Need Minions for the Big Bad (Leukodaemon)


Grand Lodge

Back in the day, I'd have defaulted to asking this question on the James Jacobs thread where he answered lore questions and such, but that doesn't seem to be available anymore and I couldn't see anyone take over that. As such, I'm hoping I can post here and ask.

I haven't really had much in the way of monsters aside from diseased rats and some oozes, as I've mostly been using diseased cultists, and lately I've added the the plague bearer template , but the PCs are going to be heading to a temple soon, and the creature that's been causing the ruckus will be revealed to be a leukodaemon. However, I don't have any minions for it.

What are some good monsters that would worship or work for such a creature? If there's a Golarion lore specific series of monsters, even better.

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Leukodaemon, daemon CR9 pestilance & disease.

plague search

Classes: Plague druid, Dirge bard... add in a couple of gunslinger occultists with plague bullets choosing who will fall as sacrifices...

It is always good to mix it up with some repurposed golems or shambling mounds. aka constructs, undead, plants, fungal creatures.
Ye olde simple pit traps covered with camoflague tarps and just some camo tarps...

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you have a NE boss that leave a lot of corpses around?

I would team him up with 1 (or more) Orphene(s). NE fey that has command undead at will and 1/day animate dead (caster level 6), as well as a Desecrating Aura which boost the undead made.

All them dead bodies littering the place around can be used for something other then props!

With command undead at will at caster level 6 this fey can command unintelligent undead with no save, and each use of his sla last 6 days!
Give him enough time (or teammates) and he can animate every corpse in the area and control it (dogs and horses as well as birds. don't limit the undead to just the humanoids).

(voice drifting down the hill)
"come play with us!"

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A pulkwudgie is a CR 7 creature that can animate corpses. More poison-focused than plague-focused, but that can be altered...

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On the low end, more vermin like giant flies.

Also associated with leukodaemons and Apollyon are (CR 6) planar swamp corudulegasters and (CR 8) Shagals: "packs of shaghals roam the desolate plains of Abaddon, where they serve various daemons as guard dogs and sentries."

Apollyon also has wererats as worshippers.

Is Vetra-Kali up to his old tricks again?

Grand Lodge

WagnerSika wrote:
Is Vetra-Kali up to his old tricks again?

Wish I could say that was the inspiration, but it was actually an old Reddit thread from a couple of years ago.

The campaign's on hiatus (I'm hoping we'll get back to it in Spring), so I've got lots of time to figure out the details.

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