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"Well, strictly speaking, I am not entirely human."
He then sighs, and puts his glasses back on.
"That said, more to the point, the reason why he was fighting them, was because I asked him to. Well, that, and because he likes fighting (although he would, obviously, prefer not to bite undead flesh). To be clear, when I say that he is my brother, I am being quite literal; when his humanoid form was destroyed, I lacked the necessary ability, or funds, to bring him back as he was... but I was able to preserve his essence, and catalyze a transformation in his flesh to bring forth his latent reptilian traits, enabling him to transcend death, and to be reborn."
Howard then winces.
"Since then, I have come across the Shield Companion spell, so I can assure you that, in future, he and I will suffer all pain that he must endure equally. It is the least I can do for a brother that I have already failed twice..."

GM Mort |

"If you're not human then you should know how they feel and know better then to send harmless animals to fight for you!" Furion lectures Howard. "Yes people say animals like fighting, but it's because they are misunderstood! Fluffy here was hunted for being a man-killer when it turns out he was just trying to protect his cubs!"
"Aren't you just a lovable little wolfie!" He scratches his wolf behind its ears, and the wolf stops growling at Howard and wags its tail happily.
Not RAW, but should you use clone, I'll allow you to make a new human body for Claude. Because technically you need some of his flesh and since it happened before campaign started I'm not sure if you did keep any of his flesh or even have his remains somewhere so you can use restore corpse to get the flesh required for clone
Technically also reincarnate+wish, but reincarnate for a non humanoid you're not supposed to use the humanoid table...but I'm also lazy to create a new one.
He listens to Howard's explanation that Claude is his brother and nods approvingly when Howard volunteers to share Claude's pain. "I'd rather you keep him safe from harm then offer to share his pain, to be honest, but that's a reasonable enough answer, and the world is not a safe place. At least you're not making promises you can't keep."
"I will help you.But I'll expect you to pay for the services so I can help other creatures in need. "Furion agrees to help Howard.
Furion brings Howard deeper into a forest, until they arrive at a clear stream. Furion instructs Howard to lay Claude's body next to the river, and places the head next to the body, then sprinkles some herbs onto both parts of Claude's decapitated body.
He then strokes Claude's body with a holy symbol the shape of a dripping leaf which Howard recognizes as the holy symbol of Gozreh. He takes out a large diamond and begins to chant,"As Mother Sea brings life to the forest, may she also bring life to Claude,"while holding Claude's head and body together. "So mote it be."
He then puts the diamond into the stream and the diamond dissolves turning the waters a brilliant sky blue. He scoops some of the water and pours it into Claude. The cut between his head and body fade into an ugly scar and Claude draws a gasping breath as he is brought back to the world of the living. Furion takes his hands off Claude the moment he sees Claude breathe.
Raise animal companion costs 1450 gp

Leonard Giles Neithan |

The least they could do? Why would they do their least for you?
Amazing that you've never heard that expression.
"Resting is a good idea, I'd like to find a cleric. The creature in the basement really took a lot out of me." Leonard rolls his arms, muscles still slightly more sluggish than usual.
After the group breaks up, Leonard sets out to explore Thrushmore. He was in a hurry last time he left, after all.
Short post, lots of christmasy things to do.
Edit: Turns out I hit preview and not submit.

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"Well, I don't exactly wear these glasses for my health... I know how... antsy the locals can get when they see something different."
He then nods at the druid's next pronouncement.
"I take my promises fairly seriously, which is why I generally do not make too many of them. Claude is definitely one of the exceptions."
When Claude is finally brought back, Howard breathes a sigh of relief.
Tenderly, he moves forward to hug Claude, who responds by hissing, and waving his tail angrily.
"Alright... I suppose I deserved that. Believe me, I took no pleasure in your death, and punished myself both corporeally and spiritually, for what happened. That said, I did what I could to bring you back again..."
Claude's tail stops lashing, and he nods, and chirps.
Howard smiles.
"Alright then! Let's get back to tracking down that bastard Lowls..."
His voice trails off, as he notices, for the first time, a crescent-shaped pattern of white scales on Claude's forehead.
"That wasn't there before... I wonder..."
Handing over the required payment to the Druid, he nods to the man, and, picking up Claude, heads off to find Kaa.

GM Mort |

"Good thing I'm not one of those narrow minded bigots, eh?" Furion answers.
As Claude starts hissing and lashing his tail, Furion adds in a few words, "Yes, you deserved it. You should have kept him away from harm, and not sent him to attack juju zombies. You might also consider a pursuing a less dangerous occupation so that Claude wouldn't be exposed to danger."
When Claude stops lashing his tail
"Aww...he forgave you. That's so sweet of him," Furion beams genially over the pair. "Animals have a trusting nature. And since they aren't that smart - they depend on their humanoid to keep them from harm."
On hearing about the Cresent-shaped pattern, Furion peers Claude. "Hmm sometimes coming back from the dead can leave marks..."
"You'll need to get 2 restorations for Claude, other then that, aftera few days rest, he'll be back to his usual self."
"Now, I don't want to see you again for THIS purpose, but if you do pop by the area, come and tell me how Claude is doing, all right?"
Howard then gives Furion the payment and goes in search of Kaa.

GM Mort |

Howard excuses himself, saying he has some errands to run after the party has reported about Iris Hill happenings to Cesadia and promptly vanishes into the Thrushmoor streets.

Leonard Giles Neithan |

Leonard looks around for a church, trying to find a cleric who can restore him. Is there a powerful cleric in town? He asks Seamus and Vincent.
Thought about the second restoration yet?

GM Mort |

Seamus gets to wait a week before second one, since restoration can remove a permanent negative level only once a week.
Leonard finds himself directed to Priestess Trillis in New Chappel. Priestess Trillis thanks Leonard for his help in getting rid of the cultist of the King in Yellow. Leonard explains his problem and after paying the necessary costs, Priestess Trillis casts restoration on him, and Leonard feels as he did before the creature bit him.
Deduct your own dosh. 380 gp

GM Mort |

Howard makes his way to Kara's cave, and smells the aroma of hickory smoke. As he enters the cave, Howard is bowled over by an enthusiastic Kaa pouncing into his arms, as he starts hissing in Aklo, "Howard, you're back! I missed you! Did you see the changes I made to the cave?"
Kaa gestures to the cave which now has Heather spread over it, and some fish hanging over a smoking rack made out of drift wood and vines in another chamber with an air vent on the celling.
HSEQ compliance
"Here, try some of my smoked Salmon. How have you been?"
Kaa pulls off a fish off the smoking rack and gives it to Howard.

Leonard Giles Neithan |

Leonard rolls his shoulders and cracks his knuckles, feeling lethal once again. Thanks, he says to the priestess, and it's clear he means it. If he had a hat, he would take it off.
Now to see about a few pearls of power...
There's no need to RP out all the other shopping, right?

GM Mort |

No need. Please roll 1d100 for pearls of power as they are magic items. 25 or below, you don't get them. Obviously once you fail you can't try again till next week.
As per this:Base Value and Purchase Limit This section lists the community’s base value for available magic items in gp (see Table: Available Magic Items). There is a 75% chance that any item of this value or lower can be found for sale in the community with little effort. Base value for this place is 2k gp

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Howard greets Kaa warmly.
"I am glad to see that you are settling in! Now, you recall I mentioned that I would do my best to get you returned home? Well, it is still outside my personal ability to do so, but I did a favor for one of the spellcasters in town, and in return, she is willing to cast the necessary spell to send you home. The only catch is, that I am going to have to smuggle you into town inside this bag," he says, pointing to the Bag of Holding, "as the other locals are highly likely to be too bigoted to overlook the fact that you don't look like them."

Seamus Passeri |
Helping gather the loose items as best as he can, Seamus asks Winter, ”Now that were totally done here, do you think that Priestess Trillis would be able to help me feel better? I don’t know if it’s the lingering damages from dying or the spider eggs I swallowed, but I feel terrible!”
As they part ways with Winter Seamus waives good by to their friend and calls out, ”If we leave town after the Count will you go with us?”
Making a request, + 16, level 7
diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20 wow, should have 'taken 10'
As they enter the ‘sleepless Agency’ Seamus still a little distracted with the idea of swallowing spider eggs, listens quietly as Howard explains the events to Cesadia. Nodding his head at the idea of assistance with the trip to Katheer.
As they begin to separate he explains to the others. ”I’m going to as Pristess Trillis if she has something to kill the spider eggs. Then I’m coming back here to rest. I would like to go shopping tomorrow, How long till we can leave for Katheer or go see the Mad poet in ‘the Dreamland’?”
He looks at Leonard, ”That sounds almost as unpleasant as carrying your sword.”

GM Mort |

”If you rest in bed, you should be able to make a full recovery in a week. About the second restoration, Priestess Trillis can only do it after a week.” Winter answers.
Winter shakes her head. ”No – with Accuser Omari’s death, I need to return to Caliphas and report the entire incident. I do not know where I will next be posted to.”
Cesadia informs Seamus that her contacts have managed to get in touch with a lake trader who would be willing to bring the party to Cassomir – a feisty halfling named Skywin Freeling. Her ship, the Sellen Starling, will arrive in Thrushmoor in a week’s time. As they have a tight schedule to catch – they will only be in Thrushmoor for a day.
At New Chapel
”I could help ease your breathing – but it’d cost you. Without any action, you will recover in a week’s time. Though you will probably want to visit me in a week so I can perform the second restoration.” Priestess Trillis informs Seamus.
Usual lesser restoration costs if you want to deal with it now

GM Mort |

Phone Typo, excuse me. It’s the plant, heather. Kaa did not…spill Heather all over his cave.
”Oh really? I can go home! Sure! I’ll pop into the bag if that’s what it takes to get me home!” Kaa replies happily. He then packs his belongings in a bag made out of crocodile skin then tags along with Howard.”Tell me when you need me to pop into the bag.”
Howard then brings Kaa back to Thrushmoor, and as he approaches Thrushmoor, he tells Kaa to pop in the bag. He then goes to New Chapel at 10 pm and is given private audience in a room with Priestess Trillis. Kaa is told to pop out of the bag. Priestess Trillis asks Howard for payment for the planeshift, but Kaa steps forth and takes out a diamond ring from his crocodile skin bag. ”Will this be enough?” He asks politely.
Priestess Trillis’s eyes widen at the sight of the talking lizard. ”I didn’t know they speak Common!”She turns to Howard, ”That’s a remarkably polite lizard you have down there.”
”Yes it’ll be enough and honestly there will be some spare change.” She takes the ring, then gives 50 gold pieces to Kaa.
”Uh…what am I supposed to do with this?” Kaa asks Howard. ”They don’t have this in the dreamlands…why don’t you keep it.”
He then hands the 50 gold pieces to Howard.
Priestess Trillis casts planeshift, and touches Kaa, and he disappears in a puff of grey smoke. ”It’s done.” She informs Howard.

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Howard smiles at Kaa.
"I am just glad that I am going to be able to keep my promise, and sooner, rather than later. I know what is like to be left abandoned... and I did not want to leave you alone, in an alien place."
On the way back to Thrushmoor, Howard happily spends his time idly chatting with Kaa, pleased to hear that he has been settling in fairly well.
In the Chapel:
Howard raises an eyebrow.
"I did say that he had been quite helpful at the Asylum; the fact that he can, therefore, talk, and has manners, should not be that much of a surprise..."
When the time comes for Kaa to go, Howard bends down, and gives Kaa a playful scratch at the base of his neck.
"I hope that you enjoy the rest of your life. Thank-you for all of your help. Know that in me, you will always have a friend." His face then quirks into a smile. "Perhaps I will see you again in my Dreams..."
Once Kaa has left, he bows formally to the Priestess.
"Thank-you for helping to return him. He did not deserve to be left marooned here..."
Howard then heads back to find the others, and to start crafting.

GM Mort |

In the cave
”Actually it isn’t really bad to be down here. There are fish to eat…just that it’s rather lonely with no one to talk to.” Kaa answers.
In the Chapel
”I’ve heard that they speak Aklo only.”Priestess Trillis answers Howard neutrally.
Kaa purrs when Howard scratches him. ”Well, do you have an address in your Dreams? I could try to swim there?” He adds ingenuously.
After planeshift is done
”Well – Vooniths are also known to eat people.” Priestess Trillis adds darkly. ”At least that’s one less Voonith here.”
Poke Howard. Raise companion works like raise dead – Claude is under 2 neg levels – you really ought to start clearing them now

Leonard Giles Neithan |

Looks like there's nothing left to do but go shopping and then head out. Leonard looks around, any special pieces of gear we need to get?

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Howard nods to Kaa.
"Understandable. Hopefully, once you are home, there will be more people to talk to."
In the Chapel:
Howard shakes his head.
"Kaa, I don't know my address, at this time. When I work it out, I will let you know."
Once Kaa is gone:
Howard raises an eyebrow.
"Well, the Kuru we encountered certainly eat people, and they are basically human... I wouldn't judge all Voonith's based on their race's reputation. That said, there is another matter... Now that Claude is back, I would appreciate it if you could Restoration him. I have the payment with me, of course."

GM Mort |

In the cave
”Oh I’ll tell all my friends about you. That you might be a two legger but you’re really, really AWESOME!” Kaa bubbles. ”And they’ll be so amazed by my adventures!”
In the chapel
”Doesn’t everyone have a Dreamlands address? Mine’s Oukranos River, third cave from the west bank. You could pay me a visit sometime!”Kaa urges Howard.
Once Kaa is gone
”Howard,” For a moment Priestess Trillis looks tired. Then she draws herself up and stares sternly at Howard. ”For DECADES I have been protecting Thrushmoor from supernatural threats. I don’t talk to those creatures. I study them so I know their weaknesses and their strengths. So I can kill them. And for each monster I put down…it seems more take their place. I have slain werewolves, ghouls, skeletons, byakhees, and many others. They are all monsters – craving for human flesh – and must be exterminated.”
”I hope you slew those savages before they ate more townsfolk. The sentence for cannibalism in Thrushmoor is death.” Priestess Trillis replies.
”Sure that won’t be a problem.” After taking payment Priestess Trillis casts restoration on Claude. ”You’ll want to come in next week so I can cast the next one.”

GM Mort |

Howard returns to the Sleepless Agency with Claude. After the party has done their shopping, they return for dinner of cabbage rolls, minced meat rolls, Ciorba Radauteana, Parjoale Moldovenesti and dark rye bread. They then take a rest for the night, except for Howard – who maintains his vigil, but this time with Claude sleeping on his bed.
Leonard dex dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Leonard Con dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Leonard has red spots all over him in the morning and is feeling feverish and lethargic. Leonard takes 1 dex dmg, 3 con dmg
After a breakfast of scrambled eggs and salad and hearing rumors of people glimpsing two unidentified flying objects lifting off to the sky from Iris Hill Manor the party begins to study the books they took from Iris Hill.
Looking at the materials taken from Lowl’s manor, the party finds that one book (The Stars Are Not Among Us: An Undeniable Refutation of the Works of the Doomsaying Pseudo-Scholar Dr. Henri Meirtmane) has been converted into a clever hiding spot: the centers of the book’s pages have been removed, leaving a space about 6 inches square and 4 inches deep that is undetectable when the book is closed. Inside this space is a miniature staircase masterfully carved from horn and ivory, worth 25,000 gp
No, please don’t be selling it (again, you can’t since the purchase limit of Thrushmoor is only 10,000 gp). You’ll need it later. And that’s the reason why I said no teleporting else you’ll just go $$ and sell it for cash.
The party begins research by deciphering one of the count’s journals, and searching for clues into how he continued his research in the Dreamlands.
Here’s the stats of Count Lowl’s journals
Complexity 15
Kp 20
Languages Common
Research check Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Planes)
Knowledge bonus +2
In the research rules, every library has two primary statistics: a Complexity rating, which reflects the intricacy or confusing nature of the library’s contents, and knowledge points (abbreviated kp), which are an abstract representation of the sum of the library’s collected information.
To research a specific topic or question within a library, a character must succeed at a Research check using one of the skills listed in the library’s stat block. A Research check is akin to a Knowledge check, though each library stat block lists the specific skills that can be used for Research checks based on the nature of that library’s collections. A library’s Complexity rating serves as the DC for Research checks that attempt to unravel that library’s clues. Some libraries grant a bonus on the Research check due to their quality or thoroughness of subject matter.
Attempting a Research check requires an uninterrupted 8-hour period of research, and a character cannot take 10 or 20 on a Research check. Each 8-hour period of research grants a cumulative +1 bonus on Research checks. If a researcher stops researching at the same library for a month or more, she loses any cumulative bonuses gained for that library thus far. Up to two additional characters can use the aid another action to assist a primary researcher. Succeeding at a Research check reduces a library’s knowledge points, similar to the way dealing damage reduces a creature’s hit points. As a library’s knowledge points decrease, it reveals its secrets. Characters learn information when a library’s knowledge points reach various thresholds, as detailed in each library’s stat block.
The amount of knowledge points reduced on a successful Research check depends on the primary researcher’s training in the skill she used for the Research check and the type of library. A primary researcher reduces a library’s kp by 1d12 + her Intelligence modifier if she has 10 ranks in the skill used for the Research check, Skill Focus in the skill, or both 5 ranks in the skill and the skill as a class skill. She reduces a library’s kp by 1d8 + her Intelligence modifier if she has 5 ranks in the skill or the skill is a class skill for her (she gains no additional benefit if both conditions apply). Otherwise, she reduces a library’s kp by 1d4 + her Intelligence modifier.In addition to these base amounts, for every 5 by which a Research check exceeds the library’s Complexity rating, the library’s knowledge points are reduced by 1 additional point. Rolling a natural 20 on a Research check acts like a critical threat. If the researcher confirms the critical hit by succeeding at a second Research check with all the same modifiers (this takes no additional time), the resulting knowledge point reduction is doubled. Conversely, rolling a natural 1 on a Research check automatically results in failure, and the library’s knowledge points increase by 1/4 of the library’s maximum knowledge points as the library’s complexity causes a researcher to follow a wrong avenue of investigation.When a library’s knowledge points are reduced to 0, the characters have learned everything they can from that library and gain experience points according to the library’s CR. To learn additional information, they must visit another library and continue their research there.
Please designate your primary researcher and whoever who is trying to assist. Then roll your checks. You may not take 10 or 20 for this check as specific rules overwrite general
Howard if you’re crafting your @ss off and not participating in this research, Vincent can pretty much do the checks too

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Howard nods gravely.
"I will make a note of that address, and see if I can make my way there at some time in the future."
After Kaa is gone:
Howard sighs.
"If he had attacked us, I would have had no qualms in putting him down. However, he was simply scared, and lonely. The Kuru, on the other hand, were put down with extreme prejudice, as were the other cultists, their undead, and the aberrations that accompanied them."
Re: Research, honestly, I think the guy with free inspiration is *much* better at it than I am, so I will be quite happy to craft whilst he researches.

Leonard Giles Neithan |

I can't craft, but I sure can aid another!
Leonard reads over Vincent's shoulder, offering advice and discussing complicated passages. Before much time has past, he tilts his head to one side, that looks complicated, maybe we should see if the local library has any helpful texts?
Is there a library nearby that could give us a +2 circumstance bonus, or is the topic too esoteric?
Knowledge (Arcana) aid another: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Knowledge (The Planes) aid another: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
Knowledge (History) aid another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Leonard Giles Neithan |

Overlooked that, thanks. No chance of a +5 bonus from a library, I suspect?

GM Mort |

You're in back county Ustalav.And everyone is superstitious like fk. An open library would be the best place to start a witch hunt.
Well Howard might have once known a guy... But Howard's forgotten about him already!

Vincent Arazeiros |

Vincent studies the journals with the others.
Know Arcana or Planes: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 12 + (6) + 1 + 2 + 2 = 26
includes +2 from journals and +2 from heroism.
Damage: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
lvl 7 adds one rank to arcana and planes, 5 ranks total mod is 12 and free inspiration

GM Mort |

I need the rolls! I don't know your level 7 stat modifiers!
Heroism is not counted - it must pass for full 8h research period.

Vincent Arazeiros |

no prob. With DC 15 I think I pass on a 1

GM Mort |

As you exceed DC by 5,you do 11 kp worth of research, getting both kp 15 and kp 10 results.
Kp 15
Lowl’s notes indicate that his journeys occurred in the Dreamlands, a vast and relatively stable section of the Dimension of Dreams. The party learns the fundamentals of travel in the Dreamlands; most types of damaged experienced in the Dreamlands vanish upon waking except for mental ability score damage or drain, spells and items used in the Dreamlands are not expanded upon waking; items in the Dreamlands cannot be brought to the waking world, but persist from dream to dream; and death in the Dreamlands reqults in immediate traumatic awakening and permanent madness.
Kp 10
Lowls planned to reach a mysterious hermit in the Dreamlands known as the Mad Poet. The Mad Poet was dangerous unless appeased, and Lowls focused his investigation on how to best approach this inscrutable and certainly sinister figure.
1s,like in attack rolls, are auto fails, even if you go past the Complexity.

GM Mort |

Leonard fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Leonard and Vincent continue research the next day.Leonard seems to be getting worse as more spots appear around his body as his temperature climbs. He doggedly continues helping Vincent with the research despite feeling very unwell.
Dex dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 1
con dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 1
1 Dex dmg, 1 con dmg for Leonard
Vincent knowledge planes: 1d20 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 15 + (3) = 23
kp: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

GM Mort |

Lowls journal research complete
Kp 5
Lowls selected a caravanserai in a vast Dreamland desert as his initial destination. Here, he planned to talk with other dream travellers to gain information about how to locate and appease the Mad Poet.
Kp 0
Leonard and Vincent manage to uncover the ritual to enter the Dreamlands to travel to the Forsaken Caravanserai.

GM Mort |

About rituals
Before performing an occult ritual, the primary caster must assemble and ready all the components needed as well as any secondary casters. Some occult rituals require the casting to occur at a specific time or place; attempting to cast such rituals at a different time or a substandard location is nearly impossible.
Casting an occult ritual requires at least 10 minutes per ritual level and sometimes as long as 1 hour per ritual level. One of the casters—either the primary caster or a secondary caster who the primary caster specifies— attempts one of the skill checks required by the ritual every 10 minutes of the casting, unless the ritual takes 1 hour per caster level, in which case the caster attempts the check every hour of the ritual. These checks cannot benefit from the aid another action, and the caster attempting the check can’t take 10 or take 20, even if she has an ability that would normally allow her to do so when threatened or distracted.
Furthermore, because of the specific procedures of ritual casting, mundane equipment that grants bonuses on skill checks can’t usually increase the caster’s bonus on the checks required by the ritual, unless the GM allows it. Bonuses on the skill checks required for the ritual that are granted by feats, spells (with enough duration to last throughout the casting), traits, and magic items usually apply, at the GM’s discretion. The primary caster decides the order in which the various skill checks are attempted, but the GM rolls for the checks and tracks the progress of the ritual casting in secret. Once a ritual casting begins, it must be performed to its completion unless it’s disrupted by outside influences or fails.
The primary caster leads a ritual’s casting, often with the aid of a number of secondary casters. Secondary casters can be indispensable to the ritual’s casting even when they’re not taking an active role in ensuring its success. Unless stated otherwise in the ritual description, secondary casters must be within 100 feet and line of effect of the primary caster and each other during the entirety of a ritual’s casting.
If a ritual allows the participation of secondary casters, in such cases, the ritual’s Components line includes SC (secondary casters) as an entry, immediately followed by a parenthetical that details any maximum or minimum number of secondary casters required to cast the ritual.
If a ritual description has no secondary caster entry, that ritual does not permit the assistance of secondary casters.
While secondary casters can help by attempting the skill checks the primary caster assigns them, their chief purpose is to aid in the ritual’s casting. If a ritual’s casting is aided by at least four secondary casters, all casters gain a +1 bonus on all skill checks attempted as part of casting the occult ritual. This bonus increases by 1 for every four secondary casters beyond four (up to a maximum bonus of +5 for 20 or more secondary casters).
To cast an occult ritual, the primary caster must learn the ritual’s secrets (see Discovering Occult Rituals). Secondary casters can assist in the casting without fully understanding the intricacies of the ritual.
Since it is possible for those lacking the ability to cast arcane, divine, or psychic spells to cast rituals, variables that would normally rely on caster level (such as range and spell resistance) use the character level or total Hit Dice of the primary caster instead. This is the case even for a ritual caster who has the ability to cast spells. Characters with a caster level gain a +1 bonus on skill checks to cast a ritual, and this bonus increases by 1 for every 5 caster levels they possess (to a maximum of +5 at caster level 20th) as their understanding of the fundamentals of magic grows.
It’s difficult to disrupt a ritual. Casting a ritual does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the casters can pause the ritual to engage in combat or take other actions though not without consequences. For each round an occult ritual is paused in this way, the DC of all the ritual’s subsequent skill checks increases by 1. For practical purposes, a ritual is successfully disrupted when its casting is paused for more than 1 minute or any of the casters are incapacitated, killed, or moved more than 100 feet from (or out of line of effect of ) all other casters.
If more than half the skill checks for an occult ritual are successful, the ritual succeeds, and the primary caster (and the secondary casters if specified) experiences the ritual’s backlash before the ritual’s effect occurs. The DC for a saving throw against a ritual’s effects (if applicable) is equal to 10 + the ritual level + the primary caster’s Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma bonus (whichever is highest).
If the casters fail half of the skill checks required for an occult ritual (rounded down), the ritual ends, the casters also experience the ritual’s backlash, and the failure consequences occur. The consequences of failure are detailed in each ritual’s description.

GM Mort |

School conjuration (creation); Level 5
Casting Time 50 minutes
Components V, S, F ( a miniature staircase made of polished horn and ivory worth 25,000 gp),
SC (at least 2 and up to 8)
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 25, 2 successes;
Knowledge (planes) DC 25, 3 successes
Range touch
Duration instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw none;
SR no
Backlash All casters take 2d6 points of damage.
Failure An animate dream appears at the site of the ritual and attacks the casters.
EFFECT This ritual must be cast at night on the Material Plane. The casters begin chanting the incantation while they pass around the miniature staircase, feeling each of its 70 steps. With each passing, the staircase appears a bit heavier and a bit larger. The primary caster drops the miniature staircase on the ground as the incantation is completed. Success opens a portal where the staircase lands, revealing steps leading downward from wherever the ritual was performed (even if performed upon a rooftop or the deck of a ship). The casters can step forward to descend this staircase together; doing so puts the Material Plane bodies of the casters to sleep and thrusts their psyches into the Dreamlands. Before the completion of the ritual, the primary caster can utter a specific string of words that allows the portal to open in a specific area of the Dreamlands. Otherwise, the portal opens at the Forsaken Caravanserai. In the Dreamlands, the casters manifest lucid bodies identical to their Material Plane bodies, but take the ritual’s backlash damage. Any caster wishing to wake from the Dreamlands and return to her body on the Material Plane must succeed at a DC 25 concentration check to do so. This is a full-round action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. The DC of this check is reduced by 1 for every 2d6 points of damage the traveler willingly takes to her physical body as part of the full-round action (this damage can’t be reduced in any way). If successful, the caster awakens. The caster can try again if she fails her concentration check. A caster can use her character level + her Charisma modifier as her bonus on the concentration check if she isn’t a spellcaster or if that value is higher than her usual concentration bonus.
You may only embark on the Dreamlands ritual once you board the ship, since you fear you’ll miss the boat because time flows weirdly in the Dreamlands.

GM Mort |

Vincent tries to recall what he knows about the Dreamlands. Take 10 knowledge planes, total 23+3(inspiration),total 26
The Dreamlands is a stable region of the Dimension of Dreams, and it has its own traits that differ from those of the rest of the plane. Various regions of the Dreamlands can have their own unique planar traits; however, the following traits are the most pervasive throughout the Dreamlands.
Flowing Time: In most places in the Dreamlands, time appears to flow normally, though in some areas, time does strange things. Someone in the Dreamlands in his physical form ages normally and experiences time normally, but a dreamer in a lucid body can spend years in the Dreamlands while he sleeps for only a few hours in the waking world. Or the opposite.
Which is why you don’t want to embark on the ritual before you sail, in case you miss the boat
Finite Shape: As a portion of the Dimension of Dreams, the Dreamlands has a finite shape and size.
Divinely and Magically Morphic: Who or what powers can transform the realm to their whims is beyond the knowledge of the most erudite sages. Divine beings and powerful dreamers alike can alter the landscape of the Dreamlands.
Mildly Chaotic-Aligned: Creatures who have a lawful alignment take a –2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based checks attempted in the Dreamlands.

Leonard Giles Neithan |

Leonard continues to help Vincent, though he appears to be visibly feeling the effects of whatever illness he's contracted. Maybe I should see someone, eh? Nah, it'll probably sort itself out in a few days, I'm sure I'm allright...
Someone tell him he's dumb! Also, assuming someone does, he's going to seek out a cleric and describe his symptoms.

Seamus Passeri |
After his meeting with the high priestess Seamus spends most of his time over the seven days shopping and singing in pubs. One afternoon he drops in on Leonard and Vincent pouring over some books they found. Interrupting the conversation Seamus gives Leonard his 'two-pence' worth. "I don't know Leonard, you should be fine. Most ailments go away in a couple of days. It's not like you swallowed spider eggs or anything."
Mort do you want Seamus to 'shop' for the two ioun stones or can I just add them to his list?'

GM Mort |

Just add
Seamus goes to "Goods and Gear" after asking around for where adventurers get their supplies and gets himself his ioun stones. The proprietor, Samuel, remarks on not having seen him for a while, but doesn't say anything more.

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Howard spends his week in quite seclusion, focusing on a piece of tanned Star Vampire hide, which he has turned into a crude skullcap.
7,000gp of crafting completed at the time that we embark.

GM Mort |

Leonard fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Leonard's condition continues to get worse the next day.
dex dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 3
con dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Seamus however, feels his strength returning through the week as he goes around singing in pubs. As the week goes by, he starts believing in therapeutic effects of alcohol, since he hasn't been spouting baby spiders, after drinking all the free drinks people buy for him.
Leonard fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
dex dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 3
con dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 3
The following day, Leonard is feeling VERY under the weather, barely able to stagger out of bed.
Ok this is REALLY getting out of hand. Leonard has currently taken 6 dex dmg and 8 con dmg - Do you guys really want to try to luck it out? 2 days till ship arrival.
If Leonard chooses to luck it out
Leonard fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Leonard seems to be getting better the next morning.
Leonard fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
dex dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 1
con dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Then he suffers a relapse again. Leonard would be at 6 dex dmg, 9 con dmg at this point of time, and he'd still have whatever that's on him.

GM Mort |

On the 7th day, when the Sellen Starling arrives and Cesadia approaches the party to tell them about it, she takes one look at Leonard, and seeing red spots all over him, as well as him trembling all over, barely able to stand, strongly urges the party to drag him to see Priestess Trillis NOW, before the long journey of 90 days, or he might fall over at any moment. Seamus and Howard, with Claude in tow, go to New Chapel to see Priestess Trillis, who casts restoration on them both, before heading to Avalon Bay.
Up to the party if they want to drag Leonard there – NPCs cannot force you to do things
On the 7th day, when the ship arrives, Cesadia informs the party that the Sellen Starling has arrived. She tells the party the ship will take approximately 90 days to reach Cassomir. Seamus and Howard, with Claude in tow, go to New Chapel to see Priestess Trillis, who casts restoration on them both, before heading to Avalon Bay. Vincent and Leonard meet Seamus and Howard at Avalon Bay.

GM Mort |

Avalon Bay
Few of the simple fisherfolk, coal barges from Hyannis, and lake traders line the bay, but among them all stands a wide kneelboat, and a small feisty halfling with red hair who is currently arguing with the Harbourmaster. The bay also has a platoon of dock workers loading and unloading cargo from the various vessels.
"I'm not making them reload it,” says the fat man in an ill-fitting harbormaster’s jerkin.“And you’d best be on your way shortly, shorty.”
The curly-haired halfling woman in high leather boots jabs her finger up at the man.“What do you mean, you won’t reload it? It’s loaded wrong! Ships can’t just list to one side like you drunkards. Hardwood is heavy and as thick as your skull—your people loaded it nine stacks deep to port and three stacks starboard. I’ve got to get it all the way to Cassomir, and I won’t make it if my boat rolls as easy as your sister!”
Two humans in scholars robes are also waiting on the same pier as the party. One is whip-thin with long, stringy, dark hair, while the other is stout and short-sighted, with intricately braided blond hair. They both have disgruntled expressions on seeing the argument.
The stout one grumbles, "We were told to head to the bay and find the Sellen Starling to book our passage back to Cassomir! And we come here to see the ship captain quarreling with the Harbourmaster. What the heck?!"
The thin man tries to calm his companion down. "Gossa,its just a minor setback. They'll sort matters out. I hope."
What does the party want to do?

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Just to be explicit, I assume that before we leave on the ship, Seamus and Claude check in for their final Restorations...?
Seeing that Leonard is starting to fall to pieces, Howard arranges for a Scroll to be used on him.
Note: This would have been done *after* the first lot of failed saves, so before the damage from your last post.
Scroll of Remove Disease: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8.
Seeing that that doesn't work, he feeds him a potion.
Potion of Remove Disease: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19.
Howard pinches the bridge of his nose, and sighs.
Once again, petty idiots belittle those different from them. At least this time, it is only other humanoids, but still...
Moving forward, he addresses the harbormaster.
"Come now, think about it - if you get a reputation for poor dockwork, potentially causing vessels to capsize, merchants will be less likely to want to come through here, which will hurt business. Far better, in the long term, to do the job properly, not matter how inconvenient it might be."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32.

GM Mort |

Both options had Claude and Seamus checking in for your restorations. I did not bot for Vincent because even though he has dex drain on him, he has not indicated he wants to go for a restoration. I cannot bot expensive consumables etc.
Retcon time
Vincent uses a scroll of remove disease on Leonard but is unable to fix Leonard's illness. Howard getting Leonard to take his medicine, however is more effective. The potion tastes absolutely vile, of course, but does the trick. Leonard eventually recovers from the effects of his illness.
The harbourmaster thinks about it for a while, "Hmm...yeah you're probably right. Even if little miss prickly puss is being a pain in the arse." He glares at the halfling. "Shorties should know their places."
"I'll get it done. On the behalf of your HUMAN friends." He emphasizes the word humans. He then gives the orders for the dockworkers to reload the Sellen Starling, and turns his back on her.
The halfling gives a sad sigh as she kicks one of the posts, "I hate size elitists."
Then she looks at the party and her expression brightens, "Oh hi! You're the batch Cesadia told me about!" Then with some consternation, she states, "Urgh, I'm really sorry you had to catch me in such a position. I swear SOME people shouldn't be allowed to be in charge of potted plants!"
"I'm Captain Skywind Freeling, Captain of the Sellen Starling."She puts out a hand for the party to shake, "And I'm pleased to meet you!"
With Seamus
"Well, I wasn't doing so good this morning, but thanks for helping me out!" She gives Seamus a brilliant smile. "You're such the gallant gentleman!"
The stout human raises his voice, "Captain Skywind? We'd like to purchase passage to Cassomir,"
"Oh..oh, sorry, give me a moment,"Captain Skywind excuses herself, and she turns to the two humans in scholars robes. "That'll be 125 gold pieces each." She then collects the fare and passes them two tickets. "In case some nosey inspectors start pokin their noses around." She then tells one of her crew to bring them to their cabins.
Once the two humans are out of sight
"Sorry, I didn't want them to know that you're getting a free ride. Its bad for future business, else everyone will want free rides too. I owe Cesadia a favour - so you'll have the best we have to offer for your passage to Cassomir."She whispers to Howard as she passes the party their tickets"If you do need any special services, feel free to ask - we will do our best to fulfil your request." She informs the party. "We're ready to set sail now - are you ready?"

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Howard nods to the Captain.
"Well, it would hardly have been good for us (or you, for that matter) if the vessel had capsized whilst we were on it... It is much better that we should arrive at our destination in a timely fashion, and without a costly dunking in the river..."
He then turns to the others.
"I am ready to go... I can't speak for my companions..."

GM Mort |

"Honestly? I don't really care for Thrushmoor. People are prejudiced like no one's business and are an unhelpful lot, unless you're human. Could be worse though. Xer is a whole lot of religious fanatics worshipping the false God Razmir. If you're not with them, you're against them. You can't talk any sense with religious fanatics." Captain Skywind spits on the pier. "And of all God d@mned places it has to sit in the middle of a shipping route. We'll probably have to stop there to resupply, much as I can't stand the place."
Edited above post

GM Mort |

"Also, word of warning, we hope not to run into any trouble on the Sellen Passage, but the Sellen Passage isn't without dangers."Captain Skywind informs the party.

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Howard frowns.
"Surely you mean Razmiran... Isn't Nex's country down in Garund?"
He then smiles.
"Regardless, your warning is appreciated. I am sure that we will be able to help you with any... obstacles... that get in our way."

GM Mort |

"Sorry, I meant Xer. All those 3-letter city names..."Captain Skywind tugs her hair.
Really, GM typo
"But.. We can't let you do that! You're honored guests!" Captain Skywind protests. "We'll try to keep all of you safe, if we don't manage to stay out of trouble."