Is there a spell that can conjure enough water to support a water-bound Summon Monster?


There are a number of Summon Monster choices that are water-based creatures, which seems incredibly niche and awful unless you are in a sea-faring campaign.

My witch has essentially become Deep Sea-themed and I can summon larger creatures each as the Giant Moray Eel, so I was wondering if there were any spells that can produce enough water or alter the landscape enough that I can learn to make it so I can summon these creatures no matter where a battle takes place.

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Not exactly what you are looking for, but you could use the versatile summon monster feat to give a lot of those creatures the aerial template. Sharknado!

ForsakenM wrote:
... so I was wondering if there were any spells that can produce enough water or alter the landscape enough that I can learn to make it so I can summon these creatures no matter where a battle takes place.

you are looking at environment or battlefield control type spells. Those are really wizard territory. I've used wall of water.

For the witch - <evil cackle> Globe of Tranquil Water:A4 is the first and only possibility but seems hollow ("bubble" ya know) which bursts yer bubble. You don't even have shrink item or walk the plank... Check your patron spells or {time to retrain!} switch to critters that speak terran.

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Technically aqueous orb, but that's probably not the best solution, since even aquatic creatures would take 2d6 nonlethal per round and be considered entangled by the churning currents. But it could work. And you could move them around the battlefield into attack range and engulfing your own enemies, potentially giving them full attacks, since they don't have to move.

What you're probably looking for is rising water. It doesn't appear to be mobile but it is a 20-foot radius area, which should cover most battlefields (and put your opponents underwater). At a 10-foot depth, that should be enough water to support most Huge creatures (depending on their form). It only lasts 1 round per level, but it's an option.

Pizza Lord wrote:
... {spells not on the witch spell list}

Azothath wrote:
{spells not on the witch spell list}

No one says the witch needs to cast them themselves.

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it might be pendantic - but you can cast Create Water (0-level spell) and create 2 galllons per level, and as a 0-level spell, you can cast it all day long.....

So it might take a while, (20-level caster, 40 gallons per casting, 400 gallons per minute, 24000 gallons per hour. for reference a typical water hose fills a swinning pool at 300 gallons per hour (5 GPM).

The issue with create water isn't really being pedantic, but in how impractical it is in a combat situation. I assume the original poster wanted a way to be able to get his water summons into combat more often.

TxSam88 wrote:

it might be pendantic - but you can cast Create Water (0-level spell) and create 2 gallons per level, and as a 0-level spell, you can cast it all day long.....

So it might take a while, (20-level caster, 40 gallons per casting, 400 gallons per minute, 24000 gallons per hour. for reference a typical water hose fills a swinning pool at 300 gallons per hour (5 GPM).

Technically doable (for the 1 day the water lasts), but have to agree with Melkiador that it's highly unfeasible. Even if we assume a 20th-level caster (which is probably not even close to the case here), that's an hour for 24,000 gallons. That's something that can be done, certainly.

It takes 8 gallons to fill a cubic foot, so you end up with 3,000 cubic feet. Assuming a needed depth of at least 10 feet, that will give you 60 squares of coverage, which is pretty good (you could do a greater depth, since at 20th-level you can probably summon a much bigger creature and get 30 squares of coverage). So the area covered is reasonable (at 20th-level), but you'd also need a container capable of holding that weight (not going to try and account for the weight of the massive creature added, since that probably displaces the water and I am not doing those calculations and the type of creature and its weight are nebulous).

A gallon of water is 8 pounds (game book says a cubic foot is about 60 pounds, but that's just rounding, since we know it's 64 pounds (8 gallons x 8 lbs), and that's already with them rounding the weight of a gallon down from 8.34 lbs. At that volume the difference between 180,000 lbs and 192,000 lbs is not as negligible as it would be dealing with 1 gallon). So you'd either need a massive constructed container in place... or a giant pit in the ground. And... if you've got a massive pit... you may as well have just installed piping and made it a pool.

But it is an option.

if you got the cash you can also get Decanter of Endless Water.
but someone who can cast rising water (or an item that does so) should prove better.

Melkiador wrote:
The issue with create water isn't really being pedantic, but in how impractical it is in a combat situation. I assume the original poster wanted a way to be able to get his water summons into combat more often.

yeah - probably so. But a minimum of 2 rounds (one to cast a spell such as rising water, and a second to do the summon) is less efficient than just summoning one of the land based options. Or, simply use the water based options when you are in a water based scenario.

Using multiple Terraform spells could work. The only problem is that it is mythic spell that requires you to use 10 mythic points to cast.

Alter River might work if you use it to cause a flood. But that requires you to be near a river or stream.

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Theoretically, with GM permission, you could summon a water elemental first, then a creature of one or more sizes smaller than it to be inside it, as they typically take the form of a wave-like mass of fresh or saltwater. Technically, the rules don't allow summoning creatures inside other creatures in normal circumstances, but you could summon it on the ground and then have the water elemental engulf it, but this is highly into the GM fiat territory, not strict rules, though strict rules are not meant to cover every possible creature anatomical makeup or construction.

for Witch Patron spells it doesn't look good.
Water: 2nd — bless water/curse water, 4th — slipstream, 6th — water breathing, 8th — control water, 10th — geyser, 12th — elemental body III (water only), 14th — elemental body IV (water only), 16th — seamantle, 18th — tsunami.
Control Water:T4 (Raise water) will work on a glass of water with some Home GM's head nodding but likely it is just over an existing body of water and no help unless your GM allows you to mop the battlefield first... it is 4th spell level and a bit of a drain on the spell slots.

So, I'm going to suggest you simply use prefilled bag of holding or decanter of endless water and take it from there. I think switching to earth based creatures is more practical if you adventure on land.
The other trick is to be samsaran and using Mythic Past Lives pick up some wizard spells.
I thought maybe an imperial sea dragon via draconic ally spell but the breath weapon isn't specific enough. Create Water is s-l-o-w and not practical. Hidden Spring is even worse. CR18 Oni is impractical. Water mephits are useless. A grodair CR:5 is practical but not on a summons list.

Grand Lodge

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Summon the giant moray eel on the ground and follow up with a quickened slipstream on the Eel.
Now your moray eel can “swim” on land.
The Moray Eel will be submerged or almost submerged in the slipstream which makes ranged attacks less effective.
Perhaps follow up with the Hydrophobia spell next round to make enemies try to get away from your eel and possible provoking AOO.

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