Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Second Look at Rise of the Runelords

Friday, February 03, 2012

Last week I previewed several miniatures from our upcoming Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniature set, scheduled for an early summer release. WizKids is still finalizing the details on the product mix and exact release date, so while we do not yet have a product page for the set, I DO have some more really cool images to show you of paint masters!

To recap, a “paint master” is an early output of the miniature painted as a guide to the factory artists who will paint the final production run. So far, we’ve been really impressed with the factory’s ability to match the quality of our paint masters, so we’re pushing things a bit with this latest release to ensure that you receive the highest possible quality miniatures we can deliver.

So these images don’t look exactly like the final minis will look, but this is what they’re shooting for, and I suspect the final product will be very close to what you see here.

These miniatures support the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, a massive hardcover collection of our very first Adventure Path that we’re releasing this summer as a special 10th Anniversary present to ourselves (and to you!).

Up first this week is the Ghoul, a common miniature that represents a key enemy in the Adventure Path’s second installment. I’ve always been fond of ghouls as deadly undead menaces for low-level parties, and this guy looks great, nasty long tongue and all! (And no, his left arm isn’t quite so straight in real life.)

If you thought ghouls were terrifying, wait until you get a load of the Denizen of Leng, another common who will come in handy as your players reach the second half of the Adventure Path. Drawn to the world from an otherworldly plateau and possessed of weird eldritch powers, this alien mystic subs in nicely for any kid of oddball spellcaster eager to keep his ugly mug hidden behind soiled linen strips.

This miniature, the uncommon Wraith, is a good example of something new we’re trying with this set—clear plastic! When appropriate (as in the case of incorporeal undead), we plan to produce certain miniatures in this set with a translucent plastic, adding to the otherworldly effect. This figure is an almost direct translation of the wraith illustration from the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, but it took us several tries to get a workable sculpt from the waist down, as the original art is not particularly helpful in this regard. I’m really happy with how he turned out.

Last up today is another clear plastic miniature, the relentless Scanderig (or Forgefiend). This original creature made his first appearance in the original Rise of the Runelords campaign, and countless player characters have since been stuffed inside its fiery belly. He is both Large and rare, and in person he looks absolutely amazing. Note the painted “bars” on the back of the mini. The original illustration didn’t show the creature’s back, so our master painter added the lines with paint to create a sort of grill effect. We didn’t so much care for that, so the final miniature will have an “open” front and back, which ought to help light shine through the red plastic, enhancing the fire effect.

One of the cool things about this second set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures, for us here at Paizo, is to see original Pathfinder creatures in plastic. The Scanderig is just one of many in the Rise of the Runelords set, but the others will have to wait for future Fridays, and future Pathfinder Battles previews.

Until then,

Erik Mona

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These minis look awesome, especially the Denizen, Wraith and Scanderig! The URL for the bigger images isn't active though, but I can't wait to see these in person!

Liberty's Edge

I thought the HM stuff was amazing. You were right to say that the RotRL stuff would floor us.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They do look great! Really intrigued by the Scanderig mini.

Kriss Lambert wrote:
These minis look awesome, especially the Denizen, Wraith and Scanderig! The URL for the bigger images isn't active though, but I can't wait to see these in person!

D'oh! The urls for the bigger images have been fixed :)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wow, these look outstanding! Love the Denizen, can't wait (I also just got my H&M brick, and the Ettin - among others- looks amazing "in person").


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Scanderig and Denizen of Leng look fabulous!

The Exchange

These look really awesome! Well done!

These DO look fabulous!

I tried to show last friday's post to DW. She said that she would rather wait for the surprise of seeing them as we open the case! Amazing self control in an amazing woman!!

Awesome, I'm ready and I haven't seen the other 50. Wishing my life away but can't hardly wait for june. These minis and the RotRL conversion, coinciding with a new gaming venue. I have no words to describe my joy.

Grand Lodge

You guys are making me upset. My group is about 2 sessions away from the Scanderig, and Id LOVE to be able to use that mini. *sadface*

Grand Lodge

Also, the Denizen of Leng would make a very good piece for an Osirion Necromancer, I think.

Dark Archive

True to form, I just totally “pooped in my pantaloons" and “browned my britches"!

And I did not even have my soiling jeans ready!

So what I want to know is set size booster size and booster brick and case prices cause I must own a complete set of these

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Joey Virtue wrote:
So what I want to know is set size booster size and booster brick and case prices cause I must own a complete set of these
Erik's blog wrote:
WizKids is still finalizing the details on the product mix and exact release date, so while we do not yet have a product page for the set...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Denizen of Leng? Oh man, a major quest-giver NPC in my campaign now is a Denizen of Leng, but he's been pushing the PC's buttons for months. Let's hope he survives until the miniature comes out.

I really love the Pathfinder minis! These ones look awesome! I can hardly wait for them to come out! Do we know more or less?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Anyone else look at the ghoul and think

Alas, poor Yorick! I ate him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent taste; he hath filled my nagging belly a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have rudely chewed off. Where be your ribs now?

The words for how excited I am about the Denizen of Leng? I don't have any that don't completely understate it.

The only disappointing thing for me about the HM set was how generic most of the pieces were; I can't think of anything from that set that I didn't already have represented via my old D&D minis. This set is where things are starting to get interesting.

Also: Paizo, your mascot is a GOLEM. When are we gonna get a PAIZO GOLEM mini?

Absotively Fabuloustrous!!!!!

I had to make words up to get a proper level of praise goin'. This set will be mind-boggling!

Grand Lodge

Green Left Eye wrote:

Also: Paizo, your mascot is a GOLEM. When are we gonna get a PAIZO GOLEM mini?

I could see the possibility of a certain unique Golem in the RotR set.

Great previews once again.



Liberty's Edge

The clear plastics were definitely missed in H&M and these look great. It's hard to tell from just a pic, but I rather like the grill attempt Erik - just sayin'.

There is really "nothin but net" in terms of the quality of the sculpts and paints on these. I am impressed. Great call on the common ghoul, too!

Definately some unique minis in set. I really like the Denizen of Leng.

The Pathfinder Minis gallery has been updated.

Erik, the orc fan in me just has to ask if there is any chance you could tell us if there are any more orcs coming in this set? If so, would it be possible to leak us with some teaser info, such as their names?

Kor-Orc I really appreciate keeping track of the update, please keep it up. As if fridays needed anymore reason to be awesome.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Kor: There are no more orcs coming in this set. There just aren't any in Rise of the Runelords at all. Sorry!

Dark Archive

These look awesome.I will be upping my case subscription to 3.

Erik Mona wrote:

Kor: There are no more orcs coming in this set. There just aren't any in Rise of the Runelords at all. Sorry!

Well, thankfully the H&M Orc Warrior was just so awesome for a pre-painted mini, I think I can hold off until the next set... hopefully :)

The Exchange Kobold Press

The quality on these is just amazing. I really, really want to pick these up today.

It's hard to be patient when they look this good!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, these are OK I guess. But what kind of city watchmen are we getting?

Matthew Morris wrote:

Anyone else look at the ghoul and think

Alas, poor Yorick! I ate him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent taste; he hath filled my nagging belly a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have rudely chewed off. Where be your ribs now?

I was actually thinking he is about to go bowling. Denizen of Leng is the definite winner in my mind out of those four. So far my favorite is the Bugbear however.

Is there any specific reason Malfeshnekor was chosen to be uncommon (instead of rare)? Such unique creatures seem more naturally to fit into the rare category to me, on the basis of usability of likely duplicates in a case. (In fact, I'd prefer these to be the apparent 'super rare' category).

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:
Is there any specific reason Malfeshnekor was chosen to be uncommon (instead of rare)? Such unique creatures seem more naturally to fit into the rare category to me, on the basis of usability of likely duplicates in a case. (In fact, I'd prefer these to be the apparent 'super rare' category).

My guess is even though it is a named single NPC in the path, as a general creature it is plenty possible to encounter more than one in a different higher level campaign.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Pygon wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Is there any specific reason Malfeshnekor was chosen to be uncommon (instead of rare)? Such unique creatures seem more naturally to fit into the rare category to me, on the basis of usability of likely duplicates in a case. (In fact, I'd prefer these to be the apparent 'super rare' category).
My guess is even though it is a named single NPC in the path, as a general creature it is plenty possible to encounter more than one in a different higher level campaign.


Also, sometimes there are technical reasons why certain figures are more advantageous to fit on the same mold, which can have rareness implications. I'm not saying this is the case here, but it has happened before and will happen again.

Cheers. That all makes sense.

Liz Courts wrote:
Scanderig and Denizen of Leng look fabulous!

Agreed, particularly the Scanderig - just as frightening as it should be.


I don't recall any use for the Denizens prior to Book 6, and the set encounter for them is likely not to even occur. Do they appear earlier in the reprint? Common seems too common for these guys, or is it just to get more of them available due to the number that appear, and potential future use (similar to Malfeshnekor)?

Silver Crusade

interesting selection

looking forward to all Rise' products this year!


Dark Archive

Awesome selection, still looking forward to the case incentive mini. Hey Erik think we could get a look at that now? I mean you've been teasing us with it since before Christmas.

I'll definitely want several ghouls and at least one denizen. I'm not sure I like the wraith but it is consistent, artistically, with the HM specter. The scanderig is interesting, but I can't see it fitting into my campaign world.



Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I love all of the. I really like the Wraith. Bring on the Runelords. I might just up my subscription to 3 also.

I don't know much about Scanderig's, but if I was an evil minion trying to help one out I'd probably prefer to be able to stuff characters in from the front or the back of this guy. I agree with leaving the bars off of the back!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Awesome selection, still looking forward to the case incentive mini. Hey Erik think we could get a look at that now? I mean you've been teasing us with it since before Christmas.

My guess would be that Erik is waiting until Wizkids have finalised the packaging for the sety before showing off the Rune Giant case incentive.

I can't help but wonder what the Scanderig and Wraith mini's would look like if you drilled up through the base and inserted a high intensity LED.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

They would probably look amazing.

Starfinder Superscriber

You know it figures, just as I'm finishing this series for my players these come out.

Matthew Morris wrote:

Anyone else look at the ghoul and think

Alas, poor Yorick! I ate him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent taste; he hath filled my nagging belly a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have rudely chewed off. Where be your ribs now?

I got as far as "Alas, poor Yorick!" Then I saw the rest of the minis and went no farther.

Did you see the Sir Patrick Stewart/ David Tenant version of Hamlet that was released to DVD last year? It was very well done. I wish that I could have seen the stage version.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

From the pictures, it seems to me like the Scanderig would look better with the "grill" on the back. It seems to me like it would look strange to have the entire backside of the monster just be open.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tamago wrote:
From the pictures, it seems to me like the Scanderig would look better with the "grill" on the back. It seems to me like it would look strange to have the entire backside of the monster just be open.

I suspect the problem is that the rear bars are painted on as opposed to textured. If it was raised opaque plastic matching the rest of its body it might work. Either way, I trust Eric's judgement.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

The quality on these is just amazing. I really, really want to pick these up today.

It's hard to be patient when they look this good!

ESPECIALLY when some of the minis coming up are based on characters you designed and/or invented, hmm? :-P

The Exchange

Aaron aka Itchy wrote:

Did you see the Sir Patrick Stewart/ David Tenant version of Hamlet that was released to DVD last year? It was very well done. I wish that I could have seen the stage version.

The first half looked a lot like the back of a fat guys head. The second half was much more interesting, as he didn't make it back from the interval (I have an alibi). Alas, it was during the period where Tenant had hurt his back, but his understudy was pretty good.

brock wrote:
Aaron aka Itchy wrote:

Did you see the Sir Patrick Stewart/ David Tenant version of Hamlet that was released to DVD last year? It was very well done. I wish that I could have seen the stage version.
The first half looked a lot like the back of a fat guys head. The second half was much more interesting, as he didn't make it back from the interval (I have an alibi). Alas, it was during the period where Tenant had hurt his back, but his understudy was pretty good.

Don't worry Sweetheart... I have the dvd you can watch later. You can sit in the toddler seat for that complete theatre experience.

brock wrote:
Aaron aka Itchy wrote:
Did you see the Sir Patrick Stewart/ David Tenant version of Hamlet that was released to DVD last year? It was very well done. I wish that I could have seen the stage version.
The first half looked a lot like the back of a fat guys head. The second half was much more interesting, as he didn't make it back from the interval (I have an alibi). Alas, it was during the period where Tenant had hurt his back, but his understudy was pretty good.

I am jealous!

I did get to see Patrick Stewart in Macbeth a few years back. That was the best stage production I have ever seen. I have the DVD of that production and, though it is good, it is not as good as the stage version.

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