GM Rednal's Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms (Inactive)

Game Master Rednal


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Downside is he's more like if the boy from the 6th sense grew up to be a wizard. He used to do things with the dead but now it's all magic every day.

I'll see what I can do, maybe throw out the idea entirely.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would like to know more about Narrah and I am definitely interested in Yidhra.

Spheres of Power would be new to me but reading up it looks interesting.

Well, there's plenty of information on me. o wo/

Narrah, the Lady of the Moon

Alignment: Neutral

Domains: Darkness, Protection, Travel

Symbol: An upturned crescent moon

Garb: Dark robes, midnight blue cloaks

Favored Weapon: Sickle

Form of Worship and Holidays: Regular worship and fasting on the full moon. Eclipses and other astrological events are sacred.

Typical Worshippers: Humans, druids, lycanthropes, oracles

A lesser-known goddess, Narrah is the Lady of the Moon, and is worshipped by star-gazers, lycanthropes, and lovers. She is neither good nor evil, light nor dark. She represents neutrality is its most natural form. She is the moonlight in the dark, she is the push and pull of the tides, and she is the navigation point when one is lost. Actively worshipped by druids, she imparts the secrets of the universe under the cover of night.

GM Rednal, do you have more information on Mitra?

Thank you in advance

Question regarding third party - would Radiance House pact magic be allowed?

Mitra, God of Law, Justice and the Sun

Alignment: Lawful Good

Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Protection, War

Symbol: Scales bearing twin flames

Garb: White and copper robes trimmed with gold

Favored Weapons: Longsword

Form of Worship and Holidays: Last day of every week, families gather to feast and commune.

Typical Worshippers: Paladins, fighters, monks, farmers

Mitra is the god of the sun, as well as law and justice. Mitra gained the domains of Muir and Thyr in the ages of their decline, and has maintained prominence with the common folk. His clergy is widespread, and temples and shrine may be found in all lands. Mitra requires just and fair treatment of all good beings from his followers, as well as piety and charity. He is often depicted as a noble, strong man of middle years, wearing a pale copper robe and wielding a longsword. Warriors and knights venerate Mitra through great deeds and heroic quests in his name. Commoners show kindness to strangers and help their fellows in times of need. His symbol of a sunburst behind the scales of justice notes his former domain incorporated with his new influences. The noble lion is his sacred creature.

@Tuxedo: Yes. I actually backed the Kickstarter for that, so I have full access to it. XD What kind of setup were you thinking of using?

Grand Lodge

Here comes Emissary!
I present the 10 minutes background for now, but expect a complete one later today possible or tomorrow for sure.

Raelyn's background:

The five pillars
•Despite being born with clouded blue eyes, Raelyn's wasn't blind and she would spend hour upon hour contemplating the Sun, which always fascinated her.
•As a young child she lost her parents to disease, but she endured the tragedy and studied under a scholar's tutelage.
•She manifested her gift after entering puberty, discovering that her touch could heal the wounded... and she could harness the searing light of the Sun
•Decided to put her blessings to work, she kept playing the part of a healer but trained to also defend the weak under her first love, a rugged mercenary that later betrayed her trust and left.
•While fighting alongside other folk heroes of Tasuc Cer she suffered a grievous wound that left her scared: she survived but average magic couldn't fully heal it, and she is unable to bear children. This and her will to keep protecting others motivated her decission to move away from Tasuc Cer to adventure.

The Goals
Short Term: I would like to find the source of Raelyn's gifts.
Long Term: It would be nice to find a cure for her wound and/or found an order of Warriors of the Sun unto whom pass her gifts.

Two Secrets
Known: Raylen's parents were killed by her on accident, a sudden burst of radiation that diseased them. She is still fearful of her light's potential.
Unknown: I'm drawing a blank on this one... writer's block.

Three People
•Maccabeus Cargghard: A wizened old man, scholar and student of history and the bizarre. As a friend of her mother, he took care and taught Raelyn.
•Varian Crossguard: The rugged mercenary. A handsome and outgoing man, childhood friend of Raelyn and her first love. He taught Raelyn his particular fighting style, but after a few years grow bored of the place and left... leaving Raelyn with naught but shallow promises and a broken heart.
•Renoir Crestfallen(Hostile): Another childhood mercenary, he got corrupted during a battle against necromancers and disappeared after betraying them... only to return as a necromancer himself. He has managed to evade Raelyn and her companions quite a few times.

Three Memories
•The warm feeling of the sun on her cheeks, caressing her skin. The breeze moving her hair. Feeling peace.
•The heat of Varian's skins. The clash of their steels. The thrilling rush of their adventures.
•The calmness of those saved and healed. The righteous feeling when battling evil. The sun on her back.

Description & Personality:

Raelyn is a tall, muscled woman of great beauty. Her clouded bluish eyes seem not to focus on anything and everything at the same time, but her piercing glare can both melt others' hearts... or wills.
She keeps her hair, of a hazelnut brown tonality, short.
She usually wears her engraved full-plate, comolete with a hand-made tabard, but when she is out of her armor she favours long dresses of light colours and simple shirts with plain trousers.

Even though she isn't a trained diplomancer, she always speaks with honesty and her soothing voice penetrates even the densest heads.
An upbeat young woman, always seeing the light side of things, she truly is a loyal ally and a friend of her friends.

Character Progression Plan:

I intend to keep focusing her magical talents in healing and radiant blasting, afterall she is a chosen of the Sun!

I will as well keep picking TWF feats, and most probably disarm or sunder ones as well as empowering her lay on hands and healing abilities. Oh, and saving throws, I will pick the Iron Will et al feats, she's gonna be impervious!

As how will I play Raylen: in combat she is a melee frontliner, better paired with another melee character but capable on her own. A killing machine against evildoers and backup healer.

Out of combat she would be the backbone of the team. The one that knows a bit of different things, can heal efficiently and can even convince an NPC or two. She is more of a second in command than a leader, but could be the party face if need be.

Sooo... I know you encourage people to diversify, not specialize, in your gestalt games. And I respect that.

But then I remembered that I always wanted to make a character based off of Julie d'Aubigny ever since I learned about her. Mechanically, she'll be an offense focused Swashbuckler/Scarlet Throne Warlord, with a grab bag of cool tricks to make martial combat a bit more interesting. I'm working on her fantasy backstory now, while attempting to fit her into a small town (which is a bit difficult), while working on her mechanically.

Got the fluff done.

Does anyone have any suggestions for ReZa? I think she is complete, but not 100% sure

Hmm, I think a Vigilant (magic child ) /...

Probably brawler or inquisitor

How do gestalt and spheres of magic interact?( concerning multiple casting classes)

You gain the Magic Talents for both classes (you only get the two free talents once), but your Caster Level does not stack - you just use the highest.

Depending on the build in question, I may implement additional restrictions. (In general, this is stuff like "don't stack major sources of damage to deal way more than a character of your level should be able to". Sensible things. XD)

@GM Rednal: Alright, got everything done for Jacqueline. I'm not a great gauger for power, but my friends stare incredulously at my character sheet occasionally and I steamroll the adventure before they force me to reroll, so you probably want to take a good look at Jacqueline. Chapter 3 of her backstory has an example of how combat would go for her, in case you want to take a look, and I would appreciate feedback.

Oops, I forgot the Character Progression bit! Sorry!

Character Progression:

Other than taking Combat Reflexes at 4th level, I have no real plans for Jacqueline build-wise. She'll adapt depending upon what happens in-game.

As for her character arc, though, I plan on slowly moving her towards CG. Part of the reason why she isn't CG is that she's too self-absorbed to really think of anyone else, and she doesn't really plan the consequences of her actions. Something that will really shock her would be to revisit one of the places she stopped at-leaving a whirlwind of shattered virginities, shocked parents, glum bartenders, and angry mobs in her wake. To see what happened after she left, repeatedly, would really help her understand that actions have consequences.

GM Rednal wrote:
@Tuxedo: Yes. I actually backed the Kickstarter for that, so I have full access to it. XD What kind of setup were you thinking of using?

I was thinking of doing a pact magic Occultist//Oracle of Yidhra. The character would channel what they believe to be incarnations of Yidhra in her mortal life before she ascended to godhood AKA spirits. Obviously, with all the variety of spirits this would mean a wildly inconsistent and contradictory origin story!


I, for one, want to see you!

So, is everything alright? Nothing too insane?

I'm answering questions now, but not looking at other things too closely. XD Helps me stay unbiased.

However, do remember that I'm less likely to pick what I see as an overly-focused character.

Would you be open to retooling the Spiritualist for Sphere use?

My idea would be mid-caster with thematically restricted sphere access (No Weather sphere for instance and Nature only with Nature Spirit drawback). Perhaps with opened up sphere options depending on Phantom emotion (Destruction only available to those with Anger or Hatred phantoms for instance).

The idea behind him would be to make him an old school Jamboorite that actually seeks to bring focus back towards the spirits and death part of his portfolio with Belon moving in on the magic part.

Honestly, I'd be quite surprised if they didn't end up doing sphere archetypes for all the occult classes... maybe in the Mind Handbook? It's possible, at least.

We could also do something like Prepared casting... maybe each Spirit is associated with different spheres (with a bit of overlap), and you can only spend spell points in a Sphere associated with that Spirit? Normally, having restricted Spheres is not a mechanical thing, just you as a player deciding to avoid something.

Yeah, I'm honestly a bit worried about whether Jacqueline is a bit overspecialized for your tastes. She's a good face, tank, and damage dealer, but has no spells (I honestly couldn't imagine her having the patience to even be a Charisma-based spellcaster), and Julie d'Aubigny was the ultimate duelist of her time, and I believe that could only be achieved by doubling down on two marital classes.

Yes, I noticed they avoided that and simply gave some classes some spheres in order to push them in that direction. Like how the Shifter could go for anything but would seriously cripple itself if not heavily incorporating Alteration.

As for the official archetypes, I don't know but it's likely. They already made one for the Medium.

When it comes to the spirit associating with a specific sphere, that would require more alterations to the Spiritualist as it normally has a fixed phantom and as such a fixed emotional focus. That means no spirit/phantom and as such no sphere swapping.

Then again, the entire restricting thing wouldn't be necessary, it was purely a thematic thing anyway. I would stick to such a thing though, whether required or not.

The linking of a class feature to a sphere would probably be more for the Occultist. I took a look at converting that as well but that would take quite a bit of work.

*Rubs chin* Hmm... I may've been confusing the occult classes with that idea. Disregard it, then. XD

Hello! I haven't played or GM'ed outside of RL in awhile and have been keeping an eye on the recruitment boards on/off the last couple of months. I remember using a ton of your Kingmaker ideas in a campaign I read and would love to actually play in a game you're running!

So consider this a dot for interest. I'm leaning towards a wind/lightning themed character using a mystic and one of the spheres of magic classes (not sure which yet) while trading out one of the mystic's disciplines for piercing thunder.

Still trying to determine background and such. I picked up the Sundered Lands book to get a few ideas. Is there any other fluff-heavy background books you'd recommend for the game?

I am going to throw my hat into the ring. I am rather new to the boards but have played plenty of Gestalt irl as the group I regularly play with is rather small. Although we do not use 3pp stuff. I just finished reading the paths of war stuff and looks nice still trying to familiarize my self with spheres of power.

I decided to go all and submit a PC because it sounds like an interesting setting and I felt like I could create an interesting PC. I will be putting together a half elf warlord/bard (Sphere Bard) (seems like great synergy). I like the idea of trying to combine two traditional elven disciplines sword (& maybe bow) and spells with out using the Uber fighter/magus or magus/wizard (that are over played imho). Bards always seemed more elfy to me anyway.

Regardless, I think this build could be pretty useful in and out of combat (full bab, all good saves, knowledge skills, social skills, buffing, and spells). I think the spheres of power will even allow more versatility. Anyway I will have a complete background up shortly (hopefully by tomorrow night [cst]).

I'll be looking forward to your submissions. ^^

Dotting here.
I'm thinking human incanter//something else.

Right now I'd most likely be looking at an Unchained Rogue using the Phantom Thief archetype on one end and (Sphere) Spiritualist, Incanter, Soulweaver or Thaumathurge on the other end.

The idea behind the character is that he/she comes from a noble family that produces many arcane prodigies (Arcanists and Sorcerers). My character wasn't among them. While displaying a penchant for learning and a great devotion to Jamboor magic did not come easy. As such he was an outcast within his own family, though none would say as such.

Lately many within his family have converted and now follow Belon the Wise. My character would, as a result, have gone only deeper into the study of Jamboor and there he would have found his magical powers. It comes from knowledge and practice rather than a gift he was born with.
He would have had a tutor in the form of the spirit of an ancient ancestor. If he goes Spiritualist that ancestor is the phantom.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My idea is for a Heldring Sphere Witch with the Moon Patron and Narrah the Goddess she follows. Her hair is a fine silver blond.

Darkness, Teleport, and Enhancement will be her spheres of choice.

Her second class I would like to take Shifter but I wanted your thoughts on that. Working on her background and progression.

Spheres of Power question: I pick a tradition for my skald. It has two drawbacks and a boon. Do I get this benefit AND the extra spell pool points, or the benefit in lieu of the extra spell pool points?

@Sam: Boons count against your spell pool bonus from taking drawbacks. Basically, you get to decide whether you get a bonus power (the boon) or extra energy to cast with (the spell points). Spheres is very do-it-yourself that way. XD

@Jazzai: That class combo should be fine. ^^

Since I've spent quite a bit of time learning spheres of power for your other game, I feel like applying here too... Maybe I'll make the Warder/Wizard here (or perhaps incanter instead of wizard). Though we'll see what time permits.

How will you handle the spellcasting stat for gestalted sphere casters? The site you linked says pick one of the two if you have multiple but I guess that's intended for multiclassing and might be too powerful for gestalt.

Yeah, most things aren't written with Gestalt in mind. XD Just pick one of the two.

Five Main Aspects:

1. Locke never knew his father and his mother passed away recently. Before she went, she finally told him that his father's name was Javier Magnus and that he was an adventurer. This is all he knows and he hopes to travel beyond the small town he grew up in to learn more.

2. Life is for living and having fun. Locke enjoys drinking, gambling, women and men, and fighting. Others should enjoy these same things, although if they don't Locke doesn't care. He does care when others try to prevent him, or others, from living a life they enjoy as long as they're not preventing anyone else from the same while doing so.

3. Great things. Locke wants “more” from life. He doesn't feel destined or special or anything. He doesn't necessarily want to “do great things” or become well-known. He simply wants to experience adventure, excitement and to find something more interesting than town.

4. Locke has a lightning elemental fused in him. It started off as a foolish idea involving a massive thundercloud, metal boots, and a metal pike. As well as a great deal of gambling and drinking. He lies excessively about this and never tells the same story twice for how it happened. It is this elemental that fuels his elemental abilities and magical talent.

5. Always return a favor. One of Locke's dear friends perished while saving him from an orc chieftain's spear. He has never forgotten and, feeling guilty about it, occasionally gives money to his friend's living sister.

Future Goals:

1) I would like Locke to find clues to his missing father and for him to pursue his father's footsteps.
2) Locke would also like to find the orc chieftain who killed his friend and previously rode near Tasuc Cer causing trouble. He knows only that the orc's tribe bore the symbol of a jagged scimitar and something written in orcish along the blade. ((replace orc with any other race/tribal type group appropriate for the setting and adventure path. If there are any tribes relevant to the AP at all, perhaps replace the symbol with theirs))


* Unknown: Locke's father knows of him and has kept tabs on him throughout the years. He has left small breadcrumbs for his son to find, if he is strong enough and smart enough to do so. He hopes his son does find him, but doesn't plan on making it easy and is more interested in his own exciting life.

Three Important NPCs:

1) Javier Magnus – Locke's long lost father.

2) Tolin Corsent – A former adventuring friend of Locke's. They parted ways when Corsent joined with a mercenary crew and left for his riches. He tried to get Locke to join with him, but Locke decided not to. Locke regrets the decision. They occasionally send ravens to one another and Corsent lets Locke know about where and when conflicts are brewing.

3) Elder lightning elemental – No one's sure exactly how elementals create more of themselves. Or even if they do. At least, Locke certainly doesn't. He also doesn't realize that the thunderhead he was struck by years ago is at least partly sentient. And it holds a grudge against Locke for stealing, adopting, or otherwise inheriting one of its spawn..or perhaps part of itself. Magic can get confusing.

Memories Three:

1) The old man sat slumped in the tavern. His eyes looking listfully down at a half-empty mug of ale. Liver spots dotted his cheeks and despair dwelt behind his brown gaze. It was the look of a man trapped. Of a man who had not lived to his potential and had seen nothing beyond the dull fields around Tasuc Cer. This was Locke's grandfather months before he took his own life from a deep-seated depression. This was a fate Locke, even as a child, knew would never be his.

2) A bloodthirsty scream ripped through the dense grass. A crude ax flew near his head as Locke leaped to the side, hurling a blue-white blast of lightning through the vegetation. The smell of singed meat and burnt grass filled his nostrils. A tingling in his left arm reminded him that the battle was far from over. He spun in that direction, lifting his spear to deflect another ax—this time one held by a much taller and fearsome looking orc. He pushed it away and stabbed forward, his weapon catching in the creature's ribs.

That is when he heard another warning, this one verbal. “Locke! Lookout!” A thick man pushed him to the ground followed shortly after by a wet thunk. Blood splashed the grass around Locke as he looked up to see his close friend, Ricard Allain, with a spear through his chest. He barely remembers what happened after as he held his dying friend, but the sound of that spear echoes in his dreams.

3) A pair of silken-skinned twins lay twined in the rough bedsheets of the tavern's poor accommodations. The actors had come through a day before with a play for Tasuc Cer of love and betrayal. Locke swears it was the brother's impish grin that first drew him in. The dark-skinned Erskaelosi were his newest conquests—or perhaps he, theirs. He followed the curve of the sister's hip to her dark kohl-ed eyes and, seeing them both stirring again, smiled his own impish grin before returning to the sheets.

Locke Harkold, Town Hero: Physical Description & Attitude:

Physical Description: Medium-length black hair with a rough, unshaven face. He usually has a sly smile on his face and stands at average height and weight. Locke frequently wears a black bandanna to hold back his mess hair. He tends toward blue and white clothing of well-cut cloth with leather leggings unless wearing thick leather armor with metal gauntlets. He has a lightning bolt tattoo on his left forearm but this is generally hidden under clothing.

Attitude: Locke is fun-loving and loyal, but a bit of a rascal. He tends to get into trouble easily by being far too casual with those he shouldn't be or by picking fights when he sees something he considers unfair (such as a pair of city guards arresting a gaunt orphan thief). On another hand, Locke's very inconsistent. If he has somewhere to be or is thinking more about a glass of good wine, he may very well ignore that same thief being arrested. He personally blames this mercurial nature on the elemental within, but doesn't share that fact with anyone and it is likely simply an excuse. He is never (rarely) inconsistent when it comes to defending his friends.


Still a work in progress. Locke is a Mystic || Incanter focused on weather, destruction and (eventually) divination spheres.

Character Progression: Story: I hope to see Locke discover clues to his father and decide one way or another whether to pursue them (likely pursue). He will become dedicated and loyal to friends along the way. He won't likely grow out of his mercurial nature.

Mechanics: Locke will continue without multi-classing. He will focus on lightning, weather, and divination for magic and combat. With an influx of feats he will hopefully grow in both melee and ranged combat while also picking up feint and possibly dirty tricks. Out of combat, he'll push into more "sense" divination as well as things that help him bluff and lie his way out of bad situations.

Here is the background, personality and appearance for my submission Khellithor Evenstar. I wound up getting my hands on a copy of the players guide for Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms so some of my fluff comes from this resource [mainly city /tavern names]. If anything doesn’t fit let me know [I couldn’t find Tasuc Cer on the map]. I will have his crunch done over the next few days along with the direction I plan on taking the build. As of now He will be a half elf warlord/bard (Sphere Bard). Melee focused build [Scarlet Throne Discipline] with the light, life, and protection spheres (and perhaps a dip here and there), with the verbal and skilled [perform sing] drawbacks.


Khellithor is open and friendly greeting most people with a smile. He is perceptive and a shrewd judge of character. He loves the beauty of music and nature, especially forests and the stars. He has an insatiable curiosity and a desire of learning and creating music.


Khellithor gazed at his reflection in the mirror, while he was getting dressed in his room at the Knight and the Lion Inn. He smiled at his likeness, it was a broad and open smile that won him many friends. Khellithor mused that while he was not yet 25 years old the reflection looking back at him seemed, not only wise, but more competent or experienced then his years. He stood a little over 6 feet tall and was well muscled like a race horse, broad in the shoulders and narrow at the waist, and he carried himself with an air of confidence and the swagger of a veteran.

As Khellithor continued looking at his reflection he noticed his eyes, they are the same color of a verdant forest, but it is more than their color that draws his attention, his gaze appears knowing and penetrating. His eyes are set in a well-proportioned and lightly tanned face which is framed by blond flowing hair, the color of sunshine on a warm summer’s day, with a clean shaven face, strong jaw and straight nose. Khellithor continues to consider his features admiring the blend of human and elf written plainly across his face.

He chose the right outfit he concludes as he looks at the road stained cloths and armor he normally wore piled in a heap on the floor. He reminisced, was it only a few short days ago that he decided to leave Tasuc Cer? What a sight he must of have been after hastily preparing to leave, hoping to travel north toward Endhome. He pictured in his mind how he must have looked hustling down the road in his traveling boots, leather pants, and wearing his chain shirt. Around his waist would be a thick sturdy belt with an assortment of pouches attached to it, and a dagger sheathed at either hip. As always, his family’s sword was strapped across his back and a song would be on his lips. He must have cut a fine figure indeed as he rushed for the comfort of the inn. Khellithor shakes his head and focuses his attention back on the task at hand, pulling his dark blue jacket on over his starched white shirt. When he is done dressing, he approvingly looks at his reflection again.

He thought, enough admiring yourself, you are acting like a maiden going to her first ball. Khellithor smiles at his reflection one last time and heads down to the common room. “Let’s see what the day holds,” he whispers to his reflection in a rich full baritone.


Khellithor Evenstar sat in the common room of the Knight and Lion Inn, right off the Kings Road north of the Gundlock Hills, staring into his wine, trying to find the right words for his mother’s melody but the words continued to escape him. It was a puzzle he was still working on. Khellithor sat alone at a corner table reminiscing about his past and his recent departure from Tasuc Cer as he dulled his pain with a good plumb wine.

His earliest memories are of music, the tone, pitch, and melody of his mother’s rich and vibrant voice lifted in song. But for him music was much more than a harmonious verse, music was alive, thick sensual, and intoxicating. Music was a mystical force that touched his soul to its very core, a thing of beauty. It wasn’t until he was about eight years old that he realized most people did not understand music in this way. It was true that most people enjoyed music, but they got the same enjoyment from watching a horse race or partaking of a fine meal. No for him music was pure joy and it was like a language that communicated with his very essence. Fortunately, his mother had the same understanding of music, and wound up being Khellithor’s mentor in developing his gift.

Khellithor was born on the road and spent his childhood in the various inns, towns, and cities of the Sundered Kingdoms. He was raised by his mother Selli who was… well she was magical. No matter the circumstances it seemed that she was always smiling, or humming or singing. It seemed as if she was always in a good mood and found joy even in the common drudgery of everyday life. She possessed a gifted ear for music, writing her own songs as well as playing several different instruments. Apparently, prior to his birth, his mother had been a bard and adventure of some renown, but that was a lifetime ago as she like to say. However, most of his mother’s history was a mystery to Khellithor and he knew almost nothing of his father except that he was also a half-elf. Although, in a rare moment of frankness his mother had confided to him that royal blood flowed through Khellithor’s veins from both his parents.

For the early part of his life his small family was always on the move, either running from something or running to something it seemed. For reasons unknown to Khellithor they finally settled down in Tasuc Cer about ten years ago. At this time his training began in earnest and he learned how to use music to change reality. Khellithor flourished under his mother’s tutelage and he grew in ability and skill. Not only were there lessons about music and magic but there were lessons on body language, diplomacy, etiquette, audiences, and numerous other subjects. He learned the stories of the heroes of the land, Dwarven Epics, and Elven Ballads as well as treatise on human behavior. He learned to recite entire poems, discourses, and plays from memory.

However, the lessons he enjoyed the most were the daily sparring sessions. It was here where he learned to mix sword and spell and, most importantly, how to not smash your fingers while sparring. You see fingers are very important to playing an instrument and bruised or busted fingers make it a very impractical task. Under his mother’s watchful instruction he learned the forms of the Scarlet Throne using his family’s sword. Looking back, he would say that his time spent studying under his mother’s skillful hand was the most enjoyable part of his life.

Over the last six months Khellithor grew more restless within the confines of Tasuc Cer. The small town that was once comforting became confining and constraining. He began traveling to neighboring communities for a day or a week at a time spending time in the various taverns. Taverns! What alive, colorful, and vibrant places. A tavern was a place to forget about your troubles, a place to share a joke or a smoke, and there was always music to lift your spirits. Khellithor took to the lifestyle like a fish to the water, taverns became a home away from home for him. When he wasn’t performing in one he could usually be found in with a drink, some dice, or a wench in his hands, or all three at once.

It was after one such jaunt that he returned to Tasuc Cer to find his mother had died under mysterious circumstances while he was away. He became distraught at the news and the next couple of days became a blur as Khellithor spent most of the time in his cups trying to dull the pain he felt at losing her. However, he took some solace in the fact that he was able to sing at his mother’s graveside.

As the days passed Khellithor began to question the circumstances surrounding his mother’s death. While there was no sign of violence or struggle she was still young and in good health. Also, it appeared as if her belongings had been discretely searched. As he thought about it he remembered that his mother was on edge over the past couple of months. He attributed it to his wanderings on the road but what if it was something else. With too many questions and not enough answers he began looking through her effects for information about her past or a clue as to what might have happened to her. There were no answers to be found but to his surprise he found two pages of sheet music, the beginnings of a beautiful song, his mother had been working on.

With nothing left for him in Tasuc Cer Khellithor made the decision to leave and packed his belongings. Fortunately, there were others residents of the town leaving for Endhome tired of the drudgery of the small town. So with a heavy hart Kellithor left in search of adventure and with hopes of completing his mother’s song along the way.

Hooks and such:

1. Who is his father? [Overking Macobert perhaps Ha!]
2. Was his mother murdered? If so why?
3. Is the sheet music his mother left behind a clue about his father, her history, or those who killed her?
4. He could be related to the proprietor of the Knight and Lion Inn, Suzael Brightstar.

Is there any information about Halflings in this setting?


The rolling plains and low hills of much of the Sundered Kingdoms are well suited to the halfling race. As a result, some clans of the small folk migrated to the area from the Low Country in the last thousand years to establish homes and businesses. Those halflings in the towns and cities tend to be more humanlike and cosmopolitan in their outlooks, owning businesses, dwelling in aboveground homes and fitting in just like everyone else. The more rural halflings tend to live more traditionally in burrows and farm the land. Halflings are still relatively few in number in most cities, and towns rarely boast more than a family or two at best. Southvale, in particular, has become the center of the most urbane halflings in the Sundered Kingdoms with some even assuming the quasi-traditional role of membership in the local thieves’ guilds.

Are there any specific things on the plane touched races within the setting? I assume Tieflings and Aasimar follow the usual pattern (first one reviled, second one admired) but what about the elemental ones and fetchlings?

Like I said I'm looking at someone who comes from a long line of powerful arcane casters so interplanar mingling seems likely.

As for the family's arcane power, I'd figure the real power is all in the past (perhaps there's lich somewhere, but that's up to the GM) and these days they're mostly decadent nobles. They're defined by spells/effects like prestidigitation, mage hand and unseen servant, not really anything bigger.

EDIT: As for the combat options, I assume that also means you qualify as if having the feat? To qualify for other things that is.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pass on this campaign. Have a good concept and all, but the stumbling block is the campaign's bonus feat rule; the vast majority of my character feat choices are, by necessity, from one category, and the few that aren't have minimum requirements that prevent me from slapping them in whenever the hell I please to satisfy the alternating switch every level.

But good luck to the other submissions, this campaign sounds like tons of fun!

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@Cuan: Yes, you qualify as having the feat.

As for everything else in the setting, uh... they actually don't talk about the other planes too much. XD Assume the other races are very uncommon outside of their homes. Of course, a good backstory can explain away practically anything... just note that planetouched are pretty much always a rare sight, and there's not likely to be more than a handful even in large cities, and probably none at all anywhere else.

@Sam: *Rubs chin* Well, being able to get a certain kind of feat every other level is basically normal progression in the game. If your concepts don't work with that, you're, uh, probably trying too hard to specialize your character.

As a fighter/skald, the former's bonus feats cover my Combat feats. That leaves the character feats for most everything else. Metamagic feats don't interest me in the least, leaving item creation and General feats to choose from. The former category has minimum caster levels to meet, which leaves the bulk of my choices from the General category. Some buff my skald abilities, some buff my intended casting path, there's some Skill Focus, but they all fall under the same category.

The Exchange

Do you have a further write-up on Pan? Another god of wilds/the hunt may better suit my original character vision.

No, I do not have anything else on Pan. (It's mentioned he only has a brief writeup in Bard's Gate. XD; Figure he's much like the real-world Pan, though.)

The Exchange

"Real world"
As far as I know, the mythological Pan notably had the domain of sexuality instead of hunting. What might hunter-Pan's weapon of choice be? I'm assuming the holy symbol would be the pan flute.

Note that the writeup on FGG's site says "Minor aspects in music and fertility". XD As for weapons of choice, let's go for the bow and the spear.

Any information on Gnomes?

I'm still debating what to do, though I have narrowed down the class options to 2 (Soul Weaver on one end with either Spiritualist or Rogue (Phantom Thief) on the other).

Nope - they're not common enough to the region to have a writeup, so you'll have to come up with something on your own. XD

The Exchange

Abilities that alter spells, such as evocation wizard's intense spells?

Are Kitsune common in the area?

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