Lost Coast Now Shipping!

Friday, November 14, 2014

The newest full set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic gaming figures is NOW SHIPPING from the paizo.com warehouse in advance of the set's formal November 19th release date. This is your first opportunity to enjoy the new Ongoing Case Subscription Benefits like 30% off cases, singles, and other Pathfinder Battles releases, as well as 75% off the limited-edition case incentive Shemhazian Demon figure.

The Shemhazian Demon is among the largest (and heaviest) Pathfinder Battles "Gargantuans" that we've produced so far, and he's filled with all kinds of fantastic details.

Because we're not quite ready to show off images from the next set yet, here are a couple of rough shots I just composed in my office to show the final production-run Shemhazian Demon next to some other figures, for a size comparison.

Here we have the Shemhazian Demon next to the Gargantuan Skeletal Dragon from Skull & Shackles and the Gargantuan Blue Dragon from Shattered Star. This is one really big demon!

The iconic heroes from the Beginner Box Heroes set will need all the 20s they can roll as they face off against the giant Shemhazian Demon. Perhaps these versions of the iconics are worried about the newer, better versions coming out next year in the Iconic Heroes sets?

I'll have something else cool to show you next week. In the meantime, get ready for The Lost Coast to arrive, and set up your Ongoing Case Subscription to make sure you don't miss a single figure!

Erik Mona

PS: Yes, I know it's past time to dust my office, thank you.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Must have it!!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Any chance we can get an update on when the season's promo minis are due to hit the store?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Even better than I thought. Early pictures look pretty good, very excited for this set. Now all I need is some more new stuff - next set? C'mon you know you want to... Maybe some HUGE news?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer


Thanks for reminding me.

Aside from a Gargantuan Red Dragon, I'd really love to see the Gold Dragon and Silver Dragon get some lovin (if not with a Gargantuan sized model then at least with an "Evolution of" series for both of them).

Hmm, looks like Eric is going for the elaborate I've been sleeping for a long time dragon look, going through the painstakingly precise process of having the dragon miniatures collect just the right amount of dust - obviously intentional! ;-)

Dusty minis just means they've been enjoyed more than those tucked away safely in their boxes.

The more I see the Shemhazian, the more I simultaneously drool and shiver. The photos above make it even more amazing, but dang is that thing creepy looking. I think its the face; something about it reminds me of old White-Wolf wyrm-tainted horrors from Malfeas.

Liberty's Edge

Did anyone else notice the 'Icons of the Realms' starter set in the top picture?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Ha! Yep, I have a pack of that in that shelf system. Oh well, bonus ad for Wizards of the Coast! :)

Grand Lodge

Oh where oh where has my subscription shipment gone?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

They literally just started, so I imagine it's still working its way through the system. It takes several days for the entire sub run to process and ship.

Erik Mona wrote:

They literally just started, so I imagine it's still working its way through the system. It takes several days for the entire sub run to process and ship.

This is a shame. Maybe I am expecting too much, but as a subscriber and pre-ordering, you would think that we would have ours on release date. However with them not even shipping yet and my email stating they would ship between the 8th and the 21st, it could well be over a week after local shops have them before I even see mine.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We try not to unfairly complete with the retailers that sell our products. Many retailers already resent that we sell things directly. If we guaranteed that subscribers received product *early*, that would be a *huge* problem.

Our goal is for most US subscribers to receive their subscription product within a couple days of the street date. That's a goal, and not a guarantee, but we do hit it for most people most of the time.

Vic Wertz wrote:

We try not to unfairly complete with the retailers that sell our products. Many retailers already resent that we sell things directly. If we guaranteed that subscribers received product *early*, that would be a *huge* problem.

Our goal is for most US subscribers to receive their subscription product within a couple days of the street date. That's a goal, and not a guarantee, but we do hit it for most people most of the time.

I can understand and respect that. Maybe it is just that with this release being so close to a holiday. But all I can think is that if it doesn't ship until the 21st, it will be December before I get it. Expected transit time is four to five business days. And shipping on the 21st would mean that it wouldn't be delivered next week because of Thanksgiving. And I think that for a US customer to get a product two weeks after release date is a little too much to ask of customer.

Why am I thinking Shemhazia is somewhere near Tasmania?

I've been a subscriber since the Pathfinder Battles subscriptions were first announced and mine still have not shipped. Customer Service wasn't picking up the phone yesterday and didn't return my call when I left a message yesterday morning. To be honest, this is kind of frustrating.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Our goal is for most US subscribers to receive their subscription product within a couple days of the street date. That's a goal, and not a guarantee, but we do hit it for most people most of the time.

I respect this goal, I must not be one of the "most people". So far it seems mine are averaging out to ship within a week and I receive my case within two weeks of street date. The worst one was three weeks after street and my best one arrived five days after street.

I understand why some folks get frustrated with the delivery times. It does feel odd to see people opening boxes at the FLGS knowing mine still have not shipped yet. But to be honest, if I get mine on the average of two weeks after street I am OK with it. They cost me less than MSR and I get the case incentive at a reduced rate. Overall, I know I will get them. Not a big problem, for me, in the end. :-)

This is the absolute latest these have ever shipped for me. My local game store has them, and they're all over ebay, but I'm still waiting to hear my pre-ordered subscription is on its way.

Oh, and no one at Customer Service answers the phone or returns messages!

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