Sphynx |
As I read it: Yes, at level 5, you can get your Black Blade to +4.
These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5.
I see nothing about the Arcane Pool being unavailable for raising the Black Blade enhancement bonus, nor do I see anything under Intelligent Weapons prohibiting it.
As a matter of fact, since you can add this to a +2 weapon (which you could have at level 5), it would make the Black Blade inherently weaker than another +2 weapon, if you couldn't... so even if you weren't allowed, I'd houserule that you could, for fairness.
Mysterious Stranger |
I have to agree with Sphynx there is nothing in the blade bound archetype that prohibits them from enhancing their black blade.
Using your magus’s arcane pool to enhance the bonus or add an enchantment is not a problem. Using the black blades arcane pool to do so on the other hand is not allowed. The arcane pools are different and unless the ability says you can use either pool, they only work for the pool the power comes from. For example, black blade strike can only use the points in the black blade pool, but Teleport blade can use points from either pool.
I am not sure which thread you were referring to that the poster said you cannot use the magus arcane pool to boost the bonus. I did see multiple threads where the question was can you use the magic item rules to boost a black blade.
Azothath |
Magus archetype Bladebound
just to be clear, A black blade has an arcane pool with a number of points equal to 1 + its Intelligence bonus. is the Int weapon's pool. So there are 2 pools; the Magus pool and the Blade pool.
The Magus's pool is modified to ((⌊Magus/3⌋, min 1) +INT).
Transfer Arcana (Su): At 13th level, once per day, a magus can attempt to siphon points from his black blade’s arcane pool into his own arcane pool. Doing so takes a full-round action and the magus must succeed at a Will saving throw with a DC equal to the black blade’s ego. If the magus succeeds, he regains 1 point to his arcane pool for every 2 points he saps from his black blade. If he fails the saving throw, the magus becomes fatigued (but can try again). If he is fatigued, he becomes exhausted instead. He cannot use this ability if he is exhausted.
The Magus can expend points from his pool "as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding" which is pretty clear. At Magus 5th it is a stacking +2 enhancement bonus (max of +5) which adds to the black blade's normal +2 enhc at 5th level for a total of +4 enhc.
The black blade is a class feature so I don't think it can be enhanced using the normal magic item crafting rules even though the opening line describes it as a sentient magical weapon as it has a level based replacement cost. It's a mix between a familiar and an intelligent weapon and is not a wizard's bonded object. I am sure a PC wanting to do this will fall into the Home Game GM's caveat area and the magic item bonuses vs level bonuses will not stack.
Melkiador |
I don’t think being a class feature in itself is the problem. It’s the nature of the class feature and how it has its own bonus progression that is nonsensical when combined with crafting mechanics that were written assuming a non-scaling item.
Regardless there’s an FAQ telling you that you can’t craft upgrades on your black blade.
Belafon |
It's pretty straightforward that yes, you can.
Magus Class Level......Enhancement Bonus
At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.
Azothath |
Name Violation |
just to point out, in the FAQ
"Magus, Black Blade: Can I use Craft Magic Arms and Armor to increase my blade's enhancement bonus?
No, nor can you use that feat to add other properties (such as flaming) to the black blade. You can use your arcane pool to temporarily add abilities to your black blade."
bbangerter |
Keep in mind that a traditional +2 weapon isn't unusual at level 5 either, especially if you have crafting. The bladebound isn't getting much of an attack buff from this compared to a regular magus. They are just free to spend that wealth on other things.
I'd disagree with this. At level 5 your expected wealth is 10,500gp. Having a +2 weapon. 8k, +300 for masterwork, plus whatever the base weapon costs - ~80% of your wealth - tied up in your weapon should be pretty unusual. Not impossible, but rare. Even with crafting feats that's still almost half your wealth - which alone is unusual.
Sphynx |
Melkiador wrote:Keep in mind that a traditional +2 weapon isn't unusual at level 5 either, especially if you have crafting. The bladebound isn't getting much of an attack buff from this compared to a regular magus. They are just free to spend that wealth on other things.I'd disagree with this. At level 5 your expected wealth is 10,500gp. Having a +2 weapon. 8k, +300 for masterwork, plus whatever the base weapon costs - ~80% of your wealth - tied up in your weapon should be pretty unusual. Not impossible, but rare. Even with crafting feats that's still almost half your wealth - which alone is unusual.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but this isn't my experience. For one, the table is based on "standard fantasy", but in my experience, most games are "epic fantasy" (Ie: You spent 25 points at char-gen instead of 15), which means:
Note that this table assumes a standard fantasy game. Low-fantasy games might award only half this value, while high-fantasy games might double the value.
So, now it's not 80%, it's 40%, and 40% on a weapon isn't all that bad... (And definitely not rare). :)
Melkiador |
I didn't say all magus would have a +2 by that level. Just that it isn't particularly unusual. Also the black blade scales pretty slowly.
At level 9, you go to +3. Wealth by level would be 46,000.
+3 weapon costs 18,350. That's becoming very likely you have a +3 weapon at that level, earlier with crafting.
At level 13, you go to +4. Wealth by level would be 140,000.
+4 weapon costs 32,350. Now you are likely to have already had a +4 weapon. Very likely with crafting.
+5 weapon costs 50,350. Possible but very possible with crafting.
At level 17, you go to +5. Wealth by level would be 410,000.
+6 weapon costs 72,350. Almost guaranteed.
+7 weapon costs 98,350. Wouldn't be strange at level 7.
+8 weapon costs 128,350. Stretching the odds, but very doable with crafting.
+9 weapon costs 162,350. Actually not strange with crafting at level 17.
The Black Blade still has its merits, like the ability to deal elemental damage. But it's not even strange that a bladebound magus may be using a regular magic weapon over their black blade for a lot of combats in end game.
Mysterious Stranger |
A black blade also cost the magus class features. Specifically, an Arcana and some points from his Arcane Pool. It also has fixed powers and cannot have other enchantments added. While the black blade gets its own Arcane Pool it can only be used for a very limited number of things.
Looking at the black blade abilities they are weaker than those of the magus’s normal arcane pool. Black Blood Strike add adds damage equal to what the normal arcane pool’s enchantment bonus but does not increase the bonus to hit. Energy Attunement changes the damage the weapon does to an energy type but does not increase the damage. A flaming Weapon adds a d6 of flame damage; a flaming burst weapon adds a d6 flame damage to each hit and 2d10 extra damage on a critical hit.
The black blade allows the magus to gain enchantment bonus a bit earlier than other characters. Looking at the ABP table they are about 1 point higher up to a +4 weapon; both grant a +5 bonus at 17th level. Considering a magus is a medium BAB class that is not that overpowered.
Mysterious Stranger |
Changing the damage type does allow you to avoid DR, but it also means you have to deal with energy resistance and immunity. Typically, those tend to be higher than DR. A Dretch has DR 5/cold iron or good but is immune to electricity and has resist acid cold and fire of 10. Don’t get me wrong the ability to convert normal damage to energy can be useful but is still generally speaking less powerful than the enchantments a magus can add with his normal arcane pool.
Melkiador |
It's not a perfect ability, but it's pretty nice when you remember to benefit from it. If you use the 2 point version you can count as force, which doesn't have many immunities or resistances and also hits incorporeal.
True, the regular arcane pool is a stronger ability in general, but the black blade does have a few merits. And the cost in pool points isn't as big as you'd think.
Levels of 1/2 + Intelligence vs 1/3 + Intelligence:
3: 1+I vs 1+I
6: 3+I vs 2+I
9: 4+I vs 3+I
12: 6+I vs 4+I
15: 7+I vs 5+I
18: 9+I vs 6+I
20: 10+I vs 6+I
For most of your career you won't feel the difference.
Diego Rossi |
Automatic bonus progression (from Unchained) gives us an idea of what Paizo Developer thought was a "reasonable" enhancement for a weapon at different levels.
To me, it seems a bit slow, I would expect a martial character's primary weapon to be +1 at late level 2 or early level 3, +2 (or equivalent) at level 7, and +3 at level 9 or 10.
4th [level] Armor attunement +1, weapon attunement +1
5th Deflection +1
6th Mental prowess +2
7th Physical prowess +2
8th Armor attunement +1/+1, resistance +2, toughening +1, weapon attunement +1/+1
9th Armor attunement +2, weapon attunement +2
10th Deflection +2, resistance +3
11th Mental prowess +4
12th Physical prowess +4
13th Mental prowess +4/+2, physical prowess +4/+2, resistance +4, toughening +2
14th Armor attunement +2/+2 or +3, resistance +5, weapon attunement +2/+2 or +3
The problem for the Magus is that the Arcane pool enhancement of his weapon is meant to be a "balance" for his 3/4 BAB. How it scales reflects that exactly:
+1 at level 1, when the magus BAB is 0+2 at level 5 when the mabus BAB is +3
+3 at level 9 when the mabus BAB is +6
+4 at level 13 when the mabus BAB is +9
+5 at level 17 when the mabus BAB is +12
That way he gets the same attack bonus as a full BAB class, with a smaller number of iterative attacks and a smaller bonus from Power Attack.
But, as soon as a magical weapon enters the equation, that "balance" crumbles. While giving other abilities (often at a higher arcane point cost, and at the cost of arcana) the magus starts lagging behind with his weapon attack.
A Black blade often accelerates that effect, with a large bonus at the start and then stopping at level 9.
Compare it with the Inquisitor Justice Judgment. While it is +1 at level 1, +2 at level 5, +3 at level 10, and so on, when active it always gives its benefit to the Inquisitor to hit, regardless of the weapon enhancement.
The end result is that, in the late game, the martial prowess of the magus is well behind that of an inquisitor.
Magus is a great class to play, but, to shine, it requires a level of ability when choosing the arcana and preparing the spells.
The GM playstyle matters too. If you like the "adventuring day", with the characters having a small number of encounters and then being able to rest, it is easy for the magus to go "nova" and shine. If you prefer a more "realistic" style, with random encounters, a risk of enemy action while resting, and the enemies regrouping and reorganizing if they have the time and the intelligence, he is a bit more limited.
Melkiador |
The problem for the Magus is that the Arcane pool enhancement of his weapon is meant to be a "balance" for his 3/4 BAB.
Yes, but it's only one of multiple balances. The arcana can also do a lot to make up for the lower BAB.
I think of the pool weapon enhancement as being more of a "temporary fix" for BAB. At low level it does indeed do a lot to catch the attack bonus up to expectations and it has a nice combat-long duration at those low levels. But in higher levels, it allows you to adapt to lots of situations, and you gain even better uses of those points, like arcana and spell recall. So, it doesn't "keep up" well, but it never really had to keep doing that.
Diego Rossi |
Don't forget, ABP still lets you add weapon properties, hence the slower progression... I think it's generally assumed that Keen, Agile, etc will always come between +1 and +2...
With Automatic bonus progression weapon properties still cost enhancement bonuses, so you either get a +2 weapon or a +1 bane weapon.
Any weapon, armor, or shield special abilities on attuned items count against a character’s enhancement bonus from attunement.
For example, if a character with a +3 enhancement bonus from weapon attunement wields a keen scimitar, she subtracts 1 point of her enhancement bonus (for the cost of keen), leaving her with a +2 keen scimitar. If a character doesn’t have enough of an enhancement bonus to afford the special ability (such as a 4th-level character with a vorpal longsword), she can still use the weapon’s power on its own, but the weapon gains no enhancement bonus.
Mysterious Stranger |
The black blade arcane pool is fairly small, so using 2 points for an effect is costly. At 5th level doing so uses the entire pool. At 20th level the black blade arcane pool only has 5 points in it so you can turn the damage to force damage twice at most.
I don’t have problems with this archetype even if it allows the player to gain a slightly more powerful weapon than normal. The magus has a lot of options that are more powerful than having weapon with a 1-point higher enchantment bonus.
Melkiador |
The black blade arcane pool is fairly small, so using 2 points for an effect is costly. At 5th level doing so uses the entire pool. At 20th level the black blade arcane pool only has 5 points in it so you can turn the damage to force damage twice at most.
Yes, it's a niche ability but powerful at certain points in the game. For completeness, you can refill its pool at level 19 by killing creatures with it. Though it's unclear if it counts when you kill someone with it, by using it to deliver spellstrike.
Regardless, level 18+ play is rare to see for multiple reasons, so level 18+ behavior won't matter to most bladebound magus playthroughs.
Mysterious Stranger |
I don’t disagree that energy attunement is powerful niche ability. I would however disagree that it is overpowered or a problem. The ability to turn the damage to force damage is more useful for fighting incorporeal creatures than overcoming DR. But even that can be done by standard magus who takes the Ghost Blade arcana. Ghost Blade is actually better because you can add either ghost touch or Brilliant Energy to the weapon.
Another thing to consider is that the duration of the magus normal arcane pool can be greatly increased with enduring blade. RAW that arcana does not work with the abilities granted by the black blade arcane pool.
TxSam88 |
The ability of a Magus to enhance his blade is not what makes a Magus overly powerful or broken, while it does make it easier for him to hit, Spell combat/spell strike is what makes the Magus almost broken IMO. Spell strike and spell combat allows a Magus to make a full round attack - AND cast a spell, this is where the money is. Once he's high enough level to cast Haste and Greater Invisibility, he suddenly has a number of attacks close to what a fighter would have, will hit about as often, (+2 to hit, and against flat footed), Can tack on extra damage in the form of shocking grasps, etc. Can teleport and attack using various teleport spells and spell combat, etc. and still has utility in the form of other spells.
so yeah, being able to make the weapon "+ whatever", and add a couple of weapon abilities is just icing on the cake.
Diego Rossi |
The ability of a Magus to enhance his blade is not what makes a Magus overly powerful or broken, while it does make it easier for him to hit, Spell combat/spell strike is what makes the Magus almost broken IMO. Spell strike and spell combat allows a Magus to make a full round attack - AND cast a spell, this is where the money is. Once he's high enough level to cast Haste and Greater Invisibility, he suddenly has a number of attacks close to what a fighter would have, will hit about as often, (+2 to hit, and against flat footed), Can tack on extra damage in the form of shocking grasps, etc. Can teleport and attack using various teleport spells and spell combat, etc. and still has utility in the form of other spells.
so yeah, being able to make the weapon "+ whatever", and add a couple of weapon abilities is just icing on the cake.
When the Magus cast Haste, hopefully, he cast it on the fighter too.
He gets a -2 to hit when he uses spell combat (but he gets to cast and fight in melee, so still powerful).
Depending on the group and encounter, by round 3 the the battle could be already ended, especially if he Hasted the fighter/barbarian/Unchained monk.
A magus needs good intelligence, so he is a relatively MAD class.
Sphynx |
Sphynx wrote:Don't forget, ABP still lets you add weapon properties, hence the slower progression... I think it's generally assumed that Keen, Agile, etc will always come between +1 and +2...With Automatic bonus progression weapon properties still cost enhancement bonuses, so you either get a +2 weapon or a +1 bane weapon.
Automatic bonus progression wrote:TRANSTAALFAny weapon, armor, or shield special abilities on attuned items count against a character’s enhancement bonus from attunement.
For example, if a character with a +3 enhancement bonus from weapon attunement wields a keen scimitar, she subtracts 1 point of her enhancement bonus (for the cost of keen), leaving her with a +2 keen scimitar. If a character doesn’t have enough of an enhancement bonus to afford the special ability (such as a 4th-level character with a vorpal longsword), she can still use the weapon’s power on its own, but the weapon gains no enhancement bonus.
Thanks boss, I guess that's a houserule that we forgot wasn't canon. Again, my mistake. :P
TxSam88 |
Depending on the group and encounter, by round 3 the the battle could be already ended, especially if he Hasted the fighter/barbarian/Unchained monk.
"could be ended" - sure, but against that level of a foe a Magus should not use up a valuable spell like Haste. Whereas a Magus's real strength is being able to make a full round attack and cast a spell, he does have a limited number of spells per day, so the player needs to be smart about what spells he uses and when he uses them. For a combat that I think would last less than 5 rounds, I would never cast Haste, in fact, I might not cast any spells at all and just let the martials take care of things. But our style of play usually has quite a few encounters per day.
Mysterious Stranger |
The one thing the magus is extremely good at is going nova. When the player knows they don’t have to hold anything back and can burn through limited resources without consequences the magus is quite powerful. But put them in a meat grinder situation where they are facing hordes of decent opponents they become a lot less powerful.
When I run I tend to mix up the encounters and include a fair number of relatively easy encounters to cause the players to burn resources. The big fights tend to be towards the end of the adventure, but not always. In some cases the boss encounter may be more towards the beginning and the players need to fight their way out after blowing through their resources. Sometimes the boss encounter is in the middle and the players need to fight their way in, and then fight their way out after defeating the boss. Following the same pattern every time leads to complacent players.