Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master Aku Warashi

Dramatis Personae; Loot Log; map;

Balentyne Info; Planning; Dwarven Map

Party Health

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Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

The flame in Marsella and Eric eye dies as the warden falls to the ground. A dead piece of old meat.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Seren lifts herself off the ground, and takes a wild kick at the warden, scorched skin cracking as she rises. "Bloody wizards." She curses under her breath, reaching down to grab her mace.

"Let's see what these fools decided to fight the forsaken with."

Take 20 on Perception. so 19

Doing some site visits today at work so not sure how frequent I'll be able to post.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Adanna will smile widely as the Warden falls but then gets a frown on her face and makes her way to the kitchen door, saying to her servant "You can stop that now. How about gathering some fresh food in a sack for out travels?" She will then open the door and rush out to Gumblejacks body, falling to her knees to examine his wounds and check for life.

Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Seeing that he is alive, Adanna will look to the others, saying "Grumblejack is down. Does anyone still have a potion?"

- - - - -

Lysa will stand and walk over to the corpse of the wizard and give it a kick as well. "Ah how the mighty have fallen." she says as she grin and surveys the bodies and blood that cover the floor.

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Sorta confused at what happened. But I'll take the win!

"Let's get out of here while we still have the cover of night," says Eric as we removes the sargent's equipment.

After throughly stripping the sargent and others of their gear, Eric will take the heads of both warden and sargent, placing them in a bag.

Tried to leave the gory-details of the beheading out.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Zerik sheathes his sword and helps Eric with the Sergeant's gear. Zerik hands Eric the armour and the sword but looks for anything else that might be of use. Zerik picks up the Glaive Eric dropped earlier and offer it to him.

"Eric, the armour of the sergeant seems heavier, you might find it suits you better. The sword seems finer as well. Lets search this place a little first. We might find some items of use. Half a glass then we set out. The wizard might have kept some maps of the area in his tower, I would rather we not wander the woods lost, now that we have killed most of the guards we can afford some time."


Marsella goes and finishes searching the lockers.

Eric if you don't mind might I have the compound bow you found earlier? I'm a bit better with ranged weapons.

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Actually, I was planning on giving it to ya, just forgot about it on my last post. When I picked it up, I forgot I had no dex bonus from the re-rolled stats.

Eric takes a moment to change into the sargent's chain mail and get a feel for his sword.

"Here," says Eric handing the composite bow to Zerik. "I think I'd rather be up close and personal with my enemies."

Eric will still keep one of the lesser bows from before. What kind of sword was the sergeant using? (can't believe I spent that entire encounter spelling it wrong...)

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Hey Eric, there should still be a potion on the veil. Is it ok for Adanna to use it to bring Grumblejack back around?

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Zerik realizing that Grumblejack has been badly injured goes over to Adanna and the prone ogre. "He fought well, does he still live?"

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Adanna turns to Zerik and says "He seems as if he will live, but without aid it will be quite a while before he comes to."

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

I think Seren has the veil, last I remember. I'm okay with allowing him to have the potion. However, for simplicity's sake I'll post the conditional below.

If Eric has the veil and there are no complaints:

Eric rushes over and pulls off the patch that looks like a flask.

"Try this. I'm not sure if it'll help, but we can always hope," says Eric as he unstoppers the flask and hands it to Adanna.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Good point, I just checked back and she did have it. Sorry about that.

Assuming Seren is ok with us using the potion:
Adanna takes the flask and pours it down the Ogres throat, hoping that he will wake.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Yep veil still covering my face, contents left on it are displayed in my profile under consumables. Seren pulls the potion patch off the veil and hands it to Adanna. "Go save the big brute, I kinda like him, and I'm still intrigued by his heritage."


CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Well, I'm going to cheat here. :D

"Elfy." says the ogre in a raspy voice. "Nice to see you are awake." and then he will laugh.
"Is the magik un' dead?" he ask after.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Once all the valuables are stowed, the group makes their way back out of the tower and into the court yard. They stride to the main gate. Covered in grime and sweat and blood, they look like they have stepped out of the last pages of a playwright's tragedy.

The few remaining guards on the prison wall regard them with fear and confusion. Where were their brothers in arms? Where were their officers to give them direction and strength? Suddenly their bows and swords seemed dull and puny in their hands. Their armor and their faith seemed flimsy shields against the butchers below, and they shrank back behind the parapets.

One of those men below steps forward and casually tosses the severed head of the warden into the dirt at the foot of the prison gate. Grey hair is matted and stained red. Your warden is dead. Your sergeant is dead. Every soul in the keep is dead. Some of them died screaming, some begging. Some cried, some tried to run. But in the end they all died. He pauses, the gazes of his comrades sweep the wall like seeking beams.

Lower the gate. Now. Moments pass. The silence became an oppressive thing that was broken by the sound of the gate raising. The speaker's lips curl in a cruel grin and he raises his voice one last time. And so you choose life. Mitra weeps.

And with those cryptic words, the Butchers of Branderscar disappear into the encroaching gloom of twilight - the rolling mists of the moors swallowing them for what the survivors hoped was forever.

The noble warden heads lies now in the dirt, the sergeant, was killed without mercy. But that was not enough for you. Only killing ‘almost every’ guard was not enough. Fear had already gripped the guards heart, the rest was not a battle, but a slaughter. And even killing everyone was not enough, in fire they marked all of you. Let then the fire mark your escape. Let it then be the fast messenger telling everyone that the light had failed, that Mitra chosen could do nothing but die by the hands of the forsaken. And that night, Branderscar was the light through the night.
You did it. First one in history to escape Brandescar. Not only you escaped, but you also Butchered every guard and servant.

You are now in the moors. It's night, the Prison burns in the distance. No other sound can be heard. From the near city, you hear nothing. The good folk is to afraid to leave in the night, even now that the prison is burning. The map you got from the warden, is a really good one, it'll take about one hour to get where you want. But light may be a problem.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

The warden had an ioun torch, and most of us have darkvision, I don't think it'll be that bad. It might even be better not to use a light source so that it is harder for others to spot us.

Adanna will turn to Eric and say "Place a hand on my shoulder and we'll guide you through here. It isn't that far."

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

"Suppose there really isn't a whole lot of reason to wait around is there? Shall we go find this manor? See who it was that started our escape?" Seren asks.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

"Sounds good to me. I'm curious as to who would want to aid us. Also, why I keep feeling this warm feeling when I look upon that symbol of Asmodeus." Adanna responds with pursed lips.

- - - - -

Lysa also steps up, scanning the darkness, and says "I, too, would like to know more of our mysterious benefactor."

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

"I must admit I felt it as well, the hand of Asmodeous. Perhaps there is a god guiding us and it is not this Mitra these people worship. It seems this benefactor may be useful. With the map, the journey should be considerably easier. Let us away and hope to reach our destination before the morning light."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Placing a hand on Adanna's shoulder, Eric tells the others, "Asmodeus was with us. The night I was taken, I wrote his name in ashes on the walls of a Mitran temple. While we were imprisoned, I prayed to him. I told him that if he would free me, I would become his instrument of destruction and seek to undo the injustice this city has done to us. He answered my prayers, and when Taidora asked me to bring all of you, I knew I had to do so becase it was his will. Continue to trust in him, and he will guide us. He will give us the power we need to do what we must. Marsella, I know that you too felt his presence. His power. Let's meet this benefactor of ours."

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Asmodeus eh. I wonder if he really did have a hand in all of this or if it is coincidence? Well, maybe we'll figure it out soon enough. I would settle for a hot bath and a nice bed for the moment... I wonder what my companions were in for? I wonder if I have to worry about them turning now that we're out? I'll just have to keep my eye on them for the moment.

Adanna thinks to herself as the group begins it's trek.


"So un's here we are. Grumblejack have seen you fight. You are demon possessed, never saw a un' fight like that. What it will be now? Grumblejack helped you to escape. Is Grumblejack free to go?" says the ogre, gripping the club in one hand, but doing no mention of using it.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Adanna turns to Grumblejack and says "Well, if you really want to, the choice is yours now. Though I will say that I still owe you that drink for helping us. So what do you want to do, leave now or go with us to meet our mysterious benefactor?"

C'mon ya big lug, stick around. You've been useful and I could use someone on my side in case things go south with the others...

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

"We said that if you could help us escape that you would be free. We may still need you aid getting through the Old Moors, but I am sure we can manage with the maps. You are not our prisoner, so you may take your leave whenever you so choose," Eric tells Grumblejack.


"Grumblejack is curious about you. Will stick around.".

"Need to be careful in the moors, lots of tricky paths, lots of tricky monsters.Keep Your eyes opens and your ears clean." Says the ogre.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

The moors outside of Varyston are far from hospitable. These dark, brackish salt marshes team with mosquitos and other buzzing pests. The ever present shallow brine pools and streams will make tracking you difficult.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

You travel the moors, the pace is a slow one, but the map is accurate and there's no risk of getting lose.


Adanna: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Eric: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Lyza: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Marsella: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Seren: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Zerik: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Grumblejack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

You should not take long now, but even with Grumblejack warning, you were not able to see something that was hunting you in the moors.

Random Player:


1d6 ⇒ 5

The swamps explode like a small bomb had just detonated there, a large and hideous frog, jumps in the party and atk the Seren.

Frog Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Frog Dmg: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

The giant frog missed the atk.

Adanna: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Eric: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Lyza: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
Marsella: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Seren: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Zerik: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Grumblejack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
Frog: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Moors fight.

Round 1-

Ordered Initiative-

Frog:= 21
Marsella:= 19
Adanna:= 17
Zerik:= 7
Lyza:= 2
Eric:= 1
Seren:= 1
Grumblejack:= 0

Active Effects-




The place is treated as difficult terrain.


The frog will atk seren again.

Frog Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Frog Dmg: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

But he misses again.

You can post the actions for Marsella and Lyza.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

lol I'm calling cheat on those rolls. Frog gets a natural 20 and you roll 4 1 and a 2 for our group?! The dice gods are clearly messing with us.

"This is not okay. I will not succumb to a bloody frog." Seren screams, black energy snaking its way down her arm and into the frog.

Death's Touch: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Neg Energy Dmg: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

I'll let Zerik and Adanna post for Marsella and Lyza since that was as it was done in last fight, and it should reduce confusion on who is controlling them.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Hey, at least it missed the first two attacks. Imagine how upset you'd be if you'd been eaten by a frog before your first turn. : )

- - - - -

"Of course we couldn't be done. Of course we had to be attacked by a giant frog. I just want dry clothes and a warm bed dammit! Why don't you just fall asleep and drown!" Adanna shots at the frog, clearly frustrated with all of this.

You know the drill, slumber hex, DC 14, at the frog.

- - - - -

Lysa will turn to the frog and smile and start telling a parable about a smart lobster and a dumb frog. The lobster, of course, plays the chief that wants to cook him against himself, while the frog sits there dumbly thinking how nice the bath is until...

Lysa is using Satire, for a -1 to hit and a -1 to damage for the Frog.

Dark Archive

Marsella approaches the frog and unleashes a flurry of blows screaming, "I did not escape from that horrible prison to die here in this stinking swamp."

Flury: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 5 - 1 = 61d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Flurry: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 1 = 51d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Zerik ever the focused warrior draws the massive sword and moves toward the beast wearily, attacking the massive with a measured powerful strike. "Another obstacle, another battle, soon another victory. We shall kill them until there are none to stand before us."

Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 1 = 162d6 + 9 ⇒ (6, 5) + 9 = 20

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

The battle was swift. A death touch, a powerful sword blow and the frog lay dead in the swamp.

He carries no loot.

After the battle, a snake coiling on the Adanna legs until it stops at the shoulders.

The rest of the way goes with nothing unusual, about an hour later, you leave the moors, close to the old road.

After escaping the prison, surviving the monstrous Lashtongue and crossing the moors, finding the house on the Old Moor Road pales beside your other accomplishments. As promised, a lonely lantern burns in the upper story. The place otherwise shows little sign of habitation. Old but well-appointed, the house is large, imposing and alone on its hill. Painted a dark green and surrounded by barbed wrought iron fencing, nothing about this place seems inviting or a sanctuary. Still, it is your destination. Where will you go if not here? You have an appointment to keep. Best not to keep your nameless benefactor waiting…


At the door of the manor house, you are met by Tiadora. The only difference is her dress. She no longer looks like she is destined for a funeral. Instead she wears a diaphanous white gown that makes her look almost angelic. When she speaks, any illusions about her angelic character are quickly dispelled.

“Dearest, you took long enough,” she says pitilessly. “We were beginning to wonder if you’d ever make it. Oh, and you brought friends. The master commands all of you to appear before him but before that, you must be made presentable. Slaves!” She claps her hands. A dozen young attractive men and women all wearing very traditional servant’s livery appear quickly, their heads bowed. “These people are our guests,” she commands imperiously. “See them to their rooms. I want them cleaned, dressed and refreshed. Quickly.” There is something in that last word that sounds like a threat. Certainly the slaves take it that way, hustling to perform their duties.

SM dc 15:

The slaves are as addled and enchanted as the sergeant was.

Feel free to do something in meantime, I'm just posting what will happen after you go to your room.

You are led up to your rooms. The accommodations are comfortable and the slaves are silent and efficient. There are fresh clothes perfectly sized to each of you in your room and there is opportunity to wash up. If anyone mentions being hurt, their attendant will nod and come back with decanter full of velvety red wine. The wine is mixed with healing herbs and holds six glasses of wine each equivalent to a potion of cure light wounds. Each of you also receives a platter full of hot, delicious food and fresh water.

You can do as you please. Tell me what will be your actions.It is expected of each of you to go see the 'Master' before sleeping.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

As the frog collapses, Adanna mutters under her breath "What next, a giant stink bug. I want to be done with this place..."

But when the small snake makes contact with Adanna, she feels a jolt of energy and a feeling of comfort, as if a part of her that was missing has been restored. She will smile and giggle and when the snake reaches her shoulder she will nuzzle it happily.

"Andros! I've missed you so! I knew you would wait for me! You should have seen it, we slaughtered everyone in that place. And I couldn't have done it without all that you've taught me... and the help of the others here, of course. Credit where credit is due." Adanna says to the snake, happier than has been in a while. Even as she continues to tramp through the much there is a bit more spring in her step.

- - - - -

Upon reaching the house Adanna will look it up and down, taking in the looming sight of the place.

Well that looks ominous. I would say this doesn't bode well, but considering where we just came from, this is honestly a welcome sight, theatrics aside.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Normally, Adanna would say something to the woman in white, but the prospect of a bath and food takes the focus of her attentions.

Besides, if they had wanted me dead they would have left me to rot in that prison... she thinks to herself.

As soon as she reaches her room Adanna calls to one of the slaves "You, prepare enough water for two hot baths! And if we're allowed, a glass of wine would be lovely, a red if possible." She then notices the clothes on the bed, seeing that they seem cut for her figure.

They know the cut and size of my clothes. That implies that they know quite a bit more... this will be interesting.

While the bath is being drawn Adanna takes the time to ponder all of this while she eats the hot food, quite glad for the comforts that she has dearly missed. And the bath is better than she had imagined it would be. Using the first tub of water to wash the blood and sweat and muck off of her, she relaxes in the clean change of water, letting the stress of the last few weeks melt away.

After emerging from the bath feeling reborn, she changes into the new dress, long and lacy but slit up the side for flexibility, quite pleased to have something nice that fits and in a style that she prefers, even a nice shade of dark red. She spends a while playing with her hair, styling it until it just how she wants it.

First impressions are important... though I doubt this is the first time "the master" has seen me, given everything else...

After spending some time preparing herself, she looks to one of the slaves and says "Ok, I am ready to meet the Master now."

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

"This woman, if that is what she truly is, is much more than she seems. She commands with an authority that one used to being able to enforce their will wields. I fear the challenge of the prison may have been poor in comparison to the danger theses new found "allies" pose, should any of us not prove compliant. Perhaps I have found my new master, but is he worthy of such? We shall learn."

Zerik says, "A hot bath and some clean clothes, yes." Zerik bathes, but is careful not to let his weapons out of his sight. He disregards the fancy clothes set out of him and choses a fine black garb and cloak more suited for someone who travels frequently and kills equally so.

He carefully checks the weapons, cleaning them. He finds one of the longswords damaged and discards the unworthy blade. He dresses himself and fastens his weapons. Longsword on his left hip and dagger on his right. The greatsword sheathed on his back along with the bow and quiver. Once ready he informs the servant that he is ready to see the master.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Seren eyes the lady who greeted them suspiciously.
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

I'm not sure how shes done it but this woman seems to have control over these men in a way I could only dream.

"Thank you miss..., Brandescar is a plight that should not cause any issues for quite some time." Seren replies cryptically before being lead away by the young men.

As they venture towards her room, she looks at one of the servants. "If you have something I could use to help heal some of the burns it would be greatly appreciated.

Entering her room, her gaze first settles on the warm food, her stomach grumbling in accent. Today was a rough one, indulge a little. Seren strides over to the food and begins eating at a ravenous pace. Seeing the servant return with a large decanter of wine, Seren gratefully takes a glass, and start with a small sip. She feels the warmth of the wine travel through her body, repairing some of her injuries. She quickly finishes the remainder of the glass, it leaving her feeling full rejuvenated. CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Her hunger abated Seren dismisses the servants before disrobing, a frown appearing as she realizes the wine could do little to stop the ever spreading decay of her body. It's not all bad, at least this master know your style. She thinks to herself looking over at the gown on the bed. She slowly walks over to the awaiting tub, letting the refreshing water rush over her, cleaning the mud and grime from her scarred flesh.

Drying off after the bath, Seren dons the gown left for her, a beautiful black and white full body dress. Looking at herself in the adjacent mirror she marvels at its fit and its perfectly placed accents, hiding almost all of her scarring behind its gorgeous craftsmanship.

Placing the warden's ring back on her finger Seren walks over to the entrance to her room and exits into the hall. She looks at a servant waiting outside of her room "I suppose it is time to meet the master of this place. Take me to him."


I'm waiting for Erik to continue, but let-me do something else in mean time.

Tiadora is waiting for you in a beaultiful adorned room. She looks please to see each of you clean and refreshed.

"Dearest" she says looking to Zerik. "You are among friends now. There'a no need to carry such weapons inside the manor. Slaves!" she claps her hands. "See that his possessions are taken to his room."

The slave is waiting for you to give him the weapons.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Zerik pauses a moment assessing the situation. "Friends? We have just met and I have only known my companions a few days past. I do not think such weapons would be able to harm the likes of you or your master." Zerik guesses. "And I give you my word that I shall not use these unless attacked first, for that is least of the courtesy I can offer the one who freed me. If you intend me no harm, I trust that shall be sufficient for your master." says Zerik.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

"Thank you, Tiadora. I am not sure that we could have accomplished our task without your assistance. I brought each of them as you have request," says a regal Eric.


After excusing his escorts, Eric takes to devouring the food with a certain ravenous nature. The hot food warming and bringing him comfort for the time being.

After partaking in his feast, Eric goes to draw a warm bath. He dares not spend too long relaxing in the tub; such a thing would never has been allowed at the orphanage. After quickly getting cleaned up, he admires the clothing set out for him. It takes him some time to decide how best to look for his meeting. Time quickly gets away from him, and so he decides that his current state will have to do as he rushes off downstairs to meet with the others; leaving his weapons and armor behind.

At last Tiadora leads you to a beautifully appointed office richly decorated with dark wood and sumptuous brocade tapestry. Sitting in a leather high-backed chair is a devilishly handsome fellow who smiles as you enter. “I believe you to be the first to ever escape from Branderscar Prison. Not only that, to burn it to the ground! Well done! Of course, you had help from the outside,” he says with a wicked smile. “But enough with the pleasantries. You must be curious why I’ve helped you. Rest assured this is no random act of altruism. I have brought you here for a reason. My name is Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. I am the last high priest of Asmodeus left on the island of Talingarde. Once the Prince of Nessus was rightly revered alongside the other great powers. Now, the king of Talingarde has become a puppet to Mitran fanatics who wish to destroy any religion that does not bow to their insipid sun god. For their blasphemy, I will see the same people who imprisoned and condemned you suffer. I understand what you went through for I have faced it myself.” With that, he pulls down the sleeve of his robe and reveals his own runic ‘F’ brand. “I am going to burn Talingarde to the ground and from the ashes I will build a new nation that knows its rightful master. I cannot do this alone. I seek servants worthy of our Infernal Father’s majesty. Have I found them in you?” He rises and his eyes flash with hellfire and divine purpose. “Join me! Serve me well in this holy endeavor and I will raise you up in the eyes of gods and men. I will make you princes of the new Talingarde. Today, swear fealty to me and to Asmodeus. Put aside forgiveness and I shall give you vengeance. Put aside mercy and be made powerful. Put aside peace and become my harbingers of war. What say you? Will you swear your allegiance or will you burn with the rest of the blind fools?”

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Finding the same divine purpose in the cardinal as that which resides within himself, Eric lights up.

"If it be the will of Asmodeus, I shall serve you both and see to the fall of Talingarde myself!"

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Adanna, upon entering the grand room, looks around to assess those that would work so hard to free her.

I like the style of this place, it looks good and helps set up a proper atmosphere.

She listens to the speech of the man who identifies himself as Cardinal Thorn with interest, impassioned by promises of power and status.

Cardinal Thorn? How appropriate. He definitely knows how to make a good first impression. And I like what he has to say. Given his demonstration at what was Brandescar Prison, and the amount of information he has on me, at least, that would imply that he can back up his claims.

Adanna watches Eric swear his loyalty, continuing to think to herself.

How easily he promises to but himself under someone elses boot. His faith must be strong indeed, though I hope it is well placed. On the one hand, he promises much. On the other, I'd be promising to serve one that I know nothing about. While I definitely want to get vengeance on those that marred my beautiful skin with this accursed brand, is the price I may pay and what I may be required to do worth it?

As Adanna thinks these things over she suddenly feels a warm feeling and feels the little viper nuzzling at her face. She looks to it and it looks over at Cardinal Thorn and back at her. The motion sends feelings of trust and ease through her.

Andros seems to think this is a good idea. And, honestly, I'm not sure that I have much choice, given the situation that I am in. So, I guess we shall see where fate takes us.

Adanna smiles at the little snake before turning to the Cardinal. She dips low, brings her hands out at her sides, and sweeps a foot back, curtseying formally before saying "Your offer is too great to refuse, most gracious Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. You have the vow of service of Nahia, daughter of Anahita. Let us crush the fools that rise up against us under our heels."

And Adanna, now declared to be Nahia, raises from her curtsey with a smile and thoughts of things to come.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Zerik takes in everything around him, watching Eric and Nahia, who he knew as Adanna, swear fealty to Asmodeous and this Cardinal Thorn.

My old master will be looking for me and should he find me, my torment will be unimaginable and never ending. I wonder what power this Cardinal possesses. I did feel the power of Asmodeous in our escape from that prison and that is the first time I have felt the calling of any God.

Perhaps it would be wise to play along for now and see where this leads. I do not think this man would allow any to leave who have heard him reveal such plans. If there is power to be had, not the status these young races seek, but true power, I shall seek it out, and allies will be useful when the time comes to face him.

Zerik smiles, "Your excellency, Cardinal Thorn, I am not such a fool as to not recognize the power before me. If there is power to be had I shall gladly serve Asmodeous the only God who has ever shown any interest in my life and to you your excellency, who are his instrument. Two both I owe my life and I offer such in service to you, that I might know the power of mighty Asmodeous

Zerik draws his sword, kneeling he offers his blade to the Cardinal.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Seren ponders the Cardinals words for a moment. I like how this man thinks, but I've seen the repercussions of swearing fealty to a man and not a god. I care not to be left destitute again because of someone else's whims.

"I am glad to see another trying to spread Asmodeus holy doctrine. You may have my allegiance good Cardinal." Seren replies a smile on her face.

He clearly has power and influence that I do not have yet. But my loyalty is to Asmodeus only. This man may have my allegiance but my "fealty".. that I am not so sure about.

Now is the part that everyone freaks out.

Cardinal Thorn smiles.
“Excellent. Let us make it official. Signing in blood is traditional.”
"Zerik" you don't remember telling him your name, he takes the sword, and spill his own blood on it. Then he gives it back to you. "Keep your sword. Asmodeus has chosen you."

He brings out a quill, a silver ritual knife and two copies of a contract written on some unidentifiable leather and written in dark red ink – the Pact of Thorns. With the knife he cut his finger, and use the blood as ink to write his name in both of the copies.

He then passes the other copy to you.

The contract reads the following:

Behold on this day Oathday, Calistril in the eighth age of this world a perpetual Compact is made between Cardinal Adrastus Thorn (hereafter the Master) and those who would be bound to him as his acolytes (hereafter the Bound). Both the Master and the Bound shall hold fast and true to this Compact through all trial and tribulation. By blood and soul the Bound commit to the Compact and swear that it shall never be undone. The Bound shall know and understand the Four Loyalties.
The First Loyalty is to their patron and god – mighty Asmodeus, first among the fallen, prince of the nine hells, our father below. They shall do all that can be done to further his worship and his glory.
The Second Loyalty is to their master – He who is called the Cardinal Adrastus Thorn, High Priest of Asmodeus in Talingarde. They shall do the Master no harm and obey his every commandment as long as those commandments do not clash with their First Loyalty.
The Third Loyalty is to their companions – the other Bound who serve alongside them. The Bound shall deal with each other fairly and honorably as long as doing so does not clash with their first or second loyalties. All treasure, wealth and reward garnered in their exploits will be equally shared with all of the Bound who aided in its acquisition.
The Fourth Loyalty is to themselves – for Asmodeus is the Lord of Ambition and all who serve him should strive to become great and powerful in his service as long as doing so does not clash with their first, second or third loyalties. By their weakness, ye shall know the unworthy.
The Bound swear that they cleave to and uphold the Four Loyalties even in the face of death and damnation.
The Master swears that as long as the Four Loyalties are upheld, he shall reward the Bound as they deserve for their deeds.
Thus it is written, and thus it shall be.
We being of sound mind and free will do so swear and let they who violates this Compact know all the wrath of Hell nending.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Nahia watches in interest as the Cardinal signs the treaty in his own blood.

There is power in the blood of an individual. Power over them. Mother used to do the same, using peoples blood in archaic rites to bind them and their minds to her. So what do I need to sign?

Nahia looks over the document with some worry and fear, though she tries not to let it show in front of the "Master".

This contract is... interesting. This is a much deeper level of fealty than I wanted to give. My only solace is that last line "let they who violates this Compact know all the wrath of hell unending". While it does mean that we would have to stay tightly to these four laws, it also means that "the Master" is also bound to reward us or else suffer the same fate. Though "as they deserve for their deeds" is more than a little troubling.

I've never been one to pay worship to any single god, as they all seem to have their place. Though technically I can still give lip worship to other gods as long as it doesn't go against Asmodeus. Though it isn't as if I am not used to working with spiritual forces beyond my understand.

And at least if the Cardinal gets out of hand the first law would imply that we could get rid of him. Or possibly even ignore his orders if doing so would bring greater value to Asmodeus. It also seems like there is room to delegate duties, so that others may do the more drudgery work as long as it benefits Asmodeus and the tasks are accomplished.

But, if I was going to sign my soul over in a contract, I guess I might at least get something out of it, right? Given some of the things my mother talked about it seems that I, more than likely, wasn't deigned to go to one of the great heavens. I wish I had more time and better circumstances to ponder this. It feels like the air here is suffocating and there is a dark shadow, a threat, over this entire ordeal. *sigh* I hope this "power" is worth this price.

Nahia uses one of her nails to deftly make a small slice in her palm. She takes a quill, dips, and, after a moment of hesitation, signs the contract. She then looks up at the Cardinal expectantly, waiting to see if this would be immediately realized as a mistake.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Zerik accepts his sword, feeling the power of the gesture. "This man is either crazy or brilliant, though is suspect the latter."

He withdraws his dagger and cuts into his left palm. Dipping the quill in his blood he signs the Pact of Thorns and returns to his place.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Asmodeus, just what are you playing at here.

Seren reaches over and grabs the contract, knife, and quill. She pauses a long while, re-reading the contract over.

I'm sure this will come back to bite me, but I'm out of options. This Cardinal has all the power at the moment.

Seren takes the knife, sliding it across her palm, blood pooling in her hand. She dips the quill and slowly signs the contract.

Let us see now whom this Cardinal really is.

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Glad to see that I am not alone in these endeavors.

Smiling as he take the knife, Eric slides the plade across his left palm. Taking the quill in turn, he signs his name, deep and bold with the crimson colored ink.

"It is done. But what of our two compatriots? Have they not yet come down to join us? Perhaps one of us should go notify them to come down," says Eric, only just realizing that both Marsella and Lysa are not among the group.

He lets you keep one copy of the contract. The other, he takes.
“Well done. Your first command: prepare yourselves.
Stay within the manor. You are still hunted by the Talirean soldiery. In three days we begin your training. And the others, they have a different work for The Mighty One. Your path may cross again in the future.”

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

The escapees are fed, fully rested, bathed and clothed in garments more befitting nobility than prisoners on the lam. For three days they live a life of luxury and ease in the manor house. Tiadora offers you each one of the slaves as a ‘companion’.

You are free to do as you please for three days. Tell me what you'll do in this time.

A slave approaches each of you and meekly asks what equipment you require. No more than 200 gp.
The slave then takes the requests to Tiadora who spends the money allotted for each you. Tiadora is teleporting to and from a safe house in the great metropolis of Ghastenhall to buy the equipment so almost anything can be acquired within her budget.
Also, you can give to her anything you picked up in the prison and she will sell it. You don't have to divide it for 6, just for 4.

In this case, you can ask her to buy anything that the loot will give you plus 200gp.

Each of you also receives a silver medallion and an iron circlet. The silver medallion is a holy symbol of Asmodeus (worth 25 gp if you could find a buyer). The iron circlet is magical.

Iron Circlet
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 1,800 gp; Weight–
This circlet of wrought iron alters itself to comfortably fit any
wearer. It allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with
a disguise self spell. As part of the disguise, the circlet can be
changed to appear as any sort of hat, headgear, or hairstyle the
wearer desires.
RequirementsCraft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Cost 900 gp

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