Veshly |

The new guy.
Sorry, haven't yet been able to fully catch up with the current storyline, only about two pages in so far. Just on general principles, and given the fact that one member is umm, noticably detached from reality, most Guardmen would run you in first, ask questions later. I wasn't trying to be hostile, just asking that people be ready with a weak excuse for whatever they are doing. And PC are almost always doing something ... disliked by authorities. We're just guarding stuff/people during a riot is a great excuse for most things.

Vico d'Sall |

Sorry again then, dealing with bureaucrats, corp and public, has made me a bit jumpy.(and grumpy and other 'umpys :) )Hope I'm done by tomorrow afternoon for a while. Did not realize you were replying in char to a char, don't know why, guess my humor detector is busted.
I'll post now as Vico from now on, except when I forget.
I'll work on more for the character, and post the rest of his equipment sometime tomorrow.
Four pages in and bunch to go...

Vico d'Sall |

Headshot: Admire the mustache!
I've finished his inventory. Encumbrance set. Note: He has two different: one is combat/patrol load without a backpack, the second is travel with a backpack.
Now for some questions: I don't have much information, the Player's guide says little, not much is on-line, so I'd like a few answers, if you think Vico would know them. I'm caught up with the gameplay now.
Is that image an OK look for the Guard, they seem to have uniforms and wear a badge that is a different version of the Korvosan Emblem? Is chain an OK armor, from the image I was using I could not tell if they wore chain or scale, (or both) I used chain?
How are the guards organized? Field Marshal at top, and watch sergeants at the watch-posts, there must be other ranks. Vico's from common but very gentle family, with a respected barrister for a father. Is he a common guardsman or higher in rank? How elite are the Kovosan Guards?
He'd be sympathetic to anyone with a grudge against the recently late Gaedren Lamm, has he met any of the others before, maybe in the course of his own investigations?
How long has he been in the Guards, I'm thinking two-three years but it's up to the DM, of course?
I'm assuming he has his brother, just the Maruccio will be busy with other events for as long as need be, any problems with that? The parents are still alive, and they are likely many other relatives around, OK?
See any last minute problems with Vico, build, equipment, background, anything?
What, if anything does he know about what's going on? He's a bit more tied into the city, especially the upper end, than the others.
Anything Vico should know that I haven't thought to ask, but that he would?
Thanks for asking me to join and I'm ready to begin play.

Amgir |

I can't find any images of the guard, but I think you have chosen the correct colours for the uniform. Korvosa has a lot of red and gold, so it would make sense for the guard to be wearing those colours. As for the armours, I think most of them wear what they can afford. Most would wear Chain, Scale, Breastplate or Studded Leather though.
Field Marshal Cressida is at the top of the Korvosan guard at the moment and you cannot think of anyone higher than her other than the Queen and Sabina Merrin (The Queens right hand woman). Next are the Watch Sergeants, they are the men and women that were raised from the ranks due to loyalty, skill or were enrolled at that rank due to family wealth. I would say at the moment Vico would be a normal patrolman, looking for a chance of promotion.
The guard aren't brilliant, but they try their best. They were never able to find Lamm or if they did they could never find information that would lock him away. The city people prefer the Korvosan guard to the Hellknights, but not by much at the moment due to the riots.
The length of your service to the guard is up to you, a couple of years would have earned you some respect, friends and experience in the guard. His brother and family being alive is no problem, means that later on they could be brought into the game for a bit of extra flavour.
As far as information is concerned, there are not much going around, all you know is the Queen hired the Hellknights to keep the Law. The upper class have no problem with this, but the lower class (including some of the guards) dislike the idea and are not surprised with the riots, or they started them.
The only thing I have found wrong with Vico so far is that you need to roll your Hit Points for level 2. (Roll, but re-roll any 1's).

Vico d'Sall |

For the build phase I just assumed he rolled a 2, the lowest possible, but rolling for real, I forgot about that. Here goes.
1d10 ⇒ 3
I'll replace the 12 with 10 plus the roll.
Well, it's better, just :)
Looking around at some discussions, Vico is better than the Joe average guard but not as good as a Watch Captain. Not sure how good the watch sergeants are.
I found the image I used for the Korvosan Guard at the following link. I don't know how accurate it is.

Fealix |

I would like too know. I know Fealix is evil and is suppose to behave this way. However, I am curious, how do you all feel about him? Does he make you guys uncomfortable with his actions and personality. I made him to be a somewhat cooperative bad guy so he could be evil and still....."work" with the party.
He is my first and only evil character I have ever made. But if he is bothering any of you please let me know. I have another much more light hearted character I could use in this campaign that is more entertaining to be around than Fealix. That, with the DM's permission, I could introduced in place of Fealix.
I am simply worried that it is because of Fealix that you all aren't posting as much.

Iolana |

My character doesn't like Fealix much, that's for certain, but it's not me in any way.
I try not to post OOC stuff in the thread, coz I think it festers there. Also it makes sense that Iolana being a highly confident lady isn't just going to sit back and let Fealix act like an animal without saying anything.
And she has her own moments.
If things were all light hearted and stuff all the time, it wouldn't make them interesting.

Fealix |

I'm going to withdraw Fealix from this game. It seems to have died and I would like to be able to use Fealix somewhere else should the opportunity arise. It was fun though. I was starting to enjoy the subtle feud brewing between Fealix and Iolana. Hey maybe when I am gone the game will pick up, seems to happen frequently. I step out of a game and suddenly it takes off.
Well if the game does continue you all have fun okay.