PaizoCon Reveals Up-Close!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Last week we revealed a number of figures for October's Deadly Foes set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles figures, and the response at the show has been fantastic. I've seen a few of the images show up online from cameraphones in the audience, but today I'd like to reveal the four new figures I showed off at the preview banquet here on the blog, to give you all a MUCH better look at them!

Up first is the Salamander, everyone's favorite snake-bodied denizen of the Plane of Fire. The Salamander has a cool spear and stands ready to scorch your player characters into ashes. The Medium figure is slated at the common rarity.

This masked Pathfinder Society Leader is a member of the Decemvirate, the 10-person group of mysterious masked leaders who run the Pathfinder Society from the shadows. Are they good guys? Bad guys? WHO KNOWS? That's part of the fun of working for the Pathfinder Society. Every day is a surprise! The Pathfinder Society Leader is a Medium, rare figure.

At long last I'm pleased to reveal the Pit Devil, a paragon of law and evil that serves as a fitting end-boss to any fantasy campaign. Or, you know, throw him at your third-level heroes and see what happens, just for fun. The Pit Devil is a Large, rare figure.

At the PaizoCon Preview Banquet I also revealed the first piece of "dungeon dressing" in the Deadly Foes set, the Book of the Damned itself! Like all of the other dungeon dressing in the set, this guy comes one per case, and is randomly swapped out for another mini in a randomly selected booster. Now, just like the impulsive rogue in my Monday night Pathfinder game, your player characters can have their very own copy of the most evil book in the Pathfinder world. Fun for everyone! Even more fun: The book can be removed from its base, giving you two minis in one. Kinda!

And that's it for today. Thanks to all of you who attended PaizoCon this year. The Miniatures Trading Afterparty was a huge success again this year, and I hope those of you who didn't get a chance to come this year will make it out to Seattle over Memorial Day Weekend next year so we can meet in person, talk about minis, and do a trade or two! Or three. Or four.

Until then, I remain...

Erik Mona

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
Dark Archive

Every one's a winner, baby!

The rarity is spot-on.

Only the soles of the Pit F... feet look strange, but i can live with that.

For me this is the best set, creature-wise.

Only the huges are very niche - again, but i'll still buy them with a case.

So i guess we will get the set for x-mas, which is fine too.

Thank you for the "double preview", Erik!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
blog wrote:
Like all of the other dungeon dressing in the set, this guy comes one per case.

That's disappointing. The dungeon dressings are hugely popular and I believe sold our at Paizo in days (if not hours). I sure hope you reconsider the availability of these minis.

These minis look great!

The book's the biggest winner for me in this reveal, but they all look great!

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Swiftbrook wrote:
blog wrote:
Like all of the other dungeon dressing in the set, this guy comes one per case.
That's disappointing. The dungeon dressings are hugely popular and I believe sold our at Paizo in days (if not hours). I sure hope you reconsider the availability of these minis.

Got to agree with you Cleanthes. At one per case multiples will be extremely hard to get hold of on the singles market, especially at any reasonable price. Its probably fine for the book and lecturn, one is enough to get by (except for the obsessive like me who need two of most things - I'm fighting it though)

All four reveals once again reinforce my love for this set. The book is an awesome dressing piece, extermely cool and doubles as a reminder of one of my favourite shows (heads up evil dead! The old one and the new series not the remake, blah).

The Decimvirate leader is an amazing design. Rare, so I'll have to hunt down another one or two, but it works on so many levels. I personally can see him doubling as my evil cultist/cult leader.

The Pit Fiend is magnificent, the sculpt is incredibly dynamic and the colours really make him shine. He is going to be another of the "very large" large miniatures judging from that render.

As for the Salamander. I like the pose, I love the detail in the render (which I hope translates into the final mini) but I'm not loving the overly simple colour scheme or the knife blade end to the tail. Couldn't you inject some orange or yellow into the figure? I know he's a common but the monochrome red just lets down what is a great mini (at an amazing rarity).

DF is looking good with some of the best commons to date, I hope the final sculpt and paint does the renders justice. Hats off to you Erik this is a great set.

Thanks, Cat-t, but I think it's Swiftbrook you want to crediy with that sentiment ;-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Damn, that Book is awesome, especially with it being removable! Did I say DAMN! Yep, that piece is seriously one for the ages! It's not something you need everyday, but ya gotta have!

The detail on the salamander is great, but it is a bit monochromatic.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Derp...Just testing you Cleanthes. Glad to see you passed that one. Obviously(?) I meant I agreed with Swiftbrook, any one could see that....
never play this again

Silver Crusade Contributor

arbados wrote:
The detail on the salamander is great, but it is a bit monochromatic.

It's almost certainly a cost-saving measure. I'm sure you know that, though.

That said, there is another possibility (and Mr. Mona might be able to shed some light on this). All figures require a certain number of paint steps. By reducing the number of paint steps for the Salamander (which really doesn't need them that badly), they may have been able to spend that time on another figure. So in exchange for this, there may be a common or uncommon that receives more than the normal level of detail/effort per figure.

Just a guess. ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll add my $.02 that the Salamander is just a little too plain. The sculpt is great, in fact it beats out both the Dragoneye and Elemental Evil versions except for the lack of colors. I'm hoping there's still time to change that.

The rares are all phenominal. The book takes the cake, but the Pit Fiend isn't far behind. The Decimvrate Leader will be a welcome addition to my NPC pile. Too bad he's getting overshadowed by some of the best pieces in the set so far.

Scarab Sages

So far, everything I've seen about this set makes me want to buy a case. I probably will, but I'm gonna give it a few more reveals before I make my final decision.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The book looks like a fine stand-in for the Tome of Horrors Complete, which has stats for itself in the beginning.

I also like the book. Unfortunately, I've moved away from the Paizo minis because it's too much of a crap shoot and too expensive. I've really enjoyed exploring other outlets to fill my dungeon dressing needs. Today, for example, I just finished painting some out houses from ArmorCast. I also got some nice wizard alchemy pieces from another place. And I supported the Stone Skull Studeo kickstarter and will be getting a TON of dungeon dressing items. There is a really nice book like the one seen here. I have not completely given up on these releases but they're pretty far down the list now.

I still LOVE you Paizo, no matter how that sounded :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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We'll keep the bed warm for you.

(Blue and Red sheets available.)

Dark Archive

When Erik mentioned there was going to be a pit fiend in this collection I did my best to keep my inner gamer cool and composed.

Now it's revealed to everyone!

I can not wait for this figure to lead the march of Cheliax's legions to retake traitorous Andoran and reign her into the Infernal Empire's protective fold once again.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Kalindlara wrote:
That said, there is another possibility (and Mr. Mona might be able to shed some light on this). All figures require a certain number of paint steps. By reducing the number of paint steps for the Salamander (which really doesn't need them that badly), they may have been able to spend that time on another figure. So in exchange for this, there may be a common or uncommon that receives more than the normal level of detail/effort per figure.

That's generally accurate, but the reality isn't so precise, at least from our side. That is, we don't have a big list of minis with the exact number of paint ops for each where we horse-trade ops across the line ("if we skip the wash on Figure A, can we bump Figure B from two shades of grey on the cloak to three?")

But we do go through and look at all of the proposed paint masters and make lots of comments. Sometimes, they're requirements—we won't approve the figure without that change—and sometimes they're just requests ("it would be nice if you could do this"). If we're looking at a common mini that already has a lot of paint ops, "would be nice" additions are unlikely to happen, but if we're looking at a rare that doesn't already have a ton of paint ops, they probably will happen.

We have not yet done this type of review for this set.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I see. Thank you for the insight! ^_^

I have been surprised in the past at the level of detail on some of the common pieces. Whatever the process, I'm quite happy with the decisions made to bring us the right minis for the job. I'm sure the Salamander will turn out just fine. The sculpt is fantastic, it won't take much more to make him perfect.

As he is, you're already leaving me hoping that a Flamebrother variant is soon to follow.

Dark Archive et-5.html

The last picture includes a render of the gargantuan case incentive for D&D Icons 5 "Chief Guh".

It is the most GROTESQUE miniature i have ever seen!!!
I can't imagine why something like that is even produced.
I mean, it is massive and obesity lovers will gobble it up, but i don't see this selling much beyond that.

It kinda explains why Wizkids has chosen the two huge minis for Deadly Foes that it has though:

They don't know much about what minis collectors want.

I will buy it just because it is so disturbing, but what do the rest of you think?

I for one am glad that we have someone with good taste like Erik Mona to chose the Pathfinder minis.

Chief Guh willl be a good Mama Graal proxy.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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I thought the same thing for about two seconds before I remembered that Mammy Graul, despite her considerable rotundity, is Medium.

Dark Archive

The verdict is in:
Absolutely NOBODY on the internet forums likes the D&D case incentive!!!

Expect it either to change or to be available for $9.99 soon.

Some retailers are already offering it for $25!

Very odd choice that D&D case incentive...

The release of gargantuan or huge are only a few time a year, I think they should have use that one to provide a more usefull and needed piece to add on a battle map.

For the next PF Battle set its quite the opposite. I realy like what Erik is showing us. We have about half the set reveled and its already on of the more solid for me. Glad to finaly have a PF pit fiend and looking foward to know what's on the other half of the set.

Yeah, that's a really weird pick for a case incentive. It makes me wonder who's calling the shots over at Wizkids. I would expect both companies to want to make their incentive picks extremely safe choices, and this is the least safe choice I ever remember seeing. Though honestly, I thought the Huges for this set would be safer picks too, since there are so many Huges that haven't been made yet that show up a whole lot more regularly in adventures and have never been made as pre-paints. But Erik has proved to be reliable in the past, and I'm hopeful both the new Huges will do well!

Dark Archive

I will buy one "your mama is so fat, she eats red dragon shank" mini and two each of "Robot dragon & legless Cthulhu" minis, even though they are odd choices.

But this is not Erik´s fault. He wrote, that wizkids chose these two out of 50 or so he suggested.

Still the 2 PFBs beat the one D&D mini by a long shot. ;-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm just hoping we see the other 48 suggestions in huge sets sometime. There's got to be a way to make this work.

Dark Archive

So far 28 of 52 minis have been revealed:

9 of 13 common minis:
1:Accuser Devil (s)
2:Celestial Lantern (s)
5:Celestial Hound
6:Invisible Guardian
7:Priest of Asmodeus
8:Thrune Enforcer
9:Bearded Devil
10:Hobgoblin (melee fighter?)
11:Hobgoblin (ranged fighter?)

5 of 11 uncommon small or medium minis:
1:Imp (s)
2:Celestial Trumpeter
6:Hobgoblin (?)
7:Erinyes (?)
8:Barbed Devil (?)

4 of 8 uncommon large minis:
1:Ankhrav Drone
3:Hell Hound
4:Giant Eagle
5:Bone Devil (?)
6:Oni Mage giant male (?)
7:Oni Mage giant female (?)

4 of 8 rare small or medium minis:
1:Fire Diabolist
2:Pathfinder Society Leader
3:Technic League Captain
4:Aasimar Paladin
5:Female Vampire (?)
6:Shensen (?)

3 of 4 rare large minis:
2:Pit Fiend
3:Keketar Protean

1 of 6 rare dungeon dressings:
1:Book of the Damned

2 of 2 huge minis:
1:Clockwork Dragon
2:Spawn of Cthulhu

?: minis advertised in the set description or very probable because of comments from Mr. Mona.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

We'll keep the bed warm for you.

(Blue and Red sheets available.)

Hello Erik.

I am curious if we get a minis preview tonight, but would understand it if we don´t.

Personally i fully expect that the "Deadly Foes" set will be re-scheduled to november or december, because of the "D&D Icons 5" set coming out on september 1st.

I know this is not your decision and you probably don´t know a definite release date, as Wizkids makes these.

Don´t be too frustrated. ;-)

Thank you for the great job you (and the others - who is that anyway?) are doing for us minis collectors and fans!

I will buy a case and 2 incentive boxes no matter when this is released.

You still have 27 computer renders to show us and 18 weeks until october (or 21 weeks until november/25 until) december.
You should be good if you show only one mini per week or even if you show two, it will suffice till september 9th. ;-)

Greetings from Germany, Marco

Marco, where have you seen the Keketar?

DanyRay, it was in the initial announcement image...

ICV2 Deadly Foes Article

Oh I missed that article...

Thats also where the barbed devl come from...nice!


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