Ury Sevenskulls

Brox RedGloves's page

Organized Play Member. 567 posts (1,232 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

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Liz Courts wrote:
*watches, waits, studies target*

So now we know that Liz took at least one level of [Thread] Slayer...

It was in bad taste, and I don't want to make the boards a place that bums you out, or makes you feel unwelcome.

FTR you're way too late for that. These boards are far too unwelcome for anyone short of "dyed-in-the-wool marxist"

I long ago gave up the idea that anyone with a conservative mind would be welcome here. Between most of the trolls and some of the paizo staff, I usually just browse and move on to more friendly confines.

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Home made enchilada with some sour cream on top!

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Please share.

Profession: Goon Squad

(Accounts Receivable/ Collections)

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Third Mind wrote:

Roundabouts in my hometown, in northern Indiana.

- My hometown (which I moved away from a few months ago) is planning on putting in a roundabout on an intersection right next to a hospital. Because... you know... ambulance's need a challenge.

- Mother's boss told me a story about how a friend of his called him while driving. Said he was in a roundabout, and had been for the last 30 minutes to an hour. Then he said he didn't know how to get out of it. Mother's boss had to tell him how to get out of the roundabout. It took only one sentence.

Hey kids look! Big Ben. House of Parliament!

three more hours of trying to get out of roundabout

kids...big ben...parliament...

--European Vacation

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

When people use a common phrase/expression, but get the words wrong in such a way as to demonstrate that they have no idea what they're actually saying, and are instead mindlessly parroting something they don't even understand, just because they think other people say it.

Good example:
"For all intensive purposes," when what they really meant was "for all intents and purposes".


I like to mix up the phrase "sharpest knife in the drawer" and its variants

Sharpest brick in the fire, and so forth.

Forewarned is half an octopus!

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I suspect this is going to drive me to the "Apologize to Chris" thread, but here are some common ones in my neighborhood:

  • Joggers running in the street, especially after dark
  • Said joggers and other pedestrians crossing against red lights with traffic coming, especially in dark clothing at night
  • Bicyclists riding in parallel while traffic backs up behind them. Isn't bicycling dangerous enough without further infuriating drivers?
  • Bicyclists who don't wear helmets. In 40+ years and tens of thousands of miles of commuting by bicycle, my mother and I have broken "only" 3. That's 3 skull fractures our family didn't have to suffer through

  • no more than two abreast, my brothers.

    And they complain they should be respected while on the road, yet they fly through stop signs and red lights with reckless abandon, cut through gas stations to avoid stopping, and are generally a complete nuisance.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! (say it again y'all!)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Ashiel wrote:
    Zurias wrote:
    Kobold Cleaver wrote:
    Deadmanwalking wrote:
    Metaphorical warriors? I don't know actually. Firstly, the difference between warriors and diplomats is primarily sphere of operations (physical vs. social)rather than any actual difference in methodology, and metaphorical conflicts are almost universally within the social sphere already.

    Technically, most real-life conflicts do involve both—we haven't been very big on "Kill them all and salt the earth" wars for a while. You pummel 'em, then send in the diplomats to convince them they don't need another pummeling.

    Not to say that this is the best strategy, or that it applies to metaphors.

    Clearly you have not been paying attention to how that dentist is being treated. People are stalking him, his family, his children, the business...it's sickening...


    I don't care how anybody feels about the dentist/big game hunter. Posting threats on the door of his business AND home is sickening.

    Also, this:

    http://www.tucsonweekly.com/TheRange/archives/2015/07/29/yes-the-dentist-wh o-killed-cecil-the-lion-is-an-a~%&*%%-but-peta-is-going-too-far-with-this-e xecute-him-thing

    Note that the dentist did not go to Zimbabwe specifically to kill Cecil. He went to hunt a lion. The group he hired lured Cecil to him. Also this same week three endangered elephants were killed in Nairobi

    http://news.yahoo.com/lion-zimbabweans-ask-amid-global-cecil-circus-1408226 92.html

    Local Perspective: "Why are the Americans more concerned than us?" said Joseph Mabuwa, a 33-year-old father-of-two cleaning his car in the center of the capital. "We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange."

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Kobold Cleaver wrote:
    Deadmanwalking wrote:
    Metaphorical warriors? I don't know actually. Firstly, the difference between warriors and diplomats is primarily sphere of operations (physical vs. social)rather than any actual difference in methodology, and metaphorical conflicts are almost universally within the social sphere already.

    Technically, most real-life conflicts do involve both—we haven't been very big on "Kill them all and salt the earth" wars for a while. You pummel 'em, then send in the diplomats to convince them they don't need another pummeling.

    Not to say that this is the best strategy, or that it applies to metaphors.

    Clearly you have not been paying attention to how that dentist is being treated. People are stalking him, his family, his children, the business...it's sickening...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    Ketchup on hot dogs isn't a thing? Guess I'm doing it wrong.

    It is a uniquely Chicago sentiment. Putting ketchup on a red hot will get it slapped out of your hand, and get you kicked out of the establishment.

    Some hot dog stands refuse to stock ketchup to avoid the hassle.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I don't trust Paizo staff to moderate the boards impartially

    I roll stats, 4d6, drop lowest, re-roll 1's

    I love playing Black Crusade, but the pbp players and GM's are completely unreliable. (Note: Before the suggestion "Well why don't you DM, then" is lobbed around: It's because I'm a terrible DM and wouldn't inflict that sort of misery on anyone. I may gripe about reliability, but I do have the common decency to know my own faults as well and admit them.)

    I'm from the Chicago area, and sometimes I put ketchup on my hot dogs just for spite.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ready for Glory (and xp!)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Whew! Backstory completed! Hopefully I made it epic enough!

    Had to throw one more reference near the end. Hope you find it!

    P.S. I gave your Many-Eyed Seer a name. Hope you don't mind. Google it and see why I chose it. hehe

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    As he entered the passageway, he drew an auspex from it's pouch and activated the sensoria array. Setting the parameters to life form detect, he held the auspex up and slowly waved it left to right.

    >"30.5 meters to contact. Keep it tight, move out two by two. We have no allies on this deck so I want to see bodies stacked high. Go!"<

    The Traitor Marines filed down the passage in pairs against the hull and interior wall. Up ahead they could make out a bulkhead door in the intermittent flickering of the short circuiting running lights. Somewhere in the distance a klaxon wailed forlornly.

    >"Tzolar and Korbolek, cover the door. Barca, you and Darilus breach the room and cover. Make it happen."<

    Tzolar and Korbolek took up positions on either side of the bulkhead door, bolters at the ready. Barca and Darilus back away from the door, making room to build up speed. Andronical walked up to the flywheel on the door. Gently, he tested the door and confirmed it was locked.

    >Whatever is locked in this room must be valuable. Our first plunder of the day."<

    Andronical slowly rotated the flywheel and gripped the latch. Barrels raised slightly in anticipation.


    On "three", Andronical threw open the bulkhead door and two bolters rattled off controlled bursts into the doorway. From behind the stomp of power-armored feet beat out the tempo of doom.
    Andronical stepped aside and pressed against the hull to allow Barca and Darilus to pass by. They flew into the chamber as Tzolar and Korbolek ceased firing and raised their barrels. The two running Marines split of left and right, firing blindly into the darkened room. Tzolar and Kobolek followed. Smoke from exploding shells filled the room. The Marines passed by crates and boxes of duraplast searching for targets.

    From out of the smoke arose a whining hiss as green lasersights sought out the Marines. Suddenly, the air was filled with the hissing crack of las fire and pinging solid projectile rounds. Three servitors resolved from the smoke, implacably advancing and firing. One zeroed in on Tzolar and fired off bursts of las fire, scoring his ceramite armor, one of them burning a thumb-sized hole through his pauldron. The other two servitors turned away to seek out new targets. One spied Darilus near the back of the chamber and fired off a shot, burning a hole into the Marine's eyepiece and through his skull. The third advanced down the middle of the room, the autogun affixed to its shoulder blazing.

    Just then, Andronical entered the room. Glancing down at the recumbent form of Darilus, he looked back up at the servitor. The serivtor raised the autogun for another punishing salvo. Hatred rose in Andronical as he drew his power sword and bolt pistol on the move. Two round bursts connected with the tracked wheels that had replaced the servitor's legs, shattering them and rendering the servitor immobile. The sudden swing of the power sword connected with the thing's shoulder and drove deep into the hollow chest cavity. Strange liquids showered the Aspiring Champion as the servitor's "life" ended.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I've thrown out three starts already :P I didn't like where they were going. I want it to sound epic and historical but it's really hard covering a timeframe like 38M to 41M! lol

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Arnwyn wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **

    Oh I can just see it...

    Canadian Riot!

    Rioter 1: Your player just committed a flagrant foul, and he cheats! Very sorry!

    Rioter 2: No he didn't! You dress funny! So sorry for saying that, please excuse me!!

    Rioter 1: You take that back! Maybe we should sit down and talk about life choices?

    Rioter 2: I certainly will not! Yes, that's probably a good idea...

    Also, this

    And this

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Jacob Saltband wrote:

    So in your opinion what bogs down combat the most

    My opinion, its people not knowing their basic numbers up front. One vetern players would calc his to hit bonuses every time he attacked.

    Another is people being distracted by cell phones.

    what else?

    • People who wait until it is their turn to start thinking about what they want to do.
    • People who don't roll their damage dice with their "to hit" die.
    • People who don't know their numbers and have to "add it all up" each and every turn with each and every attack.

    Note: I can understand forgetting a flank bonus or possibly a buff bonus. That's fine. But to sit back and have to add BaB, Str bonus (or Dex) pulling out fingers and toes then have to do the same thing again with an iterative attack is just maddening.

    I have about five or six sets of dice in different colors (I gradually built up the collection) so when I play my melee guy, I roll ALL the attacks and damage (usually while the guy or girl ahead of me is taking their actions) and put it all together before the GM calls my initiative. All I have to do is confirm that I hit and give the damage. 20 seconds and done (just like sex LOLOLOLOLOL).

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I think it's cute how a father would go to those lengths to make his daughter happy. Obviously Kos is just a miserable ass.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Sarcasm isn't easily expressed in print format. Maybe both of you young 'uns need to smoke a bit of weed too. (And yes Captain, if you're only "nearly" 40, I am definitely older than thou! :D)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I usually smoke a big bag of weed. That puts me right to sleep.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    This is a good sign! Welcome Heph! All my old Chaos buddies are popping in. HUZZAH!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    TarkXT wrote:

    14. "I will stand here and take untold amounts of physical abuse while you heal me with literal gifts from the gods......and I want you to call me dirty names while I'm doing it."

    say that again, but slower....

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    thejeff wrote:
    Blacklite wrote:
    Kobold Cleaver wrote:

    That is weird. I regard deliberate cruelty as much worse than thoughtless complaining. It's really weird that you see "my game time is being wasted" as a bigger problem than "another human being is in pain".

    I'm phrasing it like this because I'm not sure I'm understanding you, because I have trouble understanding how anybody could actually think deliberately trying to hurt people's feelings is less of a crime than...whining.

    "Casually being a dick" to someone is also known, "casually", as "bullying".

    The thing is, it sounds like Person T is dragging everyone through her land mine/barbed wire field of agony each and every week. Without progress. It just keeps starting at the same point and going from there every week without fail.

    Everyone has their own personal tolerance level for this sort of stuff. After a certain point someone is bound to say "Enough".

    Could Player A have been more "sensitive"? Probably.

    Could Person T be one of those soul sucking vampires who moan and groan about all their problems and try to drag everyone around them into their pit of misery (and also happens to be T as well)? Also just as likely.

    Game time should be for game. Not therapy.

    Possible. Maybe you'd file this as "could have been more 'sensitive'", but going from a "Social Justice Warrior white knight" to calling her a "Freak" and saying "if they (trans people) improve their image to being respectable people that they will rise out of the mire they have trapped themselves in", suggests to me there's something more going on.

    Bolded: The first post of the OP indicates that Player A has said that in general, apparently to many people with whom he has cut ties. Not specifically to Person T. Player A may have also said those things about Person T (which is very poopy if it happened) but we have gone from some generalizations about people who haven't got their act together, to the specific argument between A and T.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Kobold Cleaver wrote:

    That is weird. I regard deliberate cruelty as much worse than thoughtless complaining. It's really weird that you see "my game time is being wasted" as a bigger problem than "another human being is in pain".

    I'm phrasing it like this because I'm not sure I'm understanding you, because I have trouble understanding how anybody could actually think deliberately trying to hurt people's feelings is less of a crime than...whining.

    "Casually being a dick" to someone is also known, "casually", as "bullying".

    The thing is, it sounds like Person T is dragging everyone through her land mine/barbed wire field of agony each and every week. Without progress. It just keeps starting at the same point and going from there every week without fail.

    Everyone has their own personal tolerance level for this sort of stuff. After a certain point someone is bound to say "Enough".

    Could Player A have been more "sensitive"? Probably.

    Could Person T be one of those soul sucking vampires who moan and groan about all their problems and try to drag everyone around them into their pit of misery (and also happens to be T as well)? Also just as likely.

    Game time should be for game. Not therapy.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
    Brian Blessed BRIAN BLESSED is seventy-eight, so I'm not sure about that. The Icewind Dale trilogy is quite crap, in my opinion - it was the first thing that Salvatore wrote and it was pretty clunky. The second trilogy was better, and the origin story too.




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    BTW, Blacklite= Brox!

    GODDAMMIT I added a bunch of stuff but all the data entry was lost because the stupid page reset itself. I'll add it all again later. Good news is the hard stats are there. Just got a lot of background to add in.

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    mechaPoet wrote:


    So, I think we can all agree that sexism exists, yeah?

    Yes Virginia, there is sexism

    mechaPoet wrote:
    And at least some of us can agree that it's rooted in misogyny (so even when men are oppressed by sexism, it's because of a sexist valuing of masculinity and devaluing of femininity).

    Nice try.

    What you're saying here is that when a man hates women, he's wrong, and sexist; but when a woman hates men, it's really the man's fault anyway, so he's still wrong. Grow up. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.

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    Jerry Dandrige

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    captain yesterday wrote:
    i was born in Illinois, i try not to go back:-)

    I don't blame you. (I have too much family living here to leave)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Any movie by John Hughes. Sometimes I drive by Maine North High School and look at the front facade. (They used Maine North in The Breaskfast Club)

    P.S. No I don't live in Shermer IL.

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    From my lovely niece and her boyfriend I got a Star Wars t-shirt
    From my other lovely niece I got a pair of Star Wars coffee mugs
    From my youngest lovely niece I got a THIRD Star Wars coffee mug and some tasty hot cocoa to go in it.
    My Mom got me a box of cookies from my favorite bakery

    I got a Build-a-Bear Fluttershy plushie for my grand-niece(!!!) Yeah I'm weirded out that I have one of those too!

    And for my favorite redhead I got some window decorations for her room, a scrap book set and some outfits she had pointed out.

    I got my older brother a copy of Avalon Hill's "Midway!" (boardgame re-enactment of the WWII Battle of Midway Is.) We used to play that when we were kids (late 60's early 70's) and it went missing quite a while ago so when I saw it I grabbed it.

    All I wanted was a pair of slippers. Did not receive lol!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:
    Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
    KSF wrote:
    This could be big news. The Supreme Court will hear the Louisiana same sex marriage case.

    This is big news: [SCotUSblog] "Court won’t add to delay of Florida same-sex marriages"... so, barring something unexpected, Florida clerks can start issuing same-sex marriage licenses starting January 6th.

    Florida. Here? Here. Holy s$!%!

    Holy s&~~ is right; what're you going to say when mom starts hinting about you getting married?!


    Maaybe you could say you've sworn never to wed anyone who cannot best you in single combat? (nb: I'm aware that there may be a couple of tiny flaws in that plan...)

    Best watch out saying stuff like that. This is the Festivus season! AND NOW, THE FEATS OF STRENGTH!!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Werthead wrote:
    Jackson can probably eke out another trilogy from the story of how Legolas loses weight between the events of THE HOBBIT and LotR.

    Glad I'm not the only one who thought Legolas was a bit...bloated. I would have rather seen more of Beorn than Legolas. I thought he was cool.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    WS: 37 BS: 39 St: 35 To: 32 Ag: 33 In: 37 Per:31 WP: 38 Fe: 35 Wounds: 12 Fate: 2/3 Wealth: 20 Awareness (per) 31 CL Adeptus Arbites (int) 37 CL Imperium (int) 37 Inquiry (fel) 45/40 Ironclaw (39) 30m S/2/- 1d10+4I pen: 0 clp: 12 Rld: Full reliable, Scatter H-O Creed-9 50m S/3/10 1d10+3I pen: 0 clp: 35 red dot sight Silencer Flak cloak 3 All

    After chatting with the officer, Cimbria enters the first room on the right, noting the carefully folded bathrobe centered exactly at the foot of the cot. Noting that a hot shower will unwind the coiled tension in her back, she begins to disrobe and puts on the bathrobe,

    "Ugh...not much for laundering facilities here...this robe smells...

    She steps the the door of the lavatory and puts a hand on the doorknob, in time to hear the sudden hiss and sputter of the shower starting up...

    "What the deuce-?"

    Alarmed but steady, Cimbria picks up her truncheon, fings open the door and sees: ---

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I love cooking my cats and children

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    Kryzbyn wrote:

    I did and partook in them. I didn't thread crap, though.

    Thing is when haveing discussions with people of the opposing viewpoint, you let some inevitable things slide, because discourse.

    Except that with posters like thejeff, bignorsewolf, and now, apparently, you Kryzbyn, Paizo is not conservative friendly. At. All. The staff is not conservative friendly, and neither are the majority of the posters.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Kolokotroni wrote:
    SteelDraco wrote:

    I wonder how their applicant numbers breaks down in terms of qualified men vs qualified women. I'm not a big fan of the idea that a woman should be hired preferentially over an equally-qualified male in order to fill a perceived need for diversity.

    That's a pretty touchy topic.

    The problem ofcourse is this is circular. Due to the indursty's male dominated past, the vast majority of developers now adult years are the boys and young men who grew up playing the game in the 70s-90s. A young woman looking to join the industry see's all men sitting at the con panel, or in staff pictures, and see's mostly male perspective material in the game, and is less likely to get into the industry. People like Christina, and ofcourse Lisa are an exception, but there are still extra hurdles in front of women in the industry. Even if there is no overt bias, it is still a problem that needs specific action to correct in a reasonable amount of time.

    Its not about people being hired preferentially, its about literally correcting a problem in the industry. A male developer is not qualified to assist in adding diversity to the perspectives and talent present in the dev staff. We already have male dominated staff.

    I would be happy to see women on the rpg team, the wider range of perspectives the better. In the creative fields, especially one like rpgs where you are literally pretending to be something you arent, having people with different life experience will give us a better product.

    You know I just thought of an intersting idea that would drastically benefit from having both male and female designers. A guide to playing a gender swapped character. IE a male player playing a female character or the reverse. Some people do it well, some do not, and it would be cool to see in a product similar to the strategy guide.

    I really do not believe you are qualified to decide that men are not qualified to assist in adding diversity. In fact, that smacks of sexism, and that is offensive.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Those tiny pillbox hats are very cute, but I hear they're a real hassle to manage...I also heard they breed like rabbits...confirm/deny?

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    Grey Lensman wrote:
    memorax wrote:
    DungeonmasterCal wrote:
    Rules lawyers, the ones who compare my campaign to theirs and then proceed to tell me everything that is "wrong" compared to theirs, and the ones who don't or won't bathe. I've met one person who encompasses all three. *shivers*
    Forgot about not wanting to bathe. i'm not saying come to the game smelling like a rack of deodrant products. Yet when a person smells worse than roadkill it's hard to game with such a person.
    I used to know a guy whose odor was so bad that when he 'borrowed' my stick deodorant one time he rendered it unusable. His own stink overpowered the stick and I had to throw the whole thing out.

    Friends is friends, but there are some things I will NEVER lend out. Deodorant and toothbrushes come to mind...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Montollio Silversong wrote:
    Professor Stuffington wrote:
    You damn kids with your web-pods and your e-phones, and your rap-hop music... Get off my lawn!

    And turn down that darn hippity hop!

    /black socks and sandals

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    IHIYC's closet has a revolving door, a turnstyle and costs $1.50 to enter.

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    Count Coltello wrote:
    Thanael wrote:
    You can also let her discover magical abilities successively i.e. Find out a command word and boom +1 sword is a flaming sword too! An intelligent weapon might be a good dmpc/companion/foil. Let her discover it's powers slowly, can have provide some knowledge /pointers etc.

    thats probably what ill do have her find a rusty sword in the back of a house where the previous owner couldnt figure out what the power was ( he knew that was one through checks ((not that that matters much lol)))

    after using it and it being slightly more powerful that it is suppose to be

    (or )

    a wizard or fighter sees her and is like (name of weapon) has been found by a worthy/unworthy (depending on situation) weilder

    then she can discover parts of it at a time until it finally becomes a +5 flameburst what ever

    This is a great way to provide your fiancee with plot hooks, Suddenly-Successful-Knowledge, and all manner of assistance where needed.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hai gusy, wuts goin on in dis threa.....oh wow....


    I'll be in my bunk...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Couple of sessions ago our oracle was out taking care of personal business and so missed the session. I played him and my gnome sorc. He's playing a halfling oracle with the blindness thing. So we're in this lumbermill and we get into a fight. Our paladin gets the hairbrained idea to burn the mill and shouts it out loud. So far the oracle has done every dumb thing the paladin has suggested, so I figured, "Ok, at least I know what to do now..." and I fire the light x-bow at the lantern on the wall.

    Nat 20.

    DM asked for a conf roll

    Nat 20

    DM says "Do that again...I dare you..."

    Nat 20

    Cue massive fire!

    So now the pally is cheering, the fetchling rogue is looking for a window to dive out of, and my gnome sorc is giggling like a loon.

    Pally says "Uh oh, too much fire"

    Sorc said "whatnoproblemIcanfixthis!!!!!"


    Now everyone is blind because I thought it would be even funnier to do the fireworks effect. But the fire did go out so that's good...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Next time my girlfriend asks me a question like that I will LITERALLY claim a Diplomacy roll, roll the die in front of her and see how it turns out.

    I expect interesting results

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    Ring of Gaseous Form (cursed): When worn, the wearer and ring become gaseous. Unfortunately, the wearer can no longer find to ring or the finger to remove it. The character remains in gaseous form until a remove curse is cast.

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