Razor Coast

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Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is so cool. When do we get Ebon Shroud?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No, please, my wallet can't take it!

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
No, please, my wallet can't take it!

Hang on...

I know the feeling TOZ, mine can't either!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

GeraintElberion wrote:
This is so cool. When do we get Ebon Shroud?

If at all, not until the Blight is fully completed.

My wallet is FGG's bi-yatch!


brvheart wrote:
Thanael wrote:
Hey Nick, who was the original Sea God in the 3.5 draft? I noticed that Solomon Trafalgqr is said to have been a paladin (so LG) of Quell (CG?) in the finished version.

Personally I never saw the issue of a paladin for almost any non-evil god. So the deity is CG, he cannot have a paladin who is LG?

Hi guys!

Yeah - twas always Quell, even in the original draft.

I'll look forward to more play reports! And good luck to Toast! I wonder whose PC will be the first Champion of the Broken Skull! :-)

The Exchange

Party starting at week on Saturday.

Half elf Shipwright, Purser, Water Wizard, rifleman - Wiz 5
Human Gunslinger, Bucanneer - Gun 5
Tulita Human Maddog barbarian, Bestial druid - Barb 4 / Druid 1 with leopard animal companion
Halfling (pretending to be human) Pirate, Rogue, Cabin boy - Rog 5
Human Oracle of Life.

Fuingers crossed mine will get through customs (where it's been stuck for 4 weeks) soon.

Anyone want to GM a Razor Coast PbP? There's a bunch of folk interested but they have no GM... Here's the link

Interest Check for Razor Coast PbP

Also a few questions:

* What is Ebon Shroud?

* Has Call of the Frog God been published? Is it a separate adventure, an add on, part of an Indulgence or other RC book?

Call of the Frog God is the KS-exclkusive module pledges of $250 upwards got - it's full color, print and not available by any otehr venue.

Ebon Shroud was supposed to be SA's second mega-module: Pett and Logue cooperating to create a frozen land in the high north, ruled by the undead vampire theocracy, sheltered from the sun beneath a shroud - and had me even more excited than RC if I may say so myself.

Sovereign Court

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Anyone want to GM a Razor Coast PbP? There's a bunch of folk interested but they have no GM... Here's the link

Interest Check for Razor Coast PbP

Also a few questions:

* What is Ebon Shroud?

* Has Call of the Frog God been published? Is it a separate adventure, an add on, part of an Indulgence or other RC book?

Call of the Frog God was a KS exclusive. We'll never get to see it.

When Nick was running Sinister Adventures they had a few products lined up to write/publish.

After Razor Coast there were 'The Anarchist Gamesmasters Cookbook' (something like that) and a gothic, higher-level sandbox/campaign/setting in the style of Razor Coast.

I have no idea if anything was written for those. Nick?

Sovereign Court

Ninja-ed by End!

Thanks for the heads up GE and end!

Exclusive content. Hmmm. I guess I can't hear the Call then. ;p
I wonder if you'd be allowed to run Cot(Exclusive)FG on a PbP.

Razor Coast looks absolutely awesome. I'm assuming the hardcover is currently out of print/sold out seeing as the PDF/Print bundle is unavailable here. I'd actually be interested in saving up to by a physical copy AND pay the shipping to this provincial colony of Oz...

Maybe I'll head over to FGG and heck their website...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would be willing to run, but have never run PbP before. What all is involved in it?

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Ebon Shroud was supposed to be SA's second mega-module: Pett and Logue cooperating to create a frozen land in the high north, ruled by the undead vampire theocracy, sheltered from the sun beneath a shroud - and had me even more excited than RC if I may say so myself.

Same here. I really really REALLY hope we'll see Ebon Shroud eventually.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
brvheart wrote:
I would be willing to run, but have never run PbP before. What all is involved in it?

It is pretty smooth.

I find maps really hard to do.

You create a recruitment thread and then you get to start a linked thread in the campaign/pbp area. The person who creates the thread can do fun things like removing players from the player area and writing a campaign overview.

This is my Council of Thieves game. You can see that you get:
Campaign Info (an info page, for the GM it also has your 'edit the campaign' button)
Gameplay (a forum thread)
Discussion (a forum thread)
Recruitment (a forum thread)
Players (Player name, matched to every avatar they have used to post with in this campaign)
Characters (Characters, NPCs and ex-Characters, all defined by the GM)

As for running a game?
You use the inbuilt dice roller (see 'how to format your text')
thoughts are in italic
speech is in bold

Look through some examples and you'll see it is pretty straightforward.

Thanks for the info! I will be posting up a recruitment thread late tonight or tomorrow. Have to figure out how to post maps and docs as my ISP doesn't like dropbox.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Google Drive?

It doesn't work as well but I have it and photobucket.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Removed a post. Please don't use the term "rape" like that.

Guess I missed something! The campaign recruitment is live, Rappan Athuk Texas Style!


2 people marked this as a favorite.
GeraintElberion wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Anyone want to GM a Razor Coast PbP? There's a bunch of folk interested but they have no GM... Here's the link

Interest Check for Razor Coast PbP

Also a few questions:

* What is Ebon Shroud?

* Has Call of the Frog God been published? Is it a separate adventure, an add on, part of an Indulgence or other RC book?

Call of the Frog God was a KS exclusive. We'll never get to see it.

When Nick was running Sinister Adventures they had a few products lined up to write/publish.

After Razor Coast there were 'The Anarchist Gamesmasters Cookbook' (something like that) and a gothic, higher-level sandbox/campaign/setting in the style of Razor Coast.

I have no idea if anything was written for those. Nick?

Ebon Shroud exists only as several pieces of art I commissioned, and three notebooks full of madly scrawled chicken-scratch. And an errant email or three between Rich Prett, and myself.

Who knows - maybe someday, but no solid plans to do anything with it - other stuff on me plate right now.

AGC is also a "no plan" carcass. I have loads of notes for it as well, but no plan to bring it into the light anytime soon.

That said - LOADS of Nick Logue written stuff coming your way next year. Promise!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Nicolas Logue wrote:
That said - LOADS of Nick Logue written stuff coming your way next year. Promise!


Recruitment is going well for the PbP game, almost too well! I have seven players and wanted six oh well! Quite a few of them are Kickstarter backers to it is nice to have players actually READING the Freebooters Guide for a change! Can't get more than my wife to read it in my ftf game. They are still working up their characters, but from the concepts it looks like it is going to be an interesting mix.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Added an aasimar cleric and a rogue for tomorrow. Player of the gnome cleric is reevaluating what he wants to roll. Guess I'll find out tomorrow night!

Campaign site here.

Sovereign Court

brvheart wrote:
Recruitment is going well for the PbP game, almost too well! I have seven players and wanted six oh well! Quite a few of them are Kickstarter backers to it is nice to have players actually READING the Freebooters Guide for a change! Can't get more than my wife to read it in my ftf game. They are still working up their characters, but from the concepts it looks like it is going to be an interesting mix.

Generally in pbp you put a deadline for character concepts and pick the 4/5/whatever-number-you-like characters which you would most like to GM for.

You don't have to take everyone who posts a character, or take the first people to post.

GeraintElberion wrote:
brvheart wrote:
Recruitment is going well for the PbP game, almost too well! I have seven players and wanted six oh well! Quite a few of them are Kickstarter backers to it is nice to have players actually READING the Freebooters Guide for a change! Can't get more than my wife to read it in my ftf game. They are still working up their characters, but from the concepts it looks like it is going to be an interesting mix.

Generally in pbp you put a deadline for character concepts and pick the 4/5/whatever-number-you-like characters which you would most like to GM for.

You don't have to take everyone who posts a character, or take the first people to post.

Thanks, but I run a gaming club and we don't like to turn people away. I will run with the seven to start. I find that one or two will drop at some point anyway due to other commitments, etc. Question, how do I accept characters? Or do they just post them to the players and characters section?

As soon as they make a post in the gameplay section they'll get added to the campaign ;)

I have a request to look at some additional proposed feats. Would like Lou and Nick to look at them for comment please.

Yohunga Feats:
Extra Tikipower
You have increased your focus on your bond with your tikiman.
Prerequisite: Tikiman class feature
Benefit You can select one extra tiki power.

Tough Tiki
Your tikiman is unorthodox and crafted from stronger materials.
Prerequisite Tikiman class ability
Benefit: Your tikiman is crafted with jade, stone or other more durable materials. It gains an extra 2 hp per hit dice. You can select this feat multiple times but only once for each tikiman.

Extended Merge
Your greater stamina allows you to stay merged with your tikiman for longer periods.
Prerequisite Merge into Tikiman tiki power
Benefit You add your Constitution modifier to the number of rounds you can stay merged with your Tikiman.

Additional questions :
Can I enchant my tikiman's necklace as a ring of protection or similar?
What happens when the tikiman loses all of his hit points? I assume he ceases functioning and gains the broken condition - or is he immune to the broken condition as long as I have at least one point in my Mana Pool?

Do I need to rebuild him? How long does this take/much does it cost?

Sovereign Court Contributor

Tim Hitchcock wrote the Yohunga, and he's got a bunch of errata too. For example there is supposed to be a spell equivalent to mass heal just for tiki men. I'll ask him to chime in here.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

brvheart wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Hey Braveheart,

I like the feats, though I think the first two are more in keeping with extra tikipowers. If it affects the tikiman, then its a tikipower, if it affects the yohunga, then its a good feat.

For the second group of questions, since the necklace is essentially a bonded item, yes you can enchant it. You cannot however turn it into a ring of protection, strictly speaking (because specific items are geared towards specific body locations to keep your game balanced). You could however turn it into an amulet of natural armor.

Because a tikiman is a construct, if it drops below zero hit points it is destroyed. The yohunga must Craft a new one. The tiki can be a simple or complicated as its owner desires, however it takes 1 week to complete the carving and perform the rituals that give the thing its semblance of life. There's no Craft check needed as its assumed that by this point, a yohunga knows how to make its own tikimen out of whatever resources are available.

I'm also going to add that the errata (which should hopefully be coming out soon, makes tiki's significantly (and sufficiently) tougher at high levels, providing them with appropriate bonuses to saves, AC, BAB, hp... etc. There is a missing section in the guide that was supposed to detail common features to tikimen, but basically they should develop sort of like familiar and the powers were supposed to provided extra bonuses.

Thanks Tim, I will pass this along:)

He has some additional questions so I sent him the link.

Tim Hitchcock wrote:
brvheart wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Hey Braveheart,

I like the feats, though I think the first two are more in keeping with extra tikipowers. If it affects the tikiman, then its a tikipower, if it affects the yohunga, then its a good feat.

For the second group of questions, since the necklace is essentially a bonded item, yes you can enchant it. You cannot however turn it into a ring of protection, strictly speaking (because specific items are geared towards specific body locations to keep your game balanced). You could however turn it into an amulet of natural armor.

Because a tikiman is a construct, if it drops below zero hit points it is destroyed. The yohunga must Craft a new one. The tiki can be a simple or complicated as its owner desires, however it takes 1 week to complete the carving and perform the rituals that give the thing its semblance of life. There's no Craft check needed as its assumed that by this point, a yohunga knows how to make its own tikimen out of whatever resources are available.

I'm also going to add that the errata (which should hopefully be coming out soon, makes tiki's significantly (and sufficiently) tougher at high levels, providing them with appropriate bonuses to saves, AC, BAB, hp... etc. There is a missing section in the guide that was supposed to detail common features to tikimen, but basically they should develop sort of like familiar and the powers were supposed to provided extra bonuses.

Hey Tim, those were my feat/powers - I sent you a PM...

* Yep, I think the amulet is the way to go. So I'm wanting to make the tiki on an amulet of natural armor, then pass the whole shebang to a party member to wear when I merge with tikiman. :)

* Hrrrmmm. Yes, without the significant power gains you will be providing the tikiman is kinda weak, so being destroyed is a major possibility and then the Yohunga is s*(t out of luck for a week.

- Seeing as some of the tiki powers require HD they will be easier to get if the advancements include HD...

- In creating my Yohunga the following occurred to me. Choosing HD increase tikipower really puts a crimp on other capabilities. Sure you get 20 over your career, but having to steam a bunch into HD is hard on the versatility...

What if the Yohunga initially gets to choose from all (or a number of - say 3+ Cha mod + 1/2 level or similar) mana-cost tiki powers,

and then got a reduced number of permanent tikipowers - say every two levels....

then the HD increase tikipower might be removed or made less necessary - the progression of the tikiman you are proposing would allow the Yohunga to make use of the pool of mana-cost tikipowers he knows that currently have HD requirements. Anyway, just an idea...

* I really like the class and would like to see more support - favored class bonuses for races, more spells, feats powers etc.

I don't mind playtesting whatever the two of you come up with. Hey, that is what gaming is for right?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh man tonight was so awesome I need to write this stuff down.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
Oh man tonight was so awesome I need to write this stuff down.

Nice! Looking forward to reading how it all went!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Around four hours of gaming after two hours having dinner and finalizing characters.

My player wrote:
I had a fantastic time for a first session, we got a lot more game in than most first sessions and the setting is just incredible!

Final lineup:

Human Magus
Elven Wizard
Half-elf Rogue
Aasimar Cleric of Tumatenga
Aasimar Bard
Ifrit Monk

They ended up in the Broken Skull, where the ifrit took the qualifying fights apart in short order, then got folded up by Dugan in four rounds. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Last night was about half brawl and half exposition, but I think I am finally getting the campaign on track for the players to start doing the things they want to do while advancing the story line.

We opened with two PCs on the gallows along with Falken Drango, Captain Tomas Garell of the Thunderstrike, Harok McFarrows, and Riaris Krine. I had Riaris hanged first and die immediately, as she had become an obstacle to the players doing what they wanted (they seemed to always worry that they needed to defer to her judgment as their nominal captain, and I want them to be in charge of their own destinies from this point on).

Drango cracked his joke about how "these manacles are a bit loose" and punched the dragoon sergeant during the surprise round. Also during surprise, the new PC replacing the dead half-orc, a human zen archer and follower of Quell, shot the ropes holding Harok and Drango (he works directly for Zalen Trafalgar and was instructed to free them and any other outsiders). The gnome alchemist tossed a smokestick between the two PCs on the gallows, hoping to create a diversion--but in actuality, this just made it impossible for the zen archer to target their ropes.

So, the dragoons behind the two PCs kicked the stools out from under their feet (succeeding on their miss chance rolls for concealment due to the smoke). I had each PC make a DC 10 Fortitude save to see if they suffered from a broken neck as a result of the fall. The oracle failed, taking 6 Con damage (a maximized 1d6 ability damage roll). They were struggling to free themselves and tracking rounds of held breath as they did so.

The other dragoons began to either mob Drango or try to drop the other prisoners on their nooses. They were lined up quite nicely behind the gallows as a result, allowing the sea witch to maneuver in place and drop a lightning bolt that fried about half of them in one round. This drew the ire of a dragoon sorcerer, who had already glitterdusted the prisoners in the smokestick cloud (blinding the alchemist in doing so) and now turned his attention to hurling magic missiles at the witch.

Several priests of Quell in the crowd rushed the gallows, cutting the ropes of the remaining prisoners and handing them weapons (not of great use when manacled but better than nothing), then retreated into the crowd and disappeared. Drango got beaten up badly in this fight, taking in excess of 40 damage within three rounds, but his maneuverability made up for it--he rolled very well on Acrobatics checks to avoid opp attacks, maneuvering to flank dragoons with freed prisoners and usually dropping them in one hit with sneak attacks.

The zen archer continued to fire on enemies from his rooftop position while the witch squared off with the sorcerer and a few dragoon mooks. They did end up dropping her into negative hp, but she stabilized at -6. The alchemist finally made his save against blindness and squared off against the sorcerer, dealing enough damage to make the mage drink his potion of invisibility and make a run for it.

Drango and the freed pirates made a run for it, but a trio of dragoons pursued them and caught up with the disabled oracle, grappling him into submission. Meanwhile, the dragoon sergeant and the zen archer dueled briefly--the sergeant thought he had cornered the archer on the rooftop, but the archer shot two smoke arrows into the roof in front of him and slowfalled to the ground below, pouring a healing potion down the witch's throat and pointing her in the direction that her friends went. The witch and alchemist came up behind the dragoons during the next round, dispatching the dragoons with a frost bomb and a burning gaze spell.

The zen archer then escorted the entire group to a safehouse in Tide District that is owned and operated by the Church of Quell. Ten minutes later, Zalen Trafalgar showed up and told them what little he knows and suspects about the Ring of the Kraken, stating that he fears they have too many spies in Port Shaw and that he needs outsiders to work for him. He offered them an opportunity to either stay in the city and investigate the Ring, or sail the seas and search for the lost herald of Quell while investigating the wereshark attacks (which he erroneously suspects are somehow linked to the Ring).

The party has decided to take to sea and let the heat die down in Port Shaw. They have purchased the Thunderstrike from Tomas Garell with a loan from the Church and outfitted it with supplies, food, powder and balls using money they acquired via the sale of the ioun stone they found in the sewers. The ship will spend four days in dry dock for rigging repairs, during which time they intend to investigate Harok's village for information on the wereshark attacks.

After that, they're off to sail the Razor in search of Drango's lost ship, the holy white whale, and any other opportunities for acquiring loot. The zen archer will be accompanying them, acting as their compulsory conscience while they remain indebted to the Church of Quell.

I'm disappointed that they've generated so much heat in Port Shaw that they don't want to finish crawling the sewers--but they seem more interested in sailing and exploring for the moment, so I'm not going to force the issue. Eventually, I think they will want to return to explore Tarath-Vreen's laboratory and recover Durrell's body (they DID promise to help the ghost in return for directions to the fort latrines, so he's going to lurk around and bug them until they make good on the deal!), but that can wait for now.

A few notes for anyone following my ongoing campaign reports (spoilered in case you don't care):

PWU's Campaign Peculiarities:
1. I placed the Razor Coast on the northeast end of a desert continent in my homebrew world, Arinia. The majority of the continent is dominated by demon-worshiping gnoll slavers, but they refuse to cross the Dreadsmoke Mountains out of fear of Pele and her minions, which is why Port Shaw hasn't been overrun by gnoll raiders yet. This also ties in nicely with the Bonegnaw set-pieces.

2. The Dragoons and the colonists who subdued the Tulita are an offshoot of a major military power far to the east: the Republic of Coia. Coian soldiers and paladins are well-known as a force of good in my homebrew, so the idea of Dragoons wearing variants of the Coian military uniforms and being LE asshats to the core is a nice reversal from what they have come to expect. Commandant Gregory Bonedeuce is the distant relative of a dethroned Coian monarch, whose kleptocratic rule was replaced by a democracy; his relatives fled westward to colonize the Razor after their exile from Coia. Some of the other colonies in the area, however, are run by actual Coian knights who severely disapprove of the Port Shaw Dragoons and their oligarch backers.

3. I replaced Quell with my own deity, Xarn, a Neutral Good god of the seas whose worshipers preach and practice the utter humiliation of tyrants and villains and the idea of paying kindness forward.

4. When I introduced Sandara Quinn in "The Wormwood Mutiny", I accidentally referred to her as Besmara Quinn, and the name has stuck for consistency's sake. She'll be returning as a wereshark as mentioned in an earlier post.

I mainly mention these things because in my future campaign reports, I'll be using the same terminology that I do in my games. Hopefully this will minimize any confusion.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Quell be praised - but I LOVE these play reports! Please keep them coming!

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I sold a Garr Bloodbane™ treasure map to the magus in my party. :)

Nice play reports! Look forward to reading more!


PWU! That sounds like an amazing session! Can't wait to read more! Out to sea for them scallywags it is then!



TriOmegaZero wrote:
I sold a Garr Bloodbane™ treasure map to the magus in my party. :)

SNORT! :-)

Seems Tim is busy and we could still use assistance with Yohunga class here please.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey Folks,
Lou asked me to go ahead and post this, though I haven't gone through FFG with this yet, so its not "official" errata however it was supposed to be in the original class and its how I run mine.

Basically, the tikiman was supposed to progress with the yohunga, and be modifiable by adding tweak powers. The progress with the yohunga rules are missing in the Freebooter's guide so as written, you could be 20th level with a bunch of 4 HD tikiman with 20 hit points each as your primary power. Which sucks, and is wrong. The following errata side bar fixes it.

Tikiman Errata
Armor Class: A tikiman gains an additional natural armor class bonus equal to ½ the yohunga's class level rounded down.
Hit Dice: For the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, a tikiman adds the yohunga's character level to its base Hit Dice.
Hit Points: In addition to own hit points a tikiman gains a number of bonus hit points equal to half the yohunga's total hit points (not including temporary hit points), rounded down.
Attacks: the tikiman adds the yohunga's base attack bonus (as calculated from all his classes) to all his attacks. Use the tikiman's Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is greater, to calculate the tikiman's melee attack bonus with natural weapons.
Saving Throws: For each saving throw, the tikiman adds the yohunga's base saving throws as calculated from all his classes. The tikiman adds this bonus to its base save modifiers and uses its own ability modifiers to saves, and it doesn't share any of the other bonuses that the yohunga might have on saves.
<End Sidebar>

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