Umbral Continual Flame / Light Spells?

Rules Questions


Umbral Spell (Metamagic)

Source Inner Sea Magic pg. 15
Targets of your darkness spells radiate darkness.

Prerequisites: Tenebrous Spell.

Benefit: An umbral spell gains the darkness descriptor. As long as the spell is in effect, the creature or object affected radiates darkness in a 10-foot radius, reducing illumination similar to the effects of the darkness spell. Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches or lanterns, do not increase the light level in this area. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area affected by an umbral spell if they are of a higher level than the umbral spell’s unmodified spell level. This effect does not stack with itself or with any other effect that creates darkness. An umbral spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.

You cannot use this feat on a spell with an instantaneous duration or a spell that does not target a creature or object.

Is it possible to cast an Umbral Continual Flame, and if so, how would it manifest?

Trying to come up with ways, other than the Umbral Arcane Mark, to help a character who like darkness (and dim-ness) without inconveniencing other party members with weaker eyes.

Jesalin wrote:
Is it possible to cast an Umbral Continual Flame, and if so, how would it manifest?

Just an initial reading of the feat seems to allow this. The prerequisite feat, Tenebrous Spells, can't be used on [light] spells, so I'd almost think it was an oversight, but ... I can't say it with certainty.

If you cast an umbral continual flame, the flame would emanate darkness 10 feet from it (like a darkness spell, dropping the ambient illumination level by one level), then the spell's remaining illumination radius would be normal illumination out to 10 more feet (then probably another dim light 20 feet, like a torch).

Normally [light] and [darkness] effects would cancel, but an Umbral spell's darkness specifically isn't lessened except by a [light] of a higher level than it (which obviously it won't be higher than itself).

So, it seems you could do it.

Reading over the FAQ about Light and Darkness it looks like it should work that way to me. As per point 5 the darkness is the same level as the light, and therefore isn't overcome by it.

Where it might get tricky is point 4, specifically dispelling. In theory you could end up with a spell that dispels itself as soon as it's cast, or so it seems?

Jesalin wrote:
Where it might get tricky is point 4, specifically dispelling. In theory you could end up with a spell that dispels itself as soon as it's cast, or so it seems?

Not unless you specifically cast a spell to counter or dispel it. Since [light] spells can counter [darkness] spells of equal or lower level, it could be used to counter a [light] (or [darkness]) spell of its or lower level, but it wouldn't do that itself just by casting it or if it was carried into the area of one (barring overpowering or being overpowered by the darkness or light, depending on the other effect's level).

you really should just use the eclipsed metamagic on a light spell (like continual flame) instead of taking 2 feats and heaving to use 2 spell slots higher.
this is just what it's for, and it doesn't raise the spell level used for it.

you can use it for dancing lights and light spell as well to get low level darkness even as a level 1 caster.

Oh, I'm playing in a living world. My plan is to just buy the casting. I was just thinking that instead of Umbral Arcane Mark, which would only benefit me, I could also be (one of) the party's light sources. Also eclipsed continual flame would end up being more of a problem due to the increased area of effect.

just cast it on something that can be covered (ring and use a glove, pin and pocket it) when not used.

You know you can also get a normal continual light for your friends, that way they will be in the light and you will stay endarkened, as long as you don't stay in the same bright light radius the area between the aura's will get negated and have it's normal light.

paying for 2x 2nd level spells should cost much less then paying for 1x 4th level spell casting anyway (even with the extra material for the 2nd spell).

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