Introducing "Badoomdoom" the Immortal Goblin; Critiques and Polishing Welcome


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So this thread reminded me of the existence of Roll With It and I wanted to see how much mileage I could get out of the feat, so without further ado, may I present....

Busta Doggy Dogg Mixx Doggy Dogg Mixx-E or "Badoomdoom" (His name is kind of a long story and involves a random name generator claiming it was on the fantasy setting)

Goblin Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 1/Invulnerable Urban Barbarian X
20 Point Buy
Str 8 (10)
Dex 20 (16) Level Ups all go into Dex
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 13
Cha 8 (10)

Alt Racial Trait: Tree Runner
Other Traits: Cliff Jumper, Restless Hunger

1 Swashbuckler 1 (Daring-Do, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier)) // Roll With It
2 Barbarian 1 (Controlled Rage)
3 Barbarian 2 (Invulnerability, Rage Power (Animal Fury), Uncanny Dodge) // Endurance
4 Barbarian 3
5 Barbarian 4 (Rage Power (Intimidating Glare)) // Diehard
6 Barbarian 5
7 Barbarian 6 (Rage Power (Dragon Totem)) // Stalwart
8 Barbarian 7
9 Barbarian 8 (Rage Power (Dragon Totem Resilience)) // Combat Expertise
10 Barbarian 9
11 Barbarian 10 (Rage Power (Dragon Totem Wings)) // Improved Stalwart
12 Barbarian 11 (Greater Rage)
From there if you wanted to continue the build you would take Improved Damage Reduction as your next three rage powers and snag Acrobatic and Skill Focus (Acrobatics) as your next two feats. After that the build is free to do whatever it wants but should stay in full BAB classes to maximize the benefit from Combat Expertise. I'd love to be able to throw Fencing Grace into the build at a reasonable level, but unfortunately Barbarians get very little in the form of bonus feats (read: none) so unless I wanted to push everything back even further I'm kind of out of luck.

Relevant Equipment: +X (Courageous) Keen Rapier, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4-6, Boots of Elvenkind, Headband of Vast Intelligence +4-6, Ring of Ferocious Action, Ring of Freedom of Movement and possibly a Thorny Ioun Stone to shore up a feat slot and if you have the money (ie, really late game) a couple Manuals. Getting the Ring of Ferocious Action as soon as possible makes using Roll With It much less painful, and at only 3000gp shouldn't be too hard to track down.

So what does this build do and how potent is it? Well, by combining high DR, high acrobatics and a high crit range weapon (for recovering panache easily), we create a goblin that has HUGE damage reduction potential, as long as he's okay with flying around the battlefield.

Let's look at the numbers:
At Level 1: Roll With It can be activated as an immediate action after being successfully hit to negate all damage we could ever reasonably be expected to take from one source at this level. We have a +14 (+5 Dex, +4 Race, +3 Class Skill, +1 Skill Rank, +1 Trait) to Acrobatics, meaning that we automatically ignore 15 damage and ignore 24.5 on average. If we want to use Derring-Do, it bumps our skill check up by an average of 4 (minimum 1, maximum 30) but nothing should be doing enough damage to warrant spending panache on that yet.
At Level 9: Our little Goblin has DR 8/- which increases to DR 11/- if fighting defensively or using Combat Expertise, and DR 13/- if using total defense. Controlled Rage can boost Dexterity, which equals a higher Acrobatics check and therefore even more damage reduction. While raging, we can get a +32 to Acrobatics (+10 Dex (including a +4 belt), +9 Ranks, + 5 Competence (Boots) +4 Race, + 3 Class Skill, +1 Trait) giving us a potential additional 33-52 damage reduction. We should have the Ring of Ferocious Action by now, meaning that that pesky staggering clause of Roll With It became less of an issue. Adding in Derring-Do gives us an extra 1-60 (average 4.1) on our Acrobatics check, meaning that if we're rolling with the blow and using Derring-Do our minimum reduction to damage (assuming that we beat the DC for the ability) is 42 and our maximum is 125.
At Level 15: DR increases to DR 15/- which can be bumped to 21/- if fighting defensively, DR 23/- if using Combat Expertise and DR 25/- if using total defense. The bonus to Acrobatics is now sitting at around +51 (+15 Ranks, +13 Dex (including +6 belt and +1 from +2 Courageous Keen Rapier), +6 Skill Focus, +5 Competence, +4 Acrobatic Feat, +4 Race, +3 Class Skill, +1 Trait) giving us an extra 52-71 damage reduction and Derring-Do gives us 1-84 (average 4.15) meaning with everything running our minimum effective DR is 68 and our maximum is 178. Ring of Freedom of Movement could be argued to work like an infinite charge Ring of Ferocious Action since staggered clearly limits your ability to perform actions, so we should try to have enough pocket cash to grab one to ensure we can always Roll With It.
At Level 20: Baseline DR is DR 18/-, rising to DR 24/- if fighting defensively or DR 28/- if using Combat Expertise or total defense. Bonus to Acrobatics is now around +60 (+20 Ranks, +17 Dex (+8 Morale, +6 belt, +5 Manual), +6 Skill Focus, +5 Competence, +4 Acrobatic Feat, +4 Race, +3 Class Skill, +1 Trait) meaning we can ignore between 61 and 80 additional points of damage before we factor in the 1-102 (average 4.18) extra we get with Derring-Do. Grand total by level 20 we can expect to have effective DR between 80 and 230 (although getting above 116 would be EXTREMELY unlikely)

So what are people's opinions on the build? How can we make him even more entertaining? Will our little Goblin friend be able to successfully survive the horrors of the battlefield by being catapulted around or will he succumb to his pathetic Will save long before damage could be an issue for him?

Nice build, if one accepts Dragon Totem as DR not just Energy Resistance.

I would still prefer Beast Totem for pounce, since you can Full Attack, after being knocked away by Roll With It.

IIRC there were some boots, which let you make a move action as a swift action. Those might have been insanely useful.

Another cool trick would be a thrown weapon(mabe Dagger) build. Using a Blinkback build and Quick Draw the guuy could keep full attacking, while never ending up in a real melee fight.

You really don't get the feat space you need for a successful thrown weapon build if you're trying to capitalize on Improved Stalwart and Roll With It as a Barbarian. Besides, Swashbucklers normally only gain panache back from melee weapon crits and kills, so using thrown weapons really hurts the number of times you can use Derring-Do in a day. I guess if you went with Flying Blade instead of Inspired Blade you could use ranged attacks to gain panache back, but then you don't have Int added in to your panache pool, meaning that it's kind of painful to get decent pool of panache points since you're a goblin and have a penalty to charisma. Not to mention a Blinkback belt means a more expensive belt since you'll have to make a custom magic item if you want to improve your dexterity as well.

I suppose adding in the Acrobatic feat was kind of overkill but for thematic reasons I'd prefer if Skill Focus (Acrobatics) stayed on the list of feats to pick up. If we were a Human with the Focused Study and Heart of the Mountain alternate race traits, then after retraining the Skill Focuses we'd be one more feat ahead (the first skill focus being retrained for either Racial Heritage or Roll With It - the other of those two being your level 1 feat - and then keeping the level 8 skill focus for acrobatics and retraining the last skill focus for any useful feat) than the build is currently, but we'd be down by +3 to Acrobatics, +2 to AC and +1 to hit over staying as a goblin but also have +2ish to damage and non-negative Str and Cha mods (or alternatively, dump Strength back down to 8 so that Wis can rise up to 14) so it's kind of a toss up.

The boots you mentioned wouldn't be helpful since Roll With It is an immediate action. I'd prefer using Dragon Totem to be on the "safer" side since I feel it would be easier to argue against Ring of Freedom of Movement negating staggered than Dragon Totem not providing extra DR meaning that with more actual DR you'll have to use Roll With It slightly less frequently, allowing you to save charges on your other ring and have slightly lower DCs to hit and won't be thrown back quite as far. I'm not going to compare the bonus Natural Armor against the extra DR because you won't have the AC for that to matter anyway without a shield and medium armor so for me, Dragon Totem trumps Beast Totem in this specific instance.

if you go beast totem you have less DR but can easily full attack each round without need for specific equip

don't forget that if only a standard action is allowed (staggered) you can still charge as a standard action. and that pounce gives you full attack on a charge.

Right, forgot you could pounce on a standard action charge. Coupled with the fact that you can't fly farther back than your movement with Roll With It, Beast Totem turns into the clear winner. As always :(

Although I suppose if you were engaging with aerial combatants, Dragon Totem could be better.

With standard action pouncing and a gross bonus to effective DR by pumping Acrobatics, there's extremely little reason to actually stick with Barbarian until the end now that I think about it. Grabbing Greater Beast Totem instead of Dragon Totem Wings gives us 2 free rage powers to work with, so grabbing either Regenerative Vigor (and the Fast Healer feat to significantly boost the mileage from it) or Superstition + Linnorm Death Curse, Reckless Abandon or Strength Surge to help shore up weaknesses and provide interesting utility (or in the case of Reckless Abandon, go screw it, my AC sucked anyway). So dropping out of Barbarian after grabbing Greater Rage seems like it would be our best bet. Adding in an extra 6 Swashbuckler levels gives us free Improved Critical, +9 to damage, +2 to initiative, +2 to AC, +1 to hit and another bonus to saves as an immediate action. Throw in two levels of Fighter in there somewhere because bonus feats. So final build would be Swashbuckler 1/Barbarian 11/Swashbuckler +4/Fighter 1/Swashbuckler +1/Fighter +1/Swashbuckler +1 or something like that. You lose out on 9 DR but gain 3 feats, improved saves, better to hit, AC, damage and versatility and still have an effective DR over 70, which, considering the opponent can't melee full attack you, should be plenty.

Dotted for hilarity

I3igAl wrote:

Nice build, if one accepts Dragon Totem as DR not just Energy Resistance.

I would still prefer Beast Totem for pounce, since you can Full Attack, after being knocked away by Roll With It.

IIRC there were some boots, which let you make a move action as a swift action. Those might have been insanely useful.

Another cool trick would be a thrown weapon(mabe Dagger) build. Using a Blinkback build and Quick Draw the guuy could keep full attacking, while never ending up in a real melee fight.

You might be thinking of Quick Runner's Shirt? Either way, it wouldn't work that well because using Roll With It is an Immediate Action which eats up the Swift Action required. Also, the Quick Runner's Shirt doesn't give you a regular Move Action, it's a Move Action that can only be used to move. Though if the item you are thinking of is different that last point of mine might be moot.

The only restriction on this would be if you're backed into a corner. Grabbing some item to gain a fly speed or some sort would allow you to Roll With It into the sky or towards the ceiling, thus giving you some advantages by falling from above. I'm unsure exactly how much falling damage you would take, and with your already high Acrobatics you can easily try to negate at least some falling damage.

I do believe that even works, as Roll With It only specifies that the movement must be in a straight line.

If you're going straight for the gimmick, Dragon Totem ends up being better due to the additional DR. Beast Totem is merely better because of Pounce, which I still find to be one of the worst things about the Totems (since Beast Totem is almost strictly better in the majority of situations).

As far as Rage Powers, I'd say Superstition is possibly good, not as effective as it could be. Reckless Abandon is probably an auto-include thanks to your utter disregard for AC, meaning you can probably throw away any idea of wearing armour entirely, if you're not just wearing a Haramaki for Uber-Dex.

I don't like Intimidating Glare in this, as it really doesn't synergize with the rest of your build.

Acrobatics can stay in, provided it's just earned from the Ioun Stone, simply

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this needs a couple of things:

most important thing: refluff to white fluffy rabbit
combat reflexes
come and get me

then when an opponent hits you, you need to fly straight through the path with the most enemies, provoking from each, and use come and get me to attack them before they try to strike you.

due to fluff, you should probably autokill them before their attack is resolved.

Vritra wrote:

The only restriction on this would be if you're backed into a corner. Grabbing some item to gain a fly speed or some sort would allow you to Roll With It into the sky or towards the ceiling, thus giving you some advantages by falling from above. I'm unsure exactly how much falling damage you would take, and with your already high Acrobatics you can easily try to negate at least some falling damage.

I do believe that even works, as Roll With It only specifies that the movement must be in a straight line.

If you're going straight for the gimmick, Dragon Totem ends up being better due to the additional DR. Beast Totem is merely better because of Pounce, which I still find to be one of the worst things about the Totems (since Beast Totem is almost strictly better in the majority of situations).

As far as Rage Powers, I'd say Superstition is possibly good, not as effective as it could be. Reckless Abandon is probably an auto-include thanks to your utter disregard for AC, meaning you can probably throw away any idea of wearing armour entirely, if you're not just wearing a Haramaki for Uber-Dex.

I don't like Intimidating Glare in this, as it really doesn't synergize with the rest of your build.

Acrobatics can stay in, provided it's just earned from the Ioun Stone, simply

Unfortunately Intimidating Glare is a prereq for Dragon Totem, as is Animal Fury, so that's why they were in the build. If I didn't need them, then yeah, they'd be out in an instant. Hence why they were swapped out when shifting over to Beast Totem. Beast Totem is kind of thematic anyway since it allows you to (almost) always be able to get back into a bouncing position without being useless, so I'm okay with that change.

shroudb wrote:

this needs a couple of things:

most important thing: refluff to white fluffy rabbit
combat reflexes
come and get me

then when an opponent hits you, you need to fly straight through the path with the most enemies, provoking from each, and use come and get me to attack them before they try to strike you.

due to fluff, you should probably autokill them before their attack is resolved.

Whelp, looks like I have to add back in one level of Barbarian XD

On a related note, is there any way to get more immediate actions in a round? I'm imagining using Roll With It and Come and Get Me multiple times to just soar around the battlefield and now I can't get the image out of my head. This needs to be a thing.

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Well, I found an easy way for that to kind of be a thing. Kata Master Monk stacks with MoMS, so if "Badoomdoom" goes Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 1/ Kata Master MoMS Monk 2 or 4/ Invulnerable Urban Barbarian 12/ Mutagen Warrior Fighter 1/ Invulnerable Urban Barbarian +X he can get evasion (yay!) and Panther Parry for free-ish while shoring up his weak will save. If he sticks it out until level 4 in monk then he can also use his Ki Pool for deeds, meaning that he gets all 3 mental stats to pool together for panache abilities. The disadvantage to this set up is that it forces "Badoomdoom" to wait until even later to start up with Barbarian shenanigans. However, Panther Parry + Come and Get Me while flying through the air equals a stupid number of free attacks per turn so shouldn't be passed up without serious thought.

With that being said, I now present three different builds for "Badoomdoom," the Society Play Version, the Practical Optimization Version and the Theoretical Optimization Version which largely only change the amount of multiclassing he goes through in order to be an immortal bouncing ball of death. Note I'm using optimized in the sense that he is designed to be impossible to shut down, not that he can shut down threats effectively.

Society Play Versioncompletely legal, if somewhat cheesy, for Pathfinder Society Organised Play
Human Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 1/Invulnerable Urban Barbarian 11
20 Point Buy
Str 7
Dex 18 (16) Level Ups all go into Dex
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 12

Alt Racial Trait: Focused Study

1 Swashbuckler 1 (Daring-Do, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier)) // Racial Heritage (Goblin), Skill Focus (Swim) retrained to Roll With It
2 Barbarian 1 (Controlled Rage)
3 Barbarian 2 (Invulnerability, Rage Power (Lesser Beast Totem), Uncanny Dodge) // Endurance
4 Barbarian 3
5 Barbarian 4 (Rage Power (Superstition)) // Diehard
6 Barbarian 5
7 Barbarian 6 (Rage Power (Beast Totem)) // Stalwart
8 Barbarian 7 // Skill Focus (Acrobatics)
9 Barbarian 8 (Rage Power (Clear Mind)) // Combat Expertise
10 Barbarian 9
11 Barbarian 10 (Rage Power (Greater Beast Totem)) // Improved Stalwart
12 Barbarian 11 (Greater Rage)

Practical Optimization Versiondepending on the DM, you may get a book thrown at your head
Human Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 1/Kata Master MoMS 2/Invulnerable Urban Barbarian 12/Mutagen Warrior Fighter 1/Invulnerable Urban Barbarian +4
20 Point Buy
Str 7
Dex 18 (16) Level Ups all go into Dex
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 12

Alt Racial Trait: Focused Study

1 Swashbuckler 1 (Daring-Do, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier)) // Racial Heritage (Goblin), Skill Focus (Swim) retrained to Roll With It
2 Monk 1 (Monkly Panache goodness, Panther Style, Wis to AC)
3 Monk 2 (Evasion, Panther Parry) // Endurance
4 Barbarian 1 (Controlled Rage)
5 Barbarian 2 (Invulnerability, Rage Power (Lesser Beast Totem), Uncanny Dodge) // Diehard
6 Barbarian 3
7 Barbarian 4 (Rage Power (Superstition)) // Stalwart
8 Barbarian 5 // Skill Focus (Acrobatics)
9 Barbarian 6 (Rage Power (Beast Totem)) // Combat Expertise
10 Barbarian 7
11 Barbarian 8 (Rage Power (Clear Mind)) // Improved Stalwart
12 Barbarian 9
13 Barbarian 10 (Rage Power (Greater Beast Totem)) // Two-Weapon Fighting
14 Barbarian 11 (Greater Rage)
15 Barbarian 12 (Come and Get Me) // Combat Reflexes
16 Fighter 1 (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mutagen) // Skill Focus (Appraise) retrained to Extra Rage Power (Eater of Magic)
17 Barbarian 13 // Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
18 Barbarian 14 (Flesh Wound, Indomitable Will)
19 Barbarian 15 // Zon Kuthon's Kiss
20 Barbarian 16 (Improved Damage Reduction)

Theoretical Optimization Versiondon't play this one unless the campaign starts above 10th level, it's painful to have to wait around for the natural armor bonus and DR for so long
Human Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 1/Kata Master MoMS 4/Invulnerable Urban Barbarian 12/Mutagen Warrior Fighter 1/Invulnerable Urban Barbarian +2
20 Point Buy
Str 7
Dex 18 (16) Level Ups all go into Dex
Con 12
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 12

Alt Racial Trait: Focused Study

1 Swashbuckler 1 (Daring-Do, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier)) // Racial Heritage (Goblin), Skill Focus (Swim) retrained to Roll With It
2 Monk 1 (Monkly Panache goodness, Panther Style, Wis to AC)
3 Monk 2 (Evasion, Panther Parry) // Endurance
4 Monk 3 (Fast Movement)
5 Monk 4 (+1 to AC, Bonus Unarmed Strike Damage, Ki Pool) // Diehard
6 Barbarian 1 (Controlled Rage)
7 Barbarian 2 (Invulnerability, Rage Power (Lesser Beast Totem), Uncanny Dodge) // Stalwart
8 Barbarian 3 // Skill Focus (Acrobatics)
9 Barbarian 4 (Rage Power (Superstition)) // Combat Expertise
10 Barbarian 5
11 Barbarian 6 (Rage Power (Beast Totem)) // Improved Stalwart
12 Barbarian 7
13 Barbarian 8 (Rage Power (Clear Mind)) // Two-Weapon Fighting
14 Barbarian 9
15 Barbarian 10 (Rage Power (Greater Beast Totem)) // Combat Reflexes
16 Barbarian 11 (Greater Rage) // Skill Focus (Appraise) retrained to Extra Rage Power (Eater of Magic)
17 Barbarian 12 (Come and Get Me) // Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
19 Fighter 1 (Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Mutagen)
19 Barbarian 13 // Zon Kuthon's Kiss
20 Barbarian 14 (Flesh Wound, Indomitable Will)

So there you have it, "Badoomdoom" in all his no-longer-a-Goblin glory. He has his trademark disgusting damage reduction, but now he also has way higher saves, the ability to reroll failed saves against magical effects (and if they're will saves do that twice) and the ability to convert lethal damage into non-lethal half damage if he's lucky. If anyone can think of a better set up (or an easy way to get Dex to damage for unarmed strikes outside of AoMF) I'd love to hear it.

doting for future NPC!

Just remembered that Adopted (Enlightened Warrior) is a thing. Level progression for the two that have monk in them could then be something like
Swash 1/Monk 1/Barb 10/Monk +1/Barb +2/Monk +2/Barb +1/Fighter 1/Barb +1 to let the build get to pouncing earlier.

Also, looking back, I don't think an AoMF is actually needed for Dex to damage if you can fit in Slashing Grace and Weapon Versatility (Unarmed Strikes). Retrain your Weapon Focus (Rapier) to Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strikes), give up Skill Focus (Acrobatics) for Slashing Grace and drop a level of Barb for a level of Fighter to pick up Weapon Versatility. So if you want to build "Badoomdoom" with 0 item dependency, he'd look a little like Swash 1/Monk 1/Fighter 1/Barb 10/Monk +1/Barb +2/Monk +2/Barb +1/Fighter +1

You'd get Dex to damage at level 8 (a little late, but welcome to theorycrafting) and wouldn't get CaGM until level 16 (REALLY late, but again, we're in the magical world of theorycrafting where only the end result matters) but it is doable. Not elegant, but still doable.

If anyone has a better way to get Dex to damage on unarmed strikes without an AoMF I'd love to hear it since I'd prefer to keep as much Barbarian in the build as possible but low feat count makes that a pain.

Hmm, getting an extra feat in with Unbreakable Fighter would make life easier on the feat front, but then we'd lose out on mutagen use, so the question is, is dex to damage more important than +3 to AC and +2 to DR and Reflex saves? Probably, seeing as it's only a 1-2 level dip into the class.

I'd like to combine Roll with it with Death or Glory

1. Master of Many Styles Monk 1: Racial Heritage, Roll with it, Panther Style
2. Master of Many Styles Monk 2: Panther Claw
3. Fighter 1: Power Attack, Death or Glory
4. Fighter 2: Combat Reflexes
5. Fighter 3: Panther Parry
6. Fighter 4: ????
7. Fighter 5: Vital Strike

I'm not sure about the classes, I just wanted to get it online as quick as possible.
This is more of a STR build, but you need WIS, therefore Wisdom in the Flesh (Acrobatics) is an option for dropping dex.

That sounds like a bad idea. Death or Glory is not worth a full round action, even if you can negate the retaliatory strike.

johnnythexxxiv wrote:
That sounds like a bad idea. Death or Glory is not worth a full round action, even if you can negate the retaliatory strike.

It might work. I take your point that Death or Glory is a very costly in terms of actions, but Ellioti intends his character to have Panther Claw, which allows him a number of Free Action Attacks whenever he moves through threatened squares, and if, after getting hit after using DoG, he successfully uses Roll with It, he immediately starts Moving. He can choose to move through threatened squares and potentially get multiple attacks through Panther Claw.

If he's getting Panther Claw via levels in MOMS Monk, he might get Snake Fang, too. If any of those attacks he draws misses, he gets Unarmed Attacks of Opportunity. And both the Free Action Retaliatory Strikes granted by Panther Claw and the Attacks of Opportunity granted by Snake Fang can be taken in the same round as you took a Full Round Action.

Also, bear in mind that if Ellioti is planning on being a MOMS Monk, he won't be getting Flurry of Blows, so he's only losing like 1 attack anyway, if he also took Two Weapon Fighting. And if he's planning on playing a Goblin like the OP is, that is a size small creature, but DoG's +4 to damage does not scale down with size: the +4 is a +4.

My preferred way to increase the damage of a Small martial character is to get Sneak Attack Damage. Taking 3 levels in Unchained Rogue grants Dex to damage in addition to 2d6 Sneak Attack. Then there is the Vivisectionist Alchemist and the Snakebite Striker Brawler.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Also, bear in mind that if Ellioti is planning on being a MOMS Monk, he won't be getting Flurry of Blows, so he's only losing like 1 attack anyway, if he also took Two Weapon Fighting. And if he's planning on playing a Goblin like the OP is, that is a size small creature, but DoG's +4 to damage does not scale down with size: the +4 is a +4.

My preferred way to increase the damage of a Small martial character is to get Sneak Attack Damage. Taking 3 levels in Unchained Rogue grants Dex to damage in addition to 2d6 Sneak Attack. Then there is the Vivisectionist Alchemist and the Snakebite Striker Brawler.

*cough* *cough*

Two weapon fighting doesn't help your argument, in that case he's losing even more attacks when using Death or Glory. Panther/Snake style does help gain extra attacks back, but nothing's stopping him from just taking those feats and doing a regular full attack then flying away as a ball of death on the retaliatory strike anyway. Plus there's the caveat of being staggered after using Roll With It. Kind of hard to perform a full round action (Death or Glory) when you only have a standard available.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Dotting for insanity. Well done, sir.

johnnythexxxiv wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Also, bear in mind that if Ellioti is planning on being a MOMS Monk, he won't be getting Flurry of Blows, so he's only losing like 1 attack anyway, if he also took Two Weapon Fighting. And if he's planning on playing a Goblin like the OP is, that is a size small creature, but DoG's +4 to damage does not scale down with size: the +4 is a +4.

My preferred way to increase the damage of a Small martial character is to get Sneak Attack Damage. Taking 3 levels in Unchained Rogue grants Dex to damage in addition to 2d6 Sneak Attack. Then there is the Vivisectionist Alchemist and the Snakebite Striker Brawler.

*cough* *cough*

Two weapon fighting doesn't help your argument, in that case he's losing even more attacks when using Death or Glory. Panther/Snake style does help gain extra attacks back, but nothing's stopping him from just taking those feats and doing a regular full attack then flying away as a ball of death on the retaliatory strike anyway. Plus there's the caveat of being staggered after using Roll With It. Kind of hard to perform a full round action (Death or Glory) when you only have a standard available.

2 weapon wasn't offered as evidence to support Ellioti's case. It's an alternative use of a Full Round's worth of actions. My point is that a single attack at +4/+4 might turn out to be a perfectly reasonable alternative to the Full Attack Action, even if the character has 2 weapon. This is for a few reasons.

Goblin base damage is scaled down for size, but a +4 is a +4 regardless of size.

Subsequent Primary weapon attacks awarded due to high BAB suffer sequential -5's. -5 is a big minus. I don't even count those when I reckon my characters' DPR.

So depending on the AC and DR of your opponent, 1 big attack is sometimes better than lots of little attacks.

And remember that this character gets its lots of attacks as Free Actions and Attacks of Opportunity, which happen outside the regular round, even when you are Staggered.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
johnnythexxxiv wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

Also, bear in mind that if Ellioti is planning on being a MOMS Monk, he won't be getting Flurry of Blows, so he's only losing like 1 attack anyway, if he also took Two Weapon Fighting. And if he's planning on playing a Goblin like the OP is, that is a size small creature, but DoG's +4 to damage does not scale down with size: the +4 is a +4.

My preferred way to increase the damage of a Small martial character is to get Sneak Attack Damage. Taking 3 levels in Unchained Rogue grants Dex to damage in addition to 2d6 Sneak Attack. Then there is the Vivisectionist Alchemist and the Snakebite Striker Brawler.

*cough* *cough*

Two weapon fighting doesn't help your argument, in that case he's losing even more attacks when using Death or Glory. Panther/Snake style does help gain extra attacks back, but nothing's stopping him from just taking those feats and doing a regular full attack then flying away as a ball of death on the retaliatory strike anyway. Plus there's the caveat of being staggered after using Roll With It. Kind of hard to perform a full round action (Death or Glory) when you only have a standard available.

2 weapon wasn't offered as evidence to support Ellioti's case. It's an alternative use of a Full Round's worth of actions. My point is that a single attack at +4/+4 might turn out to be a perfectly reasonable alternative to the Full Attack Action, even if the character has 2 weapon. This is for a few reasons.

Goblin base damage is scaled down for size, but a +4 is a +4 regardless of size.

Subsequent Primary weapon attacks awarded due to high BAB suffer sequential -5's. -5 is a big minus. I don't even count those when I reckon my characters' DPR.

So depending on the AC and DR of your opponent, 1 big attack is sometimes better than lots of little attacks.

And remember that this character gets its lots of attacks as Free Actions and Attacks of Opportunity, which happen outside the regular...

Captain obvious alert incoming: User johnnythexxxiv might have been getting at the fact that the last three builds posted are Humans with Racial Heritage? I'm like, 58% sure.

Also, dot.

Yeah, but the OP, johnny, was talking about really being a Goblin, and so was I when I made the post that inspired this thread.

Meanwhile, we are talking about viable alternatives, and both being a Goblin and being a Human with Racial Heritage are viable alternatives.

Going to run the society version today. wounder how many books are going to cause head trauma to me.

Let us know how well it works.

This works amazingly well as a goblin that duels a target one on one.

derpdidruid wrote:
Going to run the society version today. wounder how many books are going to cause head trauma to me.

I don't think Roll With It is PFS legal. You might be able to take Tangle Feet if you are a Human with the Racial Heritage Goblin Feat, and so get around PFS's racial prejudice against Goblins. But Roll with It is in Goblins of Golorion, and the Goblin Feats in that book are only allowed to Goblin characters with the Goblin boon.

Rogar Stonebow wrote:
Let us know how well it works.

Yes, please do. If Goblins have become legal to play, I VERY want to know about it.

I said I was going to run the society version, not that it was going to be run in society.

worked rather well actually. friend who was GMing looked at me funny when I told him about retraining the focused study skill focus into roll with it.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Yeah, personally as a GM I wouldn't allow you to retrain those feats into other feats, since they are a racial ability, not a standard "chosen" feat.

Ellioti wrote:

I'd like to combine Roll with it with Death or Glory

1. Master of Many Styles Monk 1: Racial Heritage, Roll with it, Panther Style
2. Master of Many Styles Monk 2: Panther Claw
3. Fighter 1: Power Attack, Death or Glory
4. Fighter 2: Combat Reflexes
5. Fighter 3: Panther Parry
6. Fighter 4: ????
7. Fighter 5: Vital Strike

I'm not sure about the classes, I just wanted to get it online as quick as possible.
This is more of a STR build, but you need WIS, therefore Wisdom in the Flesh (Acrobatics) is an option for dropping dex.

Can't take Death of Glory before lvl 6 it has a BAB+6 prerequisite

cartmanbeck wrote:
Yeah, personally as a GM I wouldn't allow you to retrain those feats into other feats, since they are a racial ability, not a standard "chosen" feat.

I looked for SOlong trying to find something that says you can't re-train racial feats like that. It's sorta like when people thought asimars and teiflings got martial weapon proficiency for free. It works by the books (I think) but it ended up being bunk. Maybe we should FAQ it?

derpdidruid wrote:
cartmanbeck wrote:
Yeah, personally as a GM I wouldn't allow you to retrain those feats into other feats, since they are a racial ability, not a standard "chosen" feat.
I looked for SOlong trying to find something that says you can't re-train racial feats like that. It's sorta like when people thought asimars and teiflings got martial weapon proficiency for free. It works by the books (I think) but it ended up being bunk. Maybe we should FAQ it?

That was just to squeak out an extra two feats if the GM let you. Using the standard lvl 1 Human bonus feat by itself works perfectly fine in making the build come to life, retraining the other feats just helped give it a little more breathing room.

So, thing I just remembered that will help out a ton for ranged attacks/the second attacker each round. If you go celestial totem instead of beast totem and grab a ring of regeneration, you have hilariously high fast healing. Might be worthwhile to make the swap since it allows for fast healing 50+.

Except for the following line in Lesser Celestial Totem. "This does not affect fast healing or regeneration."

True, but a ring of regeneration is neither fast healing nor regeneration. It is functionally similar, but is not actually called out as being either of the two so LCT still applies to it.

I'm one of the people that will say no, because even if it's not called out the ring gives you regeneration. PFS or "RAW/by the book" GMs? Go for it. :)

Dotted. I need to create this man sometime. The look on my group's faces...

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