Racial Heritage: Favoured Class Bonus?

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Title basically sums it up... Does Racial Heritage give you access to that races Favored Class Bonus?

IE- Racial Heritage (Half-Elf): allows you to use Half-Elf favoured class bonus in place of human favoured class bonus.


Prerequisite: Human.

Benefit: Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.

dunebugg wrote:

Title basically sums it up... Does Racial Heritage give you access to that races Favored Class Bonus?

IE- Racial Heritage (Half-Elf): allows you to use Half-Elf favoured class bonus in place of human favoured class bonus.


Prerequisite: Human.

Benefit: Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.

As far as me and my local gamers are concerned yes, it does work.

For extra zest take Fast Learner and take the humans favored class bonus as well.

It's race sub-type that allows you to qualify for effects related to race, including, but not limited to, feats, race archetypes, favored class bonuses, etc. Half-Elf isn't a sub-type; it's a combination of two sub-types, human and elf. So Racial Heritage (Half-Elf) wouldn't work. You'd need to take Racial Heritage (Elf) which gives you Human and Elf types. Then you qualify for favored class bonuses that require Humanoid(human, elf), more commonly referred to as Half-Elf class bonuses.

Kazaan wrote:
It's race sub-type that allows you to qualify for effects related to race, including, but not limited to, feats, race archetypes, favored class bonuses, etc. Half-Elf isn't a sub-type; it's a combination of two sub-types, human and elf. So Racial Heritage (Half-Elf) wouldn't work. You'd need to take Racial Heritage (Elf) which gives you Human and Elf types. Then you qualify for favored class bonuses that require Humanoid(human, elf), more commonly referred to as Half-Elf class bonuses.

You are completely right. So then a human with Racial Heritage (Elf) qualifies for Human, Elf, or Half-Elf... everything. Wonderful.

Add on Scion of Humanity (Aasimar racial) for extra goodies :P

Kazaan wrote:
It's race sub-type that allows you to qualify for effects related to race, including, but not limited to, feats, race archetypes, favored class bonuses, etc. Half-Elf isn't a sub-type; it's a combination of two sub-types, human and elf. So Racial Heritage (Half-Elf) wouldn't work. You'd need to take Racial Heritage (Elf) which gives you Human and Elf types. Then you qualify for favored class bonuses that require Humanoid(human, elf), more commonly referred to as Half-Elf class bonuses.

I don't think that's the case at all.

A human with Racial Heritage (Elf) is considered both a human and an elf for the purpose of taking feats. This would not qualify you for Shared Insight which has a prerequisite of half-elf.

I'm also not convinced that a Racial Favored Class option is an effect related to race, any more than Pyromaniac or Toothy is.

I agree with Grick.
And Racial Heritage counts for any "effect", and an effect is not a racial feature.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

There's a FAQ about half-elves and half-orcs selecting human favored class bonuses.

The answer is no.

A half-elf wouldn't need to take racial heritage anyways.

Amusingly, the way the feat is worded if a half-elf takes it, they no longer count as half-elves. You just count as human and the race you took :)

There's no good reason that favored class bonuses don't qualify as "effects related to race" when feats and racial traits do.

Also, Racial Heritage doesn't specify that it removes any other racial subtypes. "You count as both human and the selected race" doesn't preclude you from also counting as any other number of subtypes you alread possessed. If I were a Humanoid(Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf), it's true that I qualify as both Human and Elf. It's also true that I count as both Human and Orc and any other combination of two from the list.

Necroing this thread.

Given that the revised half-elf FAQ was brought about because of it previously contradicting the racial heritage FAQ, do people still feel that Racial Heritage doesn't give access to favoured class bonuses? I hadn't expected FCB to be included in the half-elf / half-orc FAQ, but it seems to me that if it it's valid for half-elves, it should be valid for Racial Heritage as well.

The FAQ Cheapy mentioned was reversed, not just the Racial Heritage FAQ.

So you explicitly can take favored class options.

Grand Lodge

Samasboy1 wrote:

The FAQ Cheapy mentioned was reversed, not just the Racial Heritage FAQ.

So you explicitly can take favored class options.

Well, for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs.

Nothing seems to have changed for Racial Heritage, but I expect it soon.

A new thread, asking this specific question, will likely help.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs.

Nothing seems to have changed for Racial Heritage, but I expect it soon.

A new thread, asking this specific question, will likely help.

Really? You're gonna be "that guy"? "Effects related to race" has been officially recognized as any "rules element" that calls out a racially restricted advantage (or detriment). There's absolutely no grounds to claim that since they specifically changed this for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs, that it wouldn't affect Racial Heritage or other sources of "counting as another race" such as Orc bloodline, Scion of Humanity, etc. There are plenty of actual inconsistencies in the rules to be addressed; muddying the waters and confusing an issue that has finally been resolved and laid to rest is not only counter-productive, it's downright anarchistic.

Grand Lodge

Kazaan wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs.

Nothing seems to have changed for Racial Heritage, but I expect it soon.

A new thread, asking this specific question, will likely help.

Really? You're gonna be "that guy"? "Effects related to race" has been officially recognized as any "rules element" that calls out a racially restricted advantage (or detriment). There's absolutely no grounds to claim that since they specifically changed this for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs, that it wouldn't affect Racial Heritage or other sources of "counting as another race" such as Orc bloodline, Scion of Humanity, etc. There are plenty of actual inconsistencies in the rules to be addressed; muddying the waters and confusing an issue that has finally been resolved and laid to rest is not only counter-productive, it's downright anarchistic.

I never said I disagree, only that it's not official.

You crapped your pants, and attacked me, personally, because I stated the current position, and a possible solution.

Looks like you are "that guy"

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Kazaan wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs.

Nothing seems to have changed for Racial Heritage, but I expect it soon.

A new thread, asking this specific question, will likely help.

Really? You're gonna be "that guy"? "Effects related to race" has been officially recognized as any "rules element" that calls out a racially restricted advantage (or detriment). There's absolutely no grounds to claim that since they specifically changed this for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs, that it wouldn't affect Racial Heritage or other sources of "counting as another race" such as Orc bloodline, Scion of Humanity, etc. There are plenty of actual inconsistencies in the rules to be addressed; muddying the waters and confusing an issue that has finally been resolved and laid to rest is not only counter-productive, it's downright anarchistic.

I never said I disagree, only that it's not official.

You crapped your pants, and attacked me, personally, because I stated the current position, and a possible solution.

Looks like you are "that guy"

While I agree that Kazaan was overly hasty in his/her reply to you, I'd like to point out that I kinda thought the same thing when I saw your post at first, until I read it again. In the past, you've been VERY stubborn about the "effects" definition, to the point where it was getting very annoying at points. However, it's good to see that the most recent FAQ has satisfied you. :)

There's absolutely no need for them to specify that "effects related to race" means "rules elements related to race" in every single instance of the term. Thus, there's no need to make any change or clarification to Racial Heritage that BBT suggests any more than they need to "clarify" that dead characters may take no actions. That such a clarification is needed is, by no means, the "current position" so putting it forth as if it were is ridiculous at best... and malicious at worst. We need no new thread asking this specific question because the question has already been clearly and unambiguously answered. Thus the position will be ridiculed at best... and at worst, called out as deliberate disinformation and disregarded with prejudice.

Grand Lodge

cartmanbeck wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Kazaan wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs.

Nothing seems to have changed for Racial Heritage, but I expect it soon.

A new thread, asking this specific question, will likely help.

Really? You're gonna be "that guy"? "Effects related to race" has been officially recognized as any "rules element" that calls out a racially restricted advantage (or detriment). There's absolutely no grounds to claim that since they specifically changed this for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs, that it wouldn't affect Racial Heritage or other sources of "counting as another race" such as Orc bloodline, Scion of Humanity, etc. There are plenty of actual inconsistencies in the rules to be addressed; muddying the waters and confusing an issue that has finally been resolved and laid to rest is not only counter-productive, it's downright anarchistic.

I never said I disagree, only that it's not official.

You crapped your pants, and attacked me, personally, because I stated the current position, and a possible solution.

Looks like you are "that guy"

While I agree that Kazaan was overly hasty in his/her reply to you, I'd like to point out that I kinda thought the same thing when I saw your post at first, until I read it again. In the past, you've been VERY stubborn about the "effects" definition, to the point where it was getting very annoying at points. However, it's good to see that the most recent FAQ has satisfied you. :)

In the past, I was right, and the previous FAQ proved it. Now, they changed it.

That's fine too.

Now they just need to let it be known this applies to Racial Heritage as well.

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