Waldham |

Hello, I have a question about dragging strike feat ?
You aim your weapon to snag a foe's armor, clothing, or flesh to pull them closer. Make a melee Strike. If you hit a target that is your size or smaller, that creature is flat-footed until the end of your current turn, and you can move it 5 feet toward you. When you move the creature, you can move the same distance in the same direction as it, even if you're adjacent to the target. This movement doesn't trigger reactions.
This Strike has the following failure effect.
Failure The target becomes flat-footed until the end of your current turn.
Does it mean that you can enter in the space of the opponent ?
Thanks for your future answer.

Finoan |

I dont understand :"you can move the same distance in the same direction as it, even if you're adjacent to the target"
If you start out adjacent to the enemy, then move the target 5 feet towards you and also move yourself 5 feet in the same direction...
Then you are not sharing a space when you are finished. The enemy occupies the space that you started in, but you are in a different space which happens to still be adjacent to them.
It is a very similar thing that happens when using the Shove action. You can either shove the enemy away from you, or shove them and follow them to stay adjacent.
With Snagging Strike, you can - if the enemy is far enough away and you are using a reach weapon - pull them to be closer to you without moving yourself, or pull them towards yourself and move yourself out of the way as they arrive.
Snagging Strike does not override the rule that you cannot share a space with another creature during combat.