gamer-printer |

I think you mean western as opposed to Asian games, but perhaps you mean western as "Old West", if so, Aces & Eights is both an RPG and a setting, that while having an alternate history (US doesn't go to war with Mexico, so Colorado is the southern border of the western US, among other things) is otherwise very authentic for a game. I haven't actually played, as my players aren't interested in an Old West game. I think there are rules to include fantasy elements, but for the most part the game is humanocentric, non-magical and is available as a hard cove (include a leather bound version of the game.) The game uses a deck of cards dropped onto a target as a possible means of mechanics resolution - which is interesting.
I'm sure you mean western as in European or Tolkien infuenced based settings, and not Old West. Personally I am not familiar with an otherwise western game that is low fantasy and fits your other parameters, though I'm sure something like that exists.

Steve Geddes |

Thanks for the suggestions - yeah, I meant Western European ,rather than Wild West. Sorry about the ambiguity. Midgard definitely fits the bill (and the lost lands will be ideal too). Thanks for the other two suggestions also - I'd never heard of Arcanis.
I didn't wanttoo many limitations as I didn't want to limit the possibilities too much. I just listed the "definitely not interested" things. Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

ladydragona |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok I am going by your parameters. An others have already mentioned Midgard and Lost Lands.
Primeval Thule is Stone/bronze age Europe but it is westernish in flavor.
13th age has a really cool setting that is part of the core rule book but its not pathfinder but you said system doesn't matter.
From 3.0/3.5 their is Kalamar, Scarred lands, Aerith(Goodman games), Arcanis, and Midnight. These were all major setting with plenty of support books.
Smaller setting that came out in hardcover include Dawnforge, Morningstar, Castlemorn, and Spirosblaak.
Their are certainly others but they don't fit your stated criteria.
Also not out yet but in development are shadowlands, Veranthea and karthun.
Also for OSR type game castles and crusade is aihrde and haunted highlands it was called Erde back in 3.0 days.

Nohwear |

Ok I am going by your parameters. An others have already mentioned Midgard and Lost Lands.
Primeval Thule is Stone/bronze age Europe but it is westernish in flavor.
13th age has a really cool setting that is part of the core rule book but its not pathfinder but you said system doesn't matter.
From 3.0/3.5 their is Kalamar, Scarred lands, Aerith(Goodman games), Arcanis, and Midnight. These were all major setting with plenty of support books.
Smaller setting that came out in hardcover include Dawnforge, Morningstar, Castlemorn, and Spirosblaak.
Their are certainly others but they don't fit your stated criteria.
Also not out yet but in development are shadowlands, Veranthea and karthun.
Also for OSR type game castles and crusade is aihrde and haunted highlands it was called Erde back in 3.0 days.
I just want to point out that Haunted Highlands has its own AP. Also, Castles and Crusades has two nice city settings, and a few setting books based on various European mythologies.

bookrat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A bit of a tangent from what you want, but what about Cerulean Seas?

Thanael |

Well, there is an RPG based on Song of Ice and Fire.
There were two d20 versions of the Game of Thrones RPG too: Game of Thrones D20 Limited Edition Deluxe Version and d20 Game of Thrones.

Garrett Guillotte |
Did RedBrick ever release their Earthdawn Pathfinder conversion in print? I remember there being plans for print books, but a lot of plans never went through at RB... the PDFs are still on DTRPG, anyway.

MikeMyler |

Veranthea is Mike Myler's kickstarter project. It will be released through Rogue Genius Games.
Imminently :D
There are free preview PDFs and then a tumblr with a bunch of content to page through in the meanwhile. :)

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Did RedBrick ever release their Earthdawn Pathfinder conversion in print? I remember there being plans for print books, but a lot of plans never went through at RB... the PDFs are still on DTRPG, anyway.
Yes they did. Own part of it.

Thanael |

Legendary Games current Legendary Planet Sword & Planet AP Kickstarter should be mentioned here...