How about a collectors box for Class decks?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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... Soon more class decks are being released. How about a box such as the base set game box with a plastic insert to store all these class decks?

The problem will be this: How many class decks should it hold? There are 7 right now, with 2 more announced along with plans for basically monthly releases. There are 31 current classes in the Pathfinder RPG, with 6 more in the upcoming Occult Adventures. And what if they decide to release a second class deck, like a Fighter II deck?

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to find something to store these in too (I'm using a Rubbermaid container right now), but I don't think it is super simple. Personally, I think I'd like a box that held about 10 of them. If 3 or 4 of the boxes side by side happened to equal to the same size as the top of the base set box, that would be ideal.

My class deck collectors box should have the same box size as the standard base game box. Plastic insert holds 10 (the more the better) empty class deck paper boxes (standard base set box has C plus 6 adv packs) as you dont need that space for your hero decks. So one row of 10 empty paper boxes and like the plastic insert of the base set, 10 slots for the 10x110 cards unsleeved. 10 slots each 110 cards are 1100 cards, so this could fit inside one standard sized PACG box as it is almost the same amount of cards.

The cover of the class deck storage box says "Class deck collectors box". You could put images of all the 31+6 current classes (or (31+6)x4characters) on it, so it is for generic use. On the side of the collectors box, you could list all 31 class decks with check boxes, so you could mark which class decks are in this collectors box. Further, you could add "front cards for each card slot"/dividers into this box, so you could easily determine in which card slot is which class deck stored. In each class deck collectors box, there is a set of 31+6 "front cards" for each possible class deck included, as you dont know which class deck will be collected.

If you plan 31 plus 6 class decks or any Wizard class deck 2, then list it from the beginning on the side of the collector box. For a second version of e.g. The Wizard, you could leave a little blank space after the "Wizard", so you could add with a pen "II".

It is a cool way to store the class decks and it will also create some kind of collectors touch to get all class decks there are to fill this box. When you collect all class decks, then you need to buy 4 of these collectors storage boxes in the end. If you just buy your personal best 10 class deck then 1 collectors box is enough for you. So paizo has to layout and design just one box cover and one plastic insert (simple modification of the existing one: 10 paper boxes and 10 cards slots unsleeved) plus 31+6 "front cards".

"Front cards" are the cards which are put in front of the 110 cards to easily determine which card deck is in this slot. I would print these front cards double sided. Front side of course says "Wizard", back side says what characters are in this particular class deck and a bit of flavor text to each character. So when you buy my class deck collector storage box, you get all 31+6 front cards and even without owning all the 31+6 class decks, you will get an overview and taste of which class deck would be of your interest. So the front cards set will also be used to advertise the other class decks which are/will be available!

Paizo, what do you think?

PS: Is there any winning prize/award/gift for cool business ideas?

I like the use of the "front cards":
- easy card deck determination in the 10 slots
- advertising all other class decks
- overview and summary of class deck content on backside
- more flavour text on each character right beside the class deck
- creates a collector feeling: buy a class deck for each front card

If paizo is not happy with the front card idea in connection with the class deck collectors box, then there is a easy and more cheaper solution:
On the top row in the plastic insert you have all 10 empty paper class deck boxes. On the bottom of the platic insert you could number the class decks from left to right from 1 to 10 (current plastic insert of game base set does also have directions where to put which ad. pack written onto the insert). And you could use this numbering to link to the card slots with each one containing the 110 cards.

So for practical use: look at your empty class decks packs row, determine its number counting from left to right and look up the appropriate slot.

However, I find the idea of the "front cards" much more smarter, not only based on the advertising & collectors viewpoint ;-)

You could also distribute the "front cards" for the class deck as "promo cards" to the retail stores/PACG subscription/conventions. Hereby, you will advertise the existing/upcoming class deck releases and at the same time they will be used for sorting your class decks etc. as mentioned above.

Anybody interested in a collectors box for the class decks, please MARK FIRST post of this thread as your FAVORITE! :)

Lets use the MARK-Button as YES-I-AM-INTERESTED-BUTTON ;)

My main use for Class Decks is Guild play, thus what I'd want is portability. Something the size of the game box is too big. There's plenty of good trading card game boxes that can work for single or multiple decks, sleeved or not.

If I really wanted to store the boxes of the Class Decks (with or without cards) I'd get something designed for CD jewel cases. With the flap, a Class Deck is slightly smaller in width and height compared to a jewel case. I've been using these Snap-n-Store boxes for my CDs; if you poke around you can find them a lot cheaper than $8 each.

Sovereign Court

Yea, while a collector's box sounds cool, Parody basically hit the reason why overall it wouldn't make sense. The decks were made for OP, and making something that hurts portability for that, just for the sake of saying they made it, doesn't make much sense.

Community Manager

Something like this, perhaps?

Liz Courts wrote:
Something like this, perhaps?

This one is the portable one...

Now my collectors box storage solution for 10 class decks including front card is under Paizos consideration.
It is for neat home storage in the book shelf.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I normally just shrug these off, but for once I'll humour Myfly and just say one thing. If Paizo sold even just a simple box the same size as the base sets, with nothing in it and some generic PACG art on the outside, I'd buy it.

It's for me to store all the class decks, and other peripherals like all the minis and playmats. Just saying. If the time comes and there's enough class decks out to fill the box (will probably take over a year before it can be filled with only class decks), then I'd get another box to store all the peripherals. As of now, everything's just all over the place.

bbKabag wrote:

I normally just shrug these off, but for once I'll humour Myfly and just say one thing. If Paizo sold even just a simple box the same size as the base sets, with nothing in it and some generic PACG art on the outside, I'd buy it.

It's for me to store all the class decks, and other peripherals like all the minis and playmats. Just saying. If the time comes and there's enough class decks out to fill the box (will probably take over a year before it can be filled with only class decks), then I'd get another box to store all the peripherals. As of now, everything's just all over the place.

It is getting even better:

Collectors box use:
- with insert: 10 class decks plus front card
- removing the insert: storage box for the "iconic heroes" miniatures (where to store the 36 miniatures??!) and more stuff

I'd love a box to store class decks and other items

burninglove wrote:
I'd love a box to store class decks and other items

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors class deck storage box....

Grand Lodge

So what you want is a box that holds 11 * 110 cards or 1100 cards (plus dividers)? [Note: I know you said 10 class decks but if you factor the current 7 plus the missing 4 base classes, that's 11.]

And it should store the miniatures as well?

So it would have to cater to people with almost all the class decks, so most OP players would not use it. It wouldn't be very portable if it was shaped like the current boxes. I'd recommend it shaped closer to the two row shoebox size so that it is a bit easier to carry. If they want to make something like this, they have to make it so it is convenient to carry for OP.

My idea was a storage game box of the same size as the RotR game box.
Filled with 10 class decks: 10 empty boxes in a row and in 10 card slots the card packs of 109 cards plus an additional FRONT card. Plastic insert.

For home storage only.

This box could be used without insert also for miniatures.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, wouldn't see a specialized class deck storage box like that as a money maker.

A general PACG storage box might be feasible but Vic has said that Ultra-Pro is already working on that. Given that the class decks were designed to be portable, I don't see many people buying a big box to store them.

btw, if you take a look at the storage box that Liz mentioned above, it is big enough to hold a sleeved class deck, a miniature and your dice.

I would love if Ultra-Pro would make themed binders (4 card page) for PACG class decks. Now that is something I'd buy! If the iconic class character was on the front or simply the PACG symbol. I currently use these binders to hold my class decks.

Right now the class decks just lie besides Rotr and SS game box.
A collectors box plus front cards would give the class decks the same "importance" in my bookshelf.

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors class deck storage box....

A general Pathfinder ACG box could work and would probably sell well enough, but one specifically for class decks? Not likely. It'd just not sell well enough. I know *you* want one MyFly but repeatedly posting about how you want it doesn't make it a better business decision for Paizo. I don't want to seem harsh, I'm just being realistic.

derpkhan wrote:
A general Pathfinder ACG box could work and would probably sell well enough, but one specifically for class decks? Not likely. It'd just not sell well enough. I know *you* want one MyFly but repeatedly posting about how you want it doesn't make it a better business decision for Paizo. I don't want to seem harsh, I'm just being realistic.

Of course, I agree with you. A general Pathfinder ACG box... If it would come with a plastic insert for the class decks, you could remove the plastic insert to add anything other like miniatures etc... If the generic box of the same size as the PACG base set box doesnt come with an insert then I will construct one for the class deck use... And I will construct one to get all the iconic heroes miniatures sorted in a box. There are many uses for such a box...

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors (class deck) storage box....

Theryon Stormrune said wrote:
Yeah, wouldn't see a specialized class deck storage box like that as a money maker.

Not to sound silly, but I don't imagine that everything a company makes has to be a "money maker". (Toyota Yaris?)

In this case, this is something that the community wants, and it wouldn't necessarily be disturbingly expensive to produce (it's an empty box) and could easily be sold for $9.99-$19.99 and would probably sell really well.

A VERY SMART COMPANY *HINT HINT* would offer an exclusive badass character deck to be sold with the box in order to up the ante a bit, and sell it for more like $24.99. This same smart company could offer it as a Holiday Gift Set, and all the iconic characters could be wearing ridiculous Pathfinder holiday garb on the box art.

Just throwing out ideas here. Anyone who thinks this is a bad idea perhaps hasn't thought it through entirely.

Lol I keep picturing Sajan dressed as bald Santa with a huge beard...

Sovereign Court

No we have.

So few of these would sell it would be beyond just not being a money maker.

And yes, you want everything to be a money maker unless you expect to make up for it in profit off of things that go with it. For example, Sony and Microsoft don't profit much on selling consoles, and sales actually lose them money usually. But it's OK because they know they'll make up for that many times over on game and service sales.

Unless Paizo actually expected most people to buy a lot, if not all, of the class decks, that wouldn't apply here.

Lol. Don't let your personal beef with Myfly ruin the idea for an awesome storage box, a unique character set, and Sajan dressed as santa.

If they only think they'll sell 250 of these, then print 250 and call it limited edition and stick a gold plated "### of 250" on the box lid. People eat that kind of crap up.

It's marketing gold - and I have a hard time seeing how you don't think it would turn a profit.

Finally, some supporters are joining in ;)

The idea of selling besides the class deck collectors box one special christmas holiday class deck is a very cool idea.... You will get this collectors box from your uncle - to fill this box you ask your grandparents to buy three more class decks, your other grandparents three more and your parents the last three to get 10 class decks in a collectors box!

The best christmas present 2016 i can imagine!

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors (class deck) storage box....

SkyeGuy wrote:
Sajan dressed as santa.

This, and only this would make actually start thinking about this box as an add-on to the game I possibly might buy if I ever have way too much money. Otherwise is this box just another (unhandy) box standing around, taking up space.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

My storage for a class deck is just an Ultra Pro Clear Deck Protector (100). It's big enough to hold my current deck (sleeved in the Pathfinder card sleeves), with all the other cards that I'm not currently using underneath (unsleeved). The sleeved cards are a fairly snug fit in the box, so I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who sleeves all their cards, but the weight of the loose unsleeved cards easily pushes the sleeved cards out of the box.

When I'm actually planning on playing that character the box slides nicely into the upper compartment of a Pro Tower Deck Box, and the lower compartment holds dice, extra card sleeves, etc. It looks as though the upper compartment would be big enough to hold an entire sleeved class deck (Ultra Pro claim it holds 100+ sleeved cards), but I haven't actually verified that.

I'm still working on formatting things like a character sheet, current decklist, class deck list (for choosing upgrades), and the like to fit in the larger front compartment.

I don't need a large box at home to store the class decks; the plastic Deck Protector boxes fit nicely on shelves, in drawers, in a Really Useful Box, or wherever I want them, and even stack tidily. For travel to or from a Game Day or convention where I'm doing more than just playing my character I can fit as many as six of the Tower deck boxes, a small cardboard box containing five more deck protector boxes, a bunch of character mats (which currently fit in an old Paizo "Treasure Chest" box, although there's not any room left), Organized Play scenarios (plus the Guide to Organized Play, reporting sheets, chronicle sheets, ...) and a whole lot more into a rollaround case, and the game box can even be bungie-tied onto the top of it. (The playmat, in a tube, is still a bit of a problem).

That might sound like a lot of stuff to haul around, but that's enough for two players (myself and my wife), and several of the additional deck protector boxes contain ready-built pregen characters in case new players want to try out the game.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SkyeGuy wrote:

Lol. Don't let your personal beef with Myfly ruin the idea for an awesome storage box, a unique character set, and Sajan dressed as santa.

If they only think they'll sell 250 of these, then print 250 and call it limited edition and stick a gold plated "### of 250" on the box lid. People eat that kind of crap up.

It's marketing gold - and I have a hard time seeing how you don't think it would turn a profit.

It's not a personal beef with MyFly, actually, but as a community we've seen posts like these that MyFly thinks is a great idea and says "I want! I want! I want!" and most of the time we try to tell him why it's not a great idea in terms of profit. The exception was the loot die that he and the community got together to produce.

But when it comes to accessories like boxes and sleeves and playmats, etc., Paizo turns to Ultra-Pro. (Miniatures are different.) So Paizo has to provide the license and Ultra-Pro prototypes and produces the accessory. They've already produced a split-container PACG-themed box that Liz linked above. And Vic has mentioned that they're still in the proto-typing stage with a PACG-themed storage box. (HINT HINT)

So the idea of making a special storage box for class decks seems to be not a very profitable item for Ultra-Pro to come up with.

Just the same sized paper box as the RotR base game box. Same dimension only some generic class deck art on it. The only thing to be designed is the plastic insert... But this is similar to the base set insert for 10 empty class deck boxes and 10 slots with each 110 cards. Simple easy. No Ultra Pro needed. Just the design of the base set game box needs to be adapted!

That is IT!

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors (class deck) storage box....

Sovereign Court

I wasn't aware I had a personal beef with MyFly, but whatever. Not sure where you got the idea I did.

Don't get me wrong, I think the product would be cool, and I've said as much in this very thread. I just don't think its be good for Paizo to release. And I definitely don't think making something "Limited Edition" just to help it sell is a good idea. If it won't sell enough on its own merit, which I don't think it would, it isn't worth being made and sold.

As for Sajan dressed as Santa, and the general idea of a holiday themed box, that I just don't like and think is cheesy no matter who recommends it or what product it's for.

Any heavy amount of art on internal inserts just doesn't make any sense to me. Unless your box is open all the time, what's the point? The front cards I could see, a picture of Ezren or something that goes in front the Wizard deck, etc. but a full insert with art just doesn't seem like it'd be worth the time and effort to mass produce.

Box with same dimension as base set games boxes.
Black plastic insert as base game insert, but modified.
Finally, front cards.

All I wish for christmas and that is not very much :)

@Andrew: do i get your vote (hit +) on the first post?

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors (class deck) storage box....

Sovereign Court

Unfortunately, no this one did not get my +. While I think it'd be cool and I wish I could have one, I just don't think it's the best use of their time and money.

If a third party that specialized in New game containers like this, and was doing it without Paizo spending time and money on it, I'd be all over it.

Something like the Adventure Case to be released by Ultra Pro? or-The

NyteJKL wrote:

Something like the Adventure Case to be released by Ultra Pro? or-The

No - different plastic insert which stores 10 empty class deck boxes plus 10 card packs of each 110 cards in 10 slots.

The adventure case should be released in 2014 and does only hold sleeved cards. No empty adv. Or class deck boxes.

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors (class deck) storage box....

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:
NyteJKL wrote:

Something like the Adventure Case to be released by Ultra Pro? or-The

No - different plastic insert which stores 10 empty class deck boxes plus 10 card packs of each 110 cards in 10 slots.

The adventure case should be released in 2014 and does only hold sleeved cards. No empty adv. Or class deck boxes.

The idea that the box should hold the empty class deck boxes is a waste of space ... I'd rather it was able to hold more class decks. 10 class decks is a bit short-sighted in my opinion for the long run (since there are 11 core classes and 9 have been announced). I've never kept my empty adventure deck or class deck boxes uncollapsed.

I am still hoping for the Adventure Case to pop up some time.

And I have to agree with Andrew that making it a limited edition will price it out of contention. MyFly, you could email someone at Ultra-Pro and find out the feasibility of such an item. I don't think you'll get anyone from Paizo wanting to produce it. I'm not sure who produces the base set boxes for Paizo.

@theryon: 1100 cards for one box equals 10 class decks is enough. Same amount of cards are the base set game box holds.

Well, if Vic emails me some contact partner for the Game Boxes, then we do a second community project ;)

Permission to use some paizo art for the storage box and

Broken Token to do the insert...

And we are ready to go - that easy.

I'd have more things to say on this, but there isn't much point. The main gist of it is that while I would like a box that holds a good number of class decks (somewhere around 7 is my preferred amount), I don't like this particular proposed design. Having space for empty class deck boxes is the main point where you lose me. I want to trash those god-awful things as soon as possible. They work fine for adventure decks and add-on character decks, but I just find having the two halves of the deck side-by-side like this to be just horrid for these types of decks, when a large number of people are using them for organized play, taking them out and putting them back into the box over and over. They're simply a complete mess after frequent use.

pluvia33 wrote:
I'd have more things to say on this, but there isn't much point. The main gist of it is that while I would like a box that holds a good number of class decks (somewhere around 7 is my preferred amount), I don't like this particular proposed design. Having space for empty class deck boxes is the main point where you lose me. I want to trash those god-awful things as soon as possible. They work fine for adventure decks and add-on character decks, but I just find having the two halves of the deck side-by-side like this to be just horrid for these types of decks, when a large number of people are using them for organized play, taking them out and putting them back into the box over and over. They're simply a complete mess after frequent use.

This is why in this colectors box - empty boxes and 110 cards deck are separated in the collectors box. You may easily grab the 110 cards class deck from one slot out of the insert.

Right, but as Theryon said, setting aside space in the box for something that belongs in the trash (or in a dark corner of your closet if you're that attached to keeping original packaging) is a total waste.

When you have the original plastic insert eg RotR, you keep the empty adv boxes plus the cards unsleeved in the insert, right?

Same intentions here. Instead of the adv deck boxes are the class deck boxes...
They are beautiful.

It's not the same. I keep the adventure deck boxes because they're still convenient to have when dividing the game back out when you go back to lower adventure stuff and you only do this on occasion. However, when you use the class decks for organized play you are bringing the cards in and out of the box over and over. That's extremely annoying to do with the original boxes. If you have a collected box specifically made to hold the cards without the original boxes, there is functionally no point in keeping the old boxes anymore. If you do organized play, you take the collected box with you to have all/most of your decks (at least the ones you plan on playing with). If you use the class decks as add-ons to your home game box, you just add the class deck cards from the collected box and put them back into that box when you're done with them.

And the old boxes being "beautiful" is not worth letting them take up space. It's like how I collect anime and video game figures (like $80 1/8 scale PVC figures of some of my favorite anime girls). I buy them with the intention to take them out of the box and display them on my shelves. Sure, the boxes sometimes have nice artwork on them, but that doesn't justify keeping them around to waste space when the figure is what I really wanted. Same thing here. I'm buying class decks to play with them, not to look at the box.

Myfly wrote:
When you have the original plastic insert eg RotR, you keep the empty adv boxes plus the cards unsleeved in the insert, right?

From the very low sample set I have (three), the boxes tend to get either thrown out or stored elsewhere in favor of a bag of dice and some class decks in trading card boxes.

Two of those three people have since replaced the plastic insert for the Broken Token wooden insert. The third is me, and I don't have a whole set yet. (I just recently purchased some of the S&S bits on sale.) I've put the boxes in the box for now, but eventually I will probably get the wooden insert and throw the boxes and plastic insert in the recycling.

As far as my class decks go, they've already been removed from the box, sleeved, and put into trading card game boxes.

Grand Lodge

I will admit that I'm one of those people that is attached to keeping those boxes. But here's the issue for me: I never run PACG games at home; I do so at friends or stores, etc. So while initially the original box was convenient, it lost its convenience as soon as the sleeved cards no longer fit.

And that's where the biggest problem lies. When you are sleeving cards, the original boxes are a detriment. Right now, both original boxes are in a storage tub. They both contain the collapsed adventure deck boxes and all (14) class deck boxes (collapsed). [Two sets of class decks. One for my characters and one set to borrow.] None of the boxes work if you sleeve cards.

So another box that is the same size as the others with room for empty boxes but probably won't fit enough sleeved class decks is another useless box IMHO.

The one idea that was a success, MyFly, was the plunder die. And that was because you got others involved, found out what everyone wanted, and was able to find a solution that most people wanted. Instead of trying to push an idea of what you want onto others, try to consolidate what everyone needs (including you) in a storage case for class decks.

From a collectors & gamers perspective, everytime I look in my bookshelf, there are 2 amazingly good looking big boxes and 7 other small paper boxes besides them. The latter do not fit esthetically to the good looking big boxes...

From the practical perspective, i would like to store the loose class deck paper boxes with the sleeved cards in one big box. So you can take your card deck ready-sleeved out of the big box ready-2-play.

@theyron: first you have to come up with an initial spark/idea, then you have to evaluate and improve it by feedback. Thats the way I proposed.
What kind of functionality do you need in a storage box for the class decks? :)

Please hit the + symbol (mark favourite) of the first post in this thread to show your love for a collectors (class deck) storage box....

Sovereign Court

Well for starters,

--Which causes a new issue, a portable product won't hold all the decks that come out and requiring multiple isn't a good idea. How do you fix this besides "Well you don't put all your decks", because that defeats half the purpose.
No space wasted on holding boxes

Andrew L Klein wrote:

Well for starters,

--Which causes a new issue, a portable product won't hold all the decks that come out and requiring multiple isn't a good idea. How do you fix this besides "Well you don't put all your decks", because that defeats half the purpose.
No space wasted on holding boxes

Well, there IS already a portable solution. See link somewhere above.

Paizo has already decided that eg. In the base set boxes the empty adv boxes are included, not giving up this space for sleeving all adv path cards. So there is some secret Paizo reason why the big game box holds the empty boxes.
THEREFORE, i somehow copied this storing philosophy into my desired class deck storage box: 10 empty class deck boxes plus their 10 card decks in 10 slots.

Myfly wrote:

Paizo has already decided that eg. In the base set boxes the empty adv boxes are included, not giving up this space for sleeving all adv path cards. So there is some secret Paizo reason why the big game box holds the empty boxes.

THEREFORE, i somehow copied this storing philosophy into my desired class deck storage box: 10 empty class deck boxes plus their 10 card decks in 10 slots.

As I said above, I don't think there's any "secret" reason that Paizo includes the space for the Adventure Deck boxes. It's there to store the Adventure Decks! They're not always going to be empty if you use them as intended. You'd put your Adventure Deck cards back in their boxes when you break the game back down to start a new campaign. Again, as I said in an earlier post, the same reasoning would not apply the a Class Deck Collector's Box that has spots for all of your class decks with dividers as the primary function of the box. If they have their own separate places, there is no reason to put them back in the old boxes as you're always either playing with them, or not playing with them.

Sovereign Court

As pluvia said, those boxes are frequently going to have cards in them. It's not some secret reason, it's just something they did.

When I say portable, I mean a portable version of what you're looking for -- a container for mass class deck storage. There is not a portable container for Pathfinder that does that.

There is absolutely no reason for a class deck container to hold the class deck boxes, and that's coming from someone who wants to poke people's eyes out when they say they throw away the boxes or break them down. Including those in any sort of mass storage box for class decks is just a waste of box space, and hurts portability. If anything, that space would be better served as space for more decks. There's over 30 classes, we have 7 right now and 4 in the works, and as long as they do well I see no reason the rest won't eventually come. Why would you limit a container to roughly 10 decks? That doesn't even hold the ones that we know for a fact to exist, and that alone makes it a bad design choice.

If so what to do with the empty class boxes... i dont want to get my eyes poked out

Sovereign Court

You keep them if you want to keep your eyes, but if a box would actually be made, it'd be one that is for bringing your decks with you to games, and in those cases box storage is a waste and hurts portability.

As much as I dislike having the boxes just sit out, there just doesn't seem to be a viable alternative.

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