Twisted Night

Game Master FabesMinis

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Male Human Ranger 3

Nechtan fades into the background as only someone painted completely blue can.


Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr turns to the villagers and tells them that it would be the right thing to do.

"Now, do you see, that Inge has promised to not harm you and never to come back here again to cause you grief? Have you thought that, if you ask her she may even help to protect you from others who might be like her? Now, why don't you ask her to give up the horrible grief causing and, why not devote her life to helping those like you? She might do it do you not think?"

More diplomacy (1d20+10=21)

Ynyr does, indeed, intend to have words with Inge about her chosen profession. Maybe with the help of Haelaugh's persuasive tongue, she can be turned into a Force For Good

Good suggestion - DC 18 Thievery check.

Successes 4; Failures - 0

The group persuade the disheartened villagers that their captors will be seen no more, and set off for Caer Corwell.

In this relatively cosy port town, Ddraig does some hardnosed negotiation with an initially reluctant captain, whilst Nechtan scouts around town for any trouble.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Diplomacy (1d20+7=22)

Healaugh exercises his charm on cousin Askrigg, calling on a combination of family feeling and good old-fashioned halfling practicality.

"Reet now Askrigg-lad. Tha's old hand at these waters, none better to my way of thinking. Lass and crew can't be sailing cog home by thersen, but fishing boat - there's different tale. Reckon tha'd be open to fair exchange."

After talking to Ynyr, Healaugh is also proposing to see if Inge can be talked into protecting the coast around here, since setting a pirate to catch a pirate seems like a good plan to him. DCs for such an enterprise Mr DM sir?

She wouldn't agree to that by any means. She wants to put this far behind her.

Male Human Fighter 3

Thievery for hiding villains (1d20+8=16)

Darvyl attracts attention to the enterprise by being too obvious in casing the docks for hiding places.

Successes - 4; Failures - 1

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig continues to have 'vigourous discussions' with the locals:

Further Intimidate Check (1d20+11=26)

Male Halfling Bard 4

History (1d20+6=19)

Healaugh delves into his encyclopedic knowledge of coastal villages and potters amiably about listening to old tales of hidden fishing coves.

Successes -5; Failures -1

DC for primary skills is now 14.


Male Halfling Bard 4

Just to keep things moving along.

Streetwise (1d20+10=26)

The halfling scouts the port for a source of supplies to equip the boat. Askrigg points him towards a few useful people.

Successes - 6; Failures - 1

Healaugh makes contact with some shady characters.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Fabes DM

Are you alright with me continuing to use Intimidate? If so, I'll just roll half a dozen times!


My suggestion would be to use Insight - as detailed in the outline of the challenge, this will lower the DC of the primary skills by 2, bringing it down to a paltry 12.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig considers it wise to try and understand why Inge and the villagers are taking their respective stances:

Insight Roll: 1d20+7 = 14+7 = 21

Ddraig clearly has a more insightful moment than usual!

Success. DC for Primary skills is now 12. That should give everyone a good chance.


Male Halfling Bard 4

IC down. Home rolled. Bluff. 1d20+8=14 ... just as well those DCs were lowered.

Healaugh makes a rather ham-fisted job of persuading the locals that Inge and her remaining crew aren't really dubious characters, but the promise of a hurdy-gurdy recital increases their willingness to both believe him and leave quickly.

Successes 7; Failures 1. 5 more Successes needed.

Male Human Fighter 3

Healaugh realizes the hurdygurdy threat worked in part because Darvyl was standing behind the halfling, glowering at the group.

Intimidate 19, go me!

HA! Love it!

Successes 8; Failures 1. 4 more Successes needed

The people grin in fear at Healaugh's performance as a punch in the mouth often offends.

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Grand to see folks appreciating good music, in't it, Darvyl?"

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr regales the townsfolk with tales of his love for Daelyn, suggesting that she would want them to behave appropriately.

Diplomacy: 1d20+10=23 (IC is down, down, down)

Successes 9. Failures 1. 3 more Successes needed.

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig winces at the sound of the hurdy-gurdy. Unfortunately, his wincing seems to have been taken by the locals as threatening ...

Intimidate Roll: 1d20+11 = 8+11 = 19

He wonders why people are smiling nervously at him, and backing away ...

Fabes DM

Sorry, Sir - I almost ended up with a split infinitive ("nervously smiling"), and that would never do for a Paladin!!!!

Successes 10; Failures 1. 2 more Successes needed.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Diplomacy 1d20+19=26. Still no IC

Healaugh is slightly surprised to find that his persuasive powers improve without his hurdy-gurdy.

"Dost think I should branch out lads, play another instrument like and broaden range?"

In a quiet moment, he finds time to start composing a love song for Ynyr, deeply moved by his old friend's tenacity.

Successes 11; Failures 1. 1 more Success needed.

There is a faint ripple of scared applause.

Male Human Atrificer/3

"Now, is it that we are all agreed now that you should let the bad people alone to go away and never come back? So that our Healaugh can be as good as his word, should he not be? And did he not sing a good song for all of us? And isn't it just the right thing to do is to do the thing that is right and not wrong, do you see? Which is, don't you see, to be good to our word on what we said we'd do?"

Diplomacy 1d20+10=11... I'm not sure the message got through quite as intended.

ROFL. Successes 11. Failures 2. Everything hinges on this last roll... Failure will not be an outright fail but will lead to... complications.

Ynyr's audience are baffled.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Healaugh beams happily at his audience, oblivious to any complications at all.

"Seems tha's reet appreciative of music. Happen our Ynyr can sing song for tha. Put us in goodly frame of mind like."

Under that circumstances, that probably counts as Intimidation. 1d20+10=16 :D

Male Dragonborn Paladin, Level 4

Ddraig decides that glowering at people seems to have the desired effect:

Intimidate Roll: 1d20+11 = 3+11 = 14


Male Human Atrificer/3
Healaugh wrote:

Healaugh beams happily at his audience, oblivious to any complications at all.

"Seems tha's reet appreciative of music. Happen our Ynyr can sing song for tha. Put us in goodly frame of mind like."

(To Healaugh - sotto voce) "Now do you really think I can sing a song? Not now, at the moment, but could I do some with a bit of practise? I should write my own words, isn't that the way? And then can you put in the music, and can we send it to you-know-who as a gift?"

Male Halfling Bard 4

To Ynyr

"Aye, tha canst sing lad. Can all sing, even our Darvyl. Write song for lass if tha likes. Happen lads'll come along and help with harmony. Nechtan's got grand tenor voice when he cares to use it."


Through a variety of means, mostly it has to be said via a rather odd impromptu concert, the gang manage to get their charges off the island.

Now you just have to tell the king what happened...

Male Halfling Bard 4

"Greylan, tha's close to King. Canst help find way to explain singing tree and all?"

Greylan has +13 History. I'm sure he can help us find a precedent.

Greylan looks dubious, and replies, "I don't think it's the night-twist you have to worry about explaining (faery trees aren't that unusual), but rather what happened to the Luskan slavers. It was all very noble of you, and whatnot, which I know you halflings and humans in these islands place a great deal of value in, but he might be curious as to why you let them go."

"Speaking of which, I think I've had enough adventure for a while. I'll be going back to Synnoria; it was illuminating to have met all of you."

You are now all Level 4. Please see Discussion Thread to talk about starting a new adventure.

Male Human Atrificer/3

Ynyr, now much relieved that the worrisome task is done, takes out a pencil and some paper and starts writing down ideas for his song.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Enquiring minds want to know (and Healaugh will have asked Inge anyway at some point), how did a slaver come to be in league with a singing tree and why did she have a satyr in tow?

Given his aversion to pirates and slavers, Healaugh has a bad time with his conscience over letting Inge and her crew go free. In the end, it boils down to him having given his word. He doesn't reckon to be in a position to make judgments on anyone else, and he can only do what he's promised. It was a chance, but his goddess knows all about those.

Healaugh discovers that the Luskans have been raiding for slaves, and obviously needed them biddable. They met an old verbeeg who said that he had access to powerful magic that could help with this. The singing of the tree rendered the villagers docile.

Much to Inge and Sven's annoyance, this effect did not stop even when the villagers were many miles out at sea from the effect, indeed some of them died of their misery. So, the Luskans turned around to seek vengeance and an explanation from the old ogre-kin.

Male Halfling Bard 4

Thank you. The satyr is still a mystery. He seems like an odd choice as part of a slaver crew, unless he was there to jolly along the marines.

Ineg explains that the satyr was kept around because of his magical musical ability, and yes, he was in love with Inge, which proved a useful way of keeping him around. That and booze.

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