Pummeling Pit: Cornucopia (Inactive)

Game Master subway rat

Recruitment for Pummeling Pit: Cornucopia. If you want to play, give me your battlecry! (This is a scenario for Endless Encounters. If you don't have a character there, hurry and go make one, then come back here for a fun bit of carnage)

*Careful dot*

I have an evil barbarian Dhampir I've been wanting to use; the only reason she's evil is because of the "drinking the blood of an unwilling humanoid is an evil act" (she has the "Fangs" Dhampir trait with the "Blood Drinker" feat).

Would such a character be acceptable?
She's level 1 - I'll happily get around to creating get sheet if approved. :)

I cannot speak for all GMs here, but as long as you can work in a team, and not TPK the party (outside of charms and other helpless states), I personally am okay with it. GM's still have the right to veto your PC if they deem to, but you can always create another level 1 PC who is typical "good" as a back-up in the event a GM veto's said Dhampir.

Hope that helps :)

Careful Dot


DM Stylz wrote:

I cannot speak for all GMs here, but as long as you can work in a team, and not TPK the party (outside of charms and other helpless states), I personally am okay with it. GM's still have the right to veto your PC if they deem to, but you can always create another level 1 PC who is typical "good" as a back-up in the event a GM veto's said Dhampir.

Hope that helps :)

Indeed - I've always planned to justify her willingness to work with others as "working towards a common goal" and even though she has no personal attachment to the others she still views them as necessary assets to complete said goal.

I'll post her in a bit and we'll see what the others think :)

Bob is ready for some slashin!

Btw about evil alignments, in case of my character it doesn't really matter as this is a stream of unrelated encounters, and alignment for me is just a fun way to add flavor to your character. In the end I would not want to screw up my party because if nothing else it's in the interest of the character to succeed.

Welcome! Let's get this party started. (I'm fine with evil alignment, especially for this encounter.) For those who have not done these before, the idea is to make an elaborate single encounter. We cut out the boring stuff and go straight into combat. So head over to the gameplay tab and roll initiative!

Oh, and I'd like to move this along at a good clip, so please check the post every day. I'll update each evening. I expect the encounter to take about two weeks or less if everyone posts regularly. And, as always, have fun!

Can't wait to see how this goes :)

Indeed, fun we will have. An arena styled encounter is a new experience (for pbp's at least!) and it will be interesting to see how it goes.

If I manage to play Laillei's card right, she might actually do surprisingly well. But winning would certainly come down to if there are something nice in the pile ... Hmm : )

Also, how do you feel about opening a proper discussion thread? I mean this one does work perfectly well - and it is just a short short campaign - but I have clicked the 'discussion' tab several times today already expecting to end up in this thread. I might just be dense though :P

Also! Anything discernible about the Obelisk?

Know(Planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Know(Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Oh and I realized I had a question!

Murderous Command specifies that the target attacks 'nearest ally' (on a failed save).

Since this is a free-for-all would it be reasonable to have the target attack the 'nearest creature' instead?

@Laillei, that seems reasonable.

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