barbarian Totem Warrior

Rules Questions

is there any other info on this archetype ? like the source on which it comes from also i heard about an errata ??

Comes from Advanced Player's Guide


Can you explain what Totem Warrior does?

Do you have to take it to take Totem Rage powers? Are you then restricted to just the totem powers you chose and the ones listed in the archetype? Is there no downside to taking the archetype (such that you aren't restricted in powers)?

The Totem Warrior was really just put in to give us a place to talk about the powers as a whole. Its not something you are required to take to acquire a group of totem powers.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

from blog

Totem rage powers are available to any barbarian that can take them, they were just introduced with basically a placeholder archetype.

The errata was a line in Ultimate Combat that incorrectly implied a Totem Warrior could have more than one totem line.


Barbarian--Totem Warrior: Does this APG archetype allow you to take more than one type of totem rage powers?

No, the line in Ultimate Combat is in error; a barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem rage powers.
This error will be corrected in the next printing of Ultimate Combat.
This answer originally appeared in the 9/11/12 Paizo blog.

so i can use more than one totem at once ? is there any more errata on this ??

Shadow Lodge

As currently written, the Totem Warrior archetype gives you nothing and costs you nothing in return: It is mechanically pointless.

You can only take one type of Totem Rage Power:


Source: Ultimate Combat
Totem rage powers grant powers related to a theme. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem rage powers; for example, a barbarian who selects a beast totem rage power (see the Advanced Player's Guide) cannot later choose to gain any of the dragon totem rage powers (any rage power with “dragon totem” in its title).
Note: The FAQ clarifies that the Totem Warrior line for this description was removed, the restriction on only taking totem rage powers from one group is still in place.

so y even have the archetype than if it's useless smh

Shadow Lodge

so y even have the archetype than if it's useless smh

It's from the very first batch of archetypes: There was a lot they were still figuring out at that point.

As I recall, it originally did allow for multiple totem powers, but since no other archetype altered the rage power list, it was basically a free 'bonus archetype' for all Barbarians that made the totem restriction completely meaningless.

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