Hello, I have a question about Cultivator's Keen Eye. Quote:
For example, for a wish ritual, it replace a gem in a marquise cut worth 100,000 gp by a cultivation material ? So is it as a quest to replace the gem with a cultivation material but the character hasn't need to spend money ? For clone ritual, is it possible to replace the rare laboratory supplies and reagents worth the target’s level (minimum 1) × 100 gp by a cultivation material ? Thanks for your future answer.
Or at least to convert an energy damage in an other energy damage type ? For example, convert a spell or an effect that makes electricy damage in fire damage ? Thanks for your future help.
Hello, I have a question about sturztromer with landslide ability that can buried a creature as in an avalanche. Quote: Buried creatures take minor bludgeoning damage each minute, and they potentially take minor cold damage if buried under an avalanche of snow. At the GM's discretion, creatures without a sufficient air pocket could also risk suffocation (Player Core 437). A buried creature is restrained and usually can't free itself. What is the value for the minor bludgeonig damage ? Is it enough to suffocate or not ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, is it possible to summon a version of a creature more powerful ? For example, with a summon animal heightened to 7th, a character can summon a creature with a level 9 max : Giant Anaconda CR 8. With a summon animal heightened to 10th, is it possible to summon a giant anaconda with a CR 15 ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have a question about Clinging Bubbles. Quote: You dip the wand in the solution and blow on it. An improbably large cloud of bubbles emerges in a square adjacent to you. This cloud travels in a straight line, moving 10 feet at the end of your turns. The bubbles are thick and sticky, and any creature who enters the same space as the bubble cloud becomes shrouded in them, taking a –5-foot circumstance penalty to its Speed. A creature covered in bubbles can use an Interact action to pop the bubbles and remove the penalty. If the cloud travels and moving in the space of the creature, does the creature take a -5 foot circumstance penalty to its Speed ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have questions to create a swarm that walks with a worm that walks and other existing swarms. You can turn an existing evil, living, spellcasting creature into a worm that walks A worm that walks loses any abilities that came from its previous physical form and any traits that represent its life, such as human and humanoid. It retains any spellcasting abilities it had in life, regardless of their origin, and gains the abilities listed below. Fast Healing, Resistances, Weakness with the HD Darkvision Tremorsense 30 feet (imprecise) Immunities disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, and unconscious. Swarm mind ability, which makes them immune to mental effects that target a specific number of creatures, though they are still subject to mental effects that affect all creatures in an area. All-Around Vision Discorporate Tendril Squirming Embrace [one-action] {Is it in the two shapes : humanoid, swarm ? Swarm Shape [one-action] (concentrate) Quote:
Army ant swarm Quote: Cling [reaction] Trigger A creature leaves the swarm's space; Effect The swarm takes 1d6 damage as ants cling to the creature and continue biting, dealing 3d6 persistent piercing damage. High winds or immersion in water reduces the DC of the flat check to end this persistent damage to 5. Any area damage dealt to the creature destroys these clinging ants. Quote: Swarming Bites [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 3d6 piercing damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes clumsy 1 for 1 round. If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied. The king of biting Ants Quote: Squirming Embrace [one-action] The King of Biting Ants Strides to a creature, ends his movement sharing a space with it, and deals 3d8 piercing damage and 3d8 poison damage to it (DC 39 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save also takes 2d8 persistent piercing damage. Quote: Swarming Bites While a creature is taking persistent piercing damage from the King of Biting Ants's tendril Strike or Squirming Embrace, or while within a visions of danger area that it has not disbelieved, it is also clumsy 1. If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied. 1/For swarming bites and squirming embrace from the king, does it come from swarming bites and cling of army ant ? Brood Leech swarm
Quote: Blood Draining Bites [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d6 bleed damage and is exposed to brood leech swarm venom.Brood Leech Swarm Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 21 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 clumsy 1, sickened 1, and –5-foot status penalty to Speed (1 round); Stage 2 clumsy 1, sickened 1, and –10-foot status penalty to Speed (1 round) 2/Brood leech swarm in Brood leech that walks ? weakness salt in addition ? damage ? Hellwasp Swarm in Hellswasp that walks/flies ? weakness fire in addition ? damage ? abilities ?
3/A piranha swarm in a piranha that swims ? Bloodsense ? Damages (piercing and persistent bleed) ? Quote:
Hello, I have question about recall knowledge (concentrate) and rage from a barbarian. It's not possible for a barbarian to use a weapon with a cunning rune. Envision is a concentrate action, is it right ? It's not possible to use the free action with envision from the cunning rune. With moment of clarity feat, envision and recall knowledge will use an action, is it correct ? There are no mean to give a rage trait for a recall knowledge ? Thanks for the future help.
Hello, I have questions about Corrosive and Decaying Runes. Corrosive :
Quote: When you hit with the weapon, add 1d6 acid damage to the damage dealt. In addition, on a critical hit, the target's armor (if any) takes 3d6 acid damage (before applying Hardness); if the target has a shield raised, the shield takes this damage instead. Decaying : Quote: When you hit with the weapon, add 1d4 void damage to the damage dealt. In addition, on a critical hit, the target takes 2d4 persistent void damage; if the target has a shield raised, the shield takes the same amount of persistent damage (its wielder rolls the flat check to see if the persistent damage ends, or the GM rolls if the shield is no longer in someone's possession). Unlike normal void damage, the void damage from a decaying rune damages objects, constructs, and the like by eroding them away. 1/ For the decaying rune, doesn't the target's amor take void damage ? 2/ Is it possible to obtain the broken condition on an armor ? 3/ A status penalty to AC from broken condition for an armor isn't cumulative with the status penalty from a clumsy condition, is it right ? 4/ A greater decaying rune ignores the immunity to void for the constructs, is it right ?
Thanks for your future answer.
So with Exultant Blood Magic :
Quote: Increase the spell slots you gain from the bloodrager archetype feats by 1 for each spell rank. A Blood rager at 20th level has 2 1st-rank spell slot, 2 2nd-rank spell slot, 3rd-rank spell slot, 4th-rank spell slot, 5th-rank spell slot, 6th-rank spell, 2 7th-rank spell slot, 2 8th-rank spell slot, is it right ? Quote: You gain a spell repertoire with two cantrips of your choice, from either the arcane or divine spell list. So th bloodrager can have a signature spell, is it right ? Can the bloodrager learn a spell ?
Hello, I have a question about doomed condition. Quote: The dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. If your maximum dying value is reduced to 0, you instantly die. If a creature has a doomed value of 4, does the creature instantly die even if it still has Hit Points ? For example, Bandit's doom gives doomed 1, 2, or 3. Is it possible to improve the value condition ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have question about Bloodrager archetype. Bloodrage :
Split shot : Quote: You fragment a ranged spell into a pair of smaller shots. If your next action is to Cast a Spell without a duration that requires an attack roll against a single target and has no effect beyond dealing damage, you roll a single attack roll and compare the result to the AC of two targets within the spell's range. The spell deals only half its usual damage to each target. This counts as one attack for your multiple attack penalty. 1/ Does the additional damage from rage to that spell divide in half for each target ? Or add to half its usual damage to each target ? For example ignition does dealing 2d4 fire damage on a hit.Target 1 : 1d4 fire + 1 (additional damage from rage) or 1d4 + 2 (additional from rage) Target 2 : 1d4 fire + 1 (additional damage from rage) or 1d4 + 2 (additional from rage) 2/ So if the character failed on a spell attack roll, but not a critical failure, the spell does the additional damage from Rage, is it right ? 3/Rising blood magic :
Quote: In addition, when you Cast a Spell from your repertoire and you are at least drained 1, increase the extra damage dealt by that spell from Rage by 1. Surging Blood Magic : Quote:
1 (from Rising Blood if at least drained 1) + 2 (from Surging Drained Blood if at least drained 2) = 3, is it right ? 4/ Exultant Blood Magic :
Quote: In addition, when you Cast a Spell from your repertoire and you are at least drained 2, double the extra damage dealt by that spell from Rage instead. Additional damage from rage : [8 (greater specialization) + 3 (surging blood magic and at least drained 2)] * 2 (Exultant Blood Magic, at least drained 2) = + 22 Is it right ?5/ So with a Spell that requires a spell attack roll while raging, even on a failure : 22 damage guaranteed on a target, is it right ? 6/ Does the additional damage from Rage have a type or no ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have questions about the bloodrager. Bloodrager dedication :
Quote: You become trained in Arcana if you chose arcane cantrips or Religion if you chose divine cantrips. Surging Blood Magic : Quote: Prerequisites Rising Blood Magic; master in Religion or Occultism, depending on your chosen tradition Exultant Blood Magic : Quote: Prerequisites Surging Blood Magic; legendary in Religion or Occultism, depending on your chosen tradition Is it an error for the surging blood magic and exultant blood magic feats ? Is it Arcane instead Occultism for the prerequisites ?Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have question about Pathfinder Agent archetype. Pathfinder Agent Dedication (2) :
Quote: When using a skill untrained, your proficiency bonus is equal to your level instead of 0. Watch and Learn (4) : reaction Quote:
1/Watch and learn feat is useless because you have already the proficiency bonus equal to our level with pathfinder agent dedication, no ? Remember You Training (4) : 1/day
Quote: Attempt a check to Recall Knowledge about a creature you can see, adding your level as a proficiency bonus if you are untrained (rather than 0). If you roll a failure (but not a critical failure) on this check, you get a success instead. 2/ bonus proficiency from Remember your training feat is useless because you have already the proficiency bonus equal to our level with pathfinder agent dedication, no ? Except for failure becomes a success. Thorough Reports (4) (skill):
Quote: Keep track of each type of creature you successfully identify with Recall Knowledge. When attempting Recall Knowledge checks against creatures on your list in later encounters, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and you learn an additional fact about such creatures on a success. Discerning Strike (1 action) : Quote:
Diverse Recognition (8) (skill) : Free action 1/round Quote:
3/ Does the check for its different kind of creature using the same skill with normal DC ? Not retry ? A different kind of creature must have the same type, is it right ? Recognize Threat (8) (skill) : Free action
Educated Assessment (12) : 1 action Quote: You attempt to Recall Knowledge about a creature, and the GM uses the same secret roll result against the creature’s Deception or Stealth DC, giving you the information from a Battle Assessment. You might get a different degree of success on the Recall Knowledge check than what you get for the Battle Assessment. If you have the Battle Assessment feat, you gain the effects of Educated Assessment whenever you Recall Knowledge (such as with the Automatic Knowledge feat). Swordmaster Dedication (U) (6) Quote: Prerequisites Strength 14, Dexterity 14, or Constitution 14; member of the Pathfinder Society affiliated with the School of Swords Recollect Studies (12) (skill) : 1 action Quote:
4/ You can't use educated assessment feat in the same time that recollect studies because the feats need an action each ? Scrollmaster Dedication (U)(6) :
Innate Magic Intuition (8) : Quote: The first time you successfully Recall Knowledge to identify a creature, in addition to any information you learn from your successful check, you learn the names of three of the highest-level innate spells it can cast, and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your next save against an innate spell cast by that creature. Bestiary Scholar (10) : Quote:
Font of Knowledge (10) : Quote: When you know about something, you know about it in great detail. When you succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, you gain additional information or context. When you critically succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, at the GM’s discretion, you might gain even more additional information or context than normal. Clever improviser (5) : human ancestry feat Quote: You gain the Untrained Improvisation general feat. In addition, you can attempt skill actions that normally require you to be trained, even if you are untrained. 5/ Is it possible to attempt skill actions required to be trained with the bonus proficiency=level with clever improviser and pathfinder agent dedication feats ? Incredible improvisation (9) : free action 1/day
Sanctuary Samsaran Quote:
Marshal archetype : STRATEGIST STANCE [one-action] (4):Quote:
KNOW YOUR ENEMY [one-action] (8): Quote:
6/ Are there feats useless ? 7/ Other heritage, feats, items, spells useful ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have a question about goo grenade. Quote: The target can end any penalties, conditions, and persistent damage caused by the bomb by Escaping or spending a total of 3 Interact actions to pry themselves free of the ooze. These Interact actions don't have to be consecutive, and other creatures can provide the actions as well. Escaping, is it also for circumstance penalty to its Speeds ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have question about Pathfinder Agent archetype. Pathfinder Agent Dedication (2) :
Quote: When using a skill untrained, your proficiency bonus is equal to your level instead of 0. Watch and Learn (4) : reaction Quote:
1/Watch and learn feat is useless because you have already the proficiency bonus equal to our level with pathfinder agent dedication, no ? Remember You Training (4) : 1/day
Quote: Attempt a check to Recall Knowledge about a creature you can see, adding your level as a proficiency bonus if you are untrained (rather than 0). If you roll a failure (but not a critical failure) on this check, you get a success instead. 2/ bonus proficiency from Remember your training feat is useless because you have already the proficiency bonus equal to our level with pathfinder agent dedication, no ? Except for failure becomes a success. Thorough Reports (4) (skill):
Quote: Keep track of each type of creature you successfully identify with Recall Knowledge. When attempting Recall Knowledge checks against creatures on your list in later encounters, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and you learn an additional fact about such creatures on a success. Discerning Strike (1 action) : Quote:
Diverse Recognition (8) (skill) : Free action 1/round Quote:
3/ Does the check for its different kind of creature using the same skill with normal DC ? Not retry ? A different kind of creature must have the same type, is it right ? Recognize Threat (8) (skill) : Free action
Educated Assessment (12) : 1 action Quote: You attempt to Recall Knowledge about a creature, and the GM uses the same secret roll result against the creature’s Deception or Stealth DC, giving you the information from a Battle Assessment. You might get a different degree of success on the Recall Knowledge check than what you get for the Battle Assessment. If you have the Battle Assessment feat, you gain the effects of Educated Assessment whenever you Recall Knowledge (such as with the Automatic Knowledge feat). Swordmaster Dedication (U) (6) Quote: Prerequisites Strength 14, Dexterity 14, or Constitution 14; member of the Pathfinder Society affiliated with the School of Swords Recollect Studies (12) (skill) : 1 action Quote:
4/ You can't use educated assessment feat in the same time that recollect studies because the feats need an action each ? Scrollmaster Dedication (U)(6) :
Innate Magic Intuition (8) : Quote: The first time you successfully Recall Knowledge to identify a creature, in addition to any information you learn from your successful check, you learn the names of three of the highest-level innate spells it can cast, and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your next save against an innate spell cast by that creature. Bestiary Scholar (10) : Quote:
Font of Knowledge (10) : Quote: When you know about something, you know about it in great detail. When you succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, you gain additional information or context. When you critically succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, at the GM’s discretion, you might gain even more additional information or context than normal. Clever improviser (5) : human ancestry feat Quote: You gain the Untrained Improvisation general feat. In addition, you can attempt skill actions that normally require you to be trained, even if you are untrained. 5/ Is it possible to attempt skill actions required to be trained with the bonus proficiency=level with clever improviser and pathfinder agent dedication feats ? Incredible improvisation (9) : free action 1/day
Sanctuary Samsaran Quote:
Martial archetype : STRATEGIST STANCE [one-action] (4):Quote:
KNOW YOUR ENEMY [one-action] (8): Quote:
6/ Are there feats useless ? 7/ Other heritage, feats, items, spells useful ? Thanks for your future answer.
Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
Daedon for example ? Hyaenodon ? Smilodon ?
Hello, I want to upgrade an ability from a creature. If a creature has a CR 5 and I upgrade it to a CR 10, how upgrade its ability ? For example, an ability with a DC 24 Fortitude for a CR 5, is it DC 29 for a CR 10 ? And for the damage ? For example :
Quote: Effect Each creature along the line between the kite and its ally takes 1d6 slashing damage (DC 16 basic Reflex save). Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, a cultivator starts with a focus pool of 1 focus point with cultivator dedication. With immortal lightness, the character gains on other focus spell, but the feat doesn't mention if the character gains a second focus point. So does the character obtain a second or not focus point ? With three pecks of dew, the character gains :
So, food and drink from the ki, is it right ? - Additionally, when you Refocus, you can also Treat Wounds at the same time. If you do so, you can use Occultism for checks to Treat Wounds and disregard the need for a healer’s kit; this activity gains the vitality trait as you circulate healing qi through your own body or transfuse your ally with healing qi. If you refocus, does Treat wounds lose the exploration, manipulate trait ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have a question about four-armed aspect. Quote: You can also use these arms as free hands to perform only the following actions or activities: Disarm, Grapple, Shove, and Trip. After this minute or when you become unconscious, whichever comes first, these additional arms fade away. Is it possible to use the intercepting hands/transcendent deflection from Spirit warrior archetype and sweeping fan block/sweeping fan redirection [You’re wielding two fans, one in each hand] ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have a question about sparkleskin. Quote: When the target take damage, glitter bursts out of its wound in a 5-foot emanation. Creatures in the area must attempt a Fortitude save. So does it include also the willing creature with sparkleskin on him/her ? does Heatvision prevent the dazzled condition ? Thanks for your future answer.
So communal healing functions. And zealous rush and divine weapon also because it's reaction or free action. But not instinctive support, is it right ? With spellshape channel, the spellshape feats become a free action. So at level 20 , the spellshape feats apply with restorative strike ? So with the divine weapon, the weapon deals an additional 1d4 spirit damage and applies on the damage from the restorative strike ? Is it possible to change 1d4 spirit damage in nonlethal damage ?
Hello, I have questions about restorative strike. 1/ Can a Restorative strike and communal healing/divine infusion/divine weapon (fist)/zealous rush/defensive recovery function together ? 2/ Can a channel smite and cast down function together ? 3/ Can a restorative strike and instinctive support function together ? (Druid dedication) Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have a question about Barding. Quote: All animals have a trained proficiency rank in light barding, and combat-trained animals are trained in heavy barding. Which barding can an animal companion worn ? Young animal companion (light ?) Mature animal companion (heavy) ? Thanks for your future answer.
Is it possible to use restorative channel with restorative strike ? Is it possible to maximize the non lethal damage from a strike with a fist ? Is it possible to remove the manipulate trait from a spell as lay on hands ? Or reduce the number actions for spell : 1 action instead 2 actions for a spell as lay on hands or mercy ? Is it possible to use heroic recovery with a restorative strike ?
Hello, I want to create a similar character from « The wrong way to use healing magic ».
1/Class ? Archetype ? Monk ? Priest ? Oracle(Life) ? Blessed One ?
3/How do maximize the land speed to rescue an other character ?
Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have a questions about Bulk limits. 5 plus your Strength modifier/10 plus your Strength modifier Strength (20)
Centaur 12/17
Minotaur 10/15
Fleshwrap 10/15
Is it right ? There are apex item, I suppose to increase the Strength Score. Other feats, spells, or item to improve the bulk limits ? Lifting Belt :
Quote: you also gain a +1 status bonus to Athletics checks to lift heavy objects I don't understand this. There isn't an action in Athletics skill to lift heavy actions, no check described for this. Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have questions about Personal ocean. Quote: You surround yourself in a bubble-like shroud of seawater that fills your space completely and moves with you. You can breathe, speak, and perceive normally while within your personal ocean, and you gain a swim Speed equal to your land Speed if you don't have one. So no off-guard because you have a swim speed. No suffocate because you can breathe and speak.None –2 circumstance penalty to melee slashing or bludgeoning attacks that pass through water if you have Underwater marauder feat or aquatic trait. 1/Is it not possible to drink a potion ? 2/Is it underwater for range attacks with bludgeoning or slashing damage ? 3/You can't be knocked prone when Swimming ? 4/Is it possible to have an opponent to occupy the same space that the character with a personal ocean ? Thanks for your future answer.
Is it possible to use Fascinated Perfomance feat when you use :
I don't understand this fromm phenom's verve :
Quote: If you critically succeed at a Performance check for Pistol Twirl or a pistol phenom archetype feat, you gain a +1 status bonus to your attack rolls with one-handed firearms and one-handed melee weapons until the end of your turn. For pistol twirl, there isn't a performance check but a deception check. Rogue has martial weapon, now ? Alluring scarf can be useful, malambo armor but it's a medium armor.
Hello, for the upgraded version of the gate attenuator, is it possible to cast the elemental spell from the basic/minor version of the gate attenuator with a rank of spell more higher ? For example, with a greater gate attenuator with sand form, is it possible to cast pummeling rubble with a 5th-rank level ? Thanks for your future answer.
Hello, I have a question about ursurp the lunar reins. Quote:
So with flood only an area 50 feet by 50 feet but not depth and with control, you can obtain a depth of 10 feet, is it right ? And if you use the feat again at the other round, you can increase the depth again ? Thanks for your future answer.
With Bonded animal, you can have only a single animal. What about tame animal ? Is it still legal with bonded animal feat ? Or Bonded animal replaces tame anima feats ? Is it possible to upgrade CR (HP, Saves...) with an animal obtained by bonded animal ? Quote: You can spend 7 days of downtime regularly interacting with a normal animal (not a companion or other special animal) that is friendly or helpful to you. What means "normal animal" or "special animal" ? To obtain friendly or helpful, you must have animal empathy or use a spell to change the attitude, no ? Is it possible to tame an almiraj or bonded it ? With train animal feat, you can :
Final charge, goring charge, into the earth are the action already knew, so there aren't a Nature check to success for Command an animal, is it right ? So if the almiraj is not a minion, it has still its reaction, no ?