In the Cargo Hold

Friday, November 6, 2015

Today I've got the final three figure previews for January's The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles, and by a happy coincidence, it's easy to use all three to create a mini-encounter set in the hold of a ship! Two of these items are "dungeon dressing," while the third is an oft-requested character that I consider one of the strangest figures we've done to date. Let's take a look!

First up this week is the Crate. It's a crate. WizKids has added a nice ink wash to pull out the wooden details here, and if you can somehow figure out how to get a bunch of them (I suspect—but do not know for sure—that there will be as many as 2 per case), you'll be able to create a cool warehouse scene, or dress up a basement, a bandit lair, or just about any encounter with some handy terrain. The Crate fits nicely on the Wagon and Cart figures that also fill out the "dungeon dressing" offerings in The Rusty Dragon Inn, so while it's a simple "wooden" box, there's a lot of versatility here that I suspect will make the Crate a popular piece.

Next we have the Barrel. It's a barrel. Very much in place at an inn or a tavern, the Barrel is another versatile piece of dungeon dressing I've been trying to get into a set since the idea of terrain pieces first crossed our mind about a year ago. Is it filled with booze? Explosives? I dunno! That's up to you!

Last up this week is the perfect accompaniment for crates and barrels in a ship's cargo hold, Ranzak, the goblin pirate! First introduced as a playable goblin character in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Ranzak is a delightfully psychotic little wretch who has been demanding representation in Pathfinder Battles almost since the day he was created. Seriously. Dude has been carving his name into my office door with his hook hand. He's very ill-behaved. This, of course, makes him a great addition to a Pathfinder campaign, whether at the head of a group of goblin scallywags, or as a unique "oddball" crewmember for the party's next ocean voyage. Ranzak is a Small, rare figure.

And that's it for The Rusty Dragon Inn previews! We've significantly revised (for the better) the bar case incentive for the set, and between now and next Friday I hope to get new shots to show off the increased size and versatility of the set.

Until then, I remain...

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn
Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I hadn't realised that Ranzak was an Irrisen snow goblin (like the alchemist in the Reign of Winter set). :)
Great looking piece.

Dark Archive

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While the crate and barrel are nice the problem remains that 1 or 2 of them are of very limited use.

Personally i have over 30 crates - the pegasus hobbies 8-pack is very cool, as half of them double as tubs or throughs - but these here have their use - not for a warehouse as you would need a dozen cases to fill even a small room - but as tables or to sit on.

Ranzak looks cool and he is of great use for PACG players but personally i have about 50 pathfinder goblins and don't need more.

Still these minis will be useful to a lot of people and The Rusty Dragon Inn set will provide a great versatility of PCs, NPCs, humanoid adversaries and animals as well as some cool monsters.

Also it is the set with the fewest small minis yet (4) which i like because medium minis allow for more detail.

Lets just hope the next set won't have quite as many humanoids as this one to allow for more variety between sets.

Now i'm good and ready for the bar and King Irovetti and Feiya!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Congratulations Erik and Mike. Overall a remarkable set. These dressing pieces will be very popular, I truly hope some repaints are possible like the brazier from DD, I can see me needing many of each.

Thanks for Ranzak, sure he's a little niche, just a goblin pirate is always a plus in your collection. I'll need more than one, not sure why, but I know it will happen. Maybe we could get a repaint in classic goblin green? Man we are going to need more conventions for all these repaints.

Eric, On behalf of all the PACG players, THANKS!

What an amazing set! Can't wait to get my case and the incentive. Erik, do you know if Iconic Heroes IV is still being released later this month or has it also been delayed?

Dark Archive

Vernon Fults wrote:
What an amazing set! Can't wait to get my case and the incentive. Erik, do you know if Iconic Heroes IV is still being released later this month or has it also been delayed?

Iconic Heroes 4 will begin shipping on november 30th.

That means people who ordered it from paizo will have it as early as december 1st, maybe later.

The street date will be december 16th most likely. But that is not official.

I don't expect to see them in stores this year here in germany.

As simple as they are, I'll be looking to acquire multiples of the crate and barrel. And a pirate goblin with a parrot as nearly as big as he is on his shoulder? What's not to love?

Now that this set has been fully revealed I know for certain it will be one of my favorite sets. While I know its not everyone's preference, I really do like having lots of player character and non-player character options. In my campaigns, most of my adversaries are humanoids and not monsters. This set really delivers well on that account.

As for the dungeon dressing items, these have really hit the mark on this set. I really like all these items and look forward to receiving them -- and my only disappointment with them is that they are rares. (But I suspect/hope we may see 1 or more of these produced as promo items in the future *cough* *cough* *table*)

As for Ranzak... Well my preference for minis is always for minis that I see being used on the gaming table. I dislike having minis sit in my cabinet that I know will never see the table top. While I feel Ranzak may be one of these... how do you not like a goblin pirate with parrot on his shoulder??? To me this will be more of an art-piece than a game-piece, and one that I will be happy to have. This is a unique and original sculpt that I believe is going to get a decent amount of paint steps applied to complement it. Of course the OCD part of me requires a green-skinned goblin pirate, so it looks like I will be buying an extra one to repaint :)

My question is why is he blue? Am I missing something here? I thought Pathfinder goblins were green?

I guess the dungeon dressing pieces are OK for those that have none, but most would need many, many crates and barrels. Not a fan of such simple dungeon dressing pieces not being common. Should have made more intricate pieces represented as rare for the dungeon dressing.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I have to agree. Really like the box and barrel, but I'd need quite a few. If they end up at $5 each, I might buy 1 or 2 extra, and then look elsewhere at other brands. But if Wizkids can make them available for $1-2, I'd buy a ton.

How to get tons of crates and barrels. There are similar papercraft ones available through sets made by Fat Dragon Games and Dave Graffam. Dave Graffam also has nice sets with cargo bales of various types and lumber and haystacks. For little price and a bit of effort you can print and glue together whole warehouses' worth of trade goods.

Edit: Let me add, I also use lots of solid crates and barrels from Hirst Arts, Mage Knight, and Dwarven Forge. But if you need tons, the solid ones get expensive really fast, and papercraft becomes a very attractive option (with very attractive results, too.)

Silver Crusade

Is anyone else now seeing cards instead of crates and barrels?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Is anyone else now seeing cards instead of crates and barrels?

Looks fine to me...

Maybe they fixed it. ^_^

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

A-HA! I've found the solution to the 'no chairs in the Rusty Dragon'!

Buy crates and barrels for people to sit on!


I like this!


*SOLD indicating 'when finances are set for PaizoCon, Gencon, family reunion, travel to all above, lodging for all above' (must have priorities)

Dark Archive

So no chairs one table one barrel one bed and maybe two crates. Not exactly dressing in my opinion. These started as an experiment and I think it's been proven they are a hit so let's either get them in numbers that make them useful ( which in this set they are not!) or get rid of them and replace them with figures we can use just one of. At 5$ a pop singles are not an option so realistically the table bed and barrel will just sit in a tray somewhere and seldom is ever get used. Sorry but I feel these were a miss.

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
At 5$ a pop singles are not an option so realistically the table bed and barrel will just sit in a tray somewhere and seldom is ever get used.

At $5 "a pop", Paizo would sell out fast. Subscribers are paying $300+ for basically one of each. (yeah, we get a few PC and monsters with those). So as part of a case they're about $2.50 each. To be able to buy singles at $5 each is a good deal. Understand, IF you can find them, the dungeon dressings from Dungeons Deep are selling for $10+ on Ebay and the repaints about $6+ each.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
arbados wrote:
My question is why is he blue? Am I missing something here? I thought Pathfinder goblins were green?

They have a pretty wide range of skin tones, though Erik has generally kept the minis in a pretty narrow range of skin tone so that the little critters mostly look like they're from the same tribe.

(Ranzak reference art.)

Thanks Vic. I appreciate the response and pic!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Yeah, Ranzak (and the winter goblin in Reign) are special cases, where I'm trying to match a very specific piece of art. Generally, I'm going to stick with a matching green when/if we do more goblins.

I hope that parrot comes off easily, would be pretty cool all by itself.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The parrot was not designed to be removable.

Vic Wertz wrote:
The parrot was not designed to be removable.

Well, that doesn't need to stop someone with an Exacto knife and some superglue :-) It looks like it would be relatively easy to make the cut, though some of that will depend on where the tail feathers fall on the back.

Cleanthes wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
The parrot was not designed to be removable.
Well, that doesn't need to stop someone with an Exacto knife and some superglue :-) It looks like it would be relatively easy to make the cut, though some of that will depend on where the tail feathers fall on the back.

I bet the Deinonychus wasn't dsigned to be taken apart either, and yet it came apart just fine with little force.

Same with the head of Gnome Fighter (H&M)

Makes repainting much easier.

This one looks lke:
- remove goblin head (probbably an easy pull)
- cut off parrot with scalpel or thin saw
- resculpt goblin shoulder, hiding a little magnet
- repaint goblin shoulder
- glue other magnet to parrot feet

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