First Class (Platoon Sergeant) (E-7) : 7 Ranks (Req Min 6 Years)
Master Sergeant and First Sergeant (E-8) : 8 Ranks (Req Min 8 Years)
Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major (E-9) : 9 Ranks (Req Min 9 Years)
Enlisted, even NCO's, are only 1 per Rank because they don't have a lot of control over their lives in field.
Warrant Officers
Each Rank of Warrant Officer is 5pts per level for the first 2 ranks, then +1 Rank after that.
Each Rank of Officer is 5 pts per level.
Second Lieutenant (2LT)(O1) : 5 Ranks
First Lieutenant (1LT)(O2) : 10 Ranks
Captain (CPT)(O3) : 15 Ranks
Major (MAJ)(O4) : 20 Ranks
Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)(O5) : 25 Ranks
Colonel (COL)(O6) : 30 Ranks
General and Above (07 to 09) are not purchasable via Rank.
Nobody can be more than a 1st Ltn. I believe this may require my existing players to re-evaluate their ranks. Dawn would likely be a 2LT or a Warrant Officer? It would also fit with her taking over the squad when it get's back to base.

Edelsmirge |

65 percent of our force is in the reserves and the guard. I do blacksmithing as a hobby and am a gunsmith by trade.
This is my background and character submission, will also need help w rules

mdt |

@Branding - Need a name for your character.
@Edelsmirge - Will actually need a last name, your superiors and immediate team know who you are. :) Just a note, as I told Branding, at least initially, air support may be restricted. Doesn't mean they won't be taking you in, you just might not be in a plane/etc up front.

mdt |

Scott Baker Second Draft. Ask questions if you have them about what things do if you can't find it in the light book.
Gennie Debbs Second Draft. Needs a name. Ask questions if you have them about what things do if you can't find it in the main book.
Scott David First Draft. Background didn't give me much to work with on disadvantages. Let me know if you want to change any. If you have questions, let me know.

Ancient Dragon Master |

The interesting thing about GURPS is 3 or 4 is better than 5 or 6
Want to play a War veteran of 10+ years who doesn't weigh much on others opinions and is devoted 100% to whatever the forces requires him to do
Ambidexterity 10 points
You can use both hands with equal skill. You do not suffer the -4 DX penalty for using an “off hand” like most people do, and can fight (or act) with either hand (though not necessarily both at once). Should some acci- dent befall one of your arms or hands, assume it is the left one.
Ugly Appearance: As above, but not so bad – maybe only stringy hair and snaggle teeth. -2 on reaction rolls, except as above. -10 points.
As for military template
...And I just realised that recruitment was closed