GM Rat Sass's Age of Worms

Game Master Governayle

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Treasure Log
The Road So Far...
Map of Alhaster
Ascaria's Pub

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Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

... Awwww. Damn, I hope she's alright!

"O.K.! Let's go tracking!"

Mortimer will affix the canopies tips to some rope and slip knot them to the mule back cords so that he can pull them though the swamp as needed.

He tacks up Cinder, packs provisions for the horse and party and is ready to depart. He leads Cinder by the reigns.

Male Human Slayer 11

Tynan leads the others after the retreating lizardfolk, knowing that the easy tracking now will end all too soon. Watching for any signs that could guide their path, Tynan turns to Hourpen.

"Would it be possible for Chasah to locate their village? It would save us a lot of unwanted time in this bog if we could make a direct approach."

Survival-Tracking: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Concluding their business in the Keep's basement, Ascaria, Mortimer, and Solrisa join the others upstairs, where watches are posted, and the evening passes uneventfully. Hourpen sends Chasah in lazy circles for the early morning, and establishes that there are no lizardfolk within six miles of the Keep.

Morning comes, and with it a partly cloudy sky. The Mistmarsh maintains its mists, which rise well above the earth, obscuring sight and muffling sounds emanating from the deeper parts of the Marsh. As you enter the southern lands, you soon learn the limitations on your travel ahead. The mists manage to limit your sight(including darkvision) to forty feet. Creatures beyond forty feet from you benefit from concealment, while creatures beyond eighty feet benefit from total concealment. The terrain is considered a soft bog(difficult terrain), and your effort to track the lizardfolk only slows you further. As the terrain shifts from soft bog to pond in places, you find relief in the observation that the larger group of lizards splits off around deeper waters, some of them preferring to walk through the muddy terrain, rather than slip into the water for the ease of swimming.

Tynan's tracking ability guarantees your success in remaining fixed to the lizardfolk's retreat south. Two hours into the muddy march, the mists burn away, leaving your sight wonderfully unobstructed.

GM Rolls:

1d100 ⇒ 68
1d100 ⇒ 38

On the first day of travel, you manage easily enough to dispense with a pack of largish spiders, as well as a pair of crocodiles, though Mortimer does have to wrestle with one of the crocodiles to prevent it from bringing down Cinder.

As evening approaches, the mists return, and the Marsh echoes mutely of wildlife. For the time spent, you've managed to travel sixteen miles over eight hours of marching.

Do you push on through the night, or take your rest in camp?

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa marches in leather armor, borrowed from the garrison, rather than trying to march in her fancy plate. It was going to be too impractical to march through swamps in the full plate.

Her armor is stowed in her pack, and she is grateful for the loaned armor.

She enjoys the walking out of doors, and tries her hand at helping find the route and catch dinner.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5 Survival - untrained

She does her best, keeping her sunny disposition despite, uh...repeated failure.

Male Halfling Cavalier 1 / Magus 7
HP 45/45. Eldritch Pool: 5/5
Spells / day:
Lvl 1: 5/5 Lvl 2: 4/4 Lvl 3: 2/2

"Easy enough for Chasah to try."

"Nothing nearby that Chasah can see."

After the mist...
"While that was unpleasant. Chasah won't be able to see much even with the clear weather until morning. Unless the lizards have exposed fires?" Send Chasah for a few circles at twilight.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

On the way out, if breakfast is cooking, Eri will cast prestidigitation to spice up the porridge.
”Good luck fellas. Hope to see you again soon.”

When Tynan is searching, Eri will assist.

survival-tracking-assist: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Male, Gnome

Ascaria trudges along with the others. As the mist envelops them, he shrugs, I’ve been here. he thinks as his sight is narrowed a little. He worries a little when the native animals harass them, but he’s pleased with the abilities of the fighters in fending them off.

Out of habit, he frequently replenishes the light on his hat-band, but otherwise walks on relatively quietly.

As they approach dusk, Ascaria looks for somewhere drier to camp. Is there any place that isn’t in the water?

Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Solrisa wrote:
Her armor is stowed in her pack, and she is grateful for the loaned armor.

What is that? Another suit of armor? She must be up to three by now. How many does she need? Is she like that about shoes, too?

"Hey, Sol," Mortimer says, looking over her pack as they move through the swamp. "Do you need -- uh -- Cinder or I to help carry anything?" he says cheerily and helpfully, thumbing toward the mule back cords. He looks around at the others, "That goes for any of you -- ?"

Around dusk, he scouts around for firm bog ground for camping and possibly some crocodile meat.

He adds "cake" to his list.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa continues to stomp her way through the muck, pretty much hitting every puddle and sticky bog as her attention frequently wanders to whatever pretty or interesting thing catches her eye.

Mortimer Smith wrote:
"Hey, Sol, do you need -- uh -- Cinder or I to help carry anything?"

Solrisa smiles at Mort, her foot catching on a root causing a momentary stumble.

"Oh...*oof*, thanks Mort, I think I got it. I'm okay!" Solrisa continues to march, neither shield nor sword in hand so she has two free hands to catch herself should she trip.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Most of the land is soggy, at the very least. Camping will prove somewhat difficult, as the firmest land you can test is thicky muddy. There are occasional nettles of mangaroo trees that would allow climbing and resting among the branches. There would need to be some work to secure the bedrolls, to avoid inadvertent emptying of their contents. Survival rolls would be nice.

Cinder resting in the mud will simply cause the creature an extra round to gain its legs to pull itself loose of the sucking surrounds.

Chasah takes flight, but makes no noise to Hourpen indicating the sighting of anything clustered. Due to the Mists returning at twilight and into the evening, the bird is frustrated from thorough sightings.

Mortimer can secure meats from one or both of the crocodiles foolish enough to seek sustenance in the vicinity of the party.

I hear ayes for camping the first night from Ascaria and Mortimer. Anyone opposed, interested in pushing on through the night?

Male Halfling Cavalier 1 / Magus 7
HP 45/45. Eldritch Pool: 5/5
Spells / day:
Lvl 1: 5/5 Lvl 2: 4/4 Lvl 3: 2/2

"See any trees worth nesting in for the night?"

Fine with halting for the night.

Male Human Slayer 11

Tynan gets to work securing bedrolls in one of the mangaroo trees for the group, then fixes a spot for himself, content to be out of the mud, even if for just a short while.

Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa carries her bedroll from tree to puddle to muck then back to tree.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7 Survival to aid

"Tynan...where...where should I put this? Maybe in that puddle?" Solrisa says, trying to find the best place for her to sleep. "Should I just sleep by that hill with the ants? That's probably a good place if they are sleeping there, right?"

Male Human Slayer 11

"No, put it here, on this large limb. You don't want to sleep on the ground out here. You might roll over and drown in your sleep..."

Tynan works with Sol, showing her how to find a sturdy enough limb, and the best way to situate the bedroll.

"Try to get some rest. We have a lot more slogging to do tomorrow."

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eri has a hammock for himself that is easy to tie up. He will assist other's rigs before situating his own a little higher than the others.

survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Sleeping in the trees is my favorite way. A little swing and you'll be out in no time.

Male, Gnome

Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

Ascaria does his best to fix up his humble little bedroll. He's not pleased, and has a restless night, though he does sleep a little.

We do, I assume, keep our standard watches.

Male Human Slayer 11

Did folks miss that Tynan secured bedrolls for the whole group?

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Apparently so...

Tynan easily understands the structural branches and bedrolls. Eri appears unusually comfortable slipping into his part of the tree, lashing his sleep sock, and helping Tynan make quick work for the others to avoid the more unpleasant, moist parts of sleeping in such an inhospitable land.

The Mists seem to prevent nightly encounters, as the watches pass, and marsh noises roll through the fog in muffled tones. At one point, Tynan and Hourpen are greeted on their shift by something large, slogging through a nearby mudbank, though it doesn't seem to stop and study who else might be out there, as it continues without slowing its pace.

Morning comes, the Mists still as thick as the evening before. The damp has found its way into any cloth garments you may be wearing, and you occasionally feel an itch in various body parts, as the skin adapts to the climate.

I presume you'll continue on? Please feel free to begin the day with Survival Checks to reacquire the lizardfolk's trail.

Male Human Slayer 11

Tynan scans the mucky ground for signs of the retreating lizardfolk.

Survival-Tracking: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Saw it, ignored it for RP. Because Sol.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 Survival to aid

"OOH!! Tynan, look! I saw a butterfly this way! We should go this direction, yes?" Solrisa totally helps Tynan helpfully.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male, Gnome

Ascaria had a bedroll from before, but he'll use two on this trip to try and keep as dry as possible. ;)

Ascaria does his morning preparations and wonders idly if he'll see his green friend again. He looks at Mort and shrugs, Maybe it's afraid of that big lug.

He smiles over breakfast and does his best to help out.

When it comes to finding the lizards trials, he does his best to help Tynan.

Survival to aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2

"Man that was a COOL butterfly. Tynan, are you sure it's not this way? Maybe nature itself is trying to tell us something?"

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Tynan picks up the lizardfolk trail in short order.

Tynan, Survival DC 20:

The land seems to be reclaiming the lizards' tracks rapidly. You're fairly confident that another day or so, and deep footprints would be filled in. One's way would be lost to those who might seek to find those lost in the Mistmarsh. This, combined with the horrible visibility, and the Mistmarsh earns its reputation.

The return trip may prove difficult to those limited to sight on land.

GM Rolls:

1d100 ⇒ 13


Ascaria: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Eri: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Hourpen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Mortimer: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Solrisa: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Tynan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
LF: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Mid-morning, slogging through the treacherous mud and waters, you stumble into a group of five lizardfolk who seem just as surprised to see you as you them. The Mists are just starting to lift. They all carry clubs and javelins, and three of them have an orangish streak running from snout to back of the head, while the two others don a red streak. One of the orange streaks hisses and snaps.


"Trespassers!! You dare to walk our lands?! Why are you not content with your deadlands?!?"

From their posturing and head bobbing, they seem to be holding their position. If you had been lesser numbers, perhaps you wouldn't have time to understand this.

We may enter combat, depending on your actions. The lizardfolk are fifty feet away, having emerged from the Mists fully into view of you all.

Male, Gnome

Ascaria says, "Wait a moment..."

He then shouts back in Draconic,

"You there we are trespassing truly, but to a purpose. Some of our friends were kidnapped and we are seeking them, and them only. We are here to ransom them back from their captors!"

"Do you have them?! There's a woman..." he goes on to describe the people they seek.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa waits a bit, nodding her head to whatever Ascaria is saying.

I wonder if he's asking for cake. Someone mentioned that there would be cake.

Diplomacy Auto assist vs. DC10.

Sol also dons her shield, but does not draw her sword.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Mortimer finishes tending to Cinder and his own belly, then spies the bedroll closest to the steed.
"Wow, nice! Thanks Tynan!" If he has any trouble acclimating to the swamp it's hard to tell, as he promptly face plants into the bedroll and falls into a sound sleep until his watch.

The 'road'.

Mortimer stands with Cinder just behind the Gnome for support, though he is currently not actively doing anything threatening or intimidating. At least, not on purpose.

He asks quietly, "Are these guys different from the ones attacking the Keep? They're all decorated with colored streaks. What is that they are saying?"

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

The orange-streaked lizard talks to one of the red-streaks in hushed tones. The red-streak snaps in an upward head gesture, which seems to indicate consent, as the orange-streak turns back to face Ascaria, and continues hissing and snapping.


"We don't have your people. You speak of Twisted Branch. They grow selfish. Try to take land not their own. Head south, you'll find their home. Fight them all. We don't care. We see you again, you should have heads. Otherwise, we'll kill you."

Male, Gnome

Ascaria holds his hand up and waves,

"Very well then, we shall head south. Thank you for your help, and when we see you next we'll have the heads!"

Ascaria turns to Tynan, "They say we should head south to find the Twisted Branch clan. Those are the lizard folk we're after apparently."

He continues, "This lot feel the Twisted Branch have grown selfish and say they have been trying to take land not their own. They hope we kill them all and, if we bring back some heads, we can pass this way again on our return without incident."

He grins, happy to have avoided combat.

Male Halfling Cavalier 1 / Magus 7
HP 45/45. Eldritch Pool: 5/5
Spells / day:
Lvl 1: 5/5 Lvl 2: 4/4 Lvl 3: 2/2


"Thank you for improving accommodations greatly Tynan."

Later after the lizards emerge from the mist.
"Not that I disagree with diplomacy, but are you sure they really told you were these folks we're looking for are?"

Male, Gnome

"That's a good question. But why would they lie? I'm sure it's fine." Ascaria smiles and doesn't even see his cluelessness.

He rides along on the raft occasionally drawing on it in chalk. Doesn't look very good, but it passes the time.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

'Hey Tynan, try looking for something other than lizard tracks in this... muck. Unless the hostages were carried, maybe we can find something?"

He shrugs and looks for traces of humans that aren't in the party.
Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa slings back her shield as the lizardfolk leave them in peace. She is happy to not have to kill them. They can chase butterflies and exist in peace.

She marches on, sure that the lizardfolk would not be lying.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eric climbs down from his perch and gets ready to roll. He’ll use prestidigitation to help anyone clean up their gear where needed.
~time passes~
”Lizards! Be cool be cool.”

~gibberish ensues~


When Tynan is searching, Eri will assist.

survival-tracking-assist: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Male Human Slayer 11

"I'm fairly certain that this marsh will have obliterated any signs of Marzena and the other prisoners by now, since they were taken several days ago." Tynan pauses, scanning the swampy land.

"I'll see what I can spot..."

Survival-Tracking: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Whew, busy week... onward!

GM Rolls:

1d100 ⇒ 57

Tynan and Eri easily secure the next leg of the tracking, while Mortimer barely makes a single boot print among the claw rakes galore. Tynan speaks true- the Mistmarsh does a substantial job reclaiming its face when anything mars it by trekking across its lands.

Eri's attempts at purging the dampness are short-lived, as the wetlands continue to seep into your various leggings. The treebark comes in handy for several hours in mid-day, as the mud paths narrow to the point of being unrecognizable. Fortunately, the overall direction of the exodus remains constant, and the tracking begins anew.

A handful of dog-sized spiders are easily enough dispatched, with your familiarity with the sound of their approach from yesterday. As the sun begins to lightly set, and the Mists begin to arise again, you're able to make out cross tracks.

Survival DC 20:

The intersections are made by smaller numbers of the lizardfolk, possibly two or three of them at a time. Likely, these are patrolling treads, made somewhat recently.

From the condition of your current target's tracks, you can discern deeper tracks, and shortened steps. The lizardfolk have begun to slow down. It's very likely their lair is not far away.

How do you continue?

Male, Gnome

Ascaria looks at the trail, but stays back a bit so he doesn’t fumble around making things worse.
Survival: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

Seeing nothing he suggests they press on. ”We’ve got plenty of light, and as I think Mort said at one point - the lizard folk might be slower at night if they’re all cold blooded and whatnot. How much farther can it be do you think?”

He looks around the vicinity at the options for a dry nights sleep and doesn’t like his options. He mentally checks the links with his companions and smiles.

Male Human Slayer 11

Survival-Tracking: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Tynan kneels and examines the criss-crossing trail, then quickly stands and scans for movement nearby, but makes out precious little through the hazy air.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

"These fresher tracks that cross those of our quarry belong to smaller groups, probably patrols of some sort. I'd guess two or three in each group, and it wasn't long ago that they passed by here. We should be on guard."

Tynan continues scanning the horizon. "The good news is that the war party seems to be slowing, likely because they know they are close to their home village. We shouldn't be far now."

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

+1 to handwaving the battles, but like that they are mentioned and acknowledged.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12 Survival

"Tynan, look! I think that's the same butterfly as before! We're on the right track!!" Solrisa cheers happily.

If and when Tynan thinks they are close, Solrisa will change into her normal armor.

Male Halfling Cavalier 1 / Magus 7
HP 45/45. Eldritch Pool: 5/5
Spells / day:
Lvl 1: 5/5 Lvl 2: 4/4 Lvl 3: 2/2

Hourpen whistles and Chasah flies into the sky, making low cirlces to check out the surrounding area.

Male, Gnome

"Sol, put on your armor and let's close in and see this village where our people are being held." Ascaria pulls on his vest to straighten it and begs for another round of prestidigitation so he's clean and ready to negotiate, or whatever is needed. As dusk falls, he casts light on his headband.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Mortimer looks about the swamp casually. Butterfly? He sniffs at the air.
Messy, but at least swamps are organic.

Ascaria wrote:
"Sol, put on your armor and let's close in and see this village where our people are being held."

"Yes, let's press on. Perhaps we can catch them with their shorts down -- or did we want to sneak in first and look around to be sure?"

He frowns, wondering what sort of collateral damage a night raid might entail.

Twisted Branch Clan. Let's just hope they're all warriors.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa smiles at Ascaria.

"Oh yes!" Solrisa begins to be-nude herself so she can put on her armor. "Ascaria! It will go quicker if you help! You want to help me, don't you?"

Male, Gnome

Ascaria agrees to help Sol, but he does it as demurely as possible, closing eyes, holding armor out at hands length, etc.

And of course, with his stature (even shorter in the mud) he can only help so much before the pieces are simply out of reach.

When finished, still blushing, he says, "Let's move further in before sending out scouts. It could still be hours, right?" he looks to the others for confirmation. "I mean it's not just over this hill, right?"

Assuming so, he strides on following the others closer to the camp.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eri casts message on himself and Tynan, Ascaria, Mort and Hourpen. He whispers:

Hi, I think this might be useful if folks are hiding or separated. I totally forgot to cast it last time. I only have enough juice for 4.

Eri will keep his eyes open as best he can.
perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4

Prestidigitations all around.

Eri's bow is out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Solrisa wrote:
"Ascaria! It will go quicker if you help!"

For some unknown reason, Mortimer feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up a little. He says nothing, looks nowhere in particular and shrugs it off.

Eri wrote:
"Hi, I think this might be useful if folks are hiding or separated. I totally forgot to cast it last time. I only have enough juice for 4."

This time because Eri is standing several feet away from him yet evidently able to speak as though he was right next to him, Mortimer feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up a little. He shrugs this off as well, looks nowhere in particular again and whispers between clenched teeth, "Keen, thanks."

Eri wrote:
Prestidigitations all around.

As the spell attempts to leach the swamp organics off of him, Mortimer looks at the swirling chaos around his boots in dismay.

We don't need to be clean for a night raid, do we? He slowly looks at Eri and manages to muster a sincere expression of gratitude.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7
Mort said wrote:
"He slowly looks at Eri and manages to muster a sincere expression of gratitude.”

sense motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

Any time Mort! Glad I could help! Ooh. I missed a spot. Hold still. Oh, yeh, that’s not coming out. Well, I’m sure no one will notice.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

GM Rolls:

1d20 ⇒ 14

As Chasah makes her way into the sky, the Mists threaten to dismiss her from your collective sight, some of which is very good. Fortunately, she begins a slow circling, to the south about a mile from your current position. At your current rate of travel, you stand roughly a half an hour's slog to whatever is catching the hawk's gaze.

From Tynan's tracking, it seems reasonable for the lizardfolk to have perimeter patrols this far from home.

It is setting sun, twilight beginning. The mangaroo trees have become more plentiful, leaving your already-impaired sight-lines further reduced. How do you continue, now?

Male Human Slayer 11

"Let's continue on for another twenty or so minutes, then Hourpen and I can scout ahead to get the lay of the land. Hopefully, we can find a fairly solid approach so you won't be mired down in the mud."

Tynan looks around the group for responses.

Male, Gnome

Ascaria keeps a light going on his headband and approaches with the group. ”Sounds good Tynan. Good plan. Try to stay close if you can though. No more than 80' or 90' away or so if you can manage it."

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
GM Rat Sass wrote:
The mangaroo trees have become more plentiful, leaving your already-impaired sight-lines further reduced.

Solrisa takes note of the phallic-like mangaroo trees and it suddenly dawns on her the irony of the "Twisted Stick" tribe name.

She giggles to herself while she waits to see what others want to do.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Mortimer grunts and nods, and begins striding plodding through the bog toward the twenty or so minutes goal.

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