Pathfinder Chronicles: Curse of the Crimson Throne Map Folio

3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Curse of the Crimson Throne Map Folio

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The Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path introduces you to the sprawling city of Korvosa, the largest city in all Varisia. As things go from bad to worse in Korvosa, you’ll explore hidden temples, underground warrens, thieves’ guilds, and noble palaces. Eventually, you’ll even head out into the world to explore haunted castles, barbarian encampments, and ancient ruins from ages past. The Curse of the Crimson Throne Map Folio contains reprinted maps of all the key locations explored in Pathfinder’s second Adventure Path. Even if you aren’t running Curse of the Crimson Throne, the maps inside can serve as cities, dungeons, castles, and worlds for any RPG campaign.

In addition, inside this folio you’ll find two huge poster maps: one of the entire region of Varisia, the setting for the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path; and one of the city of Korvosa, your PCs’ hometown and the focal point of the entire campaign!

Cartography by Rob Lazzaretti

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-116-9

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Worth Getting for the Maps of Varisia and Korvosa.


This map pack is worth picking up if your campaign takes a detour through Varisia. There is a large map of Varisia and a large map of Korvosa as well. The rest are small reprints of encounter maps from the Curse of the Crimson Throne modules so your mileage may vary.

2 big maps of Varisia & Korvosa little ones of Castles Scarwall & Korvosa


The Korvosa map is the best one that exists.

The Varisia map is not an "in-world" version like the one in the "Shattered Star poster map folio" but a real one.

Great are the maps of the different levels of Castle Scarwall (big haunted ruin in Belkzen) and Castle Korvosa (royal palace at the center of Korvosa).

Great product


This is actually a great product. The giant poster map of the city of Korvosa and another giant map of the surrounding area in itself is worth the price. To print these off it would cost you $20 each, so you’re already saving money. You can then take the Korvosa poster map and laminate it. Your gaming group will love you, especially since the city of Korvosa will be used extensively.

It was mentioned that the Korvosa city map is already included in the Korvosa city book and this is true. However that map isn't perfect (you have to cut the map away from the book, they messed up) and the color/lettering in map folio version is slightly better imo also.

Also included are small color maps of every map used in the AP. These aren’t nearly as useful as the posters, but they can be useful to GMs when reading room description, because you won't need to constantly flip pages to see where the room is on the map (which is my bane when reading an AP).

So all around, extremely useful, and a great cost savings.

A mixed bag...


This map folio is essentially a reprint of most of the maps in the CotCT AP, in the same scale as they are in the books - and has the same map of Korvosa that is in the the campaign setting book.

So how useful this folio is depends on two things: Do you want to save time looking up the tactical maps in the book (or don't use flip mats or the like, and want to show the players how rooms look like without having to use the book), and/or don't have the Korvosa map from the other source? If yes to either, it might be worth a purchase.

It wasn't for me, but the Korvosa map itself is so good I didn't have the heart to rate it as a one star product.

Portuguese - Br


Com Curse of the Crimson Throne se aproximando do fim, e o eminente lançamento do D&D 4E, a Paizo tomou a decisão de encarar o desafio de seguir sozinha e o anuncio do Pathfinder RPG foi feito, ainda demoraria um ano até seu lançamento na Gen Con de 2009, mas já se sabia que o D&D 3.5E estava com seus dias contados. Certamente deve ter sido uma decisão bastante difícil, mas se não fosse pelo incrível sucesso de Rise of the Runelords e Curse of the Crimson Throne a história certamente teria sido bem diferente.

O Map Folio é uma coleção dos mapas de toda uma adventure path, seja para usar como exemplos de mapas ou de ter uma cópia de cada mapa não inserida nos livros das aventuras (algo muito prático). Em comparação ao Map Folio de Rise of the Runelords tivemos boas melhorias, começando pela qualidade do papel que é mais grosso e resistente. Existem dois mapas posteres, um detalhando Varisia e outro detalhando a cidade de Korvosa (sendo igual ao mapa contido em Guide to Korvosa, logo é uma alternativa para quem quer o mapa e não deseja comprar o livro). Como uma forma de reavivar a memória antes do final, vamos ver os mapas em destaque de cada aventura (até porque nessa era de tablets, o uso de visualizadores de mapas está cada vez mais difundido).

(Alguns Spoilers a frente, mas apenas nomes de lugares onde haverá combate)

Edge of Anarchy: Devido a sua natureza urbana, os mapas de EoA são predominantemente urbanos detalhando pequenas localidades ou edificações. Dentro dele temos excelentes peças como Eel´s End e Dead Warrens que são um conjunto de barcos encalhados transformados em cortiço e uma dungeon clássica curta e tradicional.

Seven Days to the Grave: O estilo de EoA é carregado para SDttG, Carowyn Manor é um ótimo mapa de uma mansão medieval urbana com jardim que pode ser reciclada como diversos tipos de localidades semelhantes. The Direption é um mapa de um navio naufragado em diversos ângulos, embora talvez um engenheiro naval possa contestar a maneira que suas “salas” estão dispostas.

Escape from Old Korvosa: A mansão Arkona é outra forma de estabelecer mansões urbanas, enquanto o mapa do Vivified Labirinth é um excelente mapa de dungeon com paredes que se movem.

A History of Ashes: Como uma aventura mais politica e social, tivemos apenas um mapa que foi do acampamento Shoanti (um raro detalhamento de uma tribo bárbara nômade). As poucas dungeons de HoA estão todas ausentes, tornando o produto menos atrativo para quem quiser usar em conjunção com esta aventura (principalmente quem quiser projetar o complexo campo de batalha que acontece na Acropolis of Thrallkeepers.

Skeletons of Scarwall: Scarwall é um enorme castelo (que não é um quadrado perfeito, o que é sempre bom) com diversas alas e andares (tanto superiores como torres bem acima do castelo), os erros do mapa da aventura original não foram corrigidos mas isso é irrelevante a quem quer o mapa para outros usos.

Crown of Fangs: O grande final de Curse of the Crimson Throne tem mapas complexos (mas não tanto quanto Scarwall) de um castelo e uma outra dungeon. Infelizmente o castelo é muito regular, tirando a sensação arquitetônica e parecendo apenas uma dungeon acima do solo.

Grand Lodge

I really want a map folio, but I don't want to get it and find out that the maps are not the ones I would want. I really would like a list of the places that are included, especially the poster maps. WHat are they.

And are the maps just the maps from the book, or re they larger or something different/


JavertCMH wrote:

I really want a map folio, but I don't want to get it and find out that the maps are not the ones I would want. I really would like a list of the places that are included, especially the poster maps. WHat are they.

And are the maps just the maps from the book, or re they larger or something different/


I very much agree with this. There is already a "Guide to Korvosa", so what exactly is included in here?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

JavertCMH wrote:

I really want a map folio, but I don't want to get it and find out that the maps are not the ones I would want. I really would like a list of the places that are included, especially the poster maps. WHat are they.

And are the maps just the maps from the book, or re they larger or something different/


Most of the maps from the AP are included (though I don't have all the books in front of me to confirm which aren't there) and the poster maps are of Korvosa and Varisia. They are both the same maps that have come out before, but these are not glued into the spine of a book :-D.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, here's a list (PDFs for the win!):


Korvosa Map (Much less marked up than the one in the Guide to Korvosa)
Varisia Map

Edge of Anarchy:

Old Fishery
All the World's Meat
Eel's End
The Dead Warrens

7 Days:

Racker's Alley/Giotorri's Toys
Lavender and Vendra's Apartment
Wererat Sewer Dens
The Direption
Carowyn Manor
Temple of Urgathoa & Temple Center


Vencarlo's Home
The Artist's Lair
Pilt's Palace
Arkona Palace(all floors)
Arkona Dungeon

History of Ashes:

Shoanti Camp and Bolt Rock

Skeletons of Scarwall:

Barbican Gate
Scarwall (all floors + caverns)

Crown of Fangs:

Castle Korvosa (All of it, I think)
Sunken Queen

So all I can think of that's missing is:

A History of Ashes:

Acropolis of the Thrall Keepers
Moon Ruin

My copy arrived today and I noticed that the paper quality heavily improved compared to the Rise of the Runelords Map Folio. The sheets seem more stury.

Does anyone know whether this is a permanent improvement? :)

And somehow I hope the Second Darkness Map Folio will not include another map of Varisia ;).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Celeblas wrote:

My copy arrived today and I noticed that the paper quality heavily improved compared to the Rise of the Runelords Map Folio. The sheets seem more stury.

Does anyone know whether this is a permanent improvement? :)

Yes—that's the paper stock we plan to use for folios going forward.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry if I'm late to the party, but are the maps simply all of the maps collected together, or are they "battle maps" that have 1" squares for use with miniatures?

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Aveneer wrote:
Sorry if I'm late to the party, but are the maps simply all of the maps collected together, or are they "battle maps" that have 1" squares for use with miniatures?

The maps provided in the list above are basically, the map pages from the AP printed separately. The squares are the same size as in the original, so a bit small unless you use matches for miniatures. Of course, they could be scanned and resized to any desired scale.

Just for clarity; the tactical maps are the standard scale of 1/8 inch = 5 ft or so, not miniature play maps of 1 inch = 5 feet?

To owners: Reviews of this product would be very helpful to prospective owners and much appreciated. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Try two...

My wife purchased the Folio for me for christmas (she is a genius when it comes to gift giving, unlike her husband). I have to say this product is awesome.

There are only a couple of maps from the series missing (I don't own PF #11 or #12 yet so can't say if any from those mods are missing) I can say that the quality of paper and print is high. I hate flipping back and forth within books to look at the map then at the key, so I usualy just copy the maps, this is no longer an issue. The maps are the same as the ones in the books, same size, look and quality. If you are intending to run CotCT I highly recomend the folio.

The larger Map of Korvosa has been a godsend, the players now have it out when we play and aren't struggling to open the player's guide all the time. The map of Varisia we haven't had need of, yet, but over the long haul, I figure it will get far more use than any of the other maps.

I rate this product very highly.

Thanks, Brutesquad07. At the risk of being a noodge, why not click "Write a Review" (above) and paste 'n' post your comments with a star rating?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Carl Cramér wrote:
Just for clarity; the tactical maps are the standard scale of 1/8 inch = 5 ft or so, not miniature play maps of 1 inch = 5 feet?

I didn't see an answer to this question ... are the location maps illustrative (i.e. 1/8" = 5 ft.), or tactical (1" = 5 ft.)?

Based on what I read, I'd say "illustrative", but I want to be sure.

The Exchange

Are there options to turn on/off the labels for the maps so Player versions can be printed (without labels or more importantly, without Secret door icons!!!).

I assume this would be the case as toggle-able label functionality is the primary reason for this product.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Lindsay Markus wrote:

Are there options to turn on/off the labels for the maps so Player versions can be printed (without labels or more importantly, without Secret door icons!!!).

I assume this would be the case as toggle-able label functionality is the primary reason for this product.

Layers are not implemented in that way, but if your PDF viewer supports image extraction (which, I think, means just about anything *except* Adobe Reader 9 or higher), you can extract the image without the text.

The Exchange

Ah ha! I used to be able to extract images with Adobe Reader but now can't! Thanks for enlightening me! That will help some for certain.

I would still like to suggest you create a standard for your map makers that requires them to place GM info on a separate layer so you can easily create player maps too.

Dark Archive

i have a problem. I really dont want 2 draw the map of Scarwall cuz its BIG n thats ok. I went 2 staples 2 see if the can print it out for methey can but wont cuz its got a copyright mark on it they will do it if i can something from Paizo saying that i can copy it so i was wondering if ther is somthing somewhere saying i can do this?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dreadnok wrote:
i have a problem. I really dont want 2 draw the map of Scarwall cuz its BIG n thats ok. I went 2 staples 2 see if the can print it out for methey can but wont cuz its got a copyright mark on it they will do it if i can something from Paizo saying that i can copy it so i was wondering if ther is somthing somewhere saying i can do this?

You can point them to this FAQ entry.

Is there any chance this gets remade, even in PDF format for the re-release of the AP?

It's available in PDF (see the link above)

Although if you have the AP in PDF already, you're not really getting much with the electronic version of the folio.

Is there any way to get a high-resolution digital map of Korvosa?

Does the PDF version of this mapfolio provide 1" squares? I want to print them out to use as an actual map for our mini figures in combat especially

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

No, maps are the same resolution as in the adventure PDFs. If you have the PDF of the book(s), you don't need to buy this.

shadram wrote:
No, maps are the same resolution as in the adventure PDFs. If you have the PDF of the book(s), you don't need to buy this.

Aww.... that is a shame. I wish they would make files that could be printed out to battle map proportions. Thanks for the quick response, though!

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