Shadow over Riddleport

Game Master Joana

"We cornered his drunken ass in the Goblin last time. This time, we won't show any mercy. We'll kill him for what he did to Larur, and then he'll tell us where Lil is." -- Braddon Hurst

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Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)
Saul Vankaskerkin wrote:
"Ah, Phillip! Come in, come in."

Phillip gives Bojasc a slight nod of aknowledgement, but does not seek to engage him in conversation as Saul is there, moving past the Varisian and giving Saul a short bow. "An opportunity for work and benefit beyond what I could offer alone." smoothing his hair and then mustache with his left hand before emitting carefully chosen words "You're swimming upstream in Riddleport Saul, which is admirable... but not without danger. What will help you get up the river is a better idea of when the bears will come fishing for you... information."

Pausing a moment before continuing "I'm sure you have ways and means... but I'm also sure you're smart enough to not turn down a chance at another. I'm not going to tell you how, nor who, nor promise anything above an attempt... just seek your blessing to start spinning a web... and to know if results would be met with appropriate recompense."

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

"Yes, let's go do the "tourist thing" and see the Cyphergate up close. That should prove moderately entertaining. Lead on!"

Liry and Tendal walk back toward the river and cross by ferry. Grimas and Liry greet each other with the same easy familiarity they displayed yesterday; the ferryman glances at Tendal a bit curiously but gives him a friendly enough nod. Once on the west side of the Velashu, Liry leads Tendal back south, passing by the Publican House where they met yesterday before the road starts to climb steeply up. The higher they get, the less pervasive are the heat and stench of the river valley and the larger and more well-maintained the buildings become. By the time the road crests the summit of the ridge and they can feel the cool sea breeze, Tendal understands why the wealthy of Riddleport live in Windward District.

On the left they pass a long row of terrace houses between the road and the edge of the cliff; several uniformed Gendarmes are milling around one of the front doors, coming and going and examining the entryway. Liry turns to Tendal and shrugs. "Must have been some trouble up here. Back there," she points to a large multi-winged building visible above the roofs of the houses about a block away, "that's the Cypherlodge."

The pair follow the road to the very edge of the cliff, where the crag drops off to the sea below, and then turn left onto a footpath concealed almost until they came upon it that leads steeply down again. This close to the water, the heat doesn't return as they descend, although they are occasionally splashed with a salt spray when the waves crash against the rock at just the right angle. At the foot of the hill, the path ends at the front door of a serviceable stone building marked "Cyphergate Visitors' Center, 1 sp admission." Behind the building the wonder itself rises into the air above the harbor like a petrified rainbow.

Male Human (Chelaxian)
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:

"You're swimming upstream in Riddleport Saul, which is admirable... but not without danger. What will help you get up the river is a better idea of when the bears will come fishing for you... information."

Pausing a moment before continuing "I'm sure you have ways and means... but I'm also sure you're smart enough to not turn down a chance at another. I'm not going to tell you how, nor who, nor promise anything above an attempt... just seek your blessing to start spinning a web... and to know if results would be met with appropriate recompense."

"Mmmm," Saul replies thoughtfully. "What you say is true: Inside information and access to it are more valuable than tempered steel in a town like Riddleport. But as to whether recompense would be appropriate... that would depend on your definition of 'appropriate,'" he smiles. "I prefer to avoid vagueness in my business dealings; avoids misunderstandings later, you see. What sort of recompense would you consider appropriate, should your endeavors bear fruit?"

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Gold Goblin wrote:
Braddon quickly spies Lexy's auburn head. She smiles at him warmly as he approaches, then seems suddenly to recognize him with a start and looks around nervously for the nearest armored man.

"Good afternoon, my dear," Braddon grins widely. "How are you? Well I hope? I haven't come to make any trouble. Just wanted a bit of a chat. Or do I have to hire you for that?" His gaze moves down and up her frame appreciatively.

He leans in close and murmurs, "I have your pay from last night." He steps back, still grinning, and casually looks around, taking in the other girls, the nearby guards and the entrance nearby.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

With a smirk and chuckle "Now that is a hard question to answer... after all I might not even be able to bring in naught but rumors and falsehoods chasing coin. A touch of silver for words regardless with a promise of gold should the cant be useful to you..." mulling numbers for a while.

"A hand (5) of gold if I uncover something of worth... with knowledge that anything truly enlightening might warrant further?"

Braddon Hurst wrote:

"Good afternoon, my dear," Braddon grins widely. "How are you? Well I hope? I haven't come to make any trouble. Just wanted a bit of a chat. Or do I have to hire you for that?" His gaze moves down and up her frame appreciatively.

He leans in close and murmurs, "I have your pay from last night." He steps back, still grinning, and casually looks around, taking in the other girls, the nearby guards and the entrance nearby.

"I don't want any trouble," she whispers anxiously. "I won't say anything about what you and your Hellknight friends pulled last night -- only you'd better not try it here. Old Stumpy is one thing, but you don't want Shorafa hunting you down."

Male Elf Urban Ranger/ 1
Thuvalia Barabbio wrote:
"Hmph," Thuvalia scowls. "Not so bad for you. Your purse is lighter by five silver; mine, by seven gold. Grasping cow. Still," she relents, "we got away with the pouches of Volo and the rest of them. Let her sell their flea-ridden clothing for a few coppers. Hungry? Of course I am; I couldn't eat from that picked-over table of scraps this morning." She slips her hand through the crook of Dayn's elbow for the stroll back into town.

Arching his eyebrow Dayn retorts with a smug grin "Your purse is not lighter by seven gold my dear, it is heavier by quite a bit." as he jingles hus pack where he has the coin purses of the others stored. "But I'll tell you what, for all your troubles and the terribly tryingday yyou've had, lunch is on me." and with another laugh he leads her towards the Three Billed Duck, proud he only gets lost once along the way.

Male Human (Chelaxian)
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:

With a smirk and chuckle "Now that is a hard question to answer... after all I might not even be able to bring in naught but rumors and falsehoods chasing coin. A touch of silver for words regardless with a promise of gold should the cant be useful to you..." mulling numbers for a while.

"A hand (5) of gold if I uncover something of worth... with knowledge that anything truly enlightening might warrant further?"

Saul stares back at Phil for a few beats, then nods with a smile. "That sounds fair enough to me. After all, I hired you for your ability to keep your head down; if benefits accrue to the Gold Goblin from it, I believe in doubling down on a proven winner." He grins and gestures widely. "I'm in the casino business, after all!"

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Phillip inclines his head slightly by way of acceptance "Done... I will hope to have something worth bringing to your attention shortly then." rising and almost making to leave before pausing again "One other question... in the interest of avoiding vagueness. If through my travels I come upon a need for blood... do you want it to pass your gaze before the blow? - and if there is a need for it then... is there one of yours that can be called to do the knifework?"

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Gold Goblin wrote:
"I don't want any trouble," she whispers anxiously. "I won't say anything about what you and your Hellknight friends pulled last night -- only you'd better not try it here. Old Stumpy is one thing, but you don't want Shorafa hunting you down."

Unable to contain his mirth Braddon bursts into peals of laughter.

Eventually he whispers back, "I'm working for ol' stumpy. He wants his horns and tails back. Is there somewhere we can talk or shall I blurt out the truth here?"

Daynadrian and Thuvalia make their way back south past Devil's Fork, around the ridge to Leeward District, and on to the Three Billed Duck, whence, if they but knew it, Tendal and Liry have only recently departed to view the Cyphergate.

Patio table or inside, Dayn? Your call.

When they have seated themselves, Quinta Crispin approaches with a smile, seeing Dayn. "Pleased to see you back so soon, Master Elf; I trust this means you enjoyed your meal with us yesterday? Griddlecakes again, or will you try some of our fresh seafood? I've just been paid a compliment on my oysters by a gentleman all the way from Magnimar!" Her smile cools considerably as she glances at Thuvalia.

Male Human (Chelaxian)
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
"One other question... in the interest of avoiding vagueness. If through my travels I come upon a need for blood... do you want it to pass your gaze before the blow? - and if there is a need for it then... is there one of yours that can be called to do the knifework?"

Saul breathes out a long sigh. "I won't lie to you, Phil: It's my sincere hope to avoid any dances with the snickersnack, 'knifework,' as you call it. A man attacks you, well, you clearly have the right to defend yourself. Last night, for instance, we were invaded; we had hostile personages in our territory, and they drew first steel. There's no one that can lay blame at our doorstep for that. But you go leaving bodies lying around Riddleport, that's going to lead to retaliation, and retaliation will lead to open warfare in the streets, and then Cromarcky's got to step in. If that happens, we don't want to be the ones that starting the avalanche."

"And I'll tell you what really worries me." He leans forward a little over the desk. "If Cromarcky steps in and can't put a lid on things. Elias Tammerhawk already has his fingerprints on some of the prime sections of Riddleport, and it's common knowledge he hates Cromarcky and think he'd do a better job of Overlording. Cromarcky shows weakness, and Tammerhawk will have his mages at the gates of Maskyr's Island like that. Now, Gaston Cromarcky's an evil old pirate, but he leaves most of Riddleport alone as long as there's no trouble. Elias Tammerhawk is a power-hungry bastard, and if he takes over, there'll be precious little room for a small businessman to carve out a space of his own."

He sits back again in his chair. "Now, I'm not one to tell a man who he can and can't kill. I'm no moralist. But if you find someone on the business end of your knife without witnesses to say you were acting in self-defense, I'd advise you to get rid of the body and to make sure it can't be traced back to you. Riddleport may be largely lawless, but that doesn't mean there won't come a reckoning." He raises the stump at the end of his left arm with a meaningful smirk.

Braddon Hurst wrote:

Unable to contain his mirth Braddon bursts into peals of laughter.

Eventually he whispers back, "I'm working for ol' stumpy. He wants his horns and tails back. Is there somewhere we can talk or shall I blurt out the truth here?"

"Oh. Oh! The costumes." Her eyes fly wide open with relief that Braddon isn't here as part of a heist; then she glances at the security men again, this time with the intention of getting further away from them. Looping her arm through his familiarly, she strolls several steps across the pavement. "The horns and tails are back at our flat. We just ran out of there last night when the trouble started, and we didn't know what to do with them. We certainly couldn't let Shorafa see them, and we weren't even sure the Gold Goblin was even still going to be in business. I can't leave the temple right now, not without a lot of questions, but Anya should be there. If you want, you can go pick them up. If you really have our pay, you can leave mine with her, too."

If Braddon accedes to her plan, she'll give him directions to a third-floor flat a few blocks away from the temple. You don't have to agree, of course; just don't want to have to waste a post on him saying "Okay" and waiting for further instructions. :)

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

"Okay," says Braddon. :)

He listens carefully to the directions, and tells Lexy how much money he'll be leaving with Anya for her.
"I'll also tell her how I single handedly drove off the thieves." He straightens his back with a superior smirk and dusts his knuckles against his breast, before admitting, "Okay, I did have some help. Anyway, I'd better leave you to it. Thanks."

He then heads off to see Anya.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

As Saul speaks, Phillip listens carefully and there is a certain degree of dangerous rebellion that takes root within the corner of his eyes and his jaw is set in a way that screams resolute conviction. At one point he exhales with a sussurant hiss and bared teeth; and Saul gets a momentary glimpse of canines that seem overlong to be natural. Unnoticed by Phillip, the jade serpent that was his father's grows slightly warmer in the pockets of his backpack.

The tone of his words changes slightly as he responds... alternately the words come out clipped and at others sibilant as his palatization of consonants tends to an extension serpentine in nature... but all times measured and with an edge of constrained dangerous intent "It was not the law that took your hand Ssaul... but your words are noted. I have no intention to bloody my own hands... and will enssure any trail left at my behest leads to an impasse." pausing for a few moments to allow his words to be digested before closing his statements.

"But if the tide threatens to rise above what the levees might hold... I do not intend be idle." giving Saul a short bow before spinning on his heel to leave and return to his room.

Soon after leaving Saul's company Phil finds his pulse racing and himself sweating rivers despite the heat not warranting it. Returning to his room swiftly as his vision begins to swim and breath becomes erratic. Managing to close and lock his door, and shed his backpack Phil collapses on the bear rug that adorns his floor as vertigo overcomes him and he must close his eyes to the swirling roof and his chest heaves in and out as he sucks in breath to try and steady himself.

Gold Goblin:
Thought it would be about time to throw in a tangible effect of the jade serpent statue and it's 'influence' on Phil. None of the above is mechanical in nature, all fluff... for now. Of course you can always decide that the statue turns into something that it is not currently.
Idea here was that the potential threat of others over Phil provoked a 'fight or flight' internal process that the asura tainted artifact twisted and reinforced to give him the aggressive response. Just starting on the characterization of the influence - so let me know what works when you read it and what doesn't.

Male Human (Varisian) ; 8/8 hp; AC 14 (11 t/13 ff); CMD 12; Init +1; Oracle of Lore 1

"Agian, patuak aukeratu ez erakusteko naizela bila. Beharbada dute eta oraindik ez dut skill edo entzun pazientzia edukitzeko. Little garrantzitsua da; ekarri dute me aurretik, hartan zer gaietan.

"Horrez gain, azken denbora patuak erosi edari bat izan zen?" Malkith poses, sliding the old man his own unfinished tankard. "Eta entzuten dut, Volo ez dute lagunak - besterik ez erraza marka."

"Perhaps the Fates have chosen not to reveal all that I am seeking. Perhaps they have and I do not yet possess the skill or patience to listen. It matters little; they have brought me before you, at that is what matters.

"Besides, when was the last time the Fates bought you a drink? And the way I hear it, Volo didn't have friends - just easy marks."

Male Human (Varisian)

"Horretan, arrazoi duzu. Zer lagunekin gaztea bere denbora edariak taberna batean gizon zahar bat erosi?" he grins as he takes another sip from the mug. "Gutxienez, zuk nahi duzun informazioa. Volo, bakarrik nahi zuen konpainia, onartu. Edari nahikoa, eman ahal izango dut." He looks at Malkith shrewdly. "Zure txanpon arratsaldean guztiak edan ahal izango dut. Horretarako, esango dut ez dut ezagutzen Volo gaur egun lan egiten du. Emakume bat, ez gutako bat. Jokoa areto bat ezagutu zuen ilargia azken betea izan zen, duela hiru aste inguru, eta berarekin ditu betetzen hiriko gauero geroztik. Zuen sorgindutako gizon bat bezala, bere edertasun handia eta fintasun bere buruz hitz egiten. Jarri zuen zion aukera bat gainean esan zuen, eta ondo egin zuen gero, bere lankidetza iraunkorra izan dadin espero zuen. Baina hitz egin zuen, ez ​​zuen bere izena."

"In that, you are right. What young man with friends would spend his time buying drinks for an old man in a tavern? You, at least you want information. Volo, he just wants company, approval. For enough drinks, I can provide that. I can drink off your coin all afternoon. For that, I can tell you that I don't know who Volo is working for now. A woman, not one of us. He met her at a casino at the last full moon, about three weeks ago, and he has met with her in the city every night since. He talks about her like a man besotted, her great beauty and refinement. He said she had put him onto an opportunity and if he did well, he hoped to make their partnership permanent. But he never spoke her name."

Braddon is able to follow Lexy's directions a few streets southeast to a boarding house with a neat printed card in the front window, No rooms available. Anya and Lexy's flat appears to be a garret loft; he takes the stairs all the way up until they end at a small landing and a locked door. To his knock, a female voice answers, somewhat warily, "Who is it?"

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Gold Goblin wrote:
Braddon is able to follow Lexy's directions a few streets southeast to a boarding house with a neat printed card in the front window, No rooms available. Anya and Lexy's flat appears to be a garret loft; he takes the stairs all the way up until they end at a small landing and a locked door. To his knock, a female voice answers, somewhat warily, "Who is it?"

Braddon leans against the door and whispers loudly through it.

"Is that Anya? This is Braddon. I'm working for Old Stumpy. He wants his horns and tails back. Lexy sent me here. I've also got your and her pay."

"Who?" the voice asks. Then the door opens a crack, and Anya peeks through, a cautiously curious expression changing into a frown as she recognizes her visitor. "You! Weren't you one of the bandits last night?"

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Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

"Enterprising." Tendal says, fishing a coin out and flipping it flippantly at the attendant.

"So have you ever been here before?" Tendal asks as they continue down the path to the base of the Cyphergate.

"It certainly is impressive. I can't imagine that it was used for anything good however. Additionally judging by the fact that nobody can figure the thing out, it must be quite ancient."

"My personal feeling is that researching the Cyphergate is a waste of time. To put it simply, every example of magical theory that has been rediscovered from ancient times has shown a reliance on both brute force and also raw talent. There was a distinct lack of studious appraisal of magic. The history of magic over the last 500 years is one of massive advances. When this is compared to the known history of the last 5000 years, we see that the ancients actually were stagnant compared to the civilizations of today."

"Also there was an overreliance on the influence and instruction of those from external planes. Devils, djin and the like."

"So whatever this thing is," Tendal continued, waving at the monolithic Cyphergate, "It is both simulatneously more and less impressive. Impressive in scale, but not in technical achievement."

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Gold Goblin wrote:
"Who?" the voice asks. Then the door opens a crack, and Anya peeks through, a cautiously curious expression changing into a frown as she recognizes her visitor. "You! Weren't you one of the bandits last night?"

Braddon takes a step back and talks with wide sweeps of his arms and grand gestures.

"No actually. Lexy made the same mistake. I was a double agent working for Old Stumpy and I single handedly defeated two of them and saved that awful singer when they put their terrible plans into motion. You may have noticed an elf hanging round the kitchens too, and he put an arrow into each of the other two that tried to escape. Whoever sent them now knows Old Stumpy is back, and not to be messed with. Old Stumpy wants his horns and tails back so I'm kinda here on business, though of course it's a pleasure to see you again. And, as I said, I've also got your pay from last night."
"Can I come in?" he asks hopefully.

"Single-handedly, eh?" she asks a bit skeptically. "Let's see the silver. Lexy's, too." Assuming Braddon displays the coins, she opens the door. "All right, come on in. I'll get the costumes."

The flat has a sloped ceiling on either side so only the corridor down the middle is truly usable by people of human height. It's furnished with a table and three chairs just inside the door; farther back, a curtain is strung across the room to provide some privacy for the area beyond. A writing desk is wedged up against the encroaching roof on one side, and several battered sea chests inhabit the very edges of the room. Anya pushes beyond the curtain and comes back with two sets of horns and tails. "Here, get them out of here. Shorafa would not be amused if she found us with them."

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Female Human (Chelaxian)
Tendal Deverin wrote:
"So have you ever been here before?" Tendal asks as they continue down the path to the base of the Cyphergate.

"Oh, sure," Liry replies. "Everyone comes to see the Cyphergate when they come to Riddleport. I mean, it's not like there's that much else to do around here before the casinos open. They've got a big giants' bridge or something in Magnimar, right? Didn't you ever go see it at some point?"

Having paid their admission, the pair pass back out the back door of the building and onto a cobblestone trail with a wood and brass handrail that meanders back and forth down a rather steep incline to the base of the Cyphergate's western arm. There, a railing encircles the ancient stone just at arm's length so visitors can reach over and touch the monument itself; the arch itself is rectangular in cross section and 35 feet in width. The runes and glyphs carved on its remarkably well-preserved surface look even more massive at such close range. A stone wall to the north keeps anyone from approaching without going through the turnstile. Five dignified stone faces adorn a frieze on the wall, each above a basin which drains away somewhere under or behind the wall. Stone letters read, Please treat the monument with respect. This area subject to scrying without notice. Make a donation to hear facts about the Cyphergate.

"Here," Liry smiles, "this one is on me. I still owe you for that drink last night." She pulls several copper coins from the pocket of her trousers and begins to toss them one by one into the basins.

As the first coin disappears, the mouth of the stone face above it animates. "This cyclopean arch of an unidentifiable stone straddles the entrance to Riddleport's harbor to a height of 350 feet."

The second mouth says, "Because its height is exactly half of the arch's width, the arch is believed to be but one half of a larger ring."

The third mouth informs the pair, "The rocks and silt of the harbor's floor are believed to conceal the bottom half of the ring."

The fourth mouth intones, "Its origins are thought to be Thassilonian, as it is decorated with mysterious runes, similar to other magically preserved carvings throughout the Varisian countryside."

The fifth mouth pipes up, "To learn more about the Cyphergate, please inquire about the next lecture at the Mystery of the Gate in Leeward District."

If Tendal casts detect magic:
The stone faces on the wall have two magical auras, one faint, the other moderate; the Cyphergate itself also gives off an aura which defies your abilities to categorize it.

detect magic + Knowledge (arcana) 17:
The weaker aura is of the illusion school.

detect magic + Knowledge (arcana) 20:
The stronger aura is of the universal school.

detect magic + Knowledge (arcana) 22:
The illusion spell is magic mouth.

detect magic + Knowledge (arcana) 25:
The universal spell is permanency.

You can just make one roll and read all the spoilers up to your result.

Female Human (Chelaxian)

Liry makes a face. "That one's just an advertisement. Waste of a copper. So you think a devil might have built this?" She looks up at the admittedly impressive span and across the harbor where its other foot is buried on a bare crag which it shares with only a lone lighthouse.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

Know, arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Holy crap!

Tendal places index finger and thumb over his eyes, "Conspectu." he says. Then, taking his hand away his eyes are lit by a dim blue glow. He first regards the statues, then moves to look at the Cyphergate.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

"It appears that this is a permanent illusion cast on the statues. I believe it is activated when any coin is placed in the receptacle. As for the Gate itself, it is not of any of the standard, described magical schools. This supports my theory that it belongs to an ancient school that was blended and did not differentiate into types of magic. This would make it more versatile, but much greater magic would be required to achieve whatever result was needed."

Tendal turns and looks out over the water, to the far side of the graceful span.

"As for if devils built it. I doubt it. I think that humans, or humanoids built it. That isn't to say that they didn't have infernal assistance and guidance. Besides Liry, I imagine that you know this as well as I, that mortal beings do not need assistance from otherworldy forces to dream up ways of doing great evil to one another."

"After seeing this up close, I don't believe it has such a vile purpose. My theory is that this is an Azlanti gate. It was placed in this harbor to link it to another somewhere else so ships could simply sail from one place to another. I bet the paired gate was destroyed or the link was broken in some cataclysm."

Tendal turns away from the ocean and looks at Liry, smiling. "Thank you for bringing me down here. The view is quite majestic, and the sea does bring out the color of your eyes. A gentleman couldn't hope for a nicer way to spend an afternoon."

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Gold Goblin:
I'm assuming that Saul essentially just let Phil leave? - he'll crash out in his room for an hour or two before heading back out.

Male Human (Varisian) ; 8/8 hp; AC 14 (11 t/13 ff); CMD 12; Init +1; Oracle of Lore 1

"Agian esan ahal izango duzu non ezagutuko zuten, eta bere deskribapena, edertasun hau ikusteko neuk aukeratu dut?"

Once Filsha has finished answering questions:

"Zure laguntza estimatzen da." Malkith catches the bartender's eye and nod towards Filsha, indicating he should pour the old man another drink. As he and Samaritha turn to leave, he spins back around, leans over Fisha's shoulder and whispers, "Agian, nire eskua bidez, edari bat erosi duzu egun honetan patuak izan zen. Ponder duzun hurrengo aldian uste horiek erraz utziko." With a final pat on the back, Malkith heads out the door.

"Perhaps you could tell me where they would meet; and her description, should I choose to see this beauty for myself?"

"Your help is appreciated. Perhaps, through my hand, it was the Fates that bought you a drink this day. Ponder that the next time you think to dismiss them so easily."

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Gold Goblin wrote:

"Single-handedly, eh?" she asks a bit skeptically. "Let's see the silver. Lexy's, too." Assuming Braddon displays the coins, she opens the door. "All right, come on in. I'll get the costumes."

The flat has a sloped ceiling on either side so only the corridor down the middle is truly usable by people of human height. It's furnished with a table and three chairs just inside the door; farther back, a curtain is strung across the room to provide some privacy for the area beyond. A writing desk is wedged up against the encroaching roof on one side, and several battered sea chests inhabit the very edges of the room. Anya pushes beyond the curtain and comes back with two sets of horns and tails. "Here, get them out of here. Shorafa would not be amused if she found us with them."

Braddon hands over the silver and looks about while Anya gets the costumes. "They weren't very good. Just hired thieves. I've worked as a bodyguard, so the two of them weren't much trouble."

Braddon runs a hand over the writing desk. "This isn't a bad little place you girls have. Is it Shorafa's? And why would she be upset at you two earning a bit of honest coin? I would have thought she'd be pleased to have a first hand account of what happened at the casino. Or did she have someone else there? Like Oliver Bott and that girl he was with? What's with that?"

Male Human (Varisian)
Malkith Deraythen wrote:
"Agian esan ahal izango duzu non ezagutuko zuten, eta bere deskribapena, edertasun hau ikusteko neuk aukeratu dut?"

"Nabin Etxea izan zen uste dut. Agian Herensugearen Altxorra. Doa, bai, baina hemen azkenaldian, beti da Nabin. Bere emakumea, bere sua eta azala elurra bezala bezala begiak edertasun ilun-ilegorrie gisa deskribatu zuen. Bere jaitsi aingeru izan zen, esan zuen, eta atsegin handiz zuen bere arima saltzen bere gurtza." The old man grins and eyes Samaritha at Malkith's side. "Diotsuet, gurtu behar dut emakume bat ukitu ahal izango dut nahiago dut."

"I think it was the House of Nabin. Perhaps the Dragon's Hoard. He goes to both, but here lately it is always Nabin. His woman, he described her as a dark-haired beauty with eyes like fire and skin like snow. He said she was his fallen angel and he would gladly sell his soul to worship her. I tell you, I prefer a woman I can touch to one I must worship."

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Wizard

Samaritha ignores Filsha's innuendo. "The House of Nabin and the Dragon's Hoard," she touches Malkith on the sleeve. "Those are casinos in the Free-Coin District."

Male Human (Varisian)
Malkith Deraythen wrote:
"Agian, nire eskua bidez, edari bat erosi duzu egun honetan patuak izan zen. Ponder duzun hurrengo aldian uste horiek erraz utziko." With a final pat on the back, Malkith heads out the door.

The old man cackles. "Patuak mesfidantza dut, nahiz eta sua ura zirujauak dute."

"I am wary of the Fates, even when they bear firewater."

Braddon Hurst wrote:
Braddon runs a hand over the writing desk. "This isn't a bad little place you girls have. Is it Shorafa's?"

"This place? No. I mean, Shorafa's reference certainly helped us get it, but our rent goes to a private landlady. One day, I'd love to have a room in the temple, but there's only a certain amount of space available, and Shorafa has her favorites," she concludes a little bitterly. "I'm a bit too everyday for her to notice. I mean, you she'd love, but I'm just a plain old human. That b++&* Rosamond lives in the House, though, and she's no more exotic than I am."

Braddon Hurst wrote:
"And why would she be upset at you two earning a bit of honest coin? I would have thought she'd be pleased to have a first hand account of what happened at the casino."

"Oh, she wouldn't begrudge us a side job," she shrugs. "It's just who we were working for and, well, what we were wearing. I mean, you know Shorafa's a tiefling herself, right? I don't know how she'd feel about us dressing up in these things," she gestures to the horns and tails. "I mean, she might think the whole thing was a riot, but that's not a chance I'm willing to take. I'm trying to impress her, not piss her off."

Braddon Hurst wrote:
"Or did she have someone else there? Like Oliver Bott and that girl he was with? What's with that?"

"Oh, Oliver!" she shudders. "We thought we were done for sure when he showed up last night. He didn't see us, did he? If Lexy didn't say anything about it, he can't have told Shorafa he saw us there. What was he doing there anyway? And what girl are you talking about?"

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

"Oliver? I don't think he saw you. He was busy with his own schemes. He drugged some poor girl and ran off when we caught him taking advantage of her. She's safe at home now. While Shorafa may not begrudge you a side job, she should certainly keep her eye on that creepy bastard. I didn't know she was a Tiefling. Not met her yet. But yeah, if she plays favourites I can understand your caution. I've had lotsa people hate me for the way I look, so don't worry about looking 'exotic'."

"Believe me," Braddon says taking a step towards Anya and looking into her eyes, "there's nothing everyday or plain about you."
He raises a hand towards her long, soft hair but stops and withdraws suddenly.
"Sorry," he blushes. "I shouldn't touch without an invite."

Female Human (Chelaxian)
Tendal Deverin wrote:
"After seeing this up close, I don't believe it has such a vile purpose. My theory is that this is an Azlanti gate. It was placed in this harbor to link it to another somewhere else so ships could simply sail from one place to another. I bet the paired gate was destroyed or the link was broken in some cataclysm."

"Oh, that would be something, wouldn't it?" she laughs lightly, watching the ships in the harbor. "Load up your ship, sail it through the arch here and out the arch at your destination; no worries about running out of supplies or getting lost or shipwrecked or getting caught in a storm. No fear of pirates." She grins at Tendal. "If the other gate hadn't been destroyed, the Overlord would have to find a way to do it. What money he doesn't make from his casinos, he gets by selling 'protection' to cargo ships."

Tendal Deverin wrote:
Tendal turns away from the ocean and looks at Liry, smiling. "Thank you for bringing me down here. The view is quite majestic, and the sea does bring out the color of your eyes. A gentleman couldn't hope for a nicer way to spend an afternoon."

Liry smiles back, pleased with the compliment. "I can think of worse company to spend an afternoon with myself, Mr. Deverin. But when you're done admiring the view -- and my eyes -- I should probably stop to pick up my ghoulette apparatus on our way back to the ferry. I do have to work tonight." Her eyes add, unfortunately.

Braddon Hurst wrote:
"Oliver? I don't think he saw you. He was busy with his own schemes. He drugged some poor girl and ran off when we caught him taking advantage of her. She's safe at home now. While Shorafa may not begrudge you a side job, she should certainly keep her eye on that creepy bastard."

"Drugged her? He can't do that," she replies indignantly. "No one gets drugged without specifically requesting it, and only in the safety of the House. You should complain to Shorafa; she'll have him punished. It's against the rules to impair someone against their will and without supervision."

Braddon Hurst wrote:

"Believe me," Braddon says taking a step towards Anya and looking into her eyes, "there's nothing everyday or plain about you."

He raises a hand towards her long, soft hair but stops and withdraws suddenly.
"Sorry," he blushes. "I shouldn't touch without an invite."

Anya glances out a gabled window in the southern wall from which the Cyphergate is visible above the roofs of the town. "Eh, go ahead, sailor," she shrugs. "I've got a while before I go on shift, and we did make you a proposal last night. If we don't keep our end of the bargain," she smiles, "we can't claim our revenge if you don't keep our secret, right?"

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

"I should complain to Shorafa. Will she do anything though?"
Braddon is quick to return and plays with Anya's hair before sliding a strong calloused hand down the length of her back.
"I have no intention of telling Shorafa your secret. Though I am curious about how you claim revenge? Not that I'd ever want to get on your bad side."
Braddon's hands roam freely. "Hmm, doesn't look like you have any bad sides to me." He grins and takes her in his arms.

Male Human (Varisian) ; 8/8 hp; AC 14 (11 t/13 ff); CMD 12; Init +1; Oracle of Lore 1

Malkith turns to Samaritha as they stroll through Lubbertown once again,, "I suppose its time to meet up with the rest of the crew. I don't think we're going to get much more out of the people here; and who knows what sort of trouble Daynadrian's banshee may be causing for us." He frowns for a moment as a thought occurs to him "What was the name of that woman in the Publican, where we met? Do you know who I'm talking about? Who was she?"

Once out of Lubbertown, he allows Samaritha to lead him to through the city. They converse lightly, Malkith changing the subject matter to things other than Volo and the Golden Goblin.

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Wizard

"The ghoulette woman? Or Lil Scarlet?" Her eyes widen. "'A fallen angel.' She does fit the description, doesn't she? And there are those rumors that she used love potions to make her clients obsessed with her."

Once they've come around the ridge south of Devil's Fork and are back in Leeward District, Samaritha unwraps Malkith's scarf from her head and combs her fingers through her hair, shaking out her flattened curls. "I told Mr. Vankaskerkin I'd retrieve those horns and tails for him, and I need to get Drulia and the other girls their pay. She lives right down here, and I'm sure she'll be able to point me toward the tieflings' houses. Why don't you go on back to the Goblin and I'll see you there later? Oh! That reminds me," she smiles up at Malkith as she retrieves her moneypouch, now much fatter than when they met. "For my reading," she says, handing him four copper pieces. "Enough to cover your ale; that was your offer when we first met." She sighs a little ruefully down at the full purse. "I'm going to have to give most of this away this afternoon, but if I keep the job long enough, I'll be able to repay Arnando and Eulalie at the Publican House some of what I owe them. And my room and board are covered for a change." She looks up at Malkith with mock concern. "You'll be all right without me? You're not suffering any ill effects from that swill at the Dirty Angel?"

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

Tendal smiles a bit sadly. "Well, then, let's be off. I don't want you to miss your job. Speaking of which, I should be about mine after we pick up the ghoul cage."

Female Human (Chelaxian)

Liry unobtrusively takes his hand as they turn to climb back up to the gatehouse, giving him a surreptitious glance to see how he reacts. The door they came out after paying their admittance has no handle on this side; another door next to it bears a placard reading, Thank you for your visit. Please come to enjoy the Cyphergate again! "Exit through the gift shop," Liry warns him with a cynical smirk as she pulls open the door.

Indeed, they do enter a small shop with shelves of Cyphergate paperweights, letter openers, and screened scarves. Necklaces display pendants of what the whole Cyphergate might look like if unearthed, a stone circle with tiny etchings dangling on a cord. On another shelf, glass globes filled with liquid contain a minuscule replica of Riddleport harbor, the water an entirely unrealistic blue, and of the Cyphergate spanning it; turned upside down and shaken, shiny flecks within float around it as if a tiny mage had cast glitterdust within. An attendant in wizards' robes looks up hopefully from behind a counter.

Leaving the tourist trap behind, they walk back up to the top of the ridge and then take the road back down into the smell and heat of the river valley. There is still Gendarme activity around the row house as they pass by. Back in River District, she stops outside the metalsmith's workshop. "Do you want to go on ahead to the crossing so Grimas has the ferry on the right side of the river when I get there? It might save us both some time. I should be just a minute picking this up."

Male Elf Urban Ranger/ 1
Gold Goblin wrote:

Daynadrian and Thuvalia make their way back south past Devil's Fork, around the ridge to Leeward District, and on to the Three Billed Duck, whence, if they but knew it, Tendal and Liry have only recently departed to view the Cyphergate.

Patio table or inside, Dayn? Your call.

When they have seated themselves, Quinta Crispin approaches with a smile, seeing Dayn. "Pleased to see you back so soon, Master Elf; I trust this means you enjoyed your meal with us yesterday? Griddlecakes again, or will you try some of our fresh seafood? I've just been paid a compliment on my oysters by a gentleman all the way from Magnimar!" Her smile cools considerably as she glances at Thuvalia.

This time taking an inside table, Daynadrian gives a friendly nod to the Gnome regular, once again enjoying his griddlecakes. Pulling out a chair for Thuvalia, something he had once read about, but never actually seen done, Dayn gives a surreptitious look to see how she reacts to it.

Giving Mistress Crispin a wide and generous smile, he chuckles quietly to himself when he notices the temperature of the look she gives his lady companion. With a laugh in his voice he replies "Enjoyed my meal?? Why, Mistress Crispin, I don't believe I've ever tasted better food in my life! If I hand't returned here today I think my stomach may have left my body and made it's way here on it's own!" Chuckling openly now at his own humour, he once again glances at his companion to gauge her reaction. Continuing, he says "While I certainly have no reason to love anyone from Magnimar, if you recommend them Quinta, I'd most certainly like to sample your oysters. Enough for both of us. Hmmm, and, is true by the way, what I've heard? That they, um, can have...other beneficial effects?" sliding a third look towards the Varassian singer as he says this last. "Oh, and please bring the lady whatever she wishes to drink. I myself will have an Elven wine, if you carry any." whispering to Thuvalia "My people do make the best wine, after all""

Once Quinta has left their table, Dayn takes Volo's bag and begins going through, placing anything interesting on the table before him.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

"Easy enough. I believe that I can pick my way back down to the dock with little difficulty and procure us transport." Tendal says, releasing Liry's hand with a little squeeze before turning away and walking down the street toward the river.

Quite a lovely lady. Of course I know little enough about her really, but, I do say, she is quite pleasant to be with. he thinks, a smile on his lips and a little dance in his heart.

Riddleport is turning into quite the adventure. I will have to write Orik and thank him for pushing me towards this path.

Tendal keeps his eyes open and remains wary as he walked down to the river, knowing full well that alone, the way he was dressed (like a fashionable young gentleman) some ruffians could misconstrue it as weakness and attempt to take advantage of him.

Disappointingly, nothing happens, and after a few minutes he is at the dock, looking for Grimas.

Braddon Hurst wrote:
"I should complain to Shorafa. Will she do anything though?"

"Oh, she'd punish him," Anya says with certainty. "That's not to say he might not enjoy whatever she did to him. Freaky bastard."

Braddon Hurst wrote:
"I have no intention of telling Shorafa your secret. Though I am curious about how you claim revenge? Not that I'd ever want to get on your bad side."

"That's the whole point of revenge," she replies a little distractedly. "That you wouldn't know what I'd do or when I'd do it. The anticipation, the uncertainty... they're an integral part of the whole process. Honestly, a good revenge plot might attract Shorafa's favor as quickly as mixed blood -- but I guess if I'm taking revenge for you putting me in the doghouse with her, that doesn't actually put me any further ahead in her books."

Braddon Hurst wrote:
Braddon's hands roam freely. "Hmm, doesn't look like you have any bad sides to me." He grins and takes her in his arms.

"All right, sport," Anya cautions him, "I can work around the armor if you insist, but take the weapons off your belt." She slides the pack off Braddon's shoulders and peeks inside. "Hm," she pulls out a ring of the manacles dangling off her finger, "law-and-order man, are you? How about it, soldier? You game?"

Male Human (Chelaxian)

Tendal worries for a moment that he might have to stoop to the ungentlemanly level of shouting across the river to get the ferryman's attention, but business must be brisk enough on a Moonday afternoon that Grimas keeps a sharp eye on the far bank from inside his cottage because shortly after Tendal's arrival, he emerges with a wave and punts his flat-bottomed boat across to the western pier. "What's become of Liry?" he asks, glancing around for any sign of her.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Gold Goblin wrote:
"All right, sport," Anya cautions him, "I can work around the armor if you insist, but take the weapons off your belt." She slides the pack off Braddon's shoulders and peeks inside. "Hm," she pulls out a ring of the manacles dangling off her finger, "law-and-order man, are you? How about it, soldier? You game?"

Braddon carefully places the weapons to one side and tosses his chainshirt over them while Anya rifles through his backpack. He raises an eyebrow as she pulls out his manacles.

"Hmm," Braddon muses. "We just met last night. Our bosses have bad blood between them. And you've just told me the importance of anticipation and uncertainty where revenge is concerned."

"Sure," he grins.

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