Extra Caravan Events

Jade Regent

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I’ve been unimpressed with the official support provided in the books, both for NPC/PC interactions as well as non-combat events to liven up the caravan’s trip. As such, I’ve written some incidents that I may use in my game and am willing to share in the hopes it sparks others’ imaginations as well.

I am not using the caravan rules as RAW, so my mechanical suggestions are just that: suggestions. If you can think up better results, use them.
No DCs have been included, as these events could happen at any level, and thus it is up to the GM to change them to meet the PCs abilities.
If you can come up with your own ideas, please add them.

On the Road Again – Events while the caravan is on the trail

Shelyn Has Left the Building
A small shrine is found beside the road to any deity of the GM’s choice. If the caravan stops to pray, subtract 5 miles from the day’s travels, and give a +2 bonus to the next trading roll.

Fight Club
A pair of guards in the caravan gets into a fight over a gambling game. One accuses the other of cheating, the other denies this allegation. If not dealt with, the caravan suffers -2 penalty to AC due to people taking sides and not standing as a unified whole.

Lucky Charms
Koya or another fortuneteller finds a good omen. If the caravan spends 1 unit of supplies for a festival in celebration, the caravan can reroll any one of the next three rolls it makes.

Cat Fight
A small group of women in the caravan start to have personality conflicts with each other. This can be due to jealousy, in-fighting, or misheard gossip. Unless the party smoothes out the issue with Diplomacy, Sense Motive and Perception checks, the friction will cause a -1d4 to all economy checks and a +2 to unrest.

Pranks, But No Pranks
A number of pranks happen to the caravan (ropes unwound, mud placed in boots, knives dulled, sewing unwound). Tempers flare and people get angry as the blame runs wild. Using Stealth, Sense Motive, Perception, and knowledge (arcane), the party can find out fey tricksters are having fun with the caravan. If the party doesn’t find out about the fey, the caravan takes a -1d4 to resolve as trust deteriorates.

If the party finds the fey, a fortuneteller can engage the fey in a contest of wits, make a Profession (fortuneteller) check, if successful, the fey are made friendly and give 2 trade goods worth of fey-worked items. On a failure the fey leave, looking for people who are more fun to be around.

Reverse Harem
A woman in the caravan is playing one of the drivers and one of the guards against each other, enjoying the little power trip it gives her. If allowed to continue, the driver will eventually snap and murder the guard in his sleep. The party is left to deal with the fallout.

Minimum Sentences
Along the road, the caravan passes a crow cage beside the road. The prisoner inside pleads to be set free, saying he’s innocent. A Sense Motive check can tell he’s lying. If the caravan does not free him, he shouts insults and pronounces a curse upon them all! Unless cowed into silence with Intimidate (Diplomacy will not work) enough people hear the curse to cause +2 to unrest.

Baby On Board
A pregnant woman in the caravan goes into labour. The birth is very difficult and without help, disaster may occur. Make three skill checks: 1 Diplomacy (to calm the mother), and 2 Heals. Divine magic can be used to generate 1 successful Heal check. What happens depends on how many successful checks the party makes:

3 successes: mother and baby are fine. The caravan is elated! +2 to all checks for a week.

2 successes: hard birth, the mother is weakened, but the baby is fine. +1 to all checks for 3 days.

1 success: mother dies in childbirth, baby is fine. Joy mixed with sadness, no modifiers.

0 successes: mother dies, taking her child with her. Gloom descends on the caravan, -2 to all checks.

Are We Really Like That?
The caravan comes across a 5 member adventurer party (level 1). The fighter, mage, cleric, and rogue all have the charisma of unwashed rot grubs, but the male bard is smoking hot, and tries to hit on female PCs. Whenever anyone tries to talk to the bard, another of his party members moves to flank the speaker. The mage keeps moving into places where he would have a clear shot with a colour spray. The rogue eyes the party’s coin purses, and the fighter tries to speak but can only shout aggressively. The cleric always works something about his god into any sentence he says.

All are orphans and have no living family members.

In Need of a Cattle Prod
A druid is allowing his T Rex animal companion a chance to rest. Unfortunately, the lazy best is lying across the road. The caravan’s horses will not go anywhere near the predator, so the party must convince the druid to get “Lord Carvington” up and moving. Both have been walking all day and are tired, but the druid is fairly reasonable, so any good use of Diplomacy or bribe should work. Threats or use of force and the druid responds with Anti-Life Shell, Wall of Thorns, Repel Wood, Wall of Stone, or other, really high level spells to force the caravan back, but does not fight to kill. Left to himself, Lord Carvington will not move for a whole day.

I’m No Good Without My Daily Map
The caravan comes across a fork in the road. According to the map, the group should head east: too bad the fork in the road is between northwest and west. There was an eastern path at one point, but it looks like a fight between mages turned that route into a field of jagged obsidian rocks.

The caravan can either stop and wait for a traveler to come along (2 days) to tell them which route to take (west), or can send out scouts. A successful Survival check will tell the caravan that the west path is the longer, but safer. The northwestern one is shorter, but over rougher, swampier terrain.

Taking west route: no problems.

Taking northwest route: Make 2 morale, and 1 mobility checks against the caravan to see how well the caravan deals with the harder terrain and flaring tempers due to the extra work:

3 successes: the caravan is a well oiled machine! The surge of confidence gives the group a +2 to all economy rolls in the next town.

2 successes: the road is hard, but we’re harder. The toil toughens the caravan up. +1 AC to the next fight.

1 success: I should have stayed at home. The distance takes twice the time to cover. Demoralized, the caravan takes a -1 to all checks for a week.

0 successes: are we there yet? The rough path claims a victim! Randomly choose one of the caravan’s wagons. Remove that from play, as well as whatever cargo it was carrying. +2 to unrest until some kind of uplifting event occurs.

Gods On High
One night the sky suddenly lights up with a furious glow, like the northern lights. It is terrifying and people and horses cry out with fear. Those who make a Knowledge (arcane) check can tell it is some kind of battle taking place in the celestial realms.

A character with Knowledge (religion) can, on a successful check, read the signs above and calm the caravan down. By linking the lights above to religious sagas, the character can weave a story that gives hints to upcoming events.

Someone with Perform (storytelling) can do something similar, but at a harder DC. Someone with Bluff can as well, but at a still higher DC.
Failure: caravan is panicked and fearful. -2 to all checks but AC. Because of fear, AC goes up by +1.

Success: the caravan seems blessed. +20% on all gold gained in the next trading session.

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Man About Town – Events while in civilization

Run Away and Join the Caravan
Just as the caravan is about to leave town, the party discovers a stowaway!

The young woman is found clutching a bag and is desperate to flee the town. She begs, pleading for a life of something beyond marriage to a local boy. Sense Motive shows she is serious about leaving town. A search of her bag shows it contains all her worldly possessions: an extra set of clothes, two books, a doll, and 3 copper pieces.

If the party says no, they leave her to her fate. If they agree to let her come along, she shows she is an eager worker and a bright girl. +1 to all non-combat caravan checks.

A Taxing Time
While in town, a nervous-looking town exchequer approaches. The caravan has somehow violated an unusual local law (must peace bond blades, arriving horses must be checked for diseases, children must be in bed by 10 o’clock, no spell casting except in presence of peace officer, etc). The town uses these fees to fix up local infrastructure, and the caravan must pay (1, 2 or 3 cargo units depending on party level).

If the party pays, the exchequer leaves. If the party chooses not to pay, they can use Diplomacy or Intimidate to force the meek exchequer to back off. Bribes are met with an incredulous look.

If the party paid, when they leave town they see the bridge they are leaving on being worked on.

If the caravan leaves without the tax being paid, there are no workers on the bridge. As the wagons roll over the bridge, part of it breaks, dumping 2 units of cargo into the river.

“Our infrastructure is failing because of people not paying their taxes,” the mayor will say, and will refuse to reimburse the caravan.

Such A Nice, Quiet Man
A few angry men appear, demanding one of the drivers. One of the local girls was found dead, and he was seen in the presence of her. He protests his innocence.

Use of Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perception or charm magic will find evidence that yes, the driver was the only one with the girl when she died.

If the group gathers the information and presents it to the caravan, the people of the caravan are shocked, but grimly accept it. If they party does not find the correct information or do not present it, the caravan’s people feel one of theirs was wrongfully taken; -2 on all checks.

If the party forcefully ignores the townsmen and leave with the driver, the caravan is in a celebratory mood… how dare they try and take one of ours! At the next town, the driver kills another girl and is caught, taking his own life. -4 to all checks.

Times Are Tough All Over
The next town the caravan comes across is suffering (poor crop, mine close, change in animal migration). The people have no money to buy, so no trading. The people beg for something to eat. The party can choose to sacrifice up to three units of cargo.

1 cargo unit: -1 to the next trading check, +0 resolve

2 cargo units: -2 to the next trading check, +1 resolve

3 cargo units: -3 to the next trading check, +1 resolve and godly blessing prevents the caravan/party from being surprised (next time the party/caravan is surprised, their enemies do not get a surprise round).

Man In Motion
Just as the caravan is about to leave town, the party discovers a stowaway!

The young man is found clutching a bag and is desperate to flee the town. He begs, pleading for a life of something beyond grinding wheat at the mill. Sense Motive shows he is serious about leaving town. A search of his bag shows it contains all his worldly possessions: an extra set of clothes, two knives, a small coal sketch of his family, and ten severed fingers.

He killed a man last night, severed the fingers and now has to leave town. The body will be discovered in a few hours and the town will send the watch after the caravan. If the stowaway is still with the caravan when the law arrives, he will claim one of the party members is the killer, and is being held against his will. The caravan will acquire a reputation for harbouring criminals. -3 Resolve.

Two Men Enter, One Eunuch Leaves
The town tough guy finds fault with the party, since the strangers are catching the eyes of local girls. He and his cronies challenge the “homeless vagabonds” to contests of might to prove their manliness.

Contested skill checks follow:

Horsemanship: 1 Intimidate (pre-ride trash talk), 2 Ride

Obstacle course: 1 Acrobatics, 2 Climb

Pig Catching: 2 Handle Animal, 1 Swim (in mud)

Winning two challenges cows the town toughs down. +1 to security as a song is on the caravan’s lips. -2 if the party embarrasses themselves.

It’s 11 PM, Do You Know Where Your Child Is?
While waiting out a storm in town, a child is reported missing. There are some dark whispers that the boy was taken by the caravan. Finding the child requires successful Knowledge (nature) to know the likely places the child could have gone, Survival to follow the clues in the storm, and find the child trapped beneath a fallen tree. Getting the child free requires a Strength check, or Escape Artist.

Successfully freeing the child wipes away the unpleasant rumours, in fact, the locals share some of their harvest in gratitude, reduce consumption by 2. Not finding the child means the caravan leaves the town under a dark cloud of suspicion. -2 resolve.

Habitat for Demi-Humanity
In the current town, the party finds a family of halflings trying to build a house. The family is fighting an illness, and probably won’t have it done before some bad weather moves in. If the caravan spends 2 units of cargo and makes a Profession/Craft (carpenter) check, they can help the family get a roof over their heads.

Helping out means the town respects the caravan as good people and is freer with their coins. Increase the gold earned by 15%.

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NPC Specific Events

These events should happen to characters with connections to the specific NPC. These are written as if the character is friendly to the NPC in question, but most could be run (albeit somewhat differently) if there is enmity.


Buyer Beware
An old, nearly blind wizard comes to the caravan asking for a lapis lazuli gemstone. The caravan doesn’t have the item, but does have some polished blue rocks that could fool the nearsighted old man.

If the character goes along with the scam they get a lot of gold, but Koya finds out and berates the character for taking advantage of the elderly.

The Road Goes Ever On
When out on the trail, the character comes across Koya watching a hummingbird take nectar from a flower. She’s touched with a bit of melancholy, talking about how much she let life pass her by and that she’s afraid she will fall to the ravages of her aged body before she achieves anything truly great for herself. Reminding her of the people she’s helped in her life is a good way to bring her back to her usual humour.

From The Mouth of Babes
In a town Koya comes across one of the people she acted as a surrogate mother to, years ago. That person has a sick child, and asks Koya to help heal the child. If the character joins her in taking care of her sick ‘grandchild’, she is thankful to the character.

However, both Koya and the character catch a nasty flu from the sick child and spend the next week being physically miserable.


Old Flames Burn Bright
While stopping in a town to trade, Sandru comes across one of his old romances. The girl has moved on and married with a large, happy family. Later that day the character finds Sandru deep in his cups, worried that he squandered yet another chance for love and family. Characters can either commiserate with him, or try and cheer him up.

Professional Discourtesy
Another caravan arrived in town the day before Sandru’s arrived. That caravan master is snide and dismissive to Sandru and makes comment about his family’s thieving ways. Characters can either stand up for their friend or else run a series of subtle revenge and petty mischief against the other caravan.

It’s a Guy Thing
Sandru asks to spar with one of the characters. It is like an older brother testing out the younger sibling, and he hold no grudge if defeated (although his ego is bruised). If the character takes defeat graciously, or offers to wipe away any hard feelings over some strong booze, all is well.


Where the Wild Things Are
On the road, Shalelu takes one of the characters away from the caravan to show them a lovely little glade she once travelled through. It was a place of beauty and she wants to share it with a friend. When she arrives, she finds the place has been turned into a farm: if pressed, she admits it was fifty years since she was last in this region.

The event depresses the elf, and it is up to the character to bring her spirits back up.

Whose Your Daddy?
In town, a character and Shalelu come across a man talking about how he was glad at dropping off that annoying ankle bitter of his on his dead wife’s family. This really annoys the elf and she insults the man before stalking off. Talking to Shalelu gets her to tell the story of her mother and step-father: something she normally isn’t willing to share.

Figuring out that the man is terrified he will screw up his kid without his wife to keep an eye on him and getting him to go home to the kid will truly impress Shalelu.

Are All Humans Crazy, Or Merely The Ones I Know?
Shalelu appears unsettled. When questioned, she reluctantly admits that despite living with them for many years, humans still confuse her. Things like wasting their limited time on family arguments, or gambling away a good day’s wage on a roll of the dice, or smoking… some things humans do will never make sense to her.

A character who joins her in talking about human foibles or tries and help her gain a better understanding of the race of man will improve their relationship.


I Am A Delicate Flower
A half-drunk nobleman gets a little grabby with Ameiko, and she cracks a tankard over the man’s head. Character can either join in the resulting bar brawl, or else try and drag the future empress out before she beats half the room into unconsciousness.

Next morning, nursing her own hangover, she ruefully admits she might need to tone down such behaviour –a bit- and asks the character to help her keep her temper in check.

Someone Should Write A Play
While in town, Ameiko comes across a love-sick young man, despondent over the fact his love’s father has forbidden them to see each other. Driven by her goddess Shelyn’s ideals, Ameiko takes it upon herself to bring these two together. “After all, isn’t it an empress’ duty to help her subjects?”

“This isn’t Minkai.”

“Details, details.”

If the character can help (Stealth, Bluff, opening locks, distracting magic, writing poetry for the lovelorn young man, etc.), the PC and Ameiko can get closer as they work to make love spread.

Does This Kimono Make Me Look Fat?
In Kalsgard, the character is wandering through the Jade District and comes across Ameiko in a dress shop, nervously trying on an expensive kimono. She spots the character and gets flustered. Once away from prying ears, she swears the character to secrecy, saying that sometimes the thought of what awaits her frightens her. After all, it’s so much responsibility. Sure, she’s a noblewoman, but empress? That’s a whole different level. Seeing herself in the mirror, wearing royal finery… is this really a good idea?

She’s having a momentary attack of nerves. It’ll be over with the next Frozen Shadow attack, but for now, can the character be a comforting sounding board?

= = =

Those are my ideas. What are yours?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Those are great ideas. :D I'm in a bit of a hurry and will have to think up stuff when I get a free day, but I appreciate those very much already. :)

Many thanks!

Silver Crusade

Agreed, I was still deciding on whether to use the caravan at all (keep it in the background) but these look fun and full of role-play opportunities.

Consider these yoinked!! Great stuff mate.

Oh man, those NPC specific events are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Seconding the awesomeness of the NPC specific stuff. I especially like "Where the Wild Things Are" and "It's a Guy Thing." An idea I had...

Shalelu - What Goes Bump in the Night

One night, while on watch, have a PC (or PCs) roll perception checks. A success causes them to notice some rustling in the woods, a very high success lets them hear what sound like several, high pitched voices. You can even give them a surprise round, as if preparing for an ambush. However, instead of starting a fight, they hear several "woosh" sounds, followed by silence. A few seconds later Shalelu nonchalantly emerges from the woods. If questioned, she simply says she was out on a stroll.

An investigation of the woods reveals a half dozen dead goblins, each killed by a single arrow. Should the PCs choose to talk to Shalelu about this, they can discuss why she wouldn't mention such a feat. Does she not need praise, or is she uncomfortable with it?

Also, a few altered version of Frozen Shadow events. Spoilered, just in case.

Event 9 - Poisoned Food
Sandru invites the PCs he is closest to to try a great restaurant he found in the Ice Quarter of Kalsgard. It is at the back of a dark alley, and the owner looks more like a mercenary than a cook, but the food is delicious. Over oysters and brandy, they can discuss whatever you feel like. During or after the meal, start hitting them with fortitude saves. A heal check (or an examination by Koya) shows this is no case of food poisoning, but rather several doses of hemlock!

You might want to switch the hemlock to King's sleep or something similar, if you want to start the saves only after returning from the restaurant.

Event 10 - Thug Ambush

Koya asks a PC to escort her to the shrine to Desna in the Ice Quarter. She seems upset, and if pressed will reveal her recent Harrowings have shown growing danger. If the PCs accompany her, play the fight with the thugs normally. Perhaps add a few, to make up for Koya's healing and buffing.

If the PCs refuse to help, or say they will go with her later, she goes herself. She is attacked and badly hurt by the thugs. Sandru is enraged at this, blaming himself and PCs for the attack. If not talked down, his relationship with the PCs suffers, and he may start investigating the thugs on his own (likely ending up with Ameiko in the Ravenscraeg dungeon).

Event 10.5 - Prelude to "Kidnapped!"

While visiting the caravan, they come across an argument between Ameiko and another NPC, preferably one who is protective of her like Shalelu or Sandru. Apparently, she left the caravan and didn't bother to tell anyone where she was going. During the fight, Ameiko makes an outburst along the lines of "I'm not some dainty princess who needs to be protected!"

If the PCs don't choose to intervene, the argument ends in Ameiko storming off. In this case, play Event 11 normally. If the PCs intervene and managed to talk them down, Ameiko may agree to not leave the caravan without protection (in which case use the altered Event 11 below), or stay with the caravan for the time being (use the altered Event 11, but replace Ameiko with another NPC)

Event 11 - Kidnapped! (alternate version)

Either have the PCs called to the caravan or run this event as they arrive for any other reason. Shalelu stumbles into view, badly wounded. Several NPCs rush to her aid, and she is taken into Koya's wagon. Allow PCs to help with healing spells or heal checks, or just let Koya do it. When Shalelu regains a bit of strength, she explains that she and Ameiko were ambushed by a large band of black-clad people. They fought hard, but were wildly outnumbered. Ameiko was disarmed and grabbed by several of the men. Shalelu tried to help, but Ameiko told her "don't be stupid! Get the others!"

Shalelu's injuries are severe, and she has also been poisoned. Koya doesn't have nearly memorization of "restoration" to bring her up to fighting condition, and speed is of the essence. If PCs try to heal her, you can either allow them to succeed (after numerous castings) and bring her with them to Ravenscraeg (although you will need to increase the difficulty of encounters to compensate). Alternatively, the Frozen Shadows have used a bizarre, magical poison that resists magical cures.

If the PCs talked Ameiko out of leaving the caravan, Shalelu is attacked with another NPC. Koya would be great. If one of the PCs is the only skilled healer around, it would be even better. Let them stay and help Shalelu, while that player takes control of Ameiko for the raid. Or is that a terrible idea? Just brainstorming, really.

The Raid on Ravenscraeg

A theoretical idea that would require more re-balancing than I feel like doing. While fighting their way through Ravenscraeg, it might be neat to have Ameiko and Ulf smash in through a side door, followed by several ninjas. Joining with the PCs, they have to defeat this larger group. Preferably have Ameiko call out something along the lines of "We'll handle them, you take [whoever the big bad of the area is]." We don't want to overshadow the PCs by having NPCs kill the villian, after all.

I was bigger on this idea, until I took a close look at the maps for Ravenscraeg. You would probably have to remove the blindhelms from the prison, and move it higher in the structure for this to work. While having Ameiko and Ulf barge in on the final battle with Kimandatsu is fine, it would be far more difficult to explain where they got weapons (and presumably potions of cure light wounds) when the only thing left is a tiny dungeon.

The idea, however, is to make Ameiko a part of her own rescue, and push her away from being a damsel in distress. Having her burst in when it looks like the PCs might be loosing a fight would be ideal, but would likely require an on-the-fly remapping of the dungeon.

My God, those are awesome, TFM. Time to don the thinking helm.

Great stuff!

Really good, Fireballed Mage.

I'm not that great a writer. Anyone else can contribute their ideas?

It's a pity the published encounters aren't half this good, frankly.

These are great.

Liberty's Edge

Just wanted to add my thanks. (I am going to tone down the gender assumptions, but that'll be simple enough.)

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you SO much for this! My group's still not thrilled with caravan combat, but I worked a couple of these into our last play session, and it "made up for it" according to the PCs. ESPECIALLY "Such a Nice, Quiet Man."

Our take on it:
We came across an Erutaki encampment just before leaving the Giant-Downs. This was the party's second encounter with the Erutaki, and the first one hadn't gone so well thanks to a low diplomacy roll. They received a warm welcome this time, but the PCs past experience left them distrustful of the Erutaki. So when a couple of the Erutaki men showed up the next morning, accusing Varin (a driver we picked up in Kalsgard) of murder, the caravan was outraged. The "case" went before a make-shift Erutaki tribunal, and I let the PCs question both Varin and a witness who saw the two of them together the night before. But the party was SO sure that Varin was innocent that they didn't attempt a single sense motive roll.

Varin was declared guilty and his execution was set for dawn. The PCs didn't want to take on the whole encampment, so they staged an elaborate break out in the wee hours of the morning. The plan went off (mostly) smoothly, and the PCs were really pumped about saving one of their own.

Three weeks later, in another Erutaki settlement, Varin killed again and then took his own life. The stunned silence around the table was absolutely priceless.

Varin left behind no note to explain his actions. The only thing unusual the group found in his stuff was a velvet lined box, with a dozen locks of hair nestled inside.

Varin's brother is also a driver for our caravan, and had no clue that Varin was hiding such dark secrets. The brother's presence has kept tension high across the tundra. We ended with Iqaliat visible in the distance; it'll be interesting to see how the almost palpable unrest plays itself out in the village.

Directed here by Magnuskn.

Great ideas - thanks for posting!

Excellent ideas mage.

Are we really like that and baby on board, fantastic!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, got to point out this though.

I Am A Delicate Flower
A half-drunk nobleman gets a little grabby with Ameiko, and she cracks a tankard over the man’s head. Character can either join in the resulting bar brawl, or else try and drag the future empress out before she beats half the room into unconsciousness.

Doesn't Ameiko have a 10 str and is a bard/rogue/aristocrat? Could she even beat half a tavern into unconsciousness?

This is the reference sheet I have:
I've got one.

Princess "Bucky"

As I am a delicate flower, but a d10 roll is made for the roughness of the bar. On a 1-2 Ameiko will thrash them. On a 3-4 she will cause injuries and escape with bruises and curses on her lips. On a 5-8 it is a serious scrap and the players will have to get involved to prevent a real thrashing of Ameiko (lot of str in play, grapples, improvised weapons). The good news is, all hell breaks loose so it isn't Ameiko against all. On a 9-10 Ameiko picks a fight with a real fighter after the nobleman and will lose her front teeth to a pommel bash if the players don't win initiative against a level 6 fighter with a +7 initiative, and shut him down. Alas it was a very skilled sellsword. If Ameiko does lose her teeth she is highly embarrassed and this damages her leadership, some in the caravan take to calling her princess bucky.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Olliepoppet wrote:

Thank you SO much for this! My group's still not thrilled with caravan combat, but I worked a couple of these into our last play session, and it "made up for it" according to the PCs. ESPECIALLY "Such a Nice, Quiet Man."

** spoiler omitted **

I'm glad your group have found some of the suggestions enjoyable. It does sound like you and them had a memorable session and played it to the hilt.

Although, you say no one did a Sense Motive check? Wow. Awesome in a good way. I'm afraid I would never be able to get that far with my group: too many ex-Shadowrun players.

DM: Your mother tucks you in and says, "Sleep well."

Player: I roll Sense Motive, does she really mean it?

Liberty's Edge

The Fireballed Mage wrote:

Although, you say no one did a Sense Motive check? Wow. Awesome in a good way. I'm afraid I would never be able to get that far with my group: too many ex-Shadowrun players.

DM: Your mother tucks you in and says, "Sleep well."

Player: I roll Sense Motive, does she really mean it?

I actually just wrote up a session report, lamenting the fact that I didn't seize the moment when my Jade Regent PC's bought

Ravenmoor spoiler:
the Ravenmoor Mayor's story, without making a sense motive.

Sense motive can be overused. It is best to calm the player if they are in paranoid mode.

Calm them with beholders attacking at night...

thomrenault wrote:

I actually just wrote up a session report, lamenting the fact that I didn't seize the moment when my Jade Regent PC's bought ** spoiler omitted **

That link, I don't think it takes me where you want me to go.

Liberty's Edge

The Fireballed Mage wrote:
thomrenault wrote:

I actually just wrote up a session report, lamenting the fact that I didn't seize the moment when my Jade Regent PC's bought ** spoiler omitted **

That link, I don't think it takes me where you want me to go.

no it doesn't. Here. (if you're interested)

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Fireballed Mage wrote:
Olliepoppet wrote:

Thank you SO much for this! My group's still not thrilled with caravan combat, but I worked a couple of these into our last play session, and it "made up for it" according to the PCs. ESPECIALLY "Such a Nice, Quiet Man."

** spoiler omitted **

I'm glad your group have found some of the suggestions enjoyable. It does sound like you and them had a memorable session and played it to the hilt.

Although, you say no one did a Sense Motive check? Wow. Awesome in a good way. I'm afraid I would never be able to get that far with my group: too many ex-Shadowrun players.

DM: Your mother tucks you in and says, "Sleep well."

Player: I roll Sense Motive, does she really mean it?

We're all pretty new to Pathfinder and, well, to tabletop RPGs in general. The thought honestly never crossed their minds, and I couldn't think of a way to remind them that they *could* do something like that without giving away the fact that something was up. They've learned their lesson now, lol. If I had a quarter for every time I've heard "I'm rolling a sense motive check" since then, my Paizo subscriptions would be paid for ;).

This thread is gold! Thanks for some awesome ideas!

3.5 Loyalist wrote:

Ah, got to point out this though.

I Am A Delicate Flower
A half-drunk nobleman gets a little grabby with Ameiko, and she cracks a tankard over the man’s head. Character can either join in the resulting bar brawl, or else try and drag the future empress out before she beats half the room into unconsciousness.

Doesn't Ameiko have a 10 str and is a bard/rogue/aristocrat? Could she even beat half a tavern into unconsciousness?

This is the reference sheet I have:

I would imagine, with the likelihood such drunk folks could be feinted into next week, before being sucker-punch/sneak attacked for d6+d3 damage (or simply intimidated with 'Bravado's Blade' fist) that she could at the least give a good account of herself among the typically 1st-2nd level Commoners, Experts and Aristocrats populating the tavern. She is a 5th level PC class character. I know who my money's on. And her Bardic Singing buffs herself if I recall correctly.

Shadow Lodge

Sweet dude! I'm actually working on an adventure that uses caravan rules so new caravan events will be perfect.

I've got to post the interlude we had in Galduria (the village on Ember Lake with the Twilight Academy).

In the village's decent tavern, the party encountered a huge bull mastiff who growled at them (well, we've got a Hunter with a tiger). I spent a minute building up the size of this animal in the players' minds. And then, of course, the wizard whose familiar this was came over to find out what was going on. A very slight elf, I said, very young (for an elf); if he tried putting the dog on a leash, the dog would have him on the leash. "Peony," he said, "What's wrong?"

No consequences for success or failure; the wizard was in fact in control of his familiar. But the image turned the entire evening into pure RP gold.

These are fantastic! I may just have to steal some!

I too had fun creating some encounters during our first caravan expedition. I had a monkey steal something shiny from their caravan and they had to go through a campy little chase scene to catch up to it, which also led them to a hoard of random items the monkeys had stolen from other caravans over time. (It ended up being Ameiko's favorite cooking pot, since my group decided to make her the cook.). This allowed me to give them some stuff they needed due to a player dropping out and to buy us some time until we found a new one.
Surprised them when they came back to their caravan to a monkey swarm going through the caravan. Their reactions were priceless. ;)

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