Throne of Night: Dark Lords of the Azathyr

Game Master Divinitus

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Hello everyone and welcome to my first venture on Paizo's PBP campaigns! This is not my first shindig as far as PBP GMing goes, so don't worry about me being me doing any PBP-greenhorn nonsense or anything. Well, enough babbling about me, let's get to the actual recruitment!

This recruitment is for the Throne of Night AP wherein the PCs play Drow in what equates to an underground Kingmaker-esque campaign. In this campaign you will conquer, by force and by guile, large swaths of the lightless deeps of Azathyr, form alliances with strange races and creatures, and explore wondrous and alien locales that those on the surface could scarcely dream of.

Here listed below are some nice fluffy bits that are pretty much required reading for prospective Drow overlords. After reading those, jump on down to character creation guidelines to check out how characters are built.

Starting Locale:
The drow call this entire region of the underworld the Azathyr (pronounced ah-zah-theer rhymes with fear). It means web, so named for its many labyrinthine passages. The Azathyr is vast. These upper reaches are only a small part of that dominion. And yet they are critical enough to warrant watching. Thus was a small outpost on the very edge of drow influence built here many years ago.
This outpost is Vothys. Vothys (pronounced VAH-this) is a minor outpost of the drow city-state of Taaryssia (pro. TAH-rissia). It controls access to the lower regions. It secures the entire area including the vast Fungal Jungle. It ensures that neither the deep gnomes nor anyone else can infiltrate the drow holdings beyond. And yet absolutely no drow wants to be here. The most remote and forgotten installation of the drow empire, to be stationed at Vothys is to be banished here. Vothys resembles a tall tower carved of black stone with numerous barbed protrusions, a spiked and crenelated spire like some dark crown, and an adjoining tower about half the size of the actual spire, both structures featuring demonic statuary interspersed throughout the architecture and are lined by a well-defended wall with a single gate allowing entry. Surrounding the ground around the main spire is the Garden of Barbs, a stonecrafted area of stalagmites and barbs of sharp stone created by Drow lithomancers back in the days when Vothys was a semi-prestigious location for the nobles. The stalagmites are carved with images of the Drow's enemies being impaled, various runes sacred to dark entities across the planes, and other, more depraved imagery. Apart from the obvious living and dining quarters of the outpost, there is also a slave camp of Kobolds beneath Vothys, Leopard kennels, numerous alchemical laboratories, the usual torture chambers, and the 'throne room' of the Baroness.

Things to Keep in Mind:
1. Travel is slow. Each hex represents a vast amount of space. A hex is eight miles across or approximately 55 square miles. Caverns, with their shifting elevations, winding indirect passages and ease of getting lost always count as difficult terrain for overland travel unless everyone in a party has a climb speed and is native to the underworld.
Small parties of unarmored Drow could manage one and a half hexes, but even one armored individual with them slows them down to again one a day. And larger bands have little hope of traveling more than one hex a day. Every hex you traverse takes a full day of travel. The passages of the underworld are not level, and while some are more difficult than others, this simplification better approximates average travel times. Even in the comparative wide open spaces of the Fungal Jungle, this rule still holds. The floor of that vast cavern is anything but flat and the giant mushrooms that grow everywhere can be slow to circumnavigate.
Three types of passages are shown on the hex map, which shall be included in the Campaign Information tab once the campaign starts in earnest. These are:
-Major Passages (double line): These wide passages are consistently twenty feet across or even wider. Huge creatures can pass without issue.
-Secondary Passages (single line): The passages are ten feet across. Large creatures can pass without issue.
-Minor Passages (dotted line): These passages are traversable by medium sized creatures but often only just. Often not level, travel times are doubled. Large creatures and wagon caravans cannot take them.

2. This is a world without the sun. Darkness is the norm in the Azathyr and everything down here has adapted to that fact. Anyone without darkvision (or similar non-light based senses) is at a serious disadvantage. Using fire or magical light attracts every sort of predator and signals to intelligent opposition that you are outsiders. Most enemies will use magic to counter magical light and try to extinguish torches and lanterns, realizing that such blindness creates serious problems for their enemies.

3. Water is not a problem. The Azathyr is located beneath a great forest and water filters down through the cave almost everywhere. Many cave walls are wet. Water drips and small pools are the norm. This water is largely fresh and fine to drink. In short, water is not a problem unless specifically noted.

4. Food is a problem. Every living thing in the Azathyr struggles to find enough food. Starvation is a constant threat and even in the sprawling fungal jungle, food is not easy to acquire. Many of the mushroom that grow there are either not very nutritious or genuinely poisonous. Randomly eating mushrooms is surely asking to die.
That said the staple diet of the underworld is the mushroom. About a hundred different varieties of mushrooms are commonly eaten in the Azathyr from the common button to fire-caps to yellow frills and brown-heads. These mushrooms are consumed by almost every inhabitant of this region and provide a solid base for their diet. These mushrooms consume everything that dies underground. In the case of the Fungal Jungle that great cavern was once a sprawling bat cave before it got sealed up by seismic activity millennia ago. The mushrooms thrive on ancient guano hills that are in places hundreds of feet deep. Further, the giant mushrooms of the fungal jungle (and the Deep Gnomes’ mushroom fields) produce spores in such vast quality that they can be collected and milled into a sort of flour that can be baked into spongy grey bread known in Undercommon as Veska or mushcakes in the common tongue. Mushcake is hardy and nutritious but has an earthy flavor that is definitely an acquired tasted for surface dwellers.
There are even species of mushrooms that can be brewed into sweet wort. That wort can be fermented into beer. These “black beers” are very alcoholic and dark in coloration. Their flavor closely resembles an oatmeal stout - malty, sweet and perhaps slightly bitter. They have a unique musky aroma that those born on the surface sometimes find off-putting. But the Azathyrians themselves relish these black brews and every race proudly brews their own variation. Black beer can be further distilled into a hard liquor. These home-made “shines” are made a thousand different ways. However, if you triple distill the beer, you end up with night whisky. This powerful stuff is black as ink and, if well-made, smooth as silk. The finest night whisky comes from the drow city of Taaryssia. The drow sometimes lace their whiskey with powerful
hallucinogenic extracts.
But as nourishing as mushrooms are, most species of the Azathyr also need animal protein. The Deep Gnomes raise eyeless cave fish in their stock lake. Here is the secret to eating them – they must be eaten raw and whole. By eating them this way, the valuable vitamin C in their organs is not destroyed by cooking. Of course, the Svirfneblin do not understand why this works. They simply relish a small cave fish quickly scaled, soaked overnight in a peppery-salty sweet candycap vinegar brine and eaten whole the next day. Needless to say, surface dwellers often consider this ‘delicacy’ revolting. The fungal jungle also supports lizards, salamanders, cave crickets and pteranodons all of which may be eaten. But most prized of all, and very rare, are the cave auroch. It was likely the duergar who originally bred this species of miniature cattle for the depths. Whatever the source, these cattle are often treated as more valuable than gold. They graze on mushrooms and produce meat, leather, milk and beef tallow just to name a few. Wild herds are very rare, but a large free herd does yet supposedly wander the fungal jungle. This valuable resource, if true, as yet remains unclaimed.
Food imported from the surface is eagerly sought and ludicrously expensive when you can get it at all. Honey, wine and dried fruits and meats are particularly valued and fetch at least five times their surface cost.

5. Everything is unfamiliar to you as a player. The Azathyr will be a constant source of weirdness and wonders for you as a player. This is an incredibly isolated ecology. Virtually every animal and fungus found here is found nowhere else, to say nothing of the alien locales.

6. There is no weather. The Azathyr is a fairly constant 60 F/16 C. Certain areas are warmed due to geothermal activity and those will be noted. But for most areas there is nothing equivalent to surface weather. It is always dark, damp and cool. Most dwellers here like it this way. The Fungal Jungle by the way does have weather of a sort, but that will be discussed when it becomes necessary.

7. Wood is scarce. Another surface commodity that the PCs may take for granted is wood. Wood is a precious and rare commodity that must be imported from above. Wood items are rarely available for sale at all, but when they are they usually fetch ten times their list.
However, the inhabitants of the Azathyr have learned to make due. Giant mushrooms stalks can be cut into fibrous planks. If these planks are dried and kilned at a low temperature, they become hard as pine wood. This “grey wood” is commonly used in everything from crossbow quarrels to wagon wheels. Mechanically, it has no difference from normal wood. It is unquestionably inferior to good hardwood however, particularly in terms of longevity.

8. Metal and stone are not scarce The Azathyr is blessed with rich deposits of iron and marble. Items surface dweller would never dream making out of such materials commonly are in the underworld. For example on the surface, hammers always have wooden hafts. In the Azathyr, hammers are often entirely metal perhaps wrapped with leather to avoid conducting heat.
Another example – every Deep Gnome peasant in Fasturvalt lives in a house made of carved marble. This is not because of the beauty and opulence of the stone (though it is lovely). Instead, this is because marble is easily acquired from the nearby quarry and the Svirfneblin are masters at working it.

9. The Azathyr is a wild and lawless place. There is no central government in the Azathyr. No great empire unites the disparate peoples of this region. When you leave a town or city, you are on your own. Even the so-called Gnome King’s Highway that connects to great Svirfneblin cities outside of the Azathyr is not routinely patrolled.
This anarchy has two effects upon almost anyone the PCs meet for the first time. First, strangers are always regarded with suspicion and caution. Weapons are kept at hand and a fight is expected. Second, people who don’t want a fight are often very polite and formal in their speech. They know that a single slight could start a deadly battle and so they seek to head off such confrontations by being pleasant.
The closest thing that there is to a central power is the drow vault of Taaryssia. It is very distant from where the PCs begin the campaign and the Drow are disinterested rulers. Almost all of the Azathyr is a wilderness. Perhaps it will be the PCs who will change that and bring law to this sunless borderland.

Character Creation Guidelines

Starting Level: 1

Race: Drow, but I may allow a single Drow-blooded Tiefling or perhaps one 'loyal servant/slave' of a different race. If you take the latter option, be aware that even though you may be treated well by your compatriots, you are still most likely considered property to them.

EDIT Alignment: Any non-good, though evil is more the point of the campaign.

Class: If it is on the SRD, I will probably allow it. Paizo material is automatically allowed. I may also allow other 3PP material for submission, but if you use ANY 3PP material, ask me first.
EDIT: Antipaladins are altered slightly. They can be of any Evil alignment and have a code written according to their patron, which is highly flexible. I don't imagine the dark entities from beyond the material plane are very "BE ALL THE EVIL YOU CAN BE SLAVE! BE SO EVIL EVEN I DESPISE YOU! BETRAY EVERYONE! WALLOW IN YOUR OWN SELF-LOATHING! DRINK BLOOD FROM THE HEADS OF SLAUGHTERED HALFLING ORPHANS! EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! NAMELESS SERVANT 56, PREPARE MY AIR GUITAR!", because frankly, they probably just want to use everyone that they can. They are also AntiPALADINS, which means if they are the Paladin's inverse, they likely are not as closely bound to a code of conduct. Fiends and dark deities seem much more ends-oriented rather than means-oriented. Not only that, but the standard Antipaladin writeup is VERY party-unfriendly. So yeah, consider all that murderhobo-necessity code and alignment eliminated.

Ability Scores: Focus and Foible, setting a score to 18 and another to 08 before modifiers. Then, after that, distribute 16 points on a one-for-one basis among the other scores as you wish, which are by default set to 10, before modifiers. Also, choose one of the following ability score 'packages'.

Ability Score Bonus Packages:
1. Cruel Slaver: You are enslaver of the helpless and slayer of any who oppose your clan and cause. However, as mighty as you are, you are also reckless and overly quick to anger. Benefit: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
2. Devotee of Dark Powers You are a follower of a wicked or even demonic faith and are destined to lead a cult to great and terrible glory. Benefit: +2 Charisma +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution
3. Master of Arcane Secrets You would use your great intelligence and experience to lead yourself and your clan to dominate all others. Benefit: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma -2 Constitution
4. Silent Killer You are a born assassin, ready to slay for family, your cult or perhaps even for the sheer pleasure of the kill. Benefit: +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength, -2 Charisma
5. Treacherous Infiltrator There is no lie you cannot sell, no lock you cannot pick and no enemy you will not strangle in their sleep. But in a straight fight, you are out of your element. Benefit: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
6. Drow Exemplar You believe in pushing yourself to the limits, becoming the best that you can be without giving up anything in return. Benefit: +2 to any score

HP: Max HP per HD, because you will need it!

Skills: You gain an additional +1 skill point per level. You also gain an inherent bonus to certain skills, based on what ability score package you choose.
1. Cruel Slaver: +2 Intimidate and Perception.
2. Devotee of Dark Powers: +2 Knowledge: Religion and Knowledge: The Planes
3. Master of Arcane Secrets: +2 Knowledge: Arcana and Spellcraft
4. Silent Killer: +2 Acrobatics and Stealth
5. Treacherous Infiltrator: +2 Bluff and Disable Device
6. Drow Exemplar: +4 to any one skill of their choice

Traits: 2 standard Traits, plus a bonus Trait if you take a Drawback. In addition, you gain one of the following Campaign Traits.

Campaign Traits:
1. Dangerous Beauty: The drow are famed for their dark beauty and you are a fine example of this. There is something alluring about you that draws victims into your web. Benefit: +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against anyone potentially attracted to you.
2. Dark Bargainer: You have a particular affinity for dealing with the denizens of the dark realms beyond the material plane. Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with creatures of one Evil Outsider type of your choosing.
3. Exile’s Stolen Treasure: Before you were driven out of Taaryssia you managed to take one piece of magical or well-made gear with you. Benefit: You have one item (be it a masterwork weapon, armor or minor magic item) worth 900gp.
4. Gifted Poisoner: You have worked with poisons all your life and have become a virtuoso at their use. Benefit: +1 trait bonus to poison saves and a +1 trait bonus to any knowledge skill roll concerning poisons.
5. Hatred of Surface Dwellers: You have a particular hatred for those who hail from above. Perhaps you believe them invaders or perhaps you carry an ancient grudge. Whatever the cause, you are eager to see them die. Benefit: You inflict +1 damage against any surface dweller you encounter.
6. Improved Darkvision: Even for the Drow, your Darkvision is impressive. Benefit: You gain Darkvision 180 ft.
7. Memories of Taaryssia: Though you have been longed exiled (or perhaps even exiled as a child), you still remember the great city of the drow Taaryssia. Benefit: +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (nobility) and one of those is always a class skill for you.
8. Noble Courtesan: At some point you have been a courtesan. Perhaps you did this out of desperation or perhaps you simply enjoyed the lifestyle. Regardless, you know how to listen and how to ask without asking. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks and Diplomacy checks to gather information, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
9. Ruthless: You never hesitate to strike a killing blow. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.
10. Skilled Backstabber: Fair fights have never held any interest to you. You much prefer to strike unseen from the shadows. Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on melee weapon damage rolls made against foes that cannot see you.
11. Terrifying: There is something about your words and mannerisms that strike fear into all who meet you. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate skill checks and a +1 save DC to any spell with the fear descriptor.

Fluff: You MUST include fluff with your characters! This is a roleplaying game after all and, as such, I expect there to be something to roleplay with. 'I grew up as an evil 1st level Fighter' doesn't quite cut it! Add some backstory, your appearance, what your character's personality is like, ect. I encourage you to post whatever you desire in the beginning, even if it just a blurb, but your final character must have at least a decent amount of fluff.

Now that all of that is out of the way, let me say that I am aware of the situation regarding Throne of Night's 'completion schedule'. While it IS taking a while to receive the books, I am quite certain that they will be released. If, in the unlikely event that it takes longer than anticipated for a book to come out, or if the series is canceled for some reason, I am more than willing to 'wing it' and homebrew the rest of the AP, something I am somewhat experienced with. Hopefully it will not come to that, but I just want people to know that this is a campaign that I intend to see reach fruition and thus am not going to let something so small cause the campaign to be shelved, which would be disappointed for PCs and GM alike.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I expect I'll be making a submission for this!



WOuld you allow giant geckos as mounts for cavaliers and samurais?

I'm thinking about making my Pc a loyal servant, not sure if the adventure have a strong figure to follow or another player would want to be my PC master.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I wasn't even half done reading when I thought it might be fun to play a drow-blooded tiefling... and then I read you might allow one... I will submit one! Working on character crunch and fluff now...

I am assuming that the ability score bonus packages are NOT in addition to tiefling racial modifiers... but instead replace them.. If that's incorrect please let me know...

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

@Krentel - if you are useful, and worthy, I'd let you wear my collar, probably.

Krentel, yes, along with a few other creatures. I will post a list of mounts if people seem interested in using 'exotic mounts'. Same thing goes for familiars. As far as the 'favored servant' angle, it would be one of the PCs, because THEY are the stars of the campaign and it is they who will be building an empire in the dark depths.

JAF0, the ability score bonus packages ARE in addition to Tiefling Racial Modifiers. Why would Tieflings be penalized? They're already 1 RP behind regular Drow as it is. In fact, on the table of Variant Tiefling Abilities, pick one (Except for an Ability Score Bonus) and gain it, to bring you up balance-wise. Sound fair? One alteration though: they know Uncommon instead of Common, for obvious reasons. Also, you can select any of the Tiefling subtypes, though Demon-blooded is the most common.

Silver Crusade

I would definitely like to join in on this. Do I need to submit anything special for this? As well, may I PM you about a couple questions I have? (Specifically refering to the Focus and Foible stat generation because I've only used roll or point buy before)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

ok, thanks for the info.

GM Overseer of Azathyr wrote:

Krentel, yes, along with a few other creatures. I will post a list of mounts if people seem interested in using 'exotic mounts'. Same thing goes for familiars. As far as the 'favored servant' angle, it would be one of the PCs, because THEY are the stars of the campaign and it is they who will be building an empire in the dark depths.

Ok, I would take the gecko. And the less chaotic PC as the master (if he/she so desires)

Apart from the guidelines above, there is no need for anything 'special', just create something interesting! You may certainly send a PM.

JAF0, you're welcome.

Dotting, gonna go with a hunter with a dire bat.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

hmmm... maybe I will change my character then... I was making a hunter as well... lol... it's okay - was only in the early design stages... easily changed.

Silver Crusade

I'm thinking a Bolt Ace could be a fun class. That, or a druid of some theme-appropriate archetype

I would like to take the order of the sword but replacing the standard edicts of that order to loyalty to his master.


And a question - are the Path of War classes on the table? More specifically, the Warlord.

I'm thinking of starting with a level of Warlord (to access that delicious Black Seraph discipline) then advancing as an Anti-Paladin. For a LE brand of 'organized' drow - someone that would like the underworld to be a bit more ordered (preferably under his boot, of course!).

Edit: Upon further musing, straight Warder might be easiest : ) hmm ...

Is psionics or path of war allowed?

Dotting in from the other thread. Thanks again for running this, Divinitus. Still thinking cavalier or antipaladin or possibly ninja? I understand if you rule out ninja due to setting restrictions.

The concept I am most interested in is an order of the bow cavalier riding a giant gecko. If both of those options are approved then I will start statting that up in the next few days. Thanks again!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

sounds like almost everyone is making something along the lines of a melee oriented character... Perhaps I will go a different route then - and make a something completely different...

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

My offering will be a divine caster, more than able to handle the peculiar needs of a group such as this.

Every group needs a moral compass after all.

very cool. I'm thinking iquisitor

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

GM who is the patron deity of these Drow?

Path of War and Psionics are allowed, as Dreamscarred Press makes great material that is actually well-balanced.

Sixteenbiticon, you are welcome! Ninjas are perfectly permissable and explainable. You will need to PM me the specifics of the Order of the Bow, but it is probably fine if RGG made it. Also, do you mind if I abbreviate your name as '16'?

Zahir, the Drow of Azathyr, as in Golarion, do not have a single patron. By and large they worship fiends, though unlike Golarion, not all of those entities are demons. Some are atheists or worship other gods or entities, though they have to tow the line around the fiend-worshipping nobles.

can we start with slaves?

And a palanquin! :P

LitanyOfCurses, if you can pay for them, though it is generally a smart idea not to have too many following you at once due to the lack of supplies in the wilderness, the logistics of keeping multiple slaves in line while you sleep, and the fact that Azathyr is full of vicious predators just looking for an easy meal. And, of course, there will be slave-taking later as well, if people so desire.

How much would a slave (who would be used for a personal chair) cost?


LitanyOfCurses, depends on the slave, actually. Race, appearance, skills, unique factors, and similar things play into the cost. I think Dark Markets: A Guide to Katapesh has a general guideline that it goes by, but it may be one of the Second Darkness books. Tell you what, list the specifics on what you're looking for and I will look for how to determine the price. My only caveat regarding this, at present anyway, is that when you start out no slave may be more powerful than a PC, which means that they will either be 'PC Class1', the more expensive option, or 'NPC Class1-2', the more economical option. Slaves are a relatively expensive for starting wealth and you will need some small funds to keep them sustained with rations and such, unless food is foraged for them, so I would suggest perhaps taking the 'Exile's Stolen Treasure' trait, unless you are ok burning through starting gold.

Scroll down a bit : )

That is the standard fair at least

Just for clarification sake, the "Ability Score packages" will replace the standard drow ability score bonuses, correct?

Thanks GM & Lessah

Ok I have a good idea.... The slaves are mostly for flavor.

Javell, no, these are in addition to regular Drow modifiers.

Lessah and Litany, that is not the exact system I remember, but that is a good way to estimate things.

Ohhhh, okay, cool. Thanks!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

GM Overseer of Azathyr wrote:
Zahir, the Drow of Azathyr, as in Golarion, do not have a single patron.

This may be true, but I'm going to expect a bit more rigidity from my flock in the worshipping department!

Also, due to a friend who is applying wanting to know, let me state something. If you have any 3.X books with Drow material, I might be willing to allow them if you can find it on an SRD site or PM me the details of what you would like to use. Do NOT put up any links to the book itself, because I do not want anyone getting slapped with some ridiculous piracy charge over a PDF if someone sees it!

3.X books mostly approved for use in the campaign, for those going the route above: Plot and Poison, The Quintessential Guide to the Drow, Complete Guide to Drow, Encyclopedia Arcane Drow Magic, Tome of Drow Lore, Drow of the Underdark, Dezzavold: Fortress of the Drow (For the classes, not the adventure obviously), and Tome of Drow Lore (Which I believe is compiled into Sheoloth: City of the Drow).

Javell, you're welcome!

Zahir, if it helps, think of the Drow religion like the Greek Pantheon, a collection of figures worshipped by a populace who either venerated one individual, several, or all. Not all of the gods got along, so it was essentially a practice in organized anarchy trying to balance all of the various religious institutes in Greece, particularly with the mad revelers of Dionysus, the bloodthirsty soldiers of Ares, and the grim presence of the undertakers serving Hades. Just out of curiosity, do you have any idea on who the focus of your character's veneration is yet?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Well, I was thinking LE really, to help keep the group in line.

Asmodeus possibly? Contracts, pride, slavery, and tyranny are a powerful collection to have in your dominion!

Zahir, that is definitely a possibility, though any contracts must be signed willingly. That's the one problem I had in

was that PCs pretty much HAD to sign up or else be killed on spot. It would be interesting seeing a 'glue' character step forward though!

Can't stop hands from typing this. Dotting with interest. --- Arrg. Bad hands, evil campaign.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

We Asmodean priests can be quite, umm persuasive. By lash or by logic, all can be persuaded.

I will say that I prefer my evil to be PG-13 though.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

As an aside, while I'd provide spiritual unity to the group, don't interpret that as a desire to be the group's leader.

I'll be Richeliu or Clement V, someone else can be Philip IV.

Tirion, you make me think of the 'Idol Hands' movie (At least I THINK that idle was spelled differently for the movie!) with your post, at least for a short moment!

Zahir, it is pretty much designed for PG-13. I tend to use a little more vivid descriptions of how critical hits and kills are landed, but never verging into the 'goregasm' part of the field. And power behind the throne, eh?

Lawful Evil - Best Evil!

Asmodeus is a *uh* most reasonable deity with *uh* good organizational ideas.

I'm thinking my Warder can be helpful if his might is to be demonstrated in a more *ah* blunt way. Or possible slashing. Most likely slashing!

To be clear, every good government need a competent retainer with no humour, a menacing weapon and a 'I find your lack of faith disturbing' attitude :3

Indeed Lessah, that much is true! :)

Question: I was planning on picking up the Black Seraph Discipline - it feels very fitting for this campaign!

This is typically done by joining the appropriate Tradition, in this case the Black Thorn Knights. As an organization loyal/supported by Hell itself, things just kept getting better and better :)

(Their fluff is delicious too!)

1) I assume using Traditions are okay?

2) Also - in the same vein - I assume we don't get the Allegiance Benefit, since it is in effect a bonus tacked on?

But I wouldn't mind to be wrong on this one :)

Traditions are fine, but they will have special 'subgroups' in Azathyr. The Allegiance Benefit MAY be possible once you gain more prestige in the organization.

Krentel Nylineth wrote:
I would like to take the order of the sword but replacing the standard edicts of that order to loyalty to his master.

If the DM allow it of course

Sweet. I shall borrow healthily from the Black Thorn Knights then : )

(particularly, their oath and initiation rite)

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