The NPC |
Mr. James Jacobs,
I am currently running Serpent's Skull and I was wondering what do the serpent folk call themselves*. Similarly for the cyclopes? I know the cyclopes don't make an appearance, or at least not as far as I have read, but they've been mentioned.
I ask because the npc in the game is the spirit of Garund itself albeit still mostly asleep, but he/she would refer to them properly I would think.
* Traditionally the proper names for a group usually translate to "The People" but in their language what would it be?
Zark |
Hi James.
1)Core bard and Bard archetypes included, what are your top 3 or 4 bards? BTW, I’ve just recently discovered the Dawnflower Dervish bard and I just love it.
2) With so many great Bard archetypes out there, I feel the Core bard could do with a bit of love. If I were to boost it a bit in a homegame what advice can you give me? Basically, if you would change/boost it somewhat, what would you do?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:There's a Golem type critter that makes an appearance in at least one of the Season 4 scenarios. What it does if it gets away with it is that it grapples the character, puts it on it's altar top, and if it makes the checks to pin, performs a Coup De Gras on the character. Anyone that dies this way gets sent to the diety the idol is dedicated to.. in this case Lissala by passing Pharasma's judgement. Only a cleric dedidicated to Lissala can raise someone who died in this wayLazarX wrote:Huh?James Jacobs wrote:Is it a sacrifice in the sense that the soul of the sacrificee gets sent to Z-K the way it would if it was being done by say an Ebon Idol or a consecrated altar?DrDeth wrote:Next question is about Zon-Kuthon . In another thread a player mentioned that after the battle they were going about, finishing off the foes, administered a coup de grace. The Zon-Kuthon worshiper was saying that his kills counted as “sacrifices” to that evil deity, but I am thinking there is likely a bit more than just muttering the name under your breath as you slit a throat- maybe some incense, altars, special knives, being a ordained priest, special victims, etc?
And, could one be a neutral worshiper of Zon-Kuthon?
A sacrifice is a sacrifice. Whether or not it's a spur of the moment happenstance thing or the focus of a big ceremony in a cathedral doesn't change the fact that it's not a sacrifice, but it does change the impact of the act on fellow believers and the like. Certainly, if you're expecting to get magical boons or the attention of a deity, you need to go grand or go home.
Ah; that explains it. I don't have a lot to do with the scenarios apart from approving their outlines, so I'm not super familiar with them.
But yes... part of the point of human sacrifice is that if the ritual is done properly, the soul is consigned to that deity's realm regardless of their actual faith and alignment. It's one of the reasons sacrificing a living creature is a bad thing and is generally regarded as an evil act.
That said, that type of thing DOES require the proper ritual and location and protocol; simply saying "I sacrifice this guy" as you're stabbing things during an adventure doesn't cut it.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Mr. James Jacobs,
I am currently running Serpent's Skull and I was wondering what do the serpent folk call themselves*. Similarly for the cyclopes? I know the cyclopes don't make an appearance, or at least not as far as I have read, but they've been mentioned.
I ask because the npc in the game is the spirit of Garund itself albeit still mostly asleep, but he/she would refer to them properly I would think.
* Traditionally the proper names for a group usually translate to "The People" but in their language what would it be?
Cyclopes call themselves cyclopes.
Serpentfolk today generally refer to themselves as serpentfolk, but in the Aklo tongue, their race has other names. I'm not sure if we've yet revealed their own racial name in that language. It's certainly possible that they call themselves "Sekaminans" and that the central realm of the Darklands bears their name, but again... that's not something we've nailed down as far as I know.
Today, though, the race is a fragment of what it once was, and they've lost much of their culture. They just refer to themselves as serpentfolk now.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Hi James.
1)Core bard and Bard archetypes included, what are your top 3 or 4 bards? BTW, I’ve just recently discovered the Dawnflower Dervish bard and I just love it.2) With so many great Bard archetypes out there, I feel the Core bard could do with a bit of love. If I were to boost it a bit in a homegame what advice can you give me? Basically, if you would change/boost it somewhat, what would you do?
1) Probably the Dawnflower dervish, daredevil, and the plain-old core bard. Of course... having been the designer of the Dawnflower dervish... I'm hardly an impartial fan there...
2) If you mean "boost its power," then I think the best way to do that is to either give them more skill points or more spells, but if you give them more spells, keep in mind that it's easy to make them stop feeling like bards. One thing that I do for bards in my game that's a slight boost to the core concept is that whenever a bard achieves a new Versatile Performance, I let the player completely re-assign their skill ranks.
If you mean "boost its options," that's basically the whole point of archetypes.
Alleran |
I have a question or two about the Harrow Deck of Many Things, and the Trumpet card:
"This card grants the character the ability to summon an outsider of his alignment once per day. This outsider must be of a CR equal to or less than the character's level and serves for a number of rounds equal to the character's level."
1) Is the ability to summon a spell-like ability (like most demon/devil summon options) or supernatural? And what spell level is it equivalent to for concentration checks and the like?
2) If the character's alignment changes, does the outsider he summons also change?
3) If the character levels up, do the number of rounds it stays for increase, and does the CR of the outsider summoned also increase?
4) If a second Harrow Deck of Many Things was found and used, and the Trumpet card was drawn a second time, would it be a completely separate summon ability or would it lengthen the summon ability already possessed by the character?
Daethor |
Hey James, thanks for all of your previous and future answers to my and other people's questions. This is a great thread.
1) What do you like about bards?
2) Do you know of any classes from 3.5 or third-party products or wherever that have the jack-of-all-trades aspect of the bard without the perfomance aspect?
3) If you could make any of your NPCs (only one!) come to life and talk to them, who would it be?
4) What would you like to talk to them about?
5) Do you feel like they would be able to surprise you or do you think you would know them well enough that they would be fairly predictable?
6) What is your biggest pet peeve?
7) What kind of music do you like/dislike?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
I have a question or two about the Harrow Deck of Many Things, and the Trumpet card:
"This card grants the character the ability to summon an outsider of his alignment once per day. This outsider must be of a CR equal to or less than the character's level and serves for a number of rounds equal to the character's level."
1) Is the ability to summon a spell-like ability (like most demon/devil summon options) or supernatural? And what spell level is it equivalent to for concentration checks and the like?
2) If the character's alignment changes, does the outsider he summons also change?
3) If the character levels up, do the number of rounds it stays for increase, and does the CR of the outsider summoned also increase?
4) If a second Harrow Deck of Many Things was found and used, and the Trumpet card was drawn a second time, would it be a completely separate summon ability or would it lengthen the summon ability already possessed by the character?
1) It's a supernatural ability, therefore no need for things like concentration checks.
2) Yes.
3) Yup; the rounds and CR increase to match the character's level.
4) If the Trumpet is drawn again by someone who already has that power, nothing happens. The draw has no effect, which is as much good news as it is bad news.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
A question about making nature spirit creatures. Would it make more sense for them to be native outsiders like kami, or fey like nymphs.
Depends entirely on your preference. They could be native outsiders, could be fey, or could even be plants or magical beasts or monstrous humanoids.
Diego Rossi |
Diego Rossi wrote:So, to repeat the two questions:
1) what happen when the "master" of a familiar or animal companion die?2) How fast it will happen?
1) The familiar or animal companion can no longer advance in power as a familiar or animal companion, but does not lose the bulk of its current powers, although those abilities and features dependent on the master no longer function. A witch's familiar's "expiration date" for spells it knows is an exception, and yes it does seem a bit harsh. My suggestion would be to ignore that rule, honestly. It doesn't really make sense to me, nor is it fair to the witch herself. In any event, the creature does not get to grant its powers or abilities to another person.
2) Immediately.
I like your replies and will surely follow your advice about the witch familiar, but then it rise the question of what happen when a druid release his animal companion.
Reading the forum it seem that there is a group of players that like to take an animal companion appropriate to the terrain in which they are and then dismiss it when it is no more the best animal companion for the current situation, taking a new one.
If the animal companion don't revert to the unenhanced version we would have some player taking a mount as a animal companion, then dismissing it and giving it to his companions as an powerful riding beast.
I would warn a druid doing that about him not revering nature and being at risk of losing his powers, but a ranger with the animal companion feature would be capable to do that without any problem.
While I don't think it will be a problem with any of my players, how would you manage a player doing that?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Hey James, thanks for all of your previous and future answers to my and other people's questions. This is a great thread.
1) What do you like about bards?
2) Do you know of any classes from 3.5 or third-party products or wherever that have the jack-of-all-trades aspect of the bard without the perfomance aspect?
3) If you could make any of your NPCs (only one!) come to life and talk to them, who would it be?
4) What would you like to talk to them about?
5) Do you feel like they would be able to surprise you or do you think you would know them well enough that they would be fairly predictable?
6) What is your biggest pet peeve?
7) What kind of music do you like/dislike?
1) The fact that they offer so much fun roleplaying potential, and the fact that they're really versatile, and the fact that they are great at bolstering allies, and the fact that lots of others don't like them so I enjoy showing the naysayers just how effective and fun they can be.
2) No.
3) Shensen! Especially if she gets to bring along her pet dinosaur.
4) Getting ME a pet dinosaur.
5) I'm sure meeting Shensen in real life would be surprise enough.
6) I've plenty of pet peeves, but none really jump out screaming at me saying that they're the biggest.
7) I like lots of music, but particularly Dead Can Dance, Pink Floyd, movie soundtracks, Duran Duran, and Nine Inch Nails. The only genre of music I really don't like at all is Country Western.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
I like your replies and will surely follow your advice about the witch familiar, but then it rise the question of what happen when a druid release his animal companion.
Reading the forum it seem that there is a group of players that like to take an animal companion appropriate to the terrain in which they are and then dismiss it when it is no more the best animal companion for the current situation, taking a new one.
If the animal companion don't revert to the unenhanced version we would have some player taking a mount as a animal companion, then dismissing it and giving it to his companions as an powerful riding beast.I would warn a druid doing that about him not revering nature and being at risk of losing his powers, but a ranger with the animal companion feature would be capable to do that without any problem.
While I don't think it will be a problem with any of my players, how would you manage a player doing that?
Thing is that even a 1st level animal companion is statistically different than an "unenhanced" version of that animal, so the assumption that a released animal companion would somehow change its stats to something it never was in the first place is weird to me.
If a druid releases an animal companion, it "freezes" in its current stats and wanders off to be a tough but otherwise "normal" animal.
I've never had a druid in my games ever ever ever behave like those you mention—druids in my games (or druids I play) tend to pick one animal companion and stick with it to the end. I suppose if I had a player who kept swapping out animal companions, I might change my tune, but I'd be more likely to get frustrated with the player and ask him to stop it.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
hi mr jacobs.
1) Have you ever written a novel?
2) If not, and supposing you have all the time and resources to do it and no deterrent to write it (like thinking about selling it or whatever). what would you write about?
1) Nope. I've started several, but the longest work of fiction I've completed was technically a novella (it was about 25,000 words long), which is shorter than an adventure path installment or a 64 page campaign setting book.
2) As a matter of fact, writing a novel or, indeed, becoming a novelist is still one of my life goals and dreams. It's what I went to college for. I really do hope some day to have the time to write one... I've got several in mind at any one time that I'd like to tackle. I'm not gonna reveal what their plots are because they're nowhere NEAR ready for the public eye, but the one I suspect that I'll get to first is probably going to be a Pathfinder Tales novel, assuming James Sutter doesn't hate it.
Nicos |
2) As a matter of fact, writing a novel or, indeed, becoming a novelist is still one of my life goals and dreams. It's what I went to college for. I really do hope some day to have the time to write one... I've got several in mind at any one time that I'd like to tackle. I'm not gonna reveal what their plots are because they're nowhere NEAR ready for the public eye, but the one I suspect that I'll get to first is probably going to be a Pathfinder Tales novel, assuming James Sutter doesn't hate it.
i was not asking about the plot but about the genre. I hope someday you fulfil that dream :)
Diego Rossi |
James Jacobs wrote:Oh God, not even as a joke!Mikaze wrote:Which order is crocodile and alligator in for 1 and 2?Cori Marie wrote:I think Mikaze is having an aneurysm guys.Whoa, that's one of my top three swamp-related fears.
Think of the poor guy that returning late at night at home in northern Italy in hilly country found a live alligator on the road and had to call the police and convince them he was not drunk. :D
It is a true story then, the alligator was the pet of someone that, when it became too large discarded it in the middle of the road.
Maybe he was one of the druid players of my earlier post :P
- * -
Question, question ...
James, do you think to make some module or adventure in Brevoy? Possibility in the middle of a civilian war?
There is any Pathfinder society scenario set in Brevoy?
I've never had a druid in my games ever ever ever behave like those you mention—druids in my games (or druids I play) tend to pick one animal companion and stick with it to the end. I suppose if I had a player who kept swapping out animal companions, I might change my tune, but I'd be more likely to get frustrated with the player and ask him to stop it.
I think there is a law that prohibit hitting a player on the head with the rulebook when he behave that way. And doing that would damage the book :D
I suppose it is the difference between people that see the animal companions as pets that you love and those that see them as tools.
Albatoonoe |
Is there any equivalent to the Black Dog in Pathfinder?
How poorly do the Daemons take the fact that none of their own have ascended to true godhood, but their upstart creations, Demons, and humans have already done so?
Diego Rossi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Coridan wrote:James Jacobs wrote:You don't need to, I ranted about it in the snows of summer GM thread =p.Damon Griffin wrote:I could, but I won't.Coridan wrote:I really hope she is not yet another hot female patron for the PCs.James, could you speculate on what Coridan has against hot female patrons?In any event...
She will be hot; she's a succubus after all.
She will not be a PC patron. More akin to a potential ally.
She's also not gonna dress to show off the skin, as most succubi do.
Pleas, keep a iron fist around the heart of the artist painting her. If her image end like the majority of those on Rule34 or similar sites it will be a big minus on the whole AP for me and I think a few others.
Daethor |
Yay!1) The fact that they offer so much fun roleplaying potential, and the fact that they're really versatile, and the fact that they are great at bolstering allies, and the fact that lots of others don't like them so I enjoy showing the naysayers just how effective and fun they can be.
2) No.
3) Shensen! Especially if she gets to bring along her pet dinosaur.
4) Getting ME a pet dinosaur.
5) I'm sure meeting Shensen in real life would be surprise enough.
6) I've plenty of pet peeves, but none really jump out screaming at me saying that they're the biggest.
7) I like lots of music, but particularly Dead Can Dance, Pink Floyd, movie soundtracks, Duran Duran, and Nine Inch Nails. The only genre of music I really don't like at all is Country Western.
Great answers, and I empathize with your dislike of country western :)
Two more:
1) If I were to make the aforementioned jack-of-all trades class without the performance element, would you be willing to provide feedback on it if I sent it to you as a PM? I understand completely if you're too busy or just don't want to.
2) Have you heard of the Strain-Injury HP variant rule (link below)? If so, what do you think of it? 0fGQ/edit#heading=h.13s8fe8iqajj
Thanks again!
Justin Franklin |
Justin Franklin wrote:Who said anything about conventions?James Jacobs wrote:At PaizoCon or Gen Con? Cuz I will be in the room at Gen Con.baronbloodbath wrote:I search the messageboards frequently so that I can glean more information about Numeria and what kinds of things are going on there. Is there an AP, module, or player companion in the works that will show us what Numeria has to offer?
If so, when do you think it will be available for eager gamers like me?
No such AP or module or player companion is available at this point, nor have we announced anything of that nature for 2013.
Stay tuned.
So you are saying it is not an AP?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:i was not asking about the plot but about the genre. I hope someday you fulfil that dream :)
2) As a matter of fact, writing a novel or, indeed, becoming a novelist is still one of my life goals and dreams. It's what I went to college for. I really do hope some day to have the time to write one... I've got several in mind at any one time that I'd like to tackle. I'm not gonna reveal what their plots are because they're nowhere NEAR ready for the public eye, but the one I suspect that I'll get to first is probably going to be a Pathfinder Tales novel, assuming James Sutter doesn't hate it.
Horror is my favorite genre, fantasy and sci-fi are tied for my second favorite. Whatever I do end up writing will likely have some horror undertones if it's not flat-out horror.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Question, question ...
James, do you think to make some module or adventure in Brevoy? Possibility in the middle of a civilian war?
There is any Pathfinder society scenario set in Brevoy?
No plans at this point to do much with adventures in Brevoy. I'm not sure if we've done any PFS scenarios in Brevoy... that's more of a Mark question.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Is there any equivalent to the Black Dog in Pathfinder?
How poorly do the Daemons take the fact that none of their own have ascended to true godhood, but their upstart creations, Demons, and humans have already done so?
The barghest is the closest thing to the black dog legends (in fact, that wikipedia page mentions them by name). Other creatures like the shadow mastiff, worg, and yeth hounds come pretty close to that role. There's not yet an undead version of the monster, but that could well change some day.
That doesn't bother them much at all, in fact, because daemons believe that it doesn't matter—all life, divine or mortal, will some day be consumed.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Pleas, keep a iron fist around the heart of the artist painting her. If her image end like the majority of those on Rule34 or similar sites it will be a big minus on the whole AP for me and I think a few others.
Wayne Reynolds is doing the cover painting, and the art order I've given Sarah for him is pretty clear on how she should be dressed.
There WILL be a sexy succubus-type cover character on one of the covers to Wrath of the Righteous, but it won't be this character. And that sexy cover will further be balanced out by the half orc paladin on the cover of the first volume, I suspect.
But keep in mind that Wrath of the Righteous is about demons, and that means it's also about sin, and that means that scantily clad characters of both genders WILL be a part of the AP. I've not yet decided how far this AP will push the "rating" envelope as far as sex & violence are concerned, but it could well push it pretty far. Probably not as far as the notorious Hook Mountain Massacre did... but maybe. We'll see... that adventure, despite the controversy, is one of the most talked-about and popular adventures we've done, after all...
And there's nothing I can do to stop the effects of Rule 34. That's kind of the whole point of Rule 34, after all. And to be frank, I'm actually kinda okay with the fact that there's Pathfinder examples of Rule 34 out there, since to a certain extent that's just one more bit of proof that the game has reached a wide audience and has inspired folks.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1) If I were to make the aforementioned jack-of-all trades class without the performance element, would you be willing to provide feedback on it if I sent it to you as a PM? I understand completely if you're too busy or just don't want to.2) Have you heard of the Strain-Injury HP variant rule (link below)? If so, what do you think of it? 0fGQ/edit#heading=h.13s8fe8iqajj
Thanks again!
1) Alas, no. I prefer not to provide feedback or design advice on things that I'm not paying a freelancer to produce for a print or PDF product, for personal reasons, time-management reasons, and legal reasons. Sorry!
2) I've heard of it, but haven't looked at it because I don't like complicating the damage system of Pathfinder. The current rules for hp work great as far as I'm concerned—if I felt otherwise, I would have pushed to have them changed during design to address the issue, after all...
James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
So, in a recent thread where game balance was brought up, someone informed me that (I assume JJ is you)
JJ even admits that they don't really care what they print in the companion books and AP as they are there to "test the waters" for various ruleset
Is this true?
Nope. That's someone paraphrasing me or putting words in my mouth.
While some of the content we put into a companion book or AP or Campaign Setting does end up getting into hardcover books, and when they do, we generally take advantage of the fact that the content has been in the public eye and thus has a lot of in-game playtest feedback to revise and adjust those rules if we feel that they need adjustments. Being able to use that feedback to make things more balanced is an enormously useful thing.
But frankly? I generally PREFER the new rules content we publish in our Adventure Paths, Campaign Settings, and Player Companion books over that which we publish in our hardcovers, because that rules content has the advantage of being tied to and associated with in-world stuff. And to me, that makes rules about 1,000 times more interesting.
I absolutely DO care that what we put into our campaign books is both solid rules design and as "balanced" as possible, in any case, and I do my best to ensure that all the products I work on don't introduce broken elements to the game. But as folks have noted time and time again, my take on what constitutes "balanced" isn't always 100% the same as the rules team
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:So you are saying it is not an AP?Justin Franklin wrote:Who said anything about conventions?James Jacobs wrote:At PaizoCon or Gen Con? Cuz I will be in the room at Gen Con.baronbloodbath wrote:I search the messageboards frequently so that I can glean more information about Numeria and what kinds of things are going on there. Is there an AP, module, or player companion in the works that will show us what Numeria has to offer?
If so, when do you think it will be available for eager gamers like me?
No such AP or module or player companion is available at this point, nor have we announced anything of that nature for 2013.
Stay tuned.
All I'm saying is that "No such AP or module or player companion is available at this point, nor have we announced anything of that nature for 2013."
Read into that what you will. You know perfectly well that we don't make big announcements for the next year until PaizoCon and Gen Con, though.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
James does pathfinder have rules for hangings?
Not that I know of.
D&D's Book of Vile Darkness does, and they're pretty comfortable with the game.
If I had to make them up, they'd look something like this:
When a creature drops, the shock of the rope on the neck can instantly kill the victim. Treat this as a coup de grace attack that inflicts 2d6+3 points of damage. If the victim survives the damage and the resulting Fortitude save to avoid death, he begins suffocating.
Justin Franklin |
Justin Franklin wrote:James Jacobs wrote:So you are saying it is not an AP?Justin Franklin wrote:Who said anything about conventions?James Jacobs wrote:At PaizoCon or Gen Con? Cuz I will be in the room at Gen Con.baronbloodbath wrote:I search the messageboards frequently so that I can glean more information about Numeria and what kinds of things are going on there. Is there an AP, module, or player companion in the works that will show us what Numeria has to offer?
If so, when do you think it will be available for eager gamers like me?
No such AP or module or player companion is available at this point, nor have we announced anything of that nature for 2013.
Stay tuned.
All I'm saying is that "No such AP or module or player companion is available at this point, nor have we announced anything of that nature for 2013."
Read into that what you will. You know perfectly well that we don't make big announcements for the next year until PaizoCon and Gen Con, though.
You know I will always try. You can always deliver the bees personally at Gen Con. :)
Odraude |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Diego Rossi wrote:There WILL be a sexy succubus-type cover character on one of the covers to Wrath of the Righteous, but it won't be this character. And that sexy cover will further be balanced out by the half orc paladin on the cover of the first volume, I suspect.Pleas, keep a iron fist around the heart of the artist painting her. If her image end like the majority of those on Rule34 or similar sites it will be a big minus on the whole AP for me and I think a few others.
Somewhere, Mikaze is squeeing in delight/frothing rabidly in excitement ;)
I know I am :) That was my biggest draw into 3rd edition. Playing half-orc paladins!
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Hey, James. Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Are there plans to do more nightshades? The lowest CR nightshade in print (that I know of) is 12, which is kinda high for where I was hoping to incorporate some. Or are they just intended to be pretty gnarly monsters.
The whole point of nightshades is that they're high CR undead. The CR 12 nightshade is meant to be the lowest end of the spectrum for these creatures, and if we make more, they'll likely be above CR 15. Or actually, probably more like above CR 20, since the current pattern is one every even-numbered CR starting with 12 and going up.
Glutton |
James, regeneration been bothering me for a bit. Mostly the "but they cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning" has me stumped. I hate thinking I know a rule, re-reading it, then realizing I don't. Here are my questions.
1) There are some very strong monsters that state they regenerate even if slain by a death effect, but I cannot find anywhere that says death effects suppress regeneration. One says the creature dies, the other says the creature lives. Why do death effects win here, if they do at all?
2) Would a death effect kill a troll?
3) Is some of the word on regen an oversight from the conversion from 3.5 now that most death effects now deal damage rather than instantly slay?
4) Would finger of death slay a creature with regen even though all it deals is damage (if it dealt enough damage to kill it normally)?
5) Lastly, would a creature that failed it's save versus a coup de grace survive if it had regen?
Thank you so much sir.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
James, regeneration been bothering me for a bit. Mostly the "but they cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning" has me stumped. I hate thinking I know a rule, re-reading it, then realizing I don't. Here are my questions.
1) There are some very strong monsters that state they regenerate even if slain by a death effect, but I cannot find anywhere that says death effects suppress regeneration. One says the creature dies, the other says the creature lives. Why do death effects win here, if they do at all?
2) Would a death effect kill a troll?
3) Is some of the word on regen an oversight from the conversion from 3.5 now that most death effects now deal damage rather than instantly slay?
4) Would finger of death slay a creature with regen even though all it deals is damage (if it dealt enough damage to kill it normally)?
5) Lastly, would a creature that failed it's save versus a coup de grace survive if it had regen?
Thank you so much sir.
1) Death effects are effects on top of raw damage, and are capable of simply snuffing out life if they work. That's a powerful necromantic effect that is one way to bypass the problem of regeneration if you don't have the tools handy to otherwise shut it down.
2) It can.
3) Nope.
4) It can, if that creature's regeneration doesn't specifically say it regenerates damage caused by death effects.
5) Yes. A creature with active regeneration still needs to make the save, and if it fails, it's reduced to negative Con hit points as if it had died (unless the damage itself put it at a lower hit point total), but it can still regenerate back to life from that total as normal.
Diego Rossi |
Diego Rossi wrote:Pleas, keep a iron fist around the heart of the artist painting her. If her image end like the majority of those on Rule34 or similar sites it will be a big minus on the whole AP for me and I think a few others.
Wayne Reynolds is doing the cover painting, and the art order I've given Sarah for him is pretty clear on how she should be dressed.
There WILL be a sexy succubus-type cover character on one of the covers to Wrath of the Righteous, but it won't be this character. And that sexy cover will further be balanced out by the half orc paladin on the cover of the first volume, I suspect.
But keep in mind that Wrath of the Righteous is about demons, and that means it's also about sin, and that means that scantily clad characters of both genders WILL be a part of the AP. I've not yet decided how far this AP will push the "rating" envelope as far as sex & violence are concerned, but it could well push it pretty far. Probably not as far as the notorious Hook Mountain Massacre did... but maybe. We'll see... that adventure, despite the controversy, is one of the most talked-about and popular adventures we've done, after all...
And there's nothing I can do to stop the effects of Rule 34. That's kind of the whole point of Rule 34, after all. And to be frank, I'm actually kinda okay with the fact that there's Pathfinder examples of Rule 34 out there, since to a certain extent that's just one more bit of proof that the game has reached a wide audience and has inspired folks.
I have nothing against scantly clad females (or even males), I have a lot against people with improbable anatomies that would require a brassier with a Z cup size. Beyond a point it stop being sexy.
Wayne Reynolds is a good artist so I have high hopes.
What is your opinion so far about the Mythic rules?
I have seen several thing I like and a few that give me doubts about the balance of the game.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
What is your opinion so far about the Mythic rules?
I have seen several thing I like and a few that give me doubts about the balance of the game.
I've not yet had a chance to look through them in detail, but I quite like them so far, if only because they open up entire new vistas of storylines we can tell in our products.
Whether or not they're "Balanced" will depend as much on the rules themselves as it does on the types of adventures built to use them. A mythic party against a non-mythic adventure will NOT be balanced... but the hope is that if you run that mythic party on an adventure that's several levels above their actual level, it will work out.
We'll see! The book's heading out of development and deep into editing now, and I'll be delving into it head first by this time next week as I prepare the first Wrath of the Righteous adventure!
Jaçinto |
If I fill a bag of holding with water and bless it so it becomes holy water, what happens if I fly up and empty it on something like a lich or a vampire? Would it do the standard damage of a flask or rather some massive number because of how much water a bag of holding has? I ask because I always try to essentially MacGyver my gear in odd situations that confuses the GM and players.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
If I fill a bag of holding with water and bless it so it becomes holy water, what happens if I fly up and empty it on something like a lich or a vampire? Would it do the standard damage of a flask or rather some massive number because of how much water a bag of holding has? I ask because I always try to essentially MacGyver my gear in odd situations that confuses the GM and players.
In order to create holy water, you need to cast bless water, not bless. And each time you cast the spell, it only creates a single dose of the water.
Now... if you had a bucket or even a bag of holding filled with holy water (which would be quite expensive)... the rules are unfortunately pretty vague on what would happen. It would either do the standard damage to the target, or it would do a lot more.
For the purposes of game balance, my suggestion is that exposure to holy water does the stated amount of damage to an undead creature, no more. Which makes it non-optimal and a waste of money to use large doses. Of course, you can certainly use multiple doses in rapid succession, which starts to strain credulity for the whole thing.
In any event, I'd cap the damage at 10d6 if you wanted to say large doses of holy water could do more damage. And keep in mind that the same should hold true for unholy water.
LazarX |
It is a true story then, the alligator was the pet of someone that, when it became too large discarded it in the middle of the road.
That kind of begs the next question:
Does Absalom have Urban Legends about alligators being tossed into the city sewers by Urban Druids?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Diego Rossi wrote:It is a true story then, the alligator was the pet of someone that, when it became too large discarded it in the middle of the road.
That kind of begs the next question:
Does Absalom have Urban Legends about alligators being tossed into the city sewers by Urban Druids?
Probably, although not by druids.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
scorpion familar, +2 or +4 init mod?
Most familiars give the equivalent of a feat in power, akin to things like Skill Focus or one of the saving throw boosts.
Some do not; the toad does not grant the equivalent of Toughness, for example.
Were I designing the scorpion as a familiar, I would absolutely give it a +4 Initiative modifier... but if the design team only gave it a +2, they must have their reasons. I can't answer for them, and so this question should be posted to the rules forums so it can be FAQed.