GM Fyren's WotW Brimstone

Game Master Fyren

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Male Human Rogue/Monk | Init +2 Per +6 | AC 14/12/12 | HP 19/19 | F +3/R + 5/ W +2 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20; 10ft)

Thrown Dagger from Stealth (One range increment): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Damage: 1d4 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (3) = 10

Twigs' dagger soars wide, burying itself in a nearby pillow. "See? I bloomin' told you! We’re in a right ol’ two an eight, now! Put em in the dirt! Quick! Where'd that lazy ogre scarper off to?"

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10
Giltharon Doran wrote:

As everyone rushed inside, Gil looked back at the southern door with sudden realization "Didnt someone suggest barring the doors? Maybe..." Making a decision, he rushed over to the door, looking around for anything to use.

If nothing obvious presents itself, he will try jamming crossbow bolts underneath the door, if doing so will be of any use.

The southern door is a double move away... so rnd 1 would consist of you moving to the door (squares are 10' not 5'). Rnd 2, you can roll for a Disable Device check (-2 w/o proper tools) as your action if you like.

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

On the surprise round.
Malum quickly chants "Dispater, gives us strength to overcome our foes!"
The then touches Felrin [Virture +1 temp hp]

On the 1st round.
Malum gives a pep talk "Stab 'em in the leg, stab 'em in the eye, don't stop till ya here their mother's cry!"
Felrin feels inspired [+2 morale bonus to hit/saves/skill/ability checks for 1 rd]

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10
Malum the Forsaken wrote:
"Stab 'em in the leg, stab 'em in the eye, don't stop till ya here their mother's cry!"

hehe... you should have rolled a goblin Malum!

Male Elf Pirate Str: 9 Dex: 16 Con: 8 Int: 12 Wis: 13 Cha: 15

Okay, double move, Disable Device next round

Disable Device: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 - 2 = 21


Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10
Numair Alazario wrote:

cast daze on blue guard

Check your position on the map sir... don't believe you have line of sight to Barros, unless you plan on moving to your right and then cast Daze in Rnd 1?

NE Human Druid/2
Max hp 19 | Init +2 Per +7 | AC 15 (T: 12, FF: 13) | Fort +5 / Ref + 2 / Will +5 | CMB +5 CMD 17
Spells Prepared:
Orisons - Create Water, Guidance, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink | 1st - Cure Light Wounds, Shillelagh, Produce Flame

Round 1

Club: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Izabelle muscles past Felrin (into the square south of barros) and takes a big swing at the guard. The club cracks into him, leaving a deep bruise beneath his armor.

@ numair: I'll go after the blue one - daze somebody else.

Also, if I stand on top of those boxes, can I get a higher ground bonus?

Male Human Wizard 2 (Enchanter) Init +2, Per +1/+3, AC 12, TAC 12, FFAC 10, HP 14, Fort +2 / Ref +2 / Will +4
GM Fyren wrote:
Numair Alazario wrote:

cast daze on blue guard
Check your position on the map sir... don't believe you have line of sight to Barros, unless you plan on moving to your right and then cast Daze in Rnd 1?

Right you are ... make it Onam, who I should be able to see.

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10
Izabelle Moon wrote:

Also, if I stand on top of those boxes, can I get a higher ground bonus?

You can if you would like to pass a DC12 acrobatics check every round to stop falling off of a footlocker while engaged in combat. Think 2.5 foot by 2 foot footlocker with you standing on top of it... usually combat wouldn't be static - i.e. you would be ducking, weaving, shuffling your feet around which is why you get about a 5 sq foot area around yourself for your character. You'd be climbing on top of a box and wanting to stay on top of the box while making sure you don't fall off... ;)

Now a BED would be a different story... it's a lot bigger...

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

Just checking everyone's actions, I need rnd 1 move/action for Twigs (I'm assuming the missed dagger throw was the surprise round action) and I'll give Felrin until tonight to see if he has a cell signal to post as he had indicated he was going to be away. If not, I'll make the most logical action for him considering he has buffs from Malum. Either way, I'll post Round 1 summary by tonight at the latest.

Male Human Rogue/Monk | Init +2 Per +6 | AC 14/12/12 | HP 19/19 | F +3/R + 5/ W +2 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20; 10ft)

Twigs will hesitate only a little as he dashes into the room after Sabel, his knife burying itself in Garret's shoulder. That's two wounded and one dazed, by my count. Sorry about the wait, the computers at my university like to boot you off at hourly intervals and my post was eaten earlier.

Dagger: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Damage: 1d4 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (4) = 8

map | M Tiefling Inquisitor (Heretic) 7 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +9 | Ref +6 | Will +11 | Init +8 | Perc +17

Not much signal (I'm in Glacier National Park), just lost my post, so I'll summarize instead. In the surprise round, Felrin will step to the closest sleeping guard and coup de grace him. In round 1, he'll coup de grace the next one, if he can do so without being attacked. If there's a conscious opponent too close to allow a CdG in round 1, he'll attack that conscious opponent.

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

Current Time 1:40 am
Map at End of Rnd 1

Round 1 Summary

Opening the door, Giltharon scampers to the back of the dining area close to the southern door under the guise of wanting to prevent anyone from flanking the group and to try and jam the door from opening.

As soon as the others see the door open, they spring into action. Numair mutters a quick incantation under his breath and points a finger at one of the guards who suddenly becomes listless. Onam is dazed for round 1.

Izabelle imbues herself with her inner strength and charges forward, growling with an animal like fury. There's a resounding *crack* as her club catches Barros square in the chest and almost levels him.

Not one to be left behind, the gangly rogue chucks a dagger at one of the guards missing wildly and follows Izabelle into the room. Glancing at the three guards close to him, he picks the one in the middle and moves up to him, sticking his dagger deep in the guard's shoulder.

Taking advantage of his inattention, the guard wounded by the druid swings at Twigs... AoO for Barros as Twigs moves past him
Attack Twigs, longsword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Critical?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
...take THAT, ya filthy scum! as the sword slices deep into Twigs' armor and opens a deep gash in his side.

Meanwhile, Malum shouts words of encouragement at Felrin who sprints into action and quickly kills off two of the sleeping guards.

Looks like it's the whole bloody lot o' them! hollers Pelar as he kicks the cot nearest to him, waking up the sleeping guards. Git yer arse's up, ya lazy lot... we got company! He holds his sword out in front of him, ready to catch the first prisoner that comes within his range.

Garret, stinging from Twigs' attack, lashes out at the rogue in retaliation...
Attack Twigs, longsword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

...but the pain in his shoulder numbs his sword arm causing a slow, inaccurate swing that Twigs easily ducks under.

Barros staggers on his feet but shakily holds up his sword arm trying to fend off any more attacks as he looks about wildly for a way out of the room.

Guard HPs:
Pelar 13/13, Barros 2/13, Garret 5/13, Onam 13/13

End of Round 1. Go ahead and post for Round 2. Numair - noticed, you did not have any move/actions for Round 1 so if you like you can post for round 1 AND 2. The two sleeping guards on the left are now awake but unarmed and unarmored. Their stats are the same as the others with the exception of AC which is 15 instead of 17. They will arm themselves in round 2 but will not be armored. If you plan on attacking either of them, please specify whether it's the one to the south or the north. I'll colour the mooks next round.

Since one of you is finally bloodied, I'll list your current hp in my header for easy reference.

Male Human Rogue/Monk | Init +2 Per +6 | AC 14/12/12 | HP 19/19 | F +3/R + 5/ W +2 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20; 10ft)

An AoO? I was under the impression that they hadn't acted yet, and were thus flat-footed and can't take any. If Twigs is truly wounded I'll take a withdraw action, but let me know.

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

Malum Round 2
Malum quickly moves into the room behind Twigs & Izabelle. Holding his right hand aloft it pulses with evil red power (channel evil).
"Dispater, allow your bountiful power to flow through me and grace our allies and curse our foes!"
Channel Evil DC 12 1d4 ⇒ 4 heal for evil & damage & sicken for good.
Pelar Will Save 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13 takes 2 pts
Barros Will Save 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8 takes 4 pts and is sickened
Garret Will Save 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14 takes 2 pts
Onam Will Save 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10 takes 4 pts and is sickened
Yellow 1 (north) Will Save 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4 takes 4 pts and is sickened
Yellow 2 (south) Will Save 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17 takes 2 pts
Twigs heals for 4pts

Woot nice, 20pts of dmg and 4pts of healing all in one!
Oops, those sickened are affected for 1d4 ⇒ 3 rounds.

Male Human Wizard 2 (Enchanter) Init +2, Per +1/+3, AC 12, TAC 12, FFAC 10, HP 14, Fort +2 / Ref +2 / Will +4

After casting his spell, Numair sidesteps a small bit to get a better view of the room and it's occupants. Round 1 5' step to the right

Seeing the guards lay in to Twigs, Numair hopes Felrin can take care of Onam and he targets Garret to keep the rogue from getting slaughtered. Daze on the green guard

Garret save DC 15 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

Unfortunately, this guard's will is stronger than the rest, and he shrugs off Numair's enchantment.

Male Elf Pirate Str: 9 Dex: 16 Con: 8 Int: 12 Wis: 13 Cha: 15

Gil Round 2

Grabbing a crossbow bolt, Gil jammed the missile into the lock, pulling it violently upwards before jamming it sideways. The sound emanating from within caused a satisfied smirk to settle on his lips "That should hold it for now."

Assuming my Disable Device roll of 21 was sufficient to jam the door.

Heres Gils Round 3

Even so, it never hurt to be safe. Moving to the nearest table he tried to haul it in front of the door...

Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

...but found it far to heavy to easily move. With an annoyed sneer he yelled for Jack "Jack where are you, get in here and help me!"

Kinda surprised Jack isnt here, I mean its not like our characters would just leave him standing in the other room...especially when he was part of our consideration for taking the risk : /

map | M Tiefling Inquisitor (Heretic) 7 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +9 | Ref +6 | Will +11 | Init +8 | Perc +17

Round 2

Felrin steps over the bodies of the two guards he's just killed, joining the ranks of his companions fighting the armed and armored ones. He swings his leather club into Onam's face, fetching him a painful blow.

Move to square between Twigs and northernmost of the guards Felrin killed, attack Onam.

Leather Club Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Leather Club Damage (2H, non-lethal): 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Male Human Rogue/Monk | Init +2 Per +6 | AC 14/12/12 | HP 19/19 | F +3/R + 5/ W +2 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20; 10ft)

Round 2 - big night i dont want to delay things, will jab at Garret, 5 ft step past and attack Pelar (and hopefully set up a flank for next round)
Two Weapon Fighting (fist): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Two Weapon Fighting (dagger): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Confirm: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 11

Twigs will jab at Garret, and unable to get past his guard instead barrels past him and buries his knife in Pelar's Chest. Hp: 0/13 (staggered)

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10
Two-Shiv Twigs wrote:
An AoO? I was under the impression that they hadn't acted yet, and were thus flat-footed and can't take any. If Twigs is truly wounded I'll take a withdraw action, but let me know.

doh... my bad... that's what I get for rushing the round and posting earlier than normal. Mistook surprise round as round 1 and this as the subsequent round. No need for the withdraw, I'll fix the hp

Also, Pelar is dead, along with Onam and Barros - no-name cannon fodders such as generic guards die at 0 hp when I DM instead of being staggered. ;) Garret is at 3 hp

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10
Giltharon Doran wrote:

Gil Round 2

Kinda surprised Jack isnt here, I mean its not like our characters would just leave him standing in the other room...especially when he was part of our consideration for taking the risk : /

ohhhh he's around. He found... 'other' entertainment. You were the one he was somewhat bonded to and when he was hanging out around the back of the admin office, Gil took the lead and went to the front of the group when you folks all crossed back over as Gil lined up by the north door ready to open it. He likely saw everyone moving back and forth, shrugged his shoulders... and figured he'd carve his own path. He's not far ;) The sound of fighting might even draw him back.

Male Elf Pirate Str: 9 Dex: 16 Con: 8 Int: 12 Wis: 13 Cha: 15

Luls, stupid ogres.

NE Human Druid/2
Max hp 19 | Init +2 Per +7 | AC 15 (T: 12, FF: 13) | Fort +5 / Ref + 2 / Will +5 | CMB +5 CMD 17
Spells Prepared:
Orisons - Create Water, Guidance, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink | 1st - Cure Light Wounds, Shillelagh, Produce Flame

Sorry for late post; Blue and Green are down, yeah? In that case...

Round 2

Izabelle stumbles over the boxes as she steps forward to engage with Pelar, causing her swing to miss by a wide margin.


Club: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

If Guards Stand:

Izabelle gets an AoO against one of them (The southern one).
Club: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 +4 additional melee vs prone?
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

If she connects, she deals enough to drop him to 0 with a solid whack.

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10
Izabelle Moon wrote:

Sorry for late post; Blue and Green are down, yeah? In that case...

Blue, Orange and Pink are down (Pink had a readied action with the sword whenever someone came into range though so he is going to get a swing at Twigs before Twigs' attack kills him). Green (Garret) is still up with 3 hp. North Yellow Guard (Yarblek) is sickened and has 9 hp, South Yellow Guard (who'll be coloured Gray and called Gregoric) is not sickened and has 0 hp left, after the AoO. The guard Felrin downed is actually unconscious rather than dead but can be treated as a goner unless you folks want to revive him. I'll summarize the round in a bit.

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

Map - End of Rnd 2

Current Time 1:40 am
Rnd 2 Summarized

The unholy cleric of Dispater steps into the room and spreads forth his evil miasma, much to the joy of his companions. The guards in the room flinch and retch as the evil aura overpowers them.

You think you hear something that sounds like a whispery chuckle... almost like a snake slithering on a rough surface. my, my aren't we eager... but you have a long way to go yet. Do you think your power will last you that long?

Not one to take chances, Numair hovers just outside the room trying to have his spells affect another guard. Garret stands still for a moment, but then shrugs off the lethargy, his eyes open and alert.

Giltharon continues his quest to block the southern door, oblivious to the fact that the exit out of the dining area is also wide open and makes for easy access for reinforcements. Jamming a bolt under the door, he snaps it off and tests to door to ensure it will take anyone on the other side at least a few moments to unstick and open it.

Felrin continues his lethal rampage and brings down Onam with a resounding crack, smiling viciously to himself.

Twigs jabs at Garret, but unable to get past his guard instead barrels past him towards Pelar who stands with his sword ready. Pelar hefts the sword up over his head and brings it down on Twigs in a vicious overhand arc hoping to split the poor rogue's skull...
Pelar atk longsword vs Twigs AC14: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Twigs at 3/11 hp
...Twigs' twists his body away at the last second, avoiding a lethal blow but the sword catches him down his cheek and cuts deep into a shoulder. Howling in pain, the rogue plunges his dagger into Pelar's chest as he tries to recover from his overextended swing. The weapon catches his heart and the guard collapses soundlessly forward.

Izabelle steps forward and swings at the already dead guard for good measure, ensuring his demise. Noticing the guard behind her starting to stand, she spins back and clubs him as well. Gregoric falls back on his bed, down for the count.

Sensing the battle turning against them, Garret swings desperately at the druid hoping to pin her between him and Yarblek who stands and grabs a sword ready to defend himself.

Garret longswrd atk vs Izzy AC14: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Izzy at 5/11hp

End of Rnd 2. Go ahead and post your actions for Rnd 3. Yarblek is armed and defending at 9 hp (sickened). Garret is still up at 3 hp (not-sickened). The rest are down for the count.

Secondary Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 10

NE Human Druid/2
Max hp 19 | Init +2 Per +7 | AC 15 (T: 12, FF: 13) | Fort +5 / Ref + 2 / Will +5 | CMB +5 CMD 17
Spells Prepared:
Orisons - Create Water, Guidance, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink | 1st - Cure Light Wounds, Shillelagh, Produce Flame

Round 3

Sabel howls in pain as Garret slashes at her back, twisting violently as she turns away from the blow and backs up onto the boxes. 5-ft step southward onto the boxes.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

As she steps up, she brings her club around in a lethal backhand, catching Yarblek on the jaw. The blow sends spikes of pain through the guardsman's body, and he hits the wall with a thud.

Club: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Confirmation: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

map | M Tiefling Inquisitor (Heretic) 7 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +9 | Ref +6 | Will +11 | Init +8 | Perc +17

Felrin sees Garret drive his blade into Sabel's side and says "No more of that you."

He swings his club at Garret's head the way a very large, fierce child might swing a stick at a ball to send it over the horizon.

Leather Club Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Human Wizard 2 (Enchanter) Init +2, Per +1/+3, AC 12, TAC 12, FFAC 10, HP 14, Fort +2 / Ref +2 / Will +4

"Well, you folks seem to have matters well in hand. Gil, can you try and locate our large friend? If we wish to repeat this exercise, he may want to join this time."

That takes care of all of them, right?

Moving up a bit, Numair notes, "The longswords may come on handy for those of you who can wield them correctly. So, the other door? Or a breather first?"

Male Human Rogue/Monk | Init +2 Per +6 | AC 14/12/12 | HP 19/19 | F +3/R + 5/ W +2 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20; 10ft)

If Felrin takes a five foot step he can flank with Twigs and that will be a hit.

If not...: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Goodbye Garret

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

Combat ends for now. Resume posting as normal folks. If you're healing etc. please ensure you make a post about it so I can change the hps in my header.

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

Malum will gather Izabelle and Twigs close and will channel evil to heal them.
"Dispater, allow these worth folks to heal their wounds for the upcoming battles!
Channel Evil 1d4 ⇒ 3 pts of healing for Twigs and Izabelle.

Male Elf Pirate Str: 9 Dex: 16 Con: 8 Int: 12 Wis: 13 Cha: 15

Gil simply nodded at Numairs request, leaving the table where it was and slinking into the hallway to look for their lost lumbering associate.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

As far as I can tell, Gil is one of the few who can actually use a longsword, so he will grab one of them.

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

As you enter the now-familiar hallway, and look up and down the length of the passage, you notice the double doors on the north end of the hallway are now open. Grumblejack isn't in the hallway - could he have gone up the stairs...? Or out the doors...?

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

After lightly healing Twigs & Izabelle, Malum will root around in the guards belongings to get a guard uniform to replace his prison rags. And some quick looting into whatever chests or boxes the guards use for their personal possessions.
Malum will keep an eye out for any 'tools' that could assist those trying to open secured locks ~ Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
sigh, apparently Malum doesn't recognize lockpicks if they went and bit him...

NE Human Druid/2
Max hp 19 | Init +2 Per +7 | AC 15 (T: 12, FF: 13) | Fort +5 / Ref + 2 / Will +5 | CMB +5 CMD 17
Spells Prepared:
Orisons - Create Water, Guidance, Virtue, Purify Food and Drink | 1st - Cure Light Wounds, Shillelagh, Produce Flame

Izabelle heads back out into the corridor after Gil, smiling as she sees the double-doors. "Somebody's eager."

"We should give chase-" Izabelle says. "If we want to keep our new ally. Even an ogre can get overwhelmed."

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

Current Time 1:45 am

The guards had longswords and 2 crossbows along with leather armor and clothing between the eight of them. At this time, I'll assume everyone who wants leather armor has one and everyone is dressed in a set of guard attire rather than rags.

Malum looks through the footlockers. Two appear to be locked, the rest are open and contain personal effects of the guards - letters, mementos, a few coins (about 4 gp in silver and copper pieces). Nothing that resembles lockpicks unfortunately.

Giltharon and Izabelle head out to the hallway while the rest of the prisoners regroup to discuss their next steps.

4 folks agreeing decide where you go next. Note that the southern door is 'stuck' due to Giltharon's DD but can be 'unstuck' in 2-3 minutes with a concerted effort. There is also a guard still alive amongst the lot you just fought but he's out cold and likely will remain so for the next few hours unless revived.

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

Oops, I didn't realize there was still one alive... he would take damage from the Channel Energy.
Guard Save DC 12 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13 for 1 pt of damage.

I may have missed it, Malum will give a quick count on the number of footlockers/beds to see how many guards this barracks holds, and how many are unaccounted for.

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

Eight beds, 16 footlockers with other assorted clothing, knickknacks etc. in neat piles around the room. It's a big castle/prison... this might not be the only barracks/sleeping area... just sayin' ;)

map | M Tiefling Inquisitor (Heretic) 7 | HP 66/66 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 25 | Fort +9 | Ref +6 | Will +11 | Init +8 | Perc +17

After Malum checks the footlockers and determines that two of them are locked, Felrin moves over to one of the locked ones. He wedges one of them against the wall and wraps his fingers through the ring handle on the front of the box. He gives a firm tug and says, "With the right tools, I could pop this open in a trice. But I think I can get it open another way." He sets his shoulders and gives a much harder pull, tearing the lock loose from its moorings and opening the chest. He then takes a look inside.

Strength check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Strength check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Second roll beats the DC for a small chest (17) by 7, and beats the treasure chest DC of 23 by 1. That oughta do it.

He then turns to the remaining locked box. Having learned the trick of it, he shoves it against the wall, kicks a foot against it to hold it in place, and rips it open one-handed before examining the contents.

Strength check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

note to self - group never checks for traps... oh how I love these rash hoodlums. We're going to have sooooo much fun down the road youz and I'z... :D mwahaha. I'll post the contents later tonight.

Male Human Wizard 2 (Enchanter) Init +2, Per +1/+3, AC 12, TAC 12, FFAC 10, HP 14, Fort +2 / Ref +2 / Will +4

Numair will step into the room, and seeing the others rooting through footlockers, will mention, "Allow me to check these items for magical auras. Though I doubt these men had anything like that, one never knows."

Numair enchants a few words, and begins looking at weapons and belongings for any telltale signs of enchantment.

Male Elf Pirate Str: 9 Dex: 16 Con: 8 Int: 12 Wis: 13 Cha: 15

Seeing the double doors open, Gil rushed towards them, quickly looking outside to see if Jack was nearby.

If Jack is there...

Spotting the ogre he hissed a whispered yell at the brute "Jack, get back here, youre missing all the fighting!"

If Jack isnt there...

Finding no trace of the brute, he quickly ducked back inside, closing the doors behind him. Moving to the office room, he looked inside "Jack?"

Male Human Rogue/Monk | Init +2 Per +6 | AC 14/12/12 | HP 19/19 | F +3/R + 5/ W +2 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20; 10ft)

Twigs nurses his wounds with a sullen glare at Gil as he the half-elf slinks out of the room. "'ere. Let's storm the bloody barracks, 'e says! Don't mind me, mates. I'll be rearranging the bloody furniature! Wots he tryin' to pull, anyway, gettin' us killed?" The man falls silent, helping to relieve the dead guards of their valuables and helping Felrin pry open the chests. "I says no more wastin' time! Let's get after 'im."

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

1:45 am

Giltharon peeks out the double doors but doesn't spot the ogre...Giltharon Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12... or hear the ogre out and about under the dreary night sky. He shrugs, closes the double doors and heads back in.

Checking the office, he finds it much as it was left - in a state of disarray - papers strewn about... but no sign of Grumblejack.

Meanwhile, back in the sleeping quarters, a sulky Twigs helps Felrin and Numair rifle through the personal effects of the guards. Felrin makes short work of the two locked footlockers.

The first one yields a shiny holy symbol of Mitra, perhaps made out of some valuable metal? DC12 to appraise. Before you roll, please see comments at the end of post on how we'll determine item values. and what appears to be Pelar's personal journal. Skimming through it, it appears to describe his daily life at Branderscar - the food is terrible, guards are lazy etc. Reading it completely will take another 5 mins, say so if someone wants to read a diary during a breakout

The second footlocker contains a short sword, a sheaf of papers. Majority of it seems to be correspondence between someone called Joram and Lil. The theme appears to be them professing their love for each other and their plans for the future. Reading it thoroughly will take 5 mins as well. Again, state if you want to take the time to do this. Tucked away in a corner of the chest is also a small vial containing a creamy white liquid. Unfortunately, Numair's spell detects nothing magical about this or any of the other items in the room.

FYI - scrolls and potions (creamy white liquid) will *not* glow when detecting magic. However, they can be examined with an appropriate knowledge, arcane or spellcraft check to determine what they are (or Read Magic for scrolls would work as well).
As far as determining the value of what you find, here's how it'll work - the person with the highest appraise skill can make a roll with his/her modifier. The rest can Aid Another with their own skill/modifiers. Guidance and other spells can also be used. If you pass the DC check for the item, you know what it's worth - if not... go ask someone ;)

Male Human Wizard 2 (Enchanter) Init +2, Per +1/+3, AC 12, TAC 12, FFAC 10, HP 14, Fort +2 / Ref +2 / Will +4

Numair holds the vial of liquid, trying to ascertain what it could potentially be ...

knowledge arcana 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
spellcraft 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

wow ... just wow

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

a ONE?!?! You should definitely try tasting a drop of it then... hehe ;)

Examining the liquid, Numair thinks he vaguely remembers the Mitrans using something similar on their students back when he was being 're-educated' to the Mitran way of life... but it is a fleeting memory, one that he can't recall or grasp firmly.

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

Malum will grab the papers of Joram and Lil, and he will cut the lips off one of the guards (preferably Joram), so he can send dear Lil the 'lips that kissed her' as a present after the escape. After all, don't women want little tokens of their loved ones? :)

After that, Malum will be ready to move out. Assuming Gil has returned, "Oh oh, this can't be good, no sign of 'Jack? Should we finish off whoever is to the south and then look for him, or look for him and then finish off those to the south? Or should we count our starts and just try and get out of here?"

Apparently Malum is the one with Appraise... so
Appraise check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

Malum will grab a crossbow and bolts from the dead guards.

Felrin 19/19, Giltharon 16 (-5 non-lethal)/16, Izabelle 16/19, Malum 17/17, Numair 11/14, Twigs 19/19
Avingen12/17, Gregor 5/15, Darvik 6/9, Morlos 9/9, Jax 0/7, Jasper 11/11, Charlie 5/10

I don't recall you folks slaughtering anyone called Joram, do you? You'd pass the check - feel free to handle and examine the holy symbol of Mitra so I can tell you its value Dispater's Favored one... :D

Male Tiefling Cleric 2 (Fiendish Vessel), HP 17/17, AC 13, F+4, R+1, W+6, Init +1, Perc +5, 7/day channels

Malum handles the holy symbol of Mitra carefully using a glove or some sort of cloth to turn it this way and that, examining how it shines and sparkles in the light.

As for Joram, he might have been one of the 2 fellows that Felrin dispatched in their sleep... :)

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