The Kingdom of Aeternum (Pax Gaming)

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

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Kingdom Name: Aeternum

Settlement Name: Callambea

Charted Company Names:

  • Pax Aeternum (Political CC composed of our leaders)
  • Aeternum Trade Alliance (Economy and Crafting CC)
  • The Stalwart Shield (Militia CC)
  • The Eternus Infantry (Formal Military CC)
  • The Tinkerton Adventure Co..
  • Additional Chartered Companies will be discussed and announced as there is numbers and interest.

Alignment: Good. Simply stated, this will be a good leaning Company. We will likely accept anyone from Neutral Good to Lawful Good. Depending on game mechanics, true neutral is a possibility.

Role: Everything with the exception of crime. Pax has large goals for our presence in Golarion, and fully plan to make a lasting positive influence on the community.

Accepted Roles: Accepted roles will vary from protection, adventure, development, crafting, hosted events, war, roleplay, and much more . We will be more heroic than villainous. This means that crime will not be an acceptable role in the Company. Actively seeking out criminals, on the other hand, will be fully supported. Any role or gameplay within the "good" alignment will be accepted.

Internal Leadership Structure:

  • High Thane (Lead Consul)
  • Thanes (Councilor)
  • Wardens (Officers)
  • Freemen (Membership body)
  • An up to date listing of leaders can be found HERE


Voice Chat: Teamspeak

The Kingdom of Aeternum: Pax in Pathfinder Online

When it was announced that there was a Kickstarter for Pathfinder Online back in May, it was not long before our community team announced it on our forums. Many of our members had been playing (and still play) pen and paper games under the Pathfinder ruleset. As our membership began reading Goblinwork's Kickstarter page, it began generating excitement from our sandbox gamers as well. From May to June the thread saw much activity as we donated, updated our thread, and talked about the vision for this game. It was amazing to watch the the project double, triple, and eventually hit six times its projected goal.

At the end of June Pax introduced ourselves to the forum community. While we are always looking for community members, we had no division for this game at that time. Instead we voiced our interest in the game, began meeting other "guilds" (for lack of a better term), and began interacting. During this time we were also building the foundation for a true presence in PfO. That in effect is the reason for a new thread, because that foundation is set.

So What are Pax's Goals?

Simply stated they are extensive. Many of our membership have been looking for a long time for an in depth sandbox of this nature. With some of the intricate workings of Eve with the "character avatar" and exploration elements of Star Wars Galaxies. We are hitting the ground in full sprint for this title. Pax will not be satisfied until we are a strong and recognizable force in the community. To be more specific we plan to establish:

  • A number of Chartered Companies, separated by economic, military, and exploratory interests
  • A beginning settlement when the mechanics allow, called Callambea.
  • The Kingdom of Aeternum to provide the highest level of content, resources, and defense.
  • A positive, on going influence on the community through seasonal festivities, events, and story development.

Our Chartered Companies

When the information about political systems showed up in developer blogs, many people were confused and disappointed that the traditional guild system they were familiar with would not be in Pathfinder Online. In its place were Chartered Companies, or social structures not tied to land holdings that averaged the size of an adventure party to a maximum of twenty or so members. Instead of disappointment, Pax Gaming was intrigued.

When Pax Imperius operated in SWG, they had a popular motto of "Many Guilds in One". This habit of creating smaller divisions inside of a larger body is a tradition many of our guilds still employ today. The advent of many smaller organizations working together just makes what we have employed in the past more literal.

Pax Aeternum will be a company filled with our political,military, and economic leadership. This organization will lead our efforts large and small. Our other companies will fall under Pax Aeternum, but to keep from overusing the Pax brand will have their own unique names. These are posted above, but to reiterate:

  • Aeternum Trade Alliance: A company for those interested in the purely economic and trade related vocations.
  • The Stalwart Shield: Our "Militia for Hire" company. This is a bounty hunting and protection unit.
  • The Eternus Infantry: Our formal military.
  • The Tinkerton Adventure Co.: There is always safety in numbers. Even dungeon runners and explorers need a home.

Putting Down Roots

When the game allows, our unified chartered companies will band together and button down. This effort will concentrate on our first settlement, Callambea. Callambea is a tribute to a pen and paper Pathfinder game that is still a home brewed continent in play by our community. This will be where our efforts from our chartered companies will come together inside of game mechanics. Our companies will become apart of the building and citizenry of this small town. While I am sure this will be a monumental moment, in the overall scope of things this is just a stepping stone.

Growing and Expanding

One of the last stairs in this process is of course a kingdom. The Kingdom of Aeternum, when the game allows, will be our expansion into the River Kingdoms. In addition to the highest dungeon content that PfO has stated this will provide, it will also provide us yet another station on which to prosper, protect, and interact in.

Festivals, Story, and Community (Oh My!)

While there is no single game element that we plan to enforce, roleplay has always been the cornerstone of all of our gaming divisions. When our community leadership finalized preparations for a Pathfinder presence, one of the first officers to join the team was for roleplay and story. Since then Warden Kard Warstein and I (High Thane Dak Thunderkeg) have been working on our origin story, possible codes of honor /chivalry, festivals, honorary titles, pre launch events, and more. When it comes to making our mark in this game, this is just as important as kingdoms, settlements, and companies. When our events are recognizable server wide, and when our titles are as common as ones the game itself provides, a major goal will be reached.

How Will You Accomplish All This?

If you have read this far, you are probably wondering how we are going to accomplish these goals. There is no one true answer. The strength of our community, our experiences, and our numbers are some factors. Our current and past experience in Eve and other sandbox games is educational on many different levels. As of this post we have around twenty current Pax members interested in this game, and that in house number will do nothing but grow as this game develops. Our ability to supply initial numbers has helped us build a foundation for many games in the past.

The largest factor is the recruitment of quality, like minded people. Our community and this division are not stagnant. Our success is anchored in growth, and we are always excited to meet new recruits. If you have liked what you have read so far, I urge you to read on. Our next post is about the Pax Gaming Community and will have all our recruitment information.

This game is a new adventure , and we are looking forward to meeting more to make the journey with us.

Goblin Squad Member

What is the Pax Gaming Community?

Pax Gaming is a collection of community minded members committed to enjoying games of all sorts together. The community has been around since 2001, and has been experiencing games together ever since. We are a community first, and a game aspect later. This means that we fully support all playstyles including PVE, PVP, and RP. Our interests are not focused on a single game, but includes many MMO's as well as tabletop, shooters, and more. Who a recruit is as a person weighs more heavily than any other consideration. We are a group of friends, family, and like minded geeks. Many of our members have met up in the world, and at conventions you can expect to see a table or two with Paxians. While our numbers steadily grow over the years, the quality of our family remains our single largest benefit.

Pax hosts our own server for teamspeak as well as our forums. We have an organized charter that outlines a very simple yet definitive set of rules to maintain the level of community we wish to provide. While we strongly encourage participation in roleplay, no single element of a game is enforced. Our concern is for our members to enjoy gaming together. That being said every division of Pax Gaming has origin stories, roleplay officers, and event planners. We also promote and support officers in charge of pve and pvp content as well.

In the end our name best describes who and what we are. Pax is a community, above everything else. It is a common phrase for us to state that we recruit the player, not the "toon".

Why join Pax Gaming?


Many Pax Gaming members call Pax their second family. We cherish the members we have developed over the years and our cohesion quickly becomes apparent whenever we begin approaching content. Our drive is cemented in an environment where members can explore progression, role-play, and player versus player gaming competitively. Time and time again the Gaming Community has been able to achieve these goals while maintaining a community first mindset. A game is played to have fun, and this family provides opportunities for varying playstyles to flourish.


Pax Gaming has been around since 2001. Since that date we have had successful guilds in many MMO's, Pax Gaming has never disbanded, and never has been without at least one MMO our members have been playing. We will stay in an MMO as long as it's members are there, we will not shut down a division just to move to another MMO. If you are looking for a guild that isn't just a rest stop to another goal, this is the home for you. If you like mature members that are socially active outside of raid nights, this is your guild. If you think achieving content progression does not require yelling and degradation, look no further.

This will NOT be a guild that folds. Our SWG Chapter of Pax Imperius stayed active and going strong since the servers first opened. We remained active through the games turbulent history. Pax remained there until the game itself was shut down. Over the last eleven years Pax has remained strong and active.


Pax has always looked at each members contributions to their division and community fairly. A member advances through effort and not through a veteran system. We have leaders and officers that have been with Pax Gaming anywhere from a couple of weeks, to eleven years.
We have opportunities to move up in rank, even by newer members. We have a history of giving dedicated members a chance at being in a leadership position if they show the dedication and drive, no matter how long they have been a member of Pax. We are not a guild who shows favoritism to our “veteran members”.


Pax Gaming always recruits the individual. We're always looking for those who will fit well within our family. This means we are never looking for your chosen playstyle, "level", or gear. We are interested in growing our collection of high quality members. We are here to recruit you, not your "toon".
Above all Pax is a family and you will form friendships within our guild. Many of us have become RL friends, traveling to meet up with each other when we can and one of our members even hosts a New Years Eve party where all Pax members are invited.

All Play Styles

We support all play styles. Role-Play, Raiding, PVP, Crafting, you name it, all of our divisions support it. We have been doing it since the launch of Star Wars Galaxies we know what works and doesn't when it comes to all encompassing


Our members have years of experience in RP, PvP and PvE in a variety of games. Many of our members are held in respect on their respective servers. Pax members are always willing to give advice and a hand if you need it.

More than a Single Game

Pax Gaming is eleven years strong with hundreds of members spread through different gaming divisions:

  • Pax Imperius : Sith Faction - Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Pax Dominus : Republic Faction - Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Pax Infinitus : Star Trek Online
  • Pax Emunio : Eve Online
  • Pax Illuminatus : Rift
  • Pax Thalion : Lord of the Rings Online
  • Pax Praesidium : Guild Wars 2
  • Pax Concordia : PlanetSide 2 (Planning stages)
  • Pax Agnitio : The Secret World
  • Dead Prezidents : A casual first person shooter clan for Pax Gaming members
  • Pen and Paper : Pax has games running on our Teamspeak server and on virtual tables in Shadowrun, Pathfinder, Dnd, Dark Heresy, and hybrid or home made rulesets. New games are created and led all the time, with varying times and days as well as systems.

What is this Charter You Speak Of?

Our Charter is a ‘living document’ that out lines our guild structure, Chain of Command, Rules of Engagement, Codes of Conduct and general guild rules. You may view our charter here

How do I join?

We are currently not ready to begin recruitment for Pathfinder Online. If you are interested in our community, however, we suggest you drop on by. We will be fully supporting a Company for this game in the future, and if you currently play any of the games we have established divisions in, you might find us a good fit. Once a Pax Member has been accepted, they are free to join any game we are playing without further applications. This means that while we are not recruiting for this specific game, your application to another game we play means you can be a member of our Pathfinder Online division in the future.

First you will need to go to register with the Pax Community.

Our application process is a two week application period, during this two week period you will interact with Pax Gaming members and make sure you are a good fit for our guild. This two week period is also here to help you determine if our guild is a good fit for you.

Full instructions on joining Pax Gaming can be located here

Goblin Squad Member

The Long Road

Alvari swayed in his seat as the wagon lurched forward. He had envisioned this moment all his life, the return to his parents homeland. His ancient elven body was stiff and sore from countless years of fighting, yet he sat straighter in his seat as the well armed caravan began to move. Alvari had been known under many titles in his time, but in the last few hundred years he was best known as a loremaster. After so long looking forward, it was a luxury to look back. It was also a gift he often shared with these people of his.

“It was shortly before my tenth year when I was spirited away by my mother, the day Aeternum was overrun.” Alvari said to no-one in particular. “Now we return to claim our home, and I will finally be laid to rest with my ancestors.”

Alvari turned his head and smiled at the halfling driving the wagon, who beamed back. “Let’s go Gilsa, we don’t want to be left behind.”

Pulling the wagon in line to join the long caravan of their fellows, Gilsa listened as Alvari settled in and lit an ornately carved wooden pipe. She knew the old elf was slipping, and not even he thought he would survive the long journey to the River Kingdoms, but now he seemed a hundred years younger. The light in his eyes burned with anticipation as they traveled down the hill.

“Seven-hundred years, Gilsa, give or take a decade. It’s been a long wait. Did I ever tell you about the fall of Aeternum?” Avari asked before pulling a long drag off his pipe. Before Gilsa could answer, he continued. “Fall... really it was a slaughter. The bandit horde swept through our township killing everyone they could find...” Alvari’s voice took on an odd haunting quality as his memories of that day flooded his mind.

The thunder of hooves was deafening as Alvari rushed across the dirt street. Riders wearing leather and chain cut down the townsfolk with abandon, laughing and cheering each other on to further heights of viciousness. Alvari heard his mother calling to him and ran towards her voice, but as he neared, her calls turned to shrieks.

The young elf ran as fast as he could, his eyes wide with horror as the people he’d grown up with were slaughtered around him, their limbs and blood littering the ground beneath his feet. Fire was raging through the community, and he heard the frantic screams of his mother from behind one of these collapsing homes. Alvari tore around the corner of the building, terrified of what he might see but needing the security of his mother.

Three half-orcs had her surrounded, pushing her around between them as they laughed and tore at her clothes. The biggest backhanded her across the face with a wicked leer, knocking her to the ground in a heap......

To read more on The Long Road, the prologue to our origin story go here

Goblin Squad Member

Nice to see you finally decided on a name, and a cool one at that! :)

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks Nihimon!

How ya been bro, I still see your responses around the forums. Still playing it awesome?

Goblin Squad Member

Still kicking around. By the time this game goes live, I'm going to have more time logged on these forums than I have in most of the games I've tried!

Goblin Squad Member

I would say that, but I have played a great many games over the years. Still, the excitement grows as the dev blogs get released.

My one true hope is to finally see an impressive true to form dwarf character model. I am dying to see some shortie renders.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Added you to "the list" of Chartered Companies/Groups/etc.

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you Gregg, you can remove the old Pax Gaming one as well.

Goblin Squad Member

Well all I have to say is that in the short time I have been with Pax, joined in March. I have discovered a new family, that I get excited about talking to on the forums and seeing in-game! Pax Aeternum has some big goals and plans but I know that with Pax, anything is possible!! I hope to see more of you all as Pax gets more active with the Goblin Works forums!

Goblin Squad Member

PAX Charter wrote:
7.6 MULTIPLE AVATARS: Two-boxing or multi-boxing is a play style that many players, who can afford it, enjoy doing. Other players enjoy leveling multiple characters and/or have the Serial-ALT complex. With regards to using multiple characters or avatars, Pax membership and privileges will depend on the player, but for role-playing purposes each avatar will be treated separately. Any equipment or items given out for participation in hunts or raids will be based on the performance of the present avatar(s). Multi-boxing during raids is discouraged unless you can do it well thus it is dependent on the discretion of the raid leader. Only the player (or "main" character) will be eligible for promotions within the division. Alternate characters will be treated in a separate category in game dependent upon the guild management tools available. Furthermore all your characters on the same server and game as a Pax division must either be a tagged Pax member or remain un-guilded. We do not allow a member to have alternate avatars in other guilds as that can create a conflict of interest.

Hmmmm...don't know how to feel on that.

Goblin Squad Member

Waruko wrote:
PAX Charter wrote:
7.6 MULTIPLE AVATARS: Two-boxing or multi-boxing is a play style that many players, who can afford it, enjoy doing. Other players enjoy leveling multiple characters and/or have the Serial-ALT complex. With regards to using multiple characters or avatars, Pax membership and privileges will depend on the player, but for role-playing purposes each avatar will be treated separately. Any equipment or items given out for participation in hunts or raids will be based on the performance of the present avatar(s). Multi-boxing during raids is discouraged unless you can do it well thus it is dependent on the discretion of the raid leader. Only the player (or "main" character) will be eligible for promotions within the division. Alternate characters will be treated in a separate category in game dependent upon the guild management tools available. Furthermore all your characters on the same server and game as a Pax division must either be a tagged Pax member or remain un-guilded. We do not allow a member to have alternate avatars in other guilds as that can create a conflict of interest.
Hmmmm...don't know how to feel on that.

What about that concerns you?

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah we get a lot of feedback from that section of the charter. Might I ask what in particular troubles you about the last sentence?

Goblin Squad Member

Well, I play EvE Online with 5 irl friends. I would be in violation of this if I did not abandoned them simply because I play PFO with some other people would I not?

Goblin Squad Member

No, I was wondering if that would be the concern. This came up when KitNyx applied to our community.

That section of the charter is written for current Pax Gaming Members. Because of that it would only apply to games you apply under and games you join in the future should you be accepted.


Two-boxing or multi-boxing is a play style that many players, who can afford it, enjoy doing. Other players enjoy leveling multiple characters and/or have the Serial-ALT complex. With regards to using multiple characters or avatars, Pax membership and privileges will depend on the player, but for role-playing purposes each avatar will be treated separately. Any equipment or items given out for participation in hunts or raids will be based on the performance of the present avatar(s). Multi-boxing during raids is discouraged unless you can do it well thus it is dependent on the discretion of the raid leader. Only the player (or "main" character) will be eligible for promotions within the division. Alternate characters will be treated in a separate category in game dependent upon the guild management tools available. Furthermore all your characters on the same server and game as a Pax division must either be a tagged Pax member or remain un-guilded. We do not allow a member to have alternate avatars in other guilds as that can create a conflict of interest.

What might not be clear, and might need clarification, is that characters that were apart of a guild before showing interest for Pax are considered grandfathered. Their characters in the game they were playing before applying can remain tagged in their prior guild. You are basically grandfathered. The Pax Gaming Inner and Outer Councils do not wish to punish those that applied to guilds before we showed official interest in a game, and before you even applied to Pax. Characters in games henceforth however need to be tagged with Pax or remain unguilded.

Its a point I think Forencith understood when reading our charter perfectly, but something that can sometimes be confused. The language of 7.6 is indicative of alternative characters of current Pax Gaming Members, in divisions Pax has built a division for, remaining in Pax.

Great reply Kit, I greatly look forward to working with you and Nihimon in the future. Pax makes a good friend in part because our longevity is already proven. An alliance in Pax will not fall because the division folds.

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for the clarification. ^_^

Goblin Squad Member

No Problem Waruko. I hope you stop on by and give us a look see.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Dak- I had concerns about that clause as well. It appears from your explanation that there is no problem with a player having a character in Pax Thalion (LOTRO), and that same player also having a character in an unaffiliated EVE company, provided they aren't also in your EVE division. Is that correct?

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Glad to have you guys aboard! It sounds like your goals are very similar to the Great Legionaries. If you get a chance, talk to Andius. He is heading up the GL, and the more we co-ordinate now, the better the game will be at launch time.

Again, welcome!

Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:
Dak- I had concerns about that clause as well. It appears from your explanation that there is no problem with a player having a character in Pax Thalion (LOTRO), and that same player also having a character in an unaffiliated EVE company, provided they aren't also in your EVE division. Is that correct?

Basically Decius, we don't count what guilds you are when applying to Pax. So under your example:

If you are applying to Pax Thalion but have a character in another Eve Company, you have not breached 7.6.

However if you are already a member, we expect you to join Pax for future games you join. That is when it is on the same server and faction as the Pax Division.

Hope that helps

Goblin Squad Member

Alexander_Damocles wrote:

Glad to have you guys aboard! It sounds like your goals are very similar to the Great Legionaries. If you get a chance, talk to Andius. He is heading up the GL, and the more we co-ordinate now, the better the game will be at launch time.

Again, welcome!

Pax was actually at one or two of GL's get together's. I know Andius, he has stopped by our forums to announce meetings and such.

Aeternum will in the future be interested in alliances, but we do not participate them without a fair amount of thought. This was discussed before, but we are adamant about not serving an arrangement we do not directly benefit from, or one where we do not have a prevailing vote on alliance matters.

Thanks for stopping in Alex, I look forward to what GL accomplishes as time moves forward.

Goblin Squad Member

Just so everyone knows, Pax Aeternum IS indeed accepting recruits at this time. We're unable to update the top post there in indicate this, so wanted to make it clear :)

Goblin Squad Member

So does anyone have any questions about Pax Gaming or Pax Aeternum, in general??

I would love to answer all your questions, or if I don't have the answer direct you towards someone who does!

Goblin Squad Member

Since Pax is announcing itself at the Settlement/kingdom level, do you intend to implement a process to allow Chartered Companies who have an interest in either being residents of a/the Pax settlement, or simply a sponsorship, to apply for either as a cohesive whole. Or, will you at least maintain a way for them to keep their Company identity once they join Pax...assuming it does not conflict with Pax's goals?

Goblin Squad Member

The new user orientation is nice!

Goblin Squad Member

Forencith wrote:
Since Pax is announcing itself at the Settlement/kingdom level, do you intend to implement a process to allow Chartered Companies who have an interest in either being residents of a/the Pax settlement, or simply a sponsorship, to apply for either as a cohesive whole. Or, will you at least maintain a way for them to keep their Company identity once they join Pax...assuming it does not conflict with Pax's goals?

To join a Pax settlement or Kingdom you would need to essentially join Pax. With that I mean your chartered company would work towards the betterment of Aeternum, pretty much as a citizen would for their home.

However Aeternum is more than willing to adopt chartered companies in, keeping their individual names, flavor, and stories. This is of course unless those ideals run in direct conflict with the Kingdom.

A CC would in effect be under the leadership of the kingdom, in so far as it would have to agree to our charter and not run contrary to our goals. As long as everyone understands that most other aspects are open for discussion.

Because of the nature of the game even adopted CC's would go through an application process of two weeks as normal.

Goblin Squad Member

BlackUhuru wrote:
The new user orientation is nice!

Thank you Uhuru :)

Goblin Squad Member

We got the Pax Aeternum Timeline up now. This is the basic foundation we're building on. If there are any CC's or individuals operating in the lands south of the River Kingdoms prior to release of this game, the potential is there for some collaborative story arcs.

If you would like to join Pax, have a specific story in mind, and aren't sure if they would mesh, feel free to contact me and I'd be happy to talk about it :)

Goblin Squad Member

Great work Kard! I look forward to when these things get updated. Combined Golarion lore with our own? Yes please.

Goblin Squad Member

Kard Warstein wrote:

We got the Pax Aeternum Timeline up now. This is the basic foundation we're building on. If there are any CC's or individuals operating in the lands south of the River Kingdoms prior to release of this game, the potential is there for some collaborative story arcs.

If you would like to join Pax, have a specific story in mind, and aren't sure if they would mesh, feel free to contact me and I'd be happy to talk about it :)

Oh you know I will be getting a hold of you! Got to love me some back story!

Goblin Squad Member

Forencith, I hit you up on PM. Get back at me when you can.


Goblin Squad Member

Dak Thunderkeg wrote:

A CC would in effect be under the leadership of the kingdom, in so far as it would have to agree to our charter and not run contrary to our goals. As long as everyone understands that most other aspects are open for discussion.

This was discussed before, but we are adamant about not serving an arrangement we do not directly benefit from, or one where we do not have a prevailing vote on alliance matters.

What level of control would the Kingdom exert over the Company as far as finances, leadership, direction, and politics are concerned?

If you could please elaborate on what you mean by prevailing vote. You wouldn't join an alliance in which there could be a possibility of the alliance deciding to do something contrary to the wishes of Aeternum is my understanding.

Goblin Squad Member

Obakararuir wrote:
Dak Thunderkeg wrote:

A CC would in effect be under the leadership of the kingdom, in so far as it would have to agree to our charter and not run contrary to our goals. As long as everyone understands that most other aspects are open for discussion.

This was discussed before, but we are adamant about not serving an arrangement we do not directly benefit from, or one where we do not have a prevailing vote on alliance matters.

What level of control would the Kingdom exert over the Company as far as finances, leadership, direction, and politics are concerned?

If you could please elaborate on what you mean by prevailing vote. You wouldn't join an alliance in which there could be a possibility of the alliance deciding to do something contrary to the wishes of Aeternum is my understanding.

Addressing this point by point, as best I can :) :


Optimally, a Chartered Company that we absorb would themselves become Pax Gaming Members. They would have our forum access and would agree to our charter.

  • Finances : I would hope in the above optimal state that financial dealings would be done in a way that benefits the kingdom as a whole, and no one particular chartered company. We have not begun discussing tax rates, so the nuts and bolts of economics is up for discussion.

  • Leadership : This would have to be handled on a case by case basis. We need to know our leaders are dependable, professional, and work well with others. We are also not a democracy, and as such working well with superiors comes into account.

  • Direction : Conditional, again. Direction could not be wildly different from our own. Story or RP direction in most cases can remain the same. It would have to be talked over to make sure there are no conflict between both parties.

  • This seems tied into leadership and direction. Its another aspect that would have to be discussed before any agreement was made. Political structure cannot be wildly different than Aeternum, etc.

    *Now, This kingdom might be interested in the future in entertaining an alliance instead of an absorption with a CC or settlement. The conditions would not be nearly as strict, but there would still need to be serious discussion, formal written agreements, etc.*

    Alliance Question:

  • Your understanding is close to the truth of the matter. I will simply rephrase it "We wouldn't join an alliance in which there is a consistent trend of the alliance deciding to do something contrary to the wishes of Aeternum .

  • Aeternum will not be joining an alliance where we are expected to be subservient members of the alliance. If Aeternum has no vote of at least equal share, we unfortunately not interested.

  • Aeternum is not interested in joining Alliances with just spoken agreements. Anything we agree to needs to be written down, agreed upon by the leadership involved (Of which Aeternum would want to be a part of), and published on a website all parties have access to.

    None of these conditions are anything that Pax would not expect other organizations to request. If we host our own alliances, these conditions still would apply. We don't want you, or ourselves, joining in an agreement where one party greatly benefits and others simply tow the line. An absorption is a better option than a bad alliance agreement.

  • Goblin Squad Member

    I appreciate the clarifications. I would not expect any CC to simply tow the line in an alliance. My concern is with the two phrases that spell out your expectations in regards to voting power, as they seem to be contradictory.

    "Prevailing" is not the same as "equal". Whereas "Equal" voting power seems acceptable, "Prevailing" seems less reasonable unless there was significant justification to merit it. Just so you understand where I was coming from.

    Your clarification is again appreciated, I apologize if I came off as trying to trouble-shoot you.


    Goblin Squad Member

    PAX Charter wrote:
    7.6 MULTIPLE AVATARS: ... Furthermore all your characters on the same server and game as a Pax division must either be a tagged Pax member or remain un-guilded. We do not allow a member to have alternate avatars in other guilds as that can create a conflict of interest.

    So basically, I need to be extra dishonest with you guys. No problem, I think I can manage that.

    Goblin Squad Member

    Obakararuir wrote:

    I appreciate the clarifications. I would not expect any CC to simply tow the line in an alliance. My concern is with the two phrases that spell out your expectations in regards to voting power, as they seem to be contradictory.

    "Prevailing" is not the same as "equal". Whereas "Equal" voting power seems acceptable, "Prevailing" seems less reasonable unless there was significant justification to merit it. Just so you understand where I was coming from.

    Your clarification is again appreciated, I apologize if I came off as trying to trouble-shoot you.


    Not at all, I sometimes misuse a word. Further clarification benefits everyone. Thanks for asking for it :)

    Goblin Squad Member

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Blaeringr wrote:
    PAX Charter wrote:
    7.6 MULTIPLE AVATARS: ... Furthermore all your characters on the same server and game as a Pax division must either be a tagged Pax member or remain un-guilded. We do not allow a member to have alternate avatars in other guilds as that can create a conflict of interest.
    So basically, I need to be extra dishonest with you guys. No problem, I think I can manage that.

    It would be a lot of effort on your part for very little return, but I look forward to your application all the same :)

    Goblin Squad Member

    And that's how the Guiding Hand Social Club of PFO began with that little comment.

    Goblin Squad Member

    Waruko wrote:
    And that's how the Guiding Hand Social Club of PFO began with that little comment.

    I wasn't stating anything as a challenge or dare. Also I am sure people had planned espionage long before my comment was made. If I had to guess someone thought of it as soon as they understood it was a possibility.

    Goblin Squad Member

    I wonder... If an Assassin's Guild is trying to "hide in plain sight" in one of the more prominent communities, do you think they'd work towards that community's success? Or do you think they'd be more likely to work to bring down that community, and then move on to the next? Or do you think they'd be more likely to "hide in plain sight" in every prominent community?

    It doesn't keep me up at night, but I wonder...

    Goblin Squad Member

    Every prominent community. They'd knowingly be doing a half ass job if they didn't cover all bases.

    Goblin Squad Member

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    So here's the real question: How do you turn their involvement in your community to your advantage?

    It seems to me there are three basic factors at work:
    1. Getting them to make positive contributions in order to remain in the community.
    2. Minimizing the amount of intelligence available for them to use against you.
    3. Taking extraordinary efforts to protect what sensitive information absolutely must exist.

    I'm curious to hear how others analyze this situation.

    Goblin Squad Member

    Good thoughts Nihimon.

    Personally I would aim for:

    1) Make positive contribution a requirement for access to any decision making ability, voting (which of course they will want).

    2) Maximize transparency to all members.

    3) Agreed if #2 at the exhaustive level is deemed impossible or undesirable. In which case, extensive compartmentalization imo offers the best defence to the greatest number of areas from any single security breach.

    But you already knew that was my opinion...*grin*

    Goblin Squad Member

    Here is where the Catch 22 comes in.

    They are already going to make positive contributions. Productive members of a volunteer society climb the hierarchy ladder faster than those who aren't productive.

    If you reward those that are hard workers and deserving of promotion, you may promote those with hidden agendas.

    It doesn't always necessitate extraordinary measures to safe guard extremely sensitive information. A lot of time, it's just dependent on the systems a particular game has in place. Decentralized guild banks. Measures that require 3 or more members of leadership to access.

    To me, things like that aren't necessarily extraordinary. They're good protocol. Extraordinary measures would be encrypting plans that could only be accessed an hour before "go time" and over-nighting them to your key players on a thumb-drive.

    The real kicker is the assessment of items classified as passive intelligence. Things that can be pieced together for value, but by themselves aren't really considered important.

    Goblin Squad Member

    Forencith wrote:

    Good thoughts Nihimon.

    Personally I would aim for:

    1) Make positive contribution a requirement for access to any decision making ability, voting (which of course they will want).

    2) Maximize transparency to all members.

    3) Agreed if #2 at the exhaustive level is deemed impossible or undesirable. In which case, extensive compartmentalization imo offers the best defence to the greatest number of areas from any single security breach.

    But you already knew that was my opinion...*grin*

    Pretty much exactly that. Aeternum won't be going through that many extremes, like SS numbers. But we will have a limited amount of access to a very small number of individuals

    Goblin Squad Member

    Here's a little tidbit about the real world that will give you something to think about:
    Genetic testing (for things like the "warrior gene" or monoamine oxidase A) and psychological tests looking specifically for sociopathy (sometimes including brains scans to watch for empathy when shown scenes of suffering) have shown that sociopaths tend to, on the average, be very successful in business organizations, especially the more ambitious companies.

    In any case, the point is that people who want to stab you in the back tend to also enjoy the competition and challenge of rising in your organization before they go postal on you.

    Goblin Squad Member

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I think there has been an incorrect impression here. I am by no means saying that it is impossible to infiltrate and harm Pax. I personally wouldn't think it worth it for the time it would require to get real access. That is my only point.

    Goblin Squad Member

    Blaeringr wrote:

    Here's a little tidbit about the real world that will give you something to think about:

    Genetic testing (for things like the "warrior gene" or monoamine oxidase A) and psychological tests looking specifically for sociopathy (sometimes including brains scans to watch for empathy when shown scenes of suffering) have shown that sociopaths tend to, on the average, be very successful in business organizations, especially the more ambitious companies.

    In any case, the point is that people who want to stab you in the back tend to also enjoy the competition and challenge of rising in your organization before they go postal on you.

    And also, I am aware. See my above post but at no point did I disagree with that reality.

    Goblin Squad Member

    Just to be clear, my desire isn't to harm your community. I sometimes let my dark sense of humor run away on me.

    My intentions in PFO regarding other companies are to have access to a lot of information. If someone pays well enough, I'll pass that information along. If they pay really well, I may even have to consider no longer being so nice to such a productive and lawful community.

    As far as the organization that I'm going for is going to be lawful evil. In other words, it warms our hearts to see good, strong, productive organizations. And it warms our hearts even more to help your organization grow stronger by savagely punishing the "weeds" in your lovely garden.

    Goblin Squad Member

    Blaeringr wrote:

    Just to be clear, my desire isn't to harm your community. I sometimes let my dark sense of humor run away on me.

    My intentions in PFO regarding other companies are to have access to a lot of information. If someone pays well enough, I'll pass that information along. If they pay really well, I may even have to consider no longer being so nice to such a productive and lawful community.

    As far as the organization that I'm going for is going to be lawful evil. In other words, it warms our hearts to see good, strong, productive organizations. And it warms our hearts even more to help your organization grow stronger by savagely punishing the "weeds" in your lovely garden.

    Oh I didn't think you were trying to be malicious, I just thought I might have been misrepresenting myself. I was just clarifying.

    In the end these are not design flaws, they add a little more depth to the game. We might do what we can to lessen the damage, but it is still neat there is a real threat that might slip through. I would not have it any other way.

    From your description it will be a blast running into you in game, it is just sad I might not ever know it was you :P

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