Dragon78 |
This is a Bestiary 4(Paizo products) wishlist so I only care what I want for this product(and future hardcover bestiaries from Paizo). So in other words what 3rd party products have or do not have has no point to this product discussion.
I would love to see more creatures from the realms of law and chaos and not just Proteans and Inevitables but other creatures from Axis and the maelstrom as well.
Something with a aura that grants allies fast healing, more then likely from the positive energy plane.
Creatures that can fuse or combine to ether create a new creature or boost an existing one.
Creatures with the split ability that are not oozes such as aberrations, elementals, etc.
creature with ever changing DR type and energy immunities/weakness.
Sincubus |
Well it does matter if 3rd party products use up all the awesome creatures from mythology and paizo doesn't use them anymore in their own products, that was more what I meant with it.
Anyway I want more carnivorous versions of herbivoric creatures.
Sianach and Delgeth, both big horned/antlered meat eaters that are suppose to be herbivores.
Sianach being a giant magical elk with bigger antlers than even its herbivorous cousin Megaloceros and Delgeth being a magical Pronghorn gone terrible wrong and carnivorous, both enjoy hunting humanoids of all sorts.
MMCJawa |
IF I had titled my post "This is what I want to see in a Midgard Bestiary 2", your point would be taken.
My point is, in an PAIZO PATHFINDER BESTIARY VOLUME 4, I actually wouldn't mind seeing some 3pp monsters reprinted, with relevant tweaks. I don't see it as much different as asking for monsters from APs/campaign setting materials.
Which honestly isn't something that novel, given that Tome of Horror and (I think?) the Book of Fiends has been mined for past monsters.
If Pathfinder is going to make an effort on adapting folklore/mythology monsters, I would rather see brand new creatures than get a critter which shares its name with something currently produced but with slightly different stats. In which case I would rather just see the 3pp creature reprinted in Bestiary 4.
Sincubus |
Well I almost never buy 3pp products, so I count on Paizo to use their own versions/or just copy the entire creature into their own Paizo Bestiaries, if not I hope it gets a picture in a AP instead of being forgotten entirely because a brother/sister compagnie used a creature already, they must understand that people don't buy all products from 3pp creators.
Sincubus |
I've been thinking about what some of the people in the thread say: You should leave monsters 90% of what their true myth is.
Like you should leave Argus a normal giant with eyeballs because the myth said so, and you should leave buggane as a other name from the Phooka ect.
Well I got news for ya'll, many of the monsters that are changed very much from their real myths are among my personal favorites.
Here an example list:
Leshy's - Hala Demon - Rusalka - Duppy - Vetala - Thin/Slender Man
Selkie - Biloko - St.Elmo's Fire - Camulatz - Blodeuwedd - Inkanyamba
Vrykolakas - Springheel Jack - Polevik - Nogitsune - Kere - Vilkasis
Lorelei - Rokurokubi - Zomok - Saumen Kar - Kapre - Ghawwas - Tatzlwyrm
Lukwata - Hodag - Tzitzimitl - Bandersnatch - Cerberi - Pukwudgie
Thriae - Guecuba - Alraune - Adaro - Incubus - Vodyanoi - Nuckelavee
Jubjub Bird - Iku Turso - Carbuncle - Yuki Onna - Chimera - Bugbear
Kobold - Rakshasa - Boggard - Gorgon - Barghest - Shaitan - Salamander
Lamia - Erinyes - Yeth Hound - Merrow - Bodach - Kongamato - Leucrotta
Bunyip - Charybdis - Wendigo - Kelpie - Dullahan - Chupacabra - Pech
So why on earth would it be so terrible if creatures like Argus, Buggane and Ladon would be somewhat changed?
Dragon78 |
They already changed the Argus in second edition from it's mythological roots and it was bad. I for one want the Argus to be ether a giant or a titan, nothing else.
They might change these creatures but what if you can't stand the changes they made?
As long as Ladon is a serpent like wingless limbless dragon and CR15+ I will be happy. Speaking of Dragons I would love to see a dragon like the one from the Movie Spirited Away.
There is not a lot of old school D&D monsters I would like to see make it into Pathfinder but the ones I do wouldn't take up a lot of room. I still want to see the eye of the deep, ravid, mudmen, sea sprite, and arrow hawk come to mind.
Come to think of it what monsters are left from the Monster Manual(3.5) that they can still legally use?
I3igAl |
In general I'm all for staying true with mythological creatures. However I think in general Pathfinder did an awesome job, staying true to the original folklore, while making those creatures playable and not having to change their setting.
The Rhakshasa ar quite close to their early portrayal in most Hindu myths, where they are described as cannibalistic shapechanging demons with Animal heads, different magical powers. By introducing different forms of heads, compared to the tiger-only D&D Rhakshasa and slightly overworking the flavor texts, they allowed them to get closer to original mythology again.
Similar claims can be made for the Humbaba or the Nephilim.
Well some of those monsters like Kobolds, Gorgons, Barghests and Salamanders follow their old D&D counterparts instead of Classic Mythology. Keeping the nostalgia alive.
Many do not have any "true myth". The Bandersnatch comes from an onomatopetic nonsensical poem by Lewis Carroll. How is an accurate portrayal of a creature, that doesn't even have a true description even possible.
Similar cases can be made for the Tatzlwyrm or the Linnorms. Those different names for different dragons, while nailed down in some medieval Bestiaries, have been used interchangeably since the old "Nibelungenlied". It is impossible to hit the original canon for such creatures.
A few didn't get so lucky sadly. Why had the poor Cerberus have to get skinned? Why are the Chimera and the Manticore still such weak critters?
In my opinion if something is stupid, like some depiction of the Tatzlwyrm as a snake with a cat's head, then it needs to be changed.If it is cool like Argos, being an alert giant with hundred eyes, why change it?
Gungnir073 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm not sure if it's been said already, but I have one three-word suggestion that would make me smile so big.
Giant. Space. Hamsters.
In all kinds of wondrous variety, with a myriad of different abilities. From the seemingly normal Miniature Giant Space Hamster to the fearsome Tyrannohamsterus Rex. :D
Sincubus |
Why are the Chimera and the Manticore still such weak critters?
Because its D&D nostalgica maybe? I really hate D&D barghest and kobolds, I wished that Pathfinder had used the true legends.
it is cool like Argos, being an alert giant with hundred eyes, why change it?
That depends, if this is gonna turn out Hill Giant number 100.000 i'm not happy, if they change the skin colour to something more monstrous i'm fine with it tho, but another human colour giant the size of a hill giant with only a few eyes on its limbs will not satisfy me at all.
I only hope that pathfinder doesn't turn the rare and mostly unknown Greek Mythology creatures into unique creatures now the mythic rules are released.
I'm afraid that we not gonna see a Bestiary 4 this year, they did release bestiary 3 around the time the asian-based Adventure Path (Jade Regent) was released, so my thought is that they will skip the Winter and Demon ap's and wait for the alien/robot AP about the Numeria and then release a bestiary about that, which is still more than a year away.
I will not be happy about he waiting time and also not about the theme.
In my opinion the bestiary should be apart from the AP's and it should be a mixture of everything, not have more creatures from the current AP.
I didn't mind it in Bestiary 3 because the other two bestiaries really LACKED japanese creatures, but I think bestiary 4 should return to the roots of bestiary 2, a mixture of all, that still includes japanese monsters, and creatures suitable for both demon ap, winter ap and every ap before that.
Anyway where can I wish for creatures for Adventure Path bestiaries? Or must I create a new thread for that?
Dragon78 |
+1 for Giant Space Hamsters
I agree about the Cerberus wannabe with no skin and they picked the weaker version as well. Wish they picked the weak version of the hollowed serpent and the strong version of Cerberi for Bestiary 3.
We did get a much stronger version of the Chimera in Mythical Monsters Revisited which is much closer to the mythical roots.
MMCJawa |
I could be okay with a skinless Cerberus, but the artwork in the Bestiary was a bit weird. Having half the animal in Shadow is an odd choice given that the artwork had no background.
I would actually be okay with people posting wishes for Adventure Path bestiaries here...since anything not Golarion specific also works for the Bestiary.
As for whether we get a new Bestiary...I still think it is likely. For one I think the Mythic Book simply won't be large enough to have an adequate bestiary, especially given the number of templates it contained. So I think we will see some non-unique mythic creatures in B4.
Secondly, I think it's likely that we will see a Numeria AP in 2014, and with the popularity of Distant Worlds I think Paizo will want to stat up more creatures that would fit well within those types of setting (like Formians!).
The only books I could see replacing B4 would be a NPC codex 2 or a template book. And I don't think they would start working on NPC codex 2 until they were certain the first was a good seller. Any other rules book addition would probably require some element of testing, which it doesn't seem like they have time for not to mention playtesting 2 books in the same year would be difficult.
Anyway, those are my thoughts
Also, I assume if we ever get Argus that the designers wouldn't simply make it a hill giant with extra eyes. I have a bit more confidence in the designers that they could come up with something original and cool but still authentic.
I3igAl |
The Argus like every monster should have some unique special abilities, instead of being some HP sack with Power Attack. Turning him into some swimming sphere like in the PC game "Age of Mythology", that keeps shooting lasers from it's one huge eye would be stupid. If a monster is changed to much one could just use it as a new Monster from the start.
Some insane Perception bonus and all-around vision would be mandatory. Also True Seeing might be clever. He could be either resistant to sleep effect or weak to them.
Now he still needs something unique for fighting. Maybe some extraordinary Ability that gives him an increased dodge bonus to his AC and makes him immune to flat fooded. Though some unique offense would be nice to.
TYPHON could make one hell of a high end beast. Multiheaded primeval dragonlike volcanic beast of destruction!
EDIT: Giant Space Hamster +1
MMCJawa |
Fluff wise it might be nice to have him as some sort of Neutral guardsmen, whose main job is to monitor the the evil titans and warn the other outsiders of Thanotic Titan incursions.
I would say no to eye beams, but yeah, give him some sort of super powers related to seeing all. I mean he is a Titan, so that stuff on top of normal Titan powers should make him more than powerful.
Sincubus |
I so hope Argus is large or huge and not gargantuan or colossal, my interest for the creature depends on it.
Titan means it has to be gargantuan/colossal right? Well then i'm for giant or aberration.
Eye beams may go to far but at least its better than nothing, i'm still hoping it gets the ability to see through other eyes and see into the future and into the past at the same time, to make the creature more special, and no it hadn't such powers in the real myth, but Chimera didn't have a dragon head as wel so what's the big deal.
Sincubus |
Ok, lets talk about Asag the rock demon.
What would you guys (especially MMCJawa and Odraude) want to see them coming up with this rock demon?
I really like it that it can spawn rock minions and I think they should make it a wingless demon of the earth/rocks.
Maybe some rock-golem like monstrousity, half demonic flesh and half earth/rock that spawns smaller versions of itself out of its back? (much like the pod demon in D&D or Tusk from x-men) it would also be able to animate statues and shape rock, maybe they are the true (slave taking) masters of the Pech?
In mythology its a winged demon, but I don't like any more winged demons so I want Asag to be wingless, its a demon from rock and earth, not from wind and skies anyway, and if they get wings they would be too much like Gargoyles, we have many gargoyle-look-alikes already no need for more of those, Gargoyles could be its winged minions, and the asag would be responsible for the gargoyles creation.
CR would be around 10/14 me thinks and size would be large to huge.
Like the Succubi, Hala and Incubi this would be the 4th TRUE demon in the non-unique demon group.
I sure hope Asag's are a group of demons and not a master unique demon, i'm not really fond of uniqes.
Dragon78 |
I like the idea of Argus having Scrying/Clairvoyance and of course True Seeing and All round vision is a given. I agree that eye beams maybe a bit much but wouldn't care if they used them. Also having him as a guardian is a given to me.
We could use some more owl based monsters particularly evil ones. The old owl from the Secret of NIMH looked cool with it's body covered in cobwebs and it's glowing yellow eyes. Something that resembles that but at least medium size. I am sure there are mythical monsters based owls or part owl out there.
Yora |
I love the owl from Mouseguard. Incredibly awesome monster.
Or the Ancient Keeper of Knowledge from Avatar, Wong Shi Tong
MMCJawa |
I have no problem with most of your ideas for Asag. A rock demon really should be flightless (when I think of flight I don't think of rock).
I would prefer they not be associated with the Pech, since the Pech are not from the Abyss, which is where demons hail from. On the other hand, demon is actually a pretty vague term, so you could use them as elemental outsiders (I would prefer demon though)
Somehow I envision them more as a low CR soldier type demon...that would be my only major difference.
MMCJawa |
from my (still very incomplete) mythical creature archive for owl-based or related monsters:
Apotamkin = Seneca NA; Owl like monster that would carry back children in its magical bag to eat
Kikiyaon = Gambian folklore; Giant owl like monster; "Soul Cannibal"; mixture of human and owl; sharp spurs on wrist, long lion like tail, body covered in short green fur; disembowels prey with talons
Lang Suir = Indonesian undead formed from the spirit of a women who dies during childbirth; drawn to water; forms 40 days after death; can be stilled by stuffing of the mouth with glass beads; beautiful, often in green clothing, with red eyes and sharp nails; feed on the blood of pregnant women; can take owl form.
Strzyga = female undead demon with two hearts and two sets of teeth; shapeshift into owls; attack people in wilderness and eat their entrails and suck their blood. can be destroyed via decapitation
Ulama = Sri Lanka Devil Bird; creates bloodcurdling human like shrieks that are a portent of death. Resembles a cross between a crested eagle and a owl, with prominent ear tufts. Inhabits remote jungle and where native live in terror of the beast
Sincubus |
If everyone could name 4 dinosaurs they want to see in the next bestiary, which ones would it be? (Flying reptiles, aquatic reptiles and pre-dinosaurs also count here)
For me it would be:
1: Therizinosaurus (with picture)
2: Oviraptor
3: Gorgonopsid
4: Tanystropheus (with picture)
Dimorphodon, Styracosaurus, Baryonyx and Kronosaurus would be next on my lists
And I probably forgot about some dinosaurs, so enlighten me please.
Stygimoloch is now said to be a young Pachycephalosaurus so I do that in Pathfinder too.
I3igAl |
Normally not into so much Megafauna/Dinosaurs, but the Therizinosaurs looks just too damn monstrous.
MMCJawa |
Kthulhu |
Semi-off topic, but an absolutely gorgeous monster book is Monstrosities. Just got the hardcover today. If you're into Swords & Wizardry, other retro-clones, or one of the pre-d20 editions, you should definitely think about picking this up. A huge expansion over the original S&W Monster Book, and probably has a lot of interesting monsters that will never seen a Pathfinder equivalent.
Countdown to Sincubus throwing a fit because it's not in color, it's not by Paizo, it's not drawn by Wayne Reynolds, and it's not even in the Pathfinder system.
Sincubus |
Also most dinosaurs are pretty dull coloured in pathfinder, some should be NOT so dull coloured, Ceratosaurus for example should have a bright coloured head, and therizinosaurus and Tanystropheus should both be beautiful bright colours. Oviraptor and Styracosaurus too to give them more effect and different from their bigger brothers.
Kronosaurus should be indigo/white like it is in most pictures, it really suits the beast.
Sincubus |
Grim Reapers and Springheel Jacks I would like both to be in bestiary 4, both VERY different from the versions from the undead adventure path tho.
This Springheel jack from the Fey Folio is a very good example of how Springheel Jacks would be cool: Springheel jack from Fey Folio
And the Grim Reaper must gain new art or a total makeover, the artstyle for these two in the Undead AP is much too cartoonisch and gothic in contrast with all other artwork. It also doesn't suit the creatures at all.
Sincubus |
Well some Adventure Path monsters did change in artwork and CR ratings, so stats can still change.
Of all adventure paths the Carrion Crown had the worst bestiaries for me personally, I only like Grim Reapers, Springheels, Weaverworms, Animated Armors and Vilcasis the spirit werewolf, but both Grim Reapers and Springheel Jacks were kinda strange in art...
Springheel Jack looks more like a unique creature in the manual and I like it to look more like the version of fey folio, the Reaper is good CR but it looks so horrible so just new art would be good.
And some monsters do change remember the Gelugon? It changed in looks completly.
Sincubus |
I think it looks lovely even for a elf, and I like the vanity stuff :p
I can see a Bogeyman in a town having a Springheel and Thinman right and left hand lackies, much like Dark Creepers are the lackies of the Dark Stalkers.
Thraie Abomination - Something that is more bee than human, offshoot of Thriae much like Driders are from Drow.
Terra Cotta Mage
Degoon Squad |
One thing I would like to see is some Devils/Demons who are there to corrupt mortals and lead them astray , instead of just there to try to rip your head off and eat it.
So far all we have is the Succubus, Quasit and Imp among the Demons and the Devil.
A Devil in disguise who there to try to corrupt ,say the King and will not pick up a sword , but will instead call for the Guards when the players try to stop her, is in many ways more challenging then a Balor.
Sincubus |
One thing I would like to see is some Devils/Demons who are there to corrupt mortals and lead them astray , instead of just there to try to rip your head off and eat it.
So far all we have is the Succubus, Quasit and Imp among the Demons and the Devil.
A Devil in disguise who there to try to corrupt ,say the King and will not pick up a sword , but will instead call for the Guards when the players try to stop her, is in many ways more challenging then a Balor.
??? Do you own Bestiary 2 and 3?
Coloxus, Glabrezu, Contract Devil, Bdellavritra, Gylou, Babau, Incubus, Zebub???
Sincubus |
Ok a small project I’ve been working on (from time to time adding in some stuff) is finished I guess.
Here is my thought on what Bestiary 4 could/should look like.
I think there should be many creatures from real mythologys and folkloric tales from around the entire planet in here, I’ve depleted the Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Slavic, Arabic, Persia, English, Inuit, Wild African, Filipino, Asian, Native American, Aztec and even Australia’s mythologies to come up with the coolest, most bizarre and creepy monsters.
I’ve added many missing vermin, like Moths, Starfishes, Urchins, Earwigs and Assassin Bugs I could think off and some already existing groups get some new additions as well, but only if I think they really need it.
Within are also many monsters which hold powers/abilities that none of the existing creatures of pathfinder hold yet, like magnetic powers, twin soul powers, gravity powers and the ability to absorb material in ones skin.
Further there are many monsters from Adventure Path bestiaries, I’ve only added the most wanted and my own favorites in there.
Also some monsters from other Paizo products, like some Daemons from the Horseman of Apocalypse book and some terrain-bound creatures from frozen and island based books, such as the Huldra and Chickcharney.
And yes it also holds some Robots, only 4 tho, I really don’t like the book to become too futuristic.
I tried to hold as many traditional stuff as possible, like adding 2 new trolls, 2 new spiders, 1 new zombie and 5 new dragons.
I’ve added some templates here and there, but there aren’t much as I’m not really a big fan of them, I do understand that they need to be there to please the die-hard monster creators.
There are also some Tome of Horror monsters I really like to see in full color and also the last of the interesting D&D 3.5 Monster manuals monsters like the Formians, Sea Cat, Arrowhawk and Ravid. Some monsters come also from the D&D Psionic Handbook and some like the Phane, Atropal and Sirrush come straight from the Epic Level handbook itself.
I’ve added some Mythic beings, but I don’t really know what level they are suppose to be so I guessed they are just above 23? But every CR I’ve given a creature should be taken with a grain of salt as I just guessed what they should be, but it’s nothing but a wild guess.
There are many monsters from movies and books within as well, Alice In Wonderland, Lovecraft, The Thing, Slenderman and many others that haunt my dreams forever.
More Proteans, More Kytons, More Demons, More Devils, More Clockworks, More Qlippoths, More Golems, More Giants, More Agathions, More Psychopomps, More Angels, more of really everything, except for more Aeon’s cuz I really, REALLY don’t like those so I didn’t bothers to make up some of those. I also think there are more than enough Linnorms and Drakes.
Oh, and there are MORE than enough sea creatures in there to fill an entire planet’s sea eco with.
I’ve search through the pages of this topic and added most people’s wishes into this could-be-bestiary as well, some I didn’t quit understand and some I really would hate to see so I left those out.
In total there are about 300 monsters, it may be more or less cuz I stopped counting and added/delete some as well.
Tell me what you think of it! Would you like a bestiary like this or would you cringe if it turns out this way?
* = Found in another Paizo Pathfinder Product Bestiary.
Abaia (Magical Beast) (CR 13)
Acheri (Undead) (CR 5)
Adze (Magical Beast) (CR 5)
Afanc (Magical Beast) (CR 5) (Not that stupid D&D and Tome of Horror fish version, just the Beaver/Crocodile from real legend)
AGATHION – With some ugly Agathions such as the Hyena and the Insect like Vermin Agathion to please the good-must-be-ugly camp, also somebody asked for Rhino and Elephant people, well here with the Agathions they are.
- Agathion, Bishop* (Outsider, Agathion) (CR 4)
- Agathion, Elephant (Outsider, Agathion) (CR 19)
- Agathion, Hyena (Outsider, Agathion) (CR 5)
- Agathion, Rabbit (Outsider, Agathion) (CR 3)
- Agathion, Rhinoceros (Outsider, Agathion) (CR 18)
- Agathion, Vermin (Outsider, Agathion) (CR 14)
Ahkiyyini (Undead) (CR 13)
Ammit (Magical Beast) (CR 17)
ANGEL – The more famous Angels from the real worlds religions and mythology all ready to enter Paizo, I really can’t think of an ugly Angel, because that is against the Angel being.
- Angel, Eros/Cupid (Outsider, Angel) (CR 5)
- Angel, Fallen (Outsider, Angel) (CR 17)
- Angel, Seraphim (Outsider, Angel) (CR 27) MYTHIC!
ANIMAL LORD – One Animal Lord each bestiary would be a good idea.
Animal Lord, Dog Lord (Outsider, Shapechanger) (CR 13)
ANT – Because they only got some love in bestiary 1, and these are much cooler ants of course, Gold Diggers are from some Greek mythology story and Abyssal Fire Ant Swarms come straight from the realm of the demons, if they are on one page I would like to see a artwork of Gold Digger Ant.
- Ant, Abyssal Fire Swarm (Vermin, Swarm) (CR 14)
- Ant, Gold Digger (Vermin) (CR 4)
Arrowhawk (Magical Beast) (CR 4)
ASSASSIN BUG – Assassin Bugs are the most ferocious bugs in the real world, and still no Paizo intro? I would rather see a picture of the Giant Assassin Bug, and its carapace should be black/blood red.
- Assassin Bug, Giant (Vermin) (CR 6)
- Assassin Bug, Bloodripper Swarm (Vermin, Swarm) (CR 9)
Atropal (Undead) (CR 25) MYTHIC!
AZATA – I don’t really care for Azata that much, but these would be cool additions to the group, a winter version to please the autumn Azata and the Hind which is a woman with the lower body of a female deer and it comes straight from greek mythology.
- Azata, Hind (Outsider, Azata, Shapechanger) (CR 4)
- Azata, Winter (Outsider, Azata, Shapechanger) (CR 18)
Baccae (Fey) (CR 4)
Bakekujira* (Undead) (CR 17)
BAT – Its insane but the Fire Bat is WOTC property so nobody else can use that, so maybe a Frost Bat will do? What’s next, WOTC takes property of the name Ahool as well? Which is a African cryptid bat the size of a horse. I’d rather see a picture of the Frost Bat if they share a page.
- Bat, Ahool (Magical Beast) (CR 3)
- Bat, Frost (Magical Beast) (CR 7)
Batibat (Fey) (CR 13)
BEETLE – Beetles get little love from Paizo, they get very little art and love in the Adventure Paths and there are very few species, well let these two beetles join the herd and give them a cool picture in the progress (one without a house this time) I’d rather see a picture of the Deathwatch Beetle as it doesn’t have a full-color picture on the internet yet.
Alchemical Beetles are enormous Bombardier Beetles which shoot with elemental liquid from the behind much like a real bombardier beetle, only their ranged attacks look more like giant plasma bombs made from all types of elemental substances, they are true siege beasts.
- Beetle, Alchemical (Vermin) (CR 12)
- Beetle, Deathwatch (Vermin) (CR 8)
Bhole* (Aberration) (CR 17)
Biloko* (Fey) (CR 1)
BOGEYMAN – While there is already a Bogeyman in Bestiary 3, there are actually very much species of Bogeyman throughout many different folklore in the world, these are some of them. Bauk should be the shadow bogeyman using the same teleport ability as Spot from Spiderman uses. Erlkings like to kidnap children to turn into other Erlkings. The Kaw Kaw is more maw than body, it gulps down its victims inside its giant bodybag like stomach, and the Shellycoat is a river/beach bogeyman dressed in all kinds of strange shells which it uses as weapons and as a mechanism to steal the voices of its victims. Everybody knows about Bloody Bones and Slenderman right? Well the internet is full of them so search them on google.
- Bogeyman, Bauk (Fey) (CR 9)
- Bogeyman, Bloody Bones (Fey) (CR 8)
- Bogeyman, Erlking (Fey) (CR 15)
- Bogeyman, Kaw Kaw (Fey) (CR 12)
- Bogeyman, Shellycoat (Fey) (CR 7)
- Bogeyman, Slenderman (Fey) (CR 20)
BOGGARD – Some strange mutants of the Boggard variety, both taken from an Adventure Path. I would like to see new art for the Bogwid, this time with its ravenous children all over it.
- Boggard, Bogwid* (Aberration) (CR 5)
- Boggard, Bogwiggle* (Aberration) (CR 1)
BOG STRIDER – I know everybody hates the Bog Striders, even Dragon78 whom almost likes all monsters in the world… But I really, really like them, they are original and I never seen a race build out of Bog Striders before, anyway I’ve added a Bog King for the fun of it.
- Bog Strider, King (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 5)
- Bog Strider, Minion* (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 2)
Bonestorm* (Undead) (CR 8)
Buggane (Fey) (CR 9)
CACTUS – Fungi are really overused in Pathfinder, but what about their spiky cousins from the deserts? I really like cacti monsters, but they are mostly rare, these are two variants I would like to see, the Thorny comes from D&D and the Abyss Thorn is something I made up, but you get the drift, a cactus that grows in the harshest of deserts and which hunts for its prey like a carnivore would.
- Cactus, Abyss Thorn (Plant) (CR 6)
- Cactus, Thorny (Plant) (CR 2)
Camulatz* (Magical Beast) (CR 9)
Canopy Creeper* (Plant) (CR 8)
Carnage (Ooze) (CR 9)
CATFISH – Another group that got totally ignored are the fishes, Catfish are very famous monsters in many mythology and folklore and here are two real-life catfishes who are terrifying all by themselves and don’t need magical powers to freak people out, and also two magical catfish monsters from African and Asian mythology.
I would TOTALLY hate it when Namazu becomes Gargantuan or Colossal, that spoils the entire creature.
- Catfish, Candiru Swarm (Animal, Swarm) (CR 7)
- Catfish, Goonch (Animal) (CR 4)
- Catfish Magical, Migas (Magical Beast) (CR 7)
- Catfish Magical, Namazu (Magical Beast) (CR 13)
CAULBORN – Not really my monster (I do love the normal Caulborn tho), but I’m sure many people like it, everything I dislike has the biggest chance of being other peoples favorites.
- Caulborn, Chrestomath* (Outsider) (CR 6)
CENTIPEDE – Two very cool centipedes I’ve seen around in Pathfinder products but not yet in a bestiary, so maybe bestiary 4? I like a picture of the Stegocentipede better if they share pages.
- Centipede, Cytillipede* (Vermin) (CR 6)
- Centipede, Stegocentipede (Vermin) (CR 7)
Cherufe (Magical Beast) (CR 14)
Chickcharney* (Magical Beast) (CR 3)
Chon Chon* (Undead) (CR 1)
Cipactli (Magical Beast) (CR 9)
CLAM – I think giant clams are more like hazards… so only the very awesome Gigas Clam would be enough for me! Improved art is a must!
- Clam, Gigas* (Aberration) (CR 11)
CLOCKWORK – Another group that I really don’t like that much, but I really do like the Clockwork Dragon, mostly because of the awesome artwork, added the Clockwork Familiar because it’s probably a fan favorite (bleh) and made up a very dangerous Clockwork Shredder which looks somewhat like the Deadly Dancer from D&D but more robotic and dangerous.
- Clockwork, Dragon* (Construct) (CR 15)
- Clockwork, Familiar* (Construct) (CR 1)
- Clockwork, Shredder (Construct) (CR 12)
Colour out of Space* (Ooze) (CR 10)
CORAL CAPUCHIN – I really like the normal Coral Capuchin from one of the Pirate AP’s but I think they could be much better. Adding in the Blood Coral and Brain Coral and you can give them all kinds of strange powers and abilities.
- Coral Capuchin, Blood (Magical Beast) (CR 2)
- Coral Capuchin, Brain (Magical Beast) (CR 5)
COUATL – I really like Couatl in D&D, I don’t like them in Pathfinder because they are always good, I would like to see some nasty black/white/indigo variant who is not so kind and gentle. Enter Corrupted Couatl, to add in some more good creatures as well I’ve added also a Divine Couatl which is much more powerful than the normal Couatl.
- Couatl, Corrupted (Outsider) (CR 16)
- Couatl, Divine (Outsider) (CR 18)
CRABMAN – Nobody really liked the normal Crabman from D&D so let’s spice things up a bit.
Add some elements from Asian myths, D&D and real-world animals and voila a whole new Crabman family has risen, the Hermit Crabman is based on a monster from D&D which is a giant Hermit Crab which can turn human to lure victims inside its shell house, this Hermit Crabman is somewhat more peaceful but still likes human flesh from time to time.
The Heikegani comes from Asian mythology and are samurais who drowned and which turned into crabs, well in this case into crabmen.
The Yeti Crabman is based on a very recent discovery named the Yeti Crab, look it up on google and add in some humanoid features and you have yourself a very scary monster and a crabman which can be encountered in frozen seas.
- Crabman, Hermit (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 4)
- Crabman, Samurai/Heikegani (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 12)
- Crabman, Yeti (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 5)
CROW – After the Witch Crow got added in the latest Adventure Path I think it’s time for crows to enter the big game as well.
The Nachtkrapp is a very big German bogeyman crow that can turn into a swarm of smaller ravens to bring chaos, they are famous child eaters and kidnappers.
- Crow, Nachtkrapp (Magical Beast) (CR 5)
- Crow, Witch* (Magical Beast) (CR 1)
Cu Sith (Fey) (CR 6)
DAEMON – These are my favorite Daemons from the Horseman of the Apocalypse book that aren’t in a bestiary yet.
- Daemon, Erodaemon* (Outsider, Daemon) (CR 11)
- Daemon, Phasmadaemon* (Outsider, Daemon) (CR 17)
- Daemon, Sangudaemon* (Outsider, Daemon) (CR 9)
- Daemon, Temerdaemon* (Outsider, Daemon) (CR 14)
Dawn Piper* (Fey) (CR 5)
DEMON – With the Demon Adventure Path coming in August I think it’s a must to add in more demons. In my case one demon for each of the four elements, the Greek Empusa stands for fire, the rock demon Asag is an earth demon, Hala’s which are in one of the Adventure Paths stand for air and last but not least comes the Inuit Mahaha which makes a cool crazed ice demon. Further I’ve added a Filipino killer baby and a demon from the Psionic Handbook.
- Demon, Asag (Outsider, Demon) (CR 10)
- Demon, Cerebrilith (Outsider, Demon) (CR 13)
- Demon, Empusa (Outsider, Demon) (CR 15)
- Demon, Hala* (Outsider, Demon) (CR 4)
- Demon, Mahaha (Outsider, Demon) (CR 8)
- Demon, Tiyanak (Outsider, Demon) (CR 5)
DEVIL – I can never have enough devils, I really liked the Drowning Devil from one of the Adventure Paths bestiaries so I’ve added it here, further two devils from the castlevania games (Ukobach and Stolas) and some devils which use powers that nobody has in pathfinder, the Magnetic Devil uses magnetic powers much like the Metal Master from D&D and Magneto from x-men. The Mirror Devil (or fetch) uses mirrors for teleportation and can pull vain mortals inside their mirror home realm to torture them. Last but not least is the Meteor Devil which can turn itself into a living meteor to crush everything on impact. All these devils of course need some cool other-names as well, but I really don’t know what names to give them so I leave that up to the pro’s.
- Devil, Drowning* (Outsider, Devil) (CR 8)
- Devil, Magnetic (Outsider, Devil) (CR 12)
- Devil, Meteor (Outsider, Devil) (CR 17)
- Devil, Mirror/Fetch (Outsider, Devil) (CR 11)
- Devil, Stolas (Outsider, Devil) (CR 15)
- Devil, Ukobach* (Outsider, Devil) (CR 4)
Dimensional Shambler* (Outsider) (CR 8)
DINOSAUR – I really like Dinosaurs of all types, it was my first passion ever so I always keep a special place in my heart open for them. In bestiary 4 I want to see some more of them, this time some of the less known and some of my own personal favorites, I mean everybody knows about the Deinonychus, Tyrannosaurus and the Triceratops, so now it’s time for some others to shine! All can be found on google/wiki of course.
- Dinosaur, Gallimimus (Animal) (CR 3)
- Dinosaur, Gorgonopsid (Animal) (CR 7)
- Dinosaur, Kronosaurus* (Animal) (CR 10)
- Dinosaur, Oviraptor (Animal) (CR 2)
- Dinosaur, Tanystropheus (Animal) (CR 4)
- Dinosaur, Therizinosaurus (Animal) (CR 8)
Djieien (Aberration) (CR 9)
DOLL – Do you wanna play with us? Pleaseeee? *Doll’s eyes*
- Doll, Guardian* (Construct) (CR 5)
- Doll, Voodoo (Construct) (CR 9)
Dragonkin* (Dragon) (CR 9)
SEASONAL DRAGON – This idea comes from Epic Meepo and its his ideas, but this is a wishlist and I really like his ideas so here they are again, of all ideas for dragons I liked this one most and I hope to see it in bestiary 4. A Winter Dragon which would be a White Dragon that doesn’t suck, that would be a wish come true.
- Dragon Seasonal, Autumn Dragon (Dragon) (Ancient being CR 17)
- Dragon Seasonal, Ordinal Dragon (Dragon) (Ancient being CR 20)
- Dragon Seasonal, Spring Dragon (Dragon) (Ancient being CR 16)
- Dragon Seasonal, Summer Dragon (Dragon) (Ancient being CR 19)
- Dragon Seasonal, Winter Dragon (Dragon) (Ancient being CR 18)
DRAKAINA – These are all female dragons from Greek mythology, Python would be an Oracle-like female dragon that looks like a lesser Purple Dragon with a snake like form, Echidna is a Mythic creature and can summon/spawn many other monsters, Kampe looks like a large eyeless wyvern which tail ends in the upper body of a beautiful female, the Vouivre comes from one of the Adventure Paths but it really needs a new artwork as the current one doesn’t do it right.
- Drakaina, Echidna (Dragon) (CR 25) MYTHIC!
- Drakaina, Kampe (Dragon) (CR 17)
- Drakaina, Python (Dragon) (CR 9)
- Drakaina, Vouivire* (Dragon) (CR 12)
Drekavac* (Fey) (CR 3)
Duppy* (Undead, Incorporeal) (CR 7)
Dweomor Cat* (Magical Beast) (CR 7)
EARWIG – Another scary critter that hasn’t shown itself yet in Pathfinder bestiaries. While not as big as other giant vermin they have the reputation and creepy abilities to make up for that.
- Earwig, Giant (Vermin) (CR 2)
- Earwig, Brain Eating Swarm (Vermin, Swarm) (CR 9)
Einherjar (Undead) (CR 5)
ELEMENTAL – Some nice new Elementals for all you Elemental fans! (I’m not really one of them)
What they look like? I have no clue.
- Elemental, Gravity (Outsider, Elemental) (CR Varies)
- Elemental, Negative Energy (Outsider, Elemental) (CR Varies)
- Elemental, Positive Energy (Outsider, Elemental) (CR Varies)
- Elemental, Time (Outsider, Elemental) (CR Varies)
Fachen* (Fey or Aberration) (CR 5)
FAMILIAR – Everybody wants normal animals in bestiaries, well here are some of the more strange and unknown critters that walk our earth. I don’t know if Cassowary, Chamois and Walrus make good Familiars but whatever I’m too lazy (and I care too less) to put them in another group, they probably need to be put in the animal companion group.
- Familiar, Anteater (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Armadillo* (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Cassowary (Animal) (CR 2)
- Familiar, Chamois (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Dodo* (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Mongoose (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Mule (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Platypus* (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Seal* (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Swan (Animal) (CR 1)
- Familiar, Walrus* (Animal) (CR 3)
FISH – There are far too few cool fish monsters in pathfinder, of course there are Lukwata and Grodair, but I want more! Well add in some of the more dangerous and scary big sea fishes and add some strange abilities, names and some prehistoric ones and voila more fish! Fish on, as Jeremy Wayde would say!
- Fish, Reef Barracuda (Animal) (CR 4)
- Fish, Dire Marlin (Animal) (CR 6)
- Fish, Slaughter Sawfish (Animal) (CR 10)
- Fish, Dunkleosteus* (Animal) (CR 6)
- Fish, Giant Blowfish* (Animal) (CR 5)
Fomorian (Fey, Giant) (CR 16)
FORMIAN – The most wanted and famous left over’s from the almost thinned-out 3.5 D&D monster manual. I really want to see them in paizo stylo! Here are some of them but I know it can be done much more creative.
- Formian, Taskmaster (Outsider, Formian) (CR 6)
- Formian, Queen (Outsider, Formian (CR 8)
- Formian, Warrior (Outsider, Formian) (CR 4)
- Formian, Worker (Outsider, Formian) (CR 2)
Fossegrim (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 10)
FOX – I’ve collected my two fox monsters here, but they probably shouldn’t be together in this category. Kumiho is a 9 tailed kitsune fox that is trapped in its fox body and can’t shapeshift into humanoid form anymore, I really hate the human form of the kitsune so this is a good way to get rid of that. The giant Teumessian Fox can’t be caught in Greek Mythology but I think that would be a bit overpowered for a D&D-based game, so make that just a very high Dexterity and some abilities involving evasion instead, also the name Teumessian Fox should be changed into something better.
- Fox, Kumiho (Magical Beast) (CR 12)
- Fox, Teumessian (Magical Beast) (CR 9)
FROST FIR – I really like these critters in one of the latest Adventure Paths, but I do think they are kinda weak on CR 1, so I’ve added a bigger, badder and more challenging CR 8 version as well.
- Frost Fir, Lesser* (Plant) (CR 1)
- Frost Fir, Greater (Plant) (CR 8)
Flying Polyp* (Aberration) (CR 14)
Galvo* (Magical Beast) (CR 9)
Gashadokuro* (Undead) (CR 13)
GENIE – Are ice and light genies overdone? I dunno but if not than I wouldn’t mind them being added! Anyway the Black Jinni from a Adventure Path is my all time favorite genie species and it should be in the next bestiary!
- Genie, Black Jinni* (Outsider, Genie, Shapechanger) (CR 12)
GIANT – Only 3 giants? YES only three giants this time, the previous bestiaries were full of them, every environment has its own giant… Well this time I want to see some special, less environment-based giants being added to the bestiary, and what would be better than 3 giants from real mythology and folklore? Jack in Irons could be renamed into Steel Giant, Chain Giant or Iron Giant. Fomorian, Argus and Antaeus could all be giants as well.
- Giant, Firbolg (Monstrous Humanoid, Giant, Shapechanger) (CR 14)
- Giant, Jack in Irons (Monstrous Humanoid, Giant) (CR 17)
- Giant, Ved* (Monstrous Humanoid, Giant) (CR 5)
GOBLIN – Some new goblins just for fun, I think the Kijimuna suits very good with the Goblins.
- Goblin, Blue (Humanoid, Goblinoid) (CR 2)
- Goblin, Kijimuna* (Humanoid, Goblinoid) (CR 2)
GOLEM – While Bestiary 3 got overflow with very powerful golems, bestiary 4 should have some weaker variants. The only reason I added the Paper Golem is because it got mentioned in this thread by 5 different people.
- Golem, Coral/Reef* (Construct) (CR 9)
- Golem, Paper (Construct) (CR 2)
- Golem, Sand (Construct) (CR 10)
- Golem, Treasure (Construct) (CR 6)
- Golem, Spiderweb (Construct) (CR 8)
Grendel (Monstrous Humanoid, Giant) (CR 23) MYTHIC!
GREYMALKIN – This is just a thought, these 3 kittens can all have their own entry without being called Greymalkin. I just thought they are very familiar, all magical cats of small size. Cat Sidhe are the witch cats, they are always around when involved with bad luck, 9 lives and hags/witches. The Chesire Cat comes of course like the Bandersnatch and Jubjub Bird from Alice in Wonderland, if those strange creatures can make it in bestiary 3 than Chesire Cat should make a chance as well in bestiary 4, and many people wished for it. Nekomata’s with their cute double tails are the most sinister of the three, they are extremely evil and they use their shapeshifting powers to sow discord and confusion, often appearing as cute little kittens to be cuddled by their next meal.
- Greymalkin, Cat Sidhe (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 6)
- Greymalkin, Chesire Cat (Magical Beast) (CR 4)
- Greymalkin, Nekomata/Bakeneko (Outsider, Shapechanger) (CR 8)
Hadhayosh* (Magical Beast) (CR 18)
HARE – I know the entire staff of Paizo HATES these oversized, carnivorous rabbits, but among the fans they are extremely wanted. Wolpertinger already made it into a Adventure Path bestiary, but its big Al-mi’raj brother probably never appears :( Well we can always wish for it until they realize it should be added!
- Hare, Al-Mi’Raj (Magical Beast) (CR 3)
- Hare, Wolpertinger* (Magical Beast) (CR 1)
Harionna (Monstrous Humanoid, Hag) (CR 8) (You thought korreds and rusalka’s had a bad hairday? Wait till you see Harionna in action.)
HOUSE SPIRIT – I was jumping sky high when I found out House Spirits made it into the new Adventure Path bestiary, so hopefully House Spirits will also be present in the next Bestiary! Here are some nasty ones and one good one. Aitvaras and Akaname can be changed as they are more likely to be named Dragon and Aberration than fey… Aitvaras has two forms, indoors it appears as fiery rooster and outdoors it appears as a big bad fiery dragon. Akaname is more like a Japanese joke monster but it has LOTS of potential to become something interesting with its acid dripping tongue. While Domovoi’s like to clean up houses, the more sinister Kikimora and Duwende like to make a mess of it.
- House Spirit, Aitvaras (Dragon or Fey) (CR 9)
- House Spirit, Akaname (Aberration or Fey) (CR 4)
- House Spirit, Domovoi* (Fey) (CR 3)
- House Spirit, Duwende (Fey) (CR 8)
- House Spirit, Kikimora (Fey) (CR 6)
Huldra* (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 4)
Hyakume (Aberration) (CR 9)
Ibexan (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 1)
Ichneumon (Magical Beast) (CR 6)
Incutilis* (Aberration) (CR 2)
Inkanyamba* (Magical Beast) (CR 13)
Jack Frost (Fey) (CR 26) MYTHIC!
Jack o Lantern (Plant) (CR 10)
JESTER – One thing that is also really missing from the Bestiaries are Jester monsters, or monsters that feed off your humor and positive emotions. These two funny fey are in for a joke. Umbral Jesters are dark and feed on your positive emotions until only negative emotions remain, while the very funny and charismatic Euphoric Jester brings luck, joy and humor everywhere it goes.
- Jester, Euphoric (Fey) (CR 8)
- Jester, Umbral (Fey) (CR 8)
Jinmenju* (Plant) (CR 11)
Kaiju (Magical Beast, Template) (CR 27+) MYTHIC!
Kamaitachi/Sickle Weasel (Magical Beast) (CR 14)
Kapre* (Plant) (CR 10)
KYTON – I really don’t know what kind of Kyton I would like to see, maybe something bloody? I just like you guys to continue to make up gory and disgusting breeds of Kyton! I really liked most of them! I hope the ones from various Adventure Paths bestiaries aren’t put in Bestiary 4 as I really think there are more cruel variants possible.
- Kyton, Anything Bloody (Outsider, Kyton) (CR 4)
- Kyton, Anything Gory (Outsider, Kyton) (CR 11)
Ladon (Dragon) (CR 18)
Lavellan (Magical Beast) (CR 11) (This must be the most poisonous creature ever, nothing must be more poisonous)
LESHY – Bestiary 3 had the cute (well except for the nasty Fungus Leshy) sweet, low CR leshy’s, in bestiary 4 there should be some more dangerous, feral and more powerful variants.
- Leshy, Cactus (Plant) (CR 5)
- Leshy, Rose (Plant) (CR 4)
- Leshy, Tree (Plant) (CR 7)
- Leshy, Venus Flytrap (Plant) (CR 6)
LILY – Plants normally don’t like very cold climates or fire. Well these strange giant lilies break all rules by living exactly where other plants die and wither. Hail Lilies (also known as Calathgar’s) flourish in the coldest lands and the even stranger Infernal Lilies grow and feed near lava and volcanoes.
- Lily, Infernal (Plant) (CR 7)
- Lily, Hail* (Plant) (CR 4)
LION – I think the Nemean Lion (just like the Teumessian Fox) isn’t the best name out there… but it’s very hard to make up another name for it… Everybody knows it by this name so that’s why I kept it intact, of course if it shows up in bestiary 4 It needs a more suiting name. Nemean Lions have the toughest skin of all creatures and nothing can pierce it, even the feathers of the Stymphalidies and the spines of a Glass Urchin bounce off. The only way to survive a Nemean Lion is by strangling it or by evading it. A fun ability would be that its roar could weaken armor and substances, much like a rock to mud spell but different and it works on most substances, maybe a Iron to Flesh effect?
Of course the Nemean Lion could also be a mythic Manticore or Chimerae version.
- Lion, Nemean (Magical Beast) (CR 16)
LOBSTER – Wha? WHAT?!? Aren’t there any Lobsters yet in the 3!!! bestiaries available? The answer is no… So let’s make some space for them in bestiary 4 will we? Yeah! Pistol Lobsters are based off the much smaller Pistol Shrimp.
- Lobster, Monstrous (Vermin) (CR 3)
- Lobster, Pistol (Vermin) (CR 8)
Lorelei* (Aberration) (CR 12)
LURKER – Directly taken from the book that worked wonders: Misfit Monsters Redeemed.
- Lurker, Above* (Aberration) (CR 7)
- Lurker, Executioner’s Hood* (Aberration) (CR 2)
- Lurker, Trapper* (Aberration) (CR 8)
LYCANTHROPE – I could probably come up with much more versions of the Lycanthrope disease, but for now I think these are the only animals that need a were-version. Who needs Werepigs and Werechickens anyway?
- Lycanthrope, Werebat* (Monstrous Humanoid, Shapechanger, Lycanthrope) (CR 3)
- Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile* (Monstrous Humanoid, Shapechanger, Lycanthrope) (CR 4)
- Lycanthrope, Wereshark* (Monstrous Humanoid, Shapechanger, Lycanthrope) (CR 4)
Magebane Ooze (Ooze) (CR 11)
Maneater (Aberration) (CR 14) (The strange, red triple worms living inside a titan’s skull from Castlevania)
MANTIS – Ah, my personal favorite insects, that grace, that tactic, that stealth, that alien face, those awesome scythe claws! The mantis is also among the least favorite insects of all other people, they rather see tons of scorpions and spiders, they rather go with the overused.
Anyway, here are two new plant-like manti, one resembles a spikey cactus when motionless, the other can shift colors and appearance to appear as any flower it desires, of course being big and insectile in the progress.
- Mantis, Cactus (Vermin) (CR 9)
- Mantis, Flower (Vermin, shapechanger) (CR 6)
MEDUSA – Only the Medusa gets attention, well let Bestiary 4 make the difference now there are Mythic creatures allowed, these big bad sisters of Medusa make perfect Mythic encounters. One being kongamato/harpy-like and one having the lower body of a giant anaconda, both of course have writing snakes for hair.
- Medusa, Euryale (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 24) MYTHIC!
- Medusa, Stheno (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 24) MYTHIC!
MEGAFAUNA – Much less asked for than Dinosaurs, these extinct mammals are non-the-less very awesome! These are a couple of less known Megafauna; Castoroides being horse sized beavers, Diprotodon being rhino sized wombats and Procoptodon being a kangaroo that stands as high as an elephant.
- Megafauna, Beardog (Animal) (CR 6)
- Megafauna, Castoroides (Animal) (CR 3)
- Megafauna, Diprotodon (Animal) (CR 4)
- Megafauna, Procoptodon (Animal) (CR 5)
MEPHIT – I never understood why we need so much Mephit… I never liked the Fire, Ice, Water, Ooze, Mud, Earth, Magma, ect ect ect ect list of mephits, they only spoil more pages with their unnecessary numbers. This Elder Mephit takes the elemental thing to the next level, as this Elder Mephit is hit by an elemental attack the creature changes into the element that hit it last, so if its hit by fire it will become a fire mephit, if it’s hit by an ice spell next it can turn into a Ice Mephit, but only if it chooses too.
- Mephit, Elder (Outsider, Mephit) (CR 8)
Mercury Stalker (Ooze) (CR 14)
Mezlan* (Ooze, Shapechanger) (CR 14)
Mi-Go* (Plant) (6)
Mirrorman* (Construct) (CR 5)
Mokele-Mbembe* (Animal) (CR 9)
Mold, Mindslaver* (Plant) (CR 3)
MOTH – While there are Gloomwings and Mothmen, there aren’t any more moths that I can think off, add in some Moth Swarms and Carrion Moths for the true moth fans. A fun thing for the Carrion Moth would be an ageing touch.
- Moth, Carrion (Vermin) (CR 5)
- Moth, Dust Swarm (Vermin) (CR 2)
MUMMY – Most people think there are more than enough humanoid undead already, I’m one of them and that’s why they should add these three mummies to the mix, none of which is humanoid, or maybe if you add the monstrous mummy template on a lizardman or minotaur maybe. Ubashki are mummified pets.
- Mummy, Ancient (Undead) (CR 15)
- Mummy, Monstrous (Undead, Template) (Varies)
- Mummy, Ubashki* (Undead) (CR 3)
Nightgaunt* (Outsider) (CR 4)
NIGHTSHADE – We have Nightshade swimmers, flyers, walkers and crawlers, so what’s next?
Well for starters a nightshade creepy crawler in the form of a giant shadowy spider, next we have a nightshade ooze that slithers along the ground leaving nothing but animated skeletons on its path, and last but not least is a nightshade flower, like its real world counterpart this nightshade has very powerful toxins that animate everything it kills into shadows.
- Nightshade, Nightgloom/Nightbloom (Undead, Plant, Nightshade) (CR 9)
- Nightshade, Nightskitter* (Undead, Vermin, Nightshade) (CR 12)
- Nightshade, Nightslitter (Undead, Ooze, Nightshade) (CR 11)
Ningyo* (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 1)
OMA* (Magical Beast) (CR 16)
ONI – I’m not a big fan off most Oni’s and Rakshasa’s because they kinda make me like the Real Ogre Magi and Rakshasa less as they become less special… There are however some Oni’s that I do like, Nogitsune and Yamabushi are really awesome! The others are only there because many people wished for more Oni… but in my opinion they are very unnecessary as now we need Oni’s of all existing giants… so every environment giant also gets an environment oni… Arghhh!
- Oni, Atamahuta* (Outsider, Oni, Giant, Shapechanger) (CR 11)
- Oni, Earth Yai* (Outsider, Oni, Giant, Shapechanger) (CR 13)
- Oni, Nogitsune* (Outsider, Oni, Shapechanger) (CR 7)
- Oni, Wind Yai* (Outsider, Oni, Giant, Shapechanger) (CR 16)
- Oni, Yamabushi Tengu* (Outsider, Oni, Shapechanger) (CR 5)
Ouroboros (Dragon, Thane) (CR 26) MYTHIC!
PARASITE – The stress in my body probably blocks my ability to make up more Parasites, but I would like to see many more big parasites, more Ticks, more living or animated diseases and parasites from space! Here are two I did knew about though, one from English folklore and the other from the psionic handbook.
- Parasite, Alp Luachra (Fey) (CR 3)
- Parasite, Puppeteer (Vermin) (CR 3)
Peluda* (Dragon) (CR 10)
Phane (Outsider) (CR 18)
PHANTOM EQUIPMENT – While many people would put these “animated” weaponry in the same category as animated brooms and chairs, I think these need to be special and apart from those animated junk. These deadly things can be possessed or animated by strong magics or spirits, at all cost I want an animated/possessed blade monster in Bestiary 4!
- Phantom, Armor* (Undead or Construct) (CR 6)
- Phantom, Ballista (Undead or Construct) (CR 10)
- Phantom, Shield (Undead or Construct) (CR 3)
- Phantom, Sword (Undead or Construct) (CR 5)
PIRANHA – Everybody’s fear to get into the water comes from these little buggers, your players heroes will think twice before crossing that wild river full of hungry fish. Enter the Flying Piranha’s, these little carnivores attack creatures even on land! And if you think flying piranhas are bad then think again, enter a swarm of the much bigger Goliath Tigerfish. Don’t believe me? Type Goliath Tigerfish in google pictures and you know what I’m talking bout.
- Piranha, Flying Piranha Swarm (Animal, Swarm) (CR 4)
- Piranha, Goliath Tigerfish Swarm (Animal, Swarm) (CR 11)
Polevik* (Fey) (CR 5)
PROTEAN – Proteans are so chaotic in behavior and looks that it is really hard to come up with some, so Instead of coming with entire look-proposals and name-proposals I came up with power/ability proposals. I hope the new-to-be proteans will wield Magnetic, Gravity and Absorbing powers.
- Protean, Magnetic Wielding (Outsider, Protean) (CR around 13)
- Protean, Gravity Wielding (Outsider, Protean) (CR around 13)
- Protean, Same ability as D&D Zorbo (Outsider, Protean) (CR around 13)
PSYCHOPOMP – I think I got it all wrong, but all this Psychopomp talk is pretty hard for a Dutchman like myself, they are very difficult monsters to understand for non-english speakers, at least they are for me. Anyway I think they are about death so here are my most likely candidates for Psychopomps, I’ve added Ankou, Lampade and Hounds of Ill Omen to the list as I think these monsters are also very close to death.
- Psychopomp, Ankou* (Outsider, Psychopomp) (CR 14)
- Psychopomp, Death’s Chariot (Outsider, Psychopomp) (CR 19)
- Psychopomp, Hound of Ill Omen (Outsider, Psychopomp) (CR 16)
- Psychopomp, Kere* (Outsider, Psychopomp) (CR 10)
- Psychopomp, Lampade (Outsider, Psychopomp) (CR 8)
- Psychopomp, Nosoi* (Outsider, Psychopomp) (CR 2)
- Psychopomp, Yamaraj* (Outsider, Psychopomp) (CR 20)
PYRAUSTA – Everybody loves bugs! (Butterfree I choose you!) and everybody loves dragons! (Charizard I choose you too!!) So what’s more wonderful than to combine the two into one? Greek mythology gives us a fair chance with the Pyrausta. Pyrausta are small dragons that have many insect features on their bodies, think about a dragon with mantis scythes and wings and a dragon with dragonfly wings and mandibles ,every insect can be turned into a Pyrausta but for now I start with these three.
- Pyrausta, Dragonfly (Dragon) (CR 6)
- Pyrausta, Mantis (Dragon) (CR 8)
- Pyrausta, Wasp (Dragon) (CR 4)
Qallupilluk* (Monstrous Humanoid, Hag) (CR 7)
QLIPPOTH – Of all the Qlippoth that are currently available I only like the Nygoth and Cythnigoth, so it’s pretty much time for some new Qlippoth that hopefully do end up my favorite list.
- Qlippoth, Deepspawn-like creature (Outsider, Qlippoth) (CR 18)
- Qlippoth, Gongorinan* (Outsider, Qlippoth) (CR 11)
- Qlippoth, Something like The Thing (Outsider, Qlippoth, Shapechanger) (CR 19)
Raiju* (Magical Beast) (CR 5)
Rainbow Serpent (Dragon) (CR 25) MYTHIC!
Rarog (Fey) (CR 12)
Ravid (Outsider) (CR 9)
REAPER – Everybody loves them reapers, everybody loves reapers with great artwork, so in the bestiary I hope the reaper becomes more true to its origins and becomes less the Gothic Emo powerhouse the artwork in the Carrion Crown Bestiary makes us believe. And I know Danse Macabre are suppose to be Golarion-only monsters but they can easily be random monsters!
- Reaper, Danse Macabre* (Undead) (CR 14)
- Reaper, Grim Reaper* (Undead) (CR 20)
REMORA – Parasitic fish could be fun! Big Parasitic fish are even more fun, add in some strange wood magnetic powers and you have yourself a fearsome enemy fish.
- Remora, Dire (Animal) (CR 2)
- Remora, Echeneis (Magical Beast) (CR 6)
ROBOT – I still hate them, but I added them because they are many wishlists on this topic. It would be unfair to leave them out. But you only get 4! I’m not wasting more pages on these futuristic pieces of iron.
- Robot, Aballonian* (Construct, Robot) (CR 7)
- Robot, Cyborg (Construct, Robot) (CR 14)
- Robot, Forcefield User (Construct, Robot) (CR 10)
- Robot, Laser Stalker (Construct, Robot) (CR 7)
Rokurokubi* (Monstrous Humanoid, Hag) (CR 14)
Rune, Living* (Construct) (CR 13)
SAHUAGIN – Sahuagin have their needs too, and those pretty Sea Elves are looking so sexy. Eat them or rape them or do both. Anyway the Malenti are the mostly unwanted outcome, pretty like their mothers, nasty like their fathers.
- Sahuagin, Malenti* (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 2)
SALAMANDER – No these aren’t the fiery D&D Salamanders everybody loves, these are based on the real-world salamanders. Olms are salamanders too, but they look very different, they are long, white and blind, they look pretty freaky so turning them into giant variants must be lethal. The prehistoric Salamanders are even freakier, the rather docile Diplocaulus with its boomerang-like head is probably very friendly if compared with the much nastier and bigger Labyrinthodont.
- Salamander, Giant Fire (Animal) (CR 5)
- Salamander, Giant Olm (Animal) (CR 4)
- Salamander Prehistoric, Diplocaulus (Animal) (CR 2)
- Salamander Prehistoric, Labyrinthodont (Animal) (CR 6)
Saumen Kar* (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 10)
SEA ANEMONE – These two giant anemones are very pretty and colorful, but also very deadly.
- Sea Anemone, Dark Forest (Vermin) (CR 6)
- Sea Anemone, Deep Tiger (Vermin) (CR 13)
Sea Cat* (Magical Beast) (CR 4)
Seahorse, Giant (Magical Beast) (CR 2)
SEA SERPENT – These two very colorful Sea Serpents make the normal Sea Serpent look very boring, both equipped with strange and lethal abilities over water and heat.
- Sea Serpent, Addu* (Magical Beast) (CR 15)
- Sea Serpent, Gargiya* (Magical Beast) (CR 10)
SELKIE – While normal Selkies in one of the AP’s bestiaries is already nasty looking, her two brothers are far more deadly and nasty. Walrus Selkies are wise and powerful, but overall have little interest in other creatures, the nasty and evil Leopardseal Selkie makes the Bunyip look like a sweet little baby seal. Seal Selkies are always females, the Leopardseal and Walrus Selkies are always males, much like the Sphinx-thing.
- Selkie, Leopardseal (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 8)
- Selkie, Seal* (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 5)
- Selkie, Walrus (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 12)
SCORPION – Two new special-looking scorpions. One being a prehistoric sea version that grows as large as a tall man and the other being a famous Arabic monster scorpion & crab hybrid that stalks deserts in search for fresh camels to feed on, and when those are all devoured they start thinning out the human population. Sandwalkers have four crab-like scissors and two scorpion tails.
- Scorpion, Eurypterid/Sea Scorpion* (Vermin) (CR 1)
- Scorpion, Sandwalker (Vermin) (CR 10)
SENTINEL – If you ever see a statue where the head seems a bit off-placed you might fight a Sentinel soon. These strange constructs look like humanoid heads on metallic spider like legs, they fake being a statues head to surprise victims. The Marble Sentinel can be found in one of the AP bestiaries and the large Adamantine Sentinel can be a more powerful version.
- Sentinel, Adamantine (Construct) (CR 9)
- Sentinel, Marble* (Construct) (CR 4)
SHARK – Why it always have to be large sharks that freak us out? Some smaller variants can be just as freaky! The small Cookiecutter Shark for example slices off round parts of flesh from its prey, the Goblin Shark is said to be the sea-version of the Goblin Dog, Sea Goblins are pretty much in love with them, probably that’s what have given them their name, oh and they are UGLY! Also two new big sharks in the form of one famous Hammerhead and one strange abomination from the prehistoric times even far before the dinosaurs roamed the earth.
- Shark Large, Hammerhead* (Animal) (CR 3)
- Shark Large, Helicoprion* (Animal) (CR 6)
- Shark Small, Cookiecutter (Animal) (CR 1)
- Shark Small, Goblin (Animal) (CR 2)
Sianach (Magical Beast) (CR 7)
Sidhe, Leanan (Fey) (CR 7)
Siren, Seaweed* (Aberration) (CR 13)
Sirrush, Single Version (Magical Beast) (CR 20) MYTHIC!
Sirrush, Merged 3-Headed Version (Magical Beast) (CR 25) MYTHIC!
Skrik Nettle* (Aberration) (CR 6)
SLUG – We only have the Giant Slug and Flail Snail this far, so some nasty harpoon-wielding, extremely poisonous sea variant would be sweet. They are just as bright colored as the Addu and Drowning Devil, owww this is gonna be a brightly colored bestiary!
- Slug, Giant Sea (Vermin) (CR 9)
Snallygaster* (Aberration) (CR 3)
SPIDER – We pretty much have enough spiders already, but some spiders are just so forgettable (giant crab spiders??) So here are two giant spider variants that really stand out and which are kinda unique in their own freaky ways. Trapdoor Spiders freak everyone out, you never know where they are hiding before it’s too late, and are your allies brave enough to enter that freaky looking hole in the ground full of dirty corpse-covered webs? The Net-Casting Spider is a very strange type of spider, it doesn’t make a web like normal spiders, it holds its sticky web in its front legs and uses it as a net to catch its prey from above, there are many pictures of them on google. These are normal variants, but of course some magical versions would be sweet too.
- Spider, Giant Net Casting (Vermin) (CR 4)
- Spider, Giant Trapdoor (Vermin) (CR 4)
Springheel* (Fey) (CR 8) (Very different than the weak Adventure Path Springheeled Jack, they should be expert murderers, and you can’t have expert murderers that are only CR 3…)
SPRITE – While Sprites are just arrogant fools the carnivorous Tooth Fairy has another reputation. In our own world the Tooth Fairy may be a dream for small gold-digging children that just lost a tooth, but in the world of Pathfinder the Tooth Fairies act like crazed, albino, big toothed piranha-faeries that devour their child-prey whole, only leaving the child’s teeth behind for their shocked parents to discover the next morning. Tooth Faeries are often known to eat bad children. This is a single Tooth Fairy, but there could also be a Tooth Fairy swarm in the entry.
- Sprite, Tooth Fairy (Fey) (CR 1)
STARFISH – Other than the Dust Digger I can’t remember Starfish being part of pathfinder yet. Probably because everyone thinks of them as sluggish non-treads. Well these two giant variants are everything but slow and non-hostile. The Solar Starfish has burning poison it uses to stun prey with and it is very fast underwater too, on land it dies however, but in comes the Giant Thorn Crown, in the real world they destroy coral reefs and are very unwanted, in the world of Pathfinder they are even worse as they can travel on land and are the size of a whale, plucking entire coastal villages from all life and even non-living objects as the Thorn Crowns eat everything that isn’t ground, thanks Desna they are rare.
- Starfish, Giant Solar (Vermin) (CR 9)
- Starfish, Giant Thorn Crown (Vermin) (CR 14)
Strix* (Humanoid) (CR 1)
Stygira, Single* (Outsider, Hag) (CR 7)
Stygira, Triple/Graeae (Outsider, Hag) (CR 21)
SWANMAY – Ahhh sooo sweeeet! Well in the case of the White Swanmay you are right, they bring positive thoughts and happiness wherever they reside, everything in the area a White Swanmay resides in is prettier, happier and less violent, everything in the area a Black Swanmay resides in however is more violent, bloodthirsty and overall murderous. A herd of deer in the presents of a White Swanmay are covered in beautiful sparkles and can be pet by humans without harm, the same herd of deer in the presents of the Black Swanmay will rip open the opposing swarm of mad farmers with their antlers and gore their lifeless corpses afterward, all before an evil woman dressed in the feathers of a black swan. Black Swanmays are outcasts of the Swanmay society and are extremely vengeful.
- Swanmay, Black (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 7)
- Swanmay, White (Fey, Shapechanger) (CR 5)
Thunderbird, Impundulu* (Magical Beast, Shapechanger) (CR 11)
Tikbalang (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 8)
TITAN – There are powerful titans and even more powerful titans which are mythic beings. I like Antaeus and Argus to be Titans, but I don’t want them to be mythic as I don’t really like 20+ challenge rating creatures all that much, and Argus is a personal favorite of mine so I hope it doesn’t get the extremely-powerful treatment.
- Titan Lesser, Antaeus (Outsider, Titan) (CR 18)
- Titan Lesser, Argus (Outsider, Titan) (CR 14)
- Titan Greater, Cacus (Outsider, Titan) (CR 24) MYTHIC!
- Titan Greater, Typhon (Outsider, Titan) (CR 29) MYTHIC!
TOE-BITER – If you think you are safe from vermin when you are in water you are sooo wrong. These boat-sized bugs make your own boat look like it’s made from straw. And never hang your feet down in the water while you are fishing or enjoying a romantic boat trip.
- Toe-Biter, Giant* (Vermin) (CR 3)
- Toe-Biter, Ravenous Swarm (Vermin, Swarm) (CR 5)
TOTEM – Just because I’m really tired of seeing most Constructs being humanoid in shape, these totems have a very different shape and behavior. Tribal Totems can be found in an AP bestiary, the new Storm Totem is a much more powerful cursed totem that appears in a random village and starts to possess all humans residing there and turn them in mindless minions and slaves, for this reason they are mostly found in villages in jungles or deserts, less likely they are found in very large cities, but everything is possible…
- Totem, Storm (Construct) (CR 15)
- Totem, Tribal* (Construct) (CR 6)
TROGLODYTE – Who wouldn’t like a bigger, badder variant of Troglodyte? One that more closely resembles its dinosaur cousins. Enter Ghonhatine from one of the Adventure Paths bestiaries.
- Troglodyte, Ghonhatine* (Monstrous Humanoid) (CR 10)
TROLL – Because all bestiaries got at least 2 new trolls the 4th must travel in the same direction. In my case I would like to see the sharp, self-torturers called Razor Trolls, which cover their own skins in sharp weaponry, and the very powerful Earth Trolls who are descendents from Antaeus himself, they can only be truly killed when taken away from the ground/earth, they appear as half Troll, half earth elemental and their regenerative powers put even those of other troll species to shame.
- Troll, Earth (Monstrous Humanoid, Troll) (CR 13)
- Troll, Razor (Monstrous Humanoid, Troll) (CR 11)
TSEMAUS – While most fishes swim in the sea or in lakes, the strange Desert Tsemaus rather swims through sandy hills and deserts. Seeing a large and very sharp dorsal fin sticking out of the deserts sands is a very odd and freaky sight indeed. Tsemaus of all kinds have one thing in common, they first kill/destroy their prey with their sharp dorsal fins and then they emerge to feast on the cut-through remains that remained.
- Tsemaus, Desert (Magical Beast) (CR 9)
- Tsemaus, Sea (Magical Beast) (CR 5)
TWIN SOULS – Twin Souls have little in common other than that they are two creatures with only one soul. Most victims think they are attacked by two different creatures but actually they are one and the same creature they are fighting. Cadejo appear as two large dogs, one made of pure light and the other made from pure shadow, for every kill the Shadow body makes the Light body heals and saves a life. Kerkopes are strange flying monkey twins that share one soul, they love to steal stuff and while one body distracts the victim the other body takes away the goods. Symplegades appear as giant rock-like Dunkleosteus fishes that crush ships between the two of them, feasting on the shipwrecked victims later. If one of the two bodies of a Twin Soul dies the other body goes berserk and dies shortly after its raging rampage.
- Twin Souls, Cadejo (Outsider) (CR 14)
- Twin Souls, Kerkopes (Magical Beast) (CR 4)
- Twin Souls, Symplegades (Construct) (CR 16)
Umasi* (Aberration) (CR 4)
UNICORN – We have good and gentle Unicorns, but what if we don’t really like those little-pony wannabees and rather see some nasty stallions of destruction? Well here are two not-so-friendly unicorn variants. Eclipse Unicorns have a nasty aura which makes all your old wounds/scars to reopen on your body, the longer you are in their aura the more old scars are growing back on you. While not evil, the brown desert unicorn also known as Karkadann is very aggressive, it must be as it must face dangers like Behirs, Dust Diggers and Tsemaus every day.
- Unicorn, Eclipse (Magical Beast) (CR 7)
- Unicorn, Desert/Karkadann (Magical Beast) (CR 5)
URCHIN – I really like these spiky horrors! Especially when they can also live on land! These two Urchin variants can both survive on land and in water. Both have cursed, very sharp spikes to impale victims with, a Glass Urchins crystalline spikes are so sharp they can pierce a Gorgon with ease.
- Urchin, Black Spot* (Vermin) (CR 1)
- Urchin, Glass* (Vermin) (CR 9)
VAMPIRE – These two vampires can be found in one the Adventure Path Bestiaries.
- Vampire, Nosferatu* (Undead, Template) (CR +2)
- Vampire, Vrykolakas* (Undead) (CR 10)
Vilkacis* (Undead, Incorporeal) (CR 7)
Warsworn* (Undead) (CR 16)
WEASEL – Dire Weasel, yay!
- Weasel, Dire* (Animal) (CR 3)
Wild Hunt (Fey) (CR 23) MYTHIC!
WOLF – I wouldn’t mind seeing Fenrir as a non-mythic beast, but mythic pretty much suits it. Calopus are horned wolves and they are very dangerous and aggressive.
- Wolf, Calopus (Magical Beast) (CR 4)
- Wolf, Fenrir (Magical Beast) (CR 23) MYTHIC!
Yale (Magical Beast) (CR 5)
Yara-Mya-Ya-Who (Aberration) (CR 6)
ZOMBIE: As all previous bestiaries all had at least 1 zombie.
- Zombie, Voidstick* (Undead) (CR 12)
Zomok* (Plant, Dragon) (CR 16)
Diminutive: Assassin Bug Bloodripper Swarm / Brain Eating Earwig Swarm / Dust Moth Swarm / Ravenous Toe-Biter Swarm
Tiny: Abyssal Fire Ant Swarm / Candiru Swarm / Chon Chon / Witch Crow / Armadillo / Platypus / Wolpertinger / Domovoi / Incutilis / Executioner’s Hood / Puppeteer / Alp Luachra / Flying Piranha Swarm / Nosoi / Tooth Fairy
Acheri / Rabbit Agathion / Eros / Frost Bat / Biloko / Bogwiggle / Thorny / Chickcharney / Clockwork Familiar / Blood Coral Capuchin / Brain Coral Capuchin / Tiyanak Demon / Ukobach Devil / Djieien / Guardian Doll / Voodoo Doll / Drekavac / Giant Earwig / Chamoise / Dodo / Mongoose / Seal / Swan / Blue / Kijimuna / Cat Sidhe / Chesire Cat / Nekomata / Al-Mi’Raj / Aitvaras (Rooster Form) / Kikimora / Duwende / Ichneumon / Euphoric Jester / Umbral Jester / Sickle Weasel / Rose Leshy / Mindslaver Mold / Ubashki Mummy / Ningyo / Phantom Shield / Phantom Sword / Polevik / Dragonfly Pyrausta / Mantis Pyrausta / Wasp Pyrausta / Qallupilluk / Raiju / Vampire Rose / Living Rune / Marble Sentinel / Goblin Shark / Cookiecutter Shark / Kerkopes / Black Spot Urchin
Adze / Afanc / Bishop Agathion / Hyena Agathion / Vermin Agathion / Fallen Angel / Dog Lord / Gold Digger Ant / Giant Assassin Bug / Baccae / Deathwatch Beetle / Erlking / Shellycoat / Bog Strider Minion / Bog Strider King / Chrestomath / Heikegani Crabman / Hermit Crabman / Erodaemon / Sangudaemon / Dawn Piper / Hala Demon / Drowning Devil / Dimensional Shambler / Oviraptor / Duppy / Dweomor Cat / Einherjar / Fachen / Anteater / Cassowary / Mule / Formian Taskmaster / Formian Warrior / Formian Worker / Fossegrim / Kumiho / Lesser Frost Fir / Paper Golem / Harionna / Akaname / Huldra / Ibexan / Jack Frost / Jack o Lantern / Lavellan / Venus Flytrap Leshy / Cactus Leshy / Pistol Lobster / Werebat / Werecrocodile / Wereshark / Elder Mephit / Mezlan / Mirrorman / Nightgaunt / Nogitsune / Yamabushi / Phantom Armor / Goliath Tigerfish Swarm / Hound of Ill Omen / Kere / Lampade / Gongorinan / The Thing Qlippoth / Rarog / Danse Macabre / Dire Remora / Aballonian / Cyborg / Laser Stalker Robot / Rokurokubi / Desert Rose / Malenti / Diplocaulus / Seal Selkie / Eurypterid / Leanan Sidhe / Springheel / Strix / Stygira / White Swanmay / Black Swanmay / Tribal Totem / Deadly Dancers / Cadejo / Umasi / Nosferatu / Vrykolakas / Vilkacis / Dire Weasel / Calopus / Voidstick Zombie
Elephant Agathion / Rhinoceros Agathion / Ahkiyyini / Ammit / Seraphim Angel / Arrowhawk / Hind Azata / Winter Azata / Ahool / Batibat / Bauk / Bloody Bones / Kaw Kaw / Slenderman / Bogwid / Bonestorm / Buggane / Abyss Thorn / Camulatz / Carnage Ooze / Goonch Catfish / Migas / Cytillipede / Cipactli / Clockwork Shredder / Colour out of Space / Corrupted Couatl / Yeti Crabman / Nachtkrapp / Cu Sith / Phasmadaemon / Temerdaemon / Cerebrilith Demon / Mahaha Demon / Magnetic Devil / Mirror Devil / Stolas Devil / Gallimimus / Gorgonopsid / Tanystropheus / Dragonkin / Vouivre / Python / Kampe / Walrus / Reef Barracuda / Giant Blowfish / Formian Queen / Teumessian Fox / Galvo / Black Jinni / Firbolg / Jack in Irons / Ved / Coral Golem / Diamond Golem / Sand Golem / Treasure Golem / Spiderweb Golem / Grendel / Aitvaras (Dragon Form) / Hyakume / Kapre / Tree Leshy / Infernal Lily / Hail Lily / Nemean Lion / Monstrous Lobster / Lorelei / Lurker Above / Magebane Ooze / Maneater / Flower Mantis / Euryale / Stheno / Beardog / Castoroides / Diprotodon / Procoptodon / Mercury Stalker / Mi-Go / Carrion Moth / Atamahuta / Phane / Magnetic Protean / Gravity Protean / Zorbo Protean / Ankou / Death’s Chariot / Ravid / Grim Reaper / Echeneis / Forcefield Robot / Giant Fire Salamander / Giant Olm / Labyrinthodont / Saumen Kar / Sea Cat / Giant Seahorse / Walrus Selkie / Leopardseal Selkie / Adamantine Sentinel / Hammerhead Shark / Helicoprion / Sianach / Seaweed Siren / Single Sirrush / Skrik Nettle / Snallygaster / Giant Net Casting Spider / Giant Trapdoor Spider / Impundulu / Tikbalang / Giant Toe-Biter / Storm Totem / Ghonhatine / Earth Troll / Razor Troll / Desert Tsemaus / Sea Tsemaus / Eclipse Unicorn / Karkadann Unicorn / Yale / Yara-Mya-Ya-Who / Phantom Ballista
Abaia / Atropal / Alchemical Beetle / Canopy Creeper / Namazu / Stegocentipede / Cherufe / Gigas Clam / Divine Couatl / Asag Demon / Empusa Demon / Meteor Devil / Therizinosaurus / Echidna / Dire Marlin / Slaughter Sawfish / Dunkleosteus / Fomorian / Greater Frost Fir / Flying Polyp / Gashadokuro / Jinmenju / Trapper / Cactus Mantis / Mokele-Mbembe / Ancient Mummy / Nightskitter / Nightgloom / Nightslitter / Earth Yai / Wind Yai / Peluda / Deepspawn Qlippoth / Darkforest Anemone / Gargiya / Sandwalker Scorpion / Merged Sirrush / Giant Sea Slug / Solar Starfish / Argus / Antaeus / Symplegades / Glass Urchin
Bakekujira / Clockwork Dragon / Kronosaurus / Autumn Dragon / Spring Dragon / Summer Dragon / Winter Dragon / Hadhayosh / Inkanyamba / Ladon / Yamaraj / Deep Tiger Anemone / Addu / Thorn Crown Starfish / Cacus / Warsworn / Fenrir / Zomok
Bhole / Ordinal Dragon / Kaiju / OMA / Ouroboros / Rainbow Serpent / Typhon / Wild Hunt
Sincubus |
I forgot to mention that the Einherjar is a CHAOTIC GOOD undead.
Rabbit Agathions are based on Alice in Wonderslands Clock holding Rabbit.
I've deleted Vampire Rose, Deadly Dancer Twins, Desert Rose and Diamond Golems from the list but they are still in the size list...
The two Medusa Sisters Euryale and Stheno are both Gargantuan sized, while argus is large and not huge. And Empusa is large and not huge.
Sincubus |
Being able to update my posts after one hour would be very handy and welcome... Now I have to make a new post everytime...
Anyway I forgot a lot of cool creatures, so here is a Bonus Bestiary. :P
And i've added some Aeon, Evil Angels, Azata and Drakes too.
AEON – I don’t know what the Aeons do and so, but maybe this is possible? A Aeon based on each of the 5 senses? Maybe also one for the 6th sense later on?
- One based on each of the 5 Senses (Touch, Sight, Taste, Hearing, Smell)
ANGEL, EVIL – Two evil, corrupted angels, on that represents all 7 sins, and one that got corrupted by the horsemen of the Apocalypse.
- Angel of Sin (Outsider, Angel, Shapechanger)
- Angel of the Apocalypse (Outsider, Angel)
ARCHON – All kinds of creatures from movies and mythology this time, Encantado is a pink dolphin Archon, Alicanto is a Silver/Gold songbird Archon which can turn everything into gold and silver by touch, the Blue Caterpillar is based on Alice in Wonderland but I think it suits good in with the Archon
- Blue Caterpillar (Outsider, Archon)
- Alicanto (Outsider, Archon)
- Encantado (Outsider, Archon)
AZATA- The Portrait Azata is a small Azata which makes its homes in artwork, animating the entire piece of art in the progress, it can pull creatures into the artwork.
- Portrait Azata (Outsider, Azata)
Barbegazi (Fey) (Little snow Gnomes-like creatures with big feet that cause avalanches)
BUTTERFLY – They are pretty and they are sweet, well except for the nasty Itzpapalotl, named after a Aztec Goddess these Itzpapalotl are very different, they appear as deformed skeletons with the wings of a butterfly, they are attracted by death and decay. Desna’s Hope is a large butterfly and a messenger of Desna herself, the Prismatic Butterfly Swarm is as beautiful as it is deadly for evil creatures, and the Dream Weaver is a rare breed of butterfly found in the realm of beautiful dreams, they bring beautiful dreams to close sleeping creatures.
- Prismatic Butterfly Swarm (Vermin)
- Desna's Hope (Outsider)
- Dream Weaver (Outsider, Azata)
- Itzpapalotl (Undead)
Caller in Darkness (Undead, Incorporeal)
Chagrin (Fey) (small yellow hedgehog creeps that like to joke and play with peoples emotions and fear)
Delgeth (Magical Beast)
DEMON – This Makhai demon comes from Greek Mythology, it has one set of legs and two bodies growing out of it, they can be seen in the second Clash of the Titans movie.
- Makhai (Outsider, Demon)
DRAKE – Drakes coming from the plane of shadow (Gloom), the positive energy plane (Raddiance) and the Negative Energy plane (Rot)
- Gloom Drake (Dragon)
- Raddiance Drake (Dragon)
- Rot Drake (Dragon)
ELEMENTAL, NEGATIVE – Template to create negative elementals.
- Negative Earth Elemental
- Negative Fire Elemental
- Negative Water Elemental
- Negative Air Elemental
FISH, MONSTROUS - These three strange monstrous fish come from other realms and planets, Swarm Maws resemble mouthbreeders but the brood inside their maw aren't their children, they are actually their stomach twisted in a way only aliens understand. Umbral Anglers are Angler Fish that float through the endless darkness of the plane of darkness and lure creatures with their luring, hypnotizing lights.
Lava Archers come from the plane of fire, they are giant archer fish that spit with lava instead of with water and they live and swim inside volcanoes and lava.
- Swarm Maw (Outsider, Magical Beast)
- Umbral Angler (Outsider, Magical Beast)
- Lava Archer (Outsider, Magical Beast)
Gaasyendietha (Dragon) (Alien Dragon that can travel in the form of a Meteor)
ISOPOD – I totally forgot about these ugly insects! The Juggernaut Isopod is a gigantic isopod which resides on the bottom of the deepest oceans, the Razor Swarm is a very large collection of very tiny Iron Isopods and the Iron Isopod is a metal (gorgon style) isopod which likes to curl up and roll over its victims much like a Ascomoid would.
- Juggernout (Vermin)
- Razor Swarm (Vermin)
- Iron (Vermin)
Jubokko/Vampire Tree (Plant)
Kasai Rex (Magical Beast) (This Red with black tigerstripes T.Rex is in fact a dinosaur coming from the real of demons, this creature falls in the same category as Xacarba’s, Baregara and Acheraei.)
Legion (Undead) (Coming from Castlevania)
LEPRECHAUN – Some nasty, evil and greedy Leprechaun in red.
- Clurichaun (Fey)
LOCUST – Ash Hoppers come from another plane and are giant variants of Locusts with special abilities, the Plague Swarm comes straight out of the holy bible.
- Plague Swarm (Vermin, Swarm)
- Ash Hopper (Outsider, Vermin)
Lusca (Magical Beast)
Mantaris (Monstrous Humanoid) (Race of centaur-like mantis men)
Mapinguari (Magical Beast) (A strange sloth-like creature with a maw in its belly.)
MOLE – Moles are kinda cool mammals that are the true kings of burrowing.
Umbral Moles are moles from the plane of shadow which burrow using a black hole like ability, they can create wormholes as well, Brain Moles are somewhat different from their Psionic Handbook variant, and Mutant Star Moles are very creepy looking Star-Nose Moles that come from another plane/planet.
- Umbral Mole (Magical Beast)
- Dire Mole (Animal)
- Brain Mole (Magical Beast)
- Mutant Star (Outsider or Aberration)
MYTHIC BEASTS – King Kong and Moby Dick made flesh.
- Mythic Ape (Magical Beast)
- Mythic Whale (Magical Beast)
OWL – Some freaky owls for every birdlover.
- Kikiyaon (Monstrous Humanoid)
- Ulama (Magical Beast)
OTTER – Dobhar-Chu can be seen as a dire otter species, but maybe more magical.
- Dobhar-Chu (Magical Beast)
RAT – Brain Rat Swarms get more intelligent with each member, and Rat Kings are strange and mutant rats that appear to be merged in horrid way to each other.
- Brain Rat Swarm (Magical Beast, Swarm)
- Rat King (Aberration)
Ropen (Magical Beast)(A more or less dangerous cousin from the Kongamato)
Skinwalker (Humanoid, Shapechanger)
SLUG – A strange and alien French snail.
- Lou Carcolh (Aberration)
SPIDER – I don’t know if Daddy Long Legs are really spiders, but the Impaler is a giant, magical Daddy Long Legs creature with very long spear-like legs.
- Impaler (Vermin)
TERRA-COTTA – Some new Terra-Cotta creatures.
- Terra-Cotta Mage (Construct)
- Terra-Cotta Knight (Construct)
- Terra-Cotta Beast
THRAIE – Not all Thraie are neutral and pretty, these abominations are the driders of the Thraie, they are more wasp/bee than they are humanoid.
- Thraie Abomination (Aberration)
TIGER – Blue Tigers bring hope and luck, but they still like to eat humans.
- Maltese (Magical Beast)
TROLL – Another horrid Troll variant, this time a troll who rips off parts of other creatures and merges it with its own grotesque body, becoming bigger and more grotesque every day.
- Flesh Troll (Monstrous Humanoid, Troll)
WIGHT – The Land Wight is a very nasty undead that is actually an entire terrain on which a very evil individual has died, the entire environment becomes possessed and corrupt and if you fight a Land Wight you fight the entire eco system.
- Land Wight (Undead)
JiCi |
O_O Oh my! Great work ^_^
However, after me being a bit critizied for asking for a bonus bestiary with the Adventure Paths' monsters, I feel a bit awkward that your list has a good chunk of them. It appears to be around 25, 30 or 40% of your book would be made of AP creatures. Still, I wouldn't mind :)
Why did you deleted some monsters anyway?
Sincubus |
Thanks :)
I deleted the Vampire Rose because the thought behind it is much too Alraune-like and it drinks blood like the Jubokko tree, and there are more than enough plants in my proposal already.
The Diamond Golem would be sweet for a AP bestiary but in this bestiary I wanted some weaker golems to shine, Bestiary 2 and 3 are all about the big badass golems.
And yes, there are a lot of Adventure Path monsters in there, probably many of them won't make it because they are too "new" for a hardcover bestiary (like mirrorman and the monsters from the pirate AP) but I can't help myself of adding them cuz most of the AP bestiary monsters are just so kewl! There are a lot of them in bestiary 2 and 3 as well.
But still a lot of Adventure path monsters didn't make it in my proposal because I don't like them or in the case of Swamp Barracuda, Skull Ripper, Carrionstorm and Forgefiends that they are in multiple bestiaries already.
Maybe the adventure path monsters that don't make it in bestiary 4 can be collected and be reworked in a special left-over adventure path bestiary tho.
The Swarm Maw fish in my proposal is rather confusing so here is a better explanation of it:
It resembles above fish, a big fish which keeps its young in its mouth, but this Alien Variety doesn't have young at all, the ravenenous, eyeless fish coming from this monsters mouth are actually its stomach, it eats through these fake youngsters, so it can spit out its many small stomaches which can swim and hunt to feed the bigger fish monster.
Is that clear? Or is it still unreadable?
Land Wight – Flesh Troll – Mythic Ape – Mythic Whale – Legion – Gaasyendietha Dragon and the Angel of the Apocalypse from the Bonus Bestiary I posted are all mythic creatures.
Sincubus |
Some of the most horrid, giant and nasty early sea critters you can think off? Well here are some of them.
Search on wiki for more information, a creature as Leedsichthys for example may seem boring in the picture, but its the biggest fish to have ever lived, bigger than Megalodon.
Also many of these models and ideas can be re-worked into otherworldly monsters. Creatures like Anomalocaris would be very awesome floating land based hazards on another alien planet/realm.
Dragon78 |
I would definitely like to see the Anomalocaris, Ammonite, and Trilobite.
-Giant Tube worms and other worm based monsters.
-Coral based/themed monsters(not just coral golem).
-More frog/toad monsters(fire toads, giant poison arrow frogs, etc.)
-Toy Soldiers construct and a swarm version as well.
-Prehistoric life that predate the dinosaurs.
-Some proto-mammals would be nice.
-Cacti based monstersand Giant Sundew, Giant Pitcher Plant.
-Cyborg Template(doesn't change type just gives some construct resistance/immunities).
-More Owl based monsters.
-More Mole based monsters(brain moles, monstrous moles, etc.)
-Something like the She-Mantis from Buffy.
-More Sea monsters(from myth or otherwise).
-Gravity using monsters
-Monsters made of light and/or control it.
-Creatures that have power over time.
-Creatures from the realm of dreams(some good some not).
-Creatures that eat magic or are made of magic.
-Giant Starfish.
-More creatures that can rust metal.
-More Shapeshifters that do not take humanoid form.
-Oozes that feed on things other then organic mater(like metal, magic, mental energy, emotions, rocks, etc.)
-Creatures that feed on emotions(both positive and negative).
-Creature that eats light/color.
-Monster under the bed/in the closet that is monstrous humanoid.
-Incorporeal non undead creatures.
-Non-outsiders/undead that attack peoples dreams/nightmares
-Bicorn(maybe as a evil black unicorn).
-Something cute, annoying, and multiplies like crazy like tribbles.
-Some actual symbiotic life forms.
-More Mirror themed monsters.
-Stats for the Empusa and Lilim.
-Creatures that bring luck(good and bad)
-Creatures that instill joy so no one will attack them.
Sincubus |
Ok here is something on the Empusa, I know you die-hards are going to HATE this but listen up.
1: We already have a succubus, so the bat wings are overdone.
2: There are many creatures in pathfinder that have other forms than their mythologicial counterparts because their true mythological form is pathetic.
3: The brass/donkey leg thing of the Empusa is just weird, pathetic and stupid.
4: The name Empusa is AWESOME, and the thought behind her as well.
Empusa is also used for a species of Mantis, remember that when watching the movie/page about the Empusa used in God of War, I post later.
A - you won't use the pathetic real look of the empusa.
B - by making her mantis-like you can still have some truth in the species as a real-world mantis is named after them.
C - they can still be fiery and have flaming hair.
They just cut the succubi wings (which are on 100.000 other creatures) and that stupid legs of a donkey, if you like the bronze leg so much you can always give her one bronze leg as wel...
Anyway here is the God of War version, its really awesome, don't forget to watch the movie as wel.
I'm 100% for doing something familiar with the Empusa like these guys did. She should have mantis features, or insect features, it suits her more than Succubi wings and some strange donkey legs.
Her impaling dance would be so Deadly Dancer, one of my all-time favorite D&D creatures of all time.
Set |
I can dig it. What if her mantis parts were brass?
Also, perhaps she can be a type of lamia, since according to the article Empusae were often grouped with lamia.
There's already precedent for Lamia with the lower halves of lions and the lower halves of snakes, a lamia with a praying mantis torso would be freaksome and new. Having the mantid parts be brass is even cooler, IMO...