
Rules Discussion

Hello, with a merciful rune on a weapon, is there a penalty to attack because its nonlethal trait ?

I suppose that other creature takes an hostile action against an fascinated opponent to have the fascinated condition end.

Thanks for your future answer.

No your non-lethal attack don't get any penalties when you use a weapon with a nonlethal trait. But notice that the merciful rune explicit forbid you to do lethal attack. So you do not even have a penalty to do lethal attacks you are just completely forbidden to do lethal attack with the merciful weapon at all (what could be a big problem when facing constructs).

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Waldham wrote:
Hello, with a merciful rune on a weapon, is there a penalty to attack because its nonlethal trait ?

I agree with YuriP. Making an attack in the normal manner with a weapon doesn't have any penalties. If the weapon has the Nonlethal trait, the normal manner is a nonlethal attack. Some weapons have the Nonlethal trait built in. Adding the Merciful rune adds the trait if the weapon doesn't have it.

Weapons with the Nonlethal trait built in to the weapon can make a non-normal attack at a -2 penalty to do lethal damage instead of nonlethal. The Merciful rune prevents doing that.

Waldham wrote:
I suppose that other creature takes an hostile action against an fascinated opponent to have the fascinated condition end.

Yes, your allies attacking a fascinated enemy will end the fascinated condition. Also, if you yourself attack the fascinated enemy, that will also end the fascinated condition. In both cases, that happens even if the attack is made with a Nonlethal weapon.

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