DM Tobi |

In the shadow of the cyclopean Cyphergate that spans Riddleport's harbor, the PCs find themselves embroiled in a dangerous plot of deception that one could only find in Varisia's infamous pirate port.
"The Cyphermage Dilemma" was originally an exclusive adventure, run only by 4-star Pathfinder Society GMs, Venture-Captain and Venture-Lieutenant campaign volunteers, and Paizo staff for its first year, but has been revised and updated for public release.
Written by Patrick Renie.
This game is part of the Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. For more information please visit: PbpGameday.com
If you are interested, please reply with your character.

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Sorry for the lack of clarity in my earlier pos!, Talwin is a level 2 inquisitor. That won't change by the 5th. I'm toying with bringing my 1st level dwarf barbarian as an alternate, but I'll wait to see who else is interested.
Talwin has a good STR score and is a reach fighter with his longspear. Limited casting at this point, so usually saved for CLW or the occasional bless. Judgement will almost always be justice (+1 to hit) and saved for the "boss fight" when one is obvious.

DM Tobi |

Well I'd like people to post at least once per day, but if you can post more that's great. I'm usually on to check in the afternoon and also at night (I'm central timezone in the US).
As for how long this game will go, that I'm not sure on. From what I've been told, depending on how smoothly things run a PbP game usually takes at least a month to complete, possibly more.

DM Tobi |

@ Clara: Clara you are more than welcome to join in here. I have 2 spots open at the moment. Right now we have 3 lvl 3's and a lvl 2, so I'll have to see what the tiers are to see where we're at.
@Sutekh: A lvl 4 wouldn't be out of the question I don't think. But it would probably put the group above the 1-2 tier
@Trox: Be glad to have you, but I think we might be aiming at just above tier 1-2. I will see what the tiers are when I get my download.
@Kiyanetikert: Riddleport is a fun city (running the Second Darkness AP in a home game). Clara and Trox would fill up the group, but I'm thinking that maybe if people are up for it, Clara, Trox, and Kiyanetikert can do a second table and we can either hope one more person shows up or I can run a icon to fill the table out.

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@ Clara: Clara you are more than welcome to join in here. I have 2 spots open at the moment. Right now we have 3 lvl 3's and a lvl 2, so I'll have to see what the tiers are to see where we're at.
@Sutekh: A lvl 4 wouldn't be out of the question I don't think. But it would probably put the group above the 1-2 tier
@Trox: Be glad to have you, but I think we might be aiming at just above tier 1-2. I will see what the tiers are when I get my download.
@Kiyanetikert: Riddleport is a fun city (running the Second Darkness AP in a home game). Clara and Trox would fill up the group, but I'm thinking that maybe if people are up for it, Clara, Trox, and Kiyanetikert can do a second table and we can either hope one more person shows up or I can run a icon to fill the table out.
Or I can pass on this and jump in a different game. I'm easy. :)
If it makes the tiers work out better for people that would be great. Otherwise I can do something else.

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It seems we are too big for only one table anyway. As for subtier, even if we regrouped the level 2, 3 and 4 in the same group, we'd still play low subtier. APL = (2+3+3+4)/4 = 3, which means we have to play low with four characters. A fifth 3rd or 4th-level character would push us up in the high subtier. Since we are expected to start tomorrow, maybe it would be wiser to split the groups according to class roles and not levels. Season 4 and 5 scenarios have a reputation for being harder on four-character parties, so a good balance in group composition might help us overcome this challenge. As for myself, I have no objection playing the low subtier.
If we were to be only six, then we'd play low subtier as well.
By the way, are there kobold race boons now? Last I checked, that race wasn't PFS legal.

thejeff |
Well, depending on the ELs of the campaign, we might be progressing fairly fast, if the EXP distribution. If a couple lvl 1's take part in an EL 3-4 encounter and come out on top, that's some serious EXP being doled out.
Assuming I'm doing my math right (which I'm probably not).
There is no math. It's PFS. One third of a level for a successful scenario. Whatever level you are.

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Ford C. Benett, I highly encourage you to read the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. It contains all the information you need in order to play in a PFS scenario, including experience rules.

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Here is the breakdown as I see it right now:
Subtier 4-5:
Aetherys 3
Karasau 3
Sutekh 3
unknown 4
Subtier 1-2:
Talwin 2
Trox 1
Clara 1
Kiyan 1
I may have misunderstood Sutekh, who was perhaps playing a level4 character in place of the level 3.
I have only level 1's and 2's free, but I'd be interested in playing a level 4 pregen if we have more low-tier folks and it will make a table.

DM Tobi |

Here is the breakdown as I see it right now:
Subtier 4-5:
Aetherys 3
Karasau 3
Sutekh 3
unknown 4Subtier 1-2:
Talwin 2
Trox 1
Clara 1
Kiyan 1I may have misunderstood Sutekh, who was perhaps playing a level4 character in place of the level 3.
I have only level 1's and 2's free, but I'd be interested in playing a level 4 pregen if we have more low-tier folks and it will make a table.
That is kinda what I was thinking Talwin. I'm not sure if Sutekh knows a lvl 4 that wants to play or if he wants to bring in a lvl 4. But if you'd like to keep in the higher tier by using a pregen you can. I believe Szath was looking to jump in.
Unfortunately, I still have not gotten my copy of the scenario. Hopefully they will get it to me tonight. So we might not start right away tomorrow. But I am happy to have this much interest.

DM Tobi |

No pain at all Talwin, I understand. Thank you for your interest and I hope you have a great time gaming.
Okay so that leaves 6 people (3 lvl 3's and 3 lvl 1's). Since it looks like any way we slice it we're going to be lower tier is there any objection to running a full table of 6?
Here is the link to the discussion board. Clara, Kiyan, Ford, if you're still interested feel free to head over there and introduce yourselves.
I will get the gameplay forum up so you can dot it, but due to personal obligations I won't have a full post up until later tomorrow afternoon.

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Aetherys (3)
Karasau (3)
Sutekh (3)
Sutekh's hypothetical friend (4)
Trox/Ford C. Benett (1)
Clara (1)
Kiyan (1)
I'm counting 7, which is still a legal table. Note that we haven't heard from Sutekh's level 4 friend, who may not be happy with playing low tier.
Since Trox and Ford C. Benett are the same character, I assume he wants to replace his illegal kobold by another character. Ford, you have to read the document I linked earlier to play PFS, since you obviously don't know PFS rules. It's not long (you only need to read the character creation and experience rules), but mandatory.
As for preference, I'd rather have a full table of six at low tier than two shaky split tables where a dropout would badly compromise the mission's success.

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3x3 + 3x1 + 4 = 17; 17/7 = 2.42
3x3 +2x1 + 2x4 = 19; 19/7 =2.71
If people want to play up, I will take a Level 4 Pregen since all but 2 are level 3. Better for the Level 3s, better for the level 1s?
In order to determine which subtier a mixed-level group
of PCs must play in, calculate the group’s average party
level (APL). Divide the total number of character levels by
the number of characters in the party. You should always
round to the nearest whole number.
Starting with Season 4, scenarios are designed for six
characters and contain instructions on how to adjust the
scenario for four-character parties. When the APL of a table
is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario),
a party of four characters must play the lower tier without
any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven
characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play
the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.
For scenarios written in Seasons 0 to 3, when the APL is
in between subtiers, a party of six or seven characters must
play the higher subtier. Parties with four or five characters
must play the lower subtier. In the fringe case where there
are no players that are high enough to have reached the
subtier level (such as a party of six 3rd level characters), the
group may decide to play down to the lower subtler.
I think that being over 2.5, and having 6-7 in the party means we have to play up if I play a level 4 pregen?

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Starting with Season 4, scenarios are designed for six characters and contain instructions on how to adjust the scenario for four-character parties. When the APL of a table is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario), a party of four characters must play the lower tier without any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.
I think that being over 2.5, and having 6-7 in the party means we have to play up if I play a level 4 pregen?
I think so, yes.

DM Tobi |

Actually I heard from Sutkeh, the lvl 4 is actually him. He managed to level up.
So with everyone from the list above we have 2 3's, 1 4, and 3 1's, which leaves us at 2.2 for apl. Unless Clara wanted to play a lvl 4 pregen (i think that's the level) and that would put us at 2.6 that would round to 3. So we could go upper tier with the four-character adjustment.