Fetchlings and other shadow themed character options, will they be in the remaster?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

I noticed that the player core 2 doesn't have Fetchlings, nor does it have the Shadow Sorcerer bloodline, or Shadowcaster and Shadowdancer archetypes

Have they been pushed back for a further release? I'm unsure of their state in the new world, and I suppose there's a little anxiety that some of my favourite parts of the setting got left on the OGL cutting block

I know we can use premaster, but the shadowy little edgelord in me was hoping for something to breathe some more life into them in then remastered world

The only one I suspect was left behind for OGL reasons was the shadowdancer; that was one of the original prestige classes in D&D 3.5, if I remember rightly.

I'm also not surprised we didn't hear anything of Fetchlings. Those were originally from Ancestry Guide, not a core book.

No idea about shadow bloodline, though.

Liberty's Edge

Maybe some Nidal/Zon-Kuthon stuff lies just beyond the horizon.

After all, there is a war of nations coming soon IIRC.

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Fetchlings not being included is probably because they were from the Ancestry Guide. The other remastered ancestries are all from the APG (since it has the classes too, plus Orcs), the Character Guide (Leshies promoted to core), and the two that needed renames (Gnolls and Gripplis).

For the Shadowdancer archetype, don't quote me on this, but I've read in the forums here that it was likely an OGL casualty (similar to Dragon Disciple)? Shadowcaster on the other hand is from Secrets of Magic. Granted they could have maybe used Shadowcaster as Shadowdancer's "replacement" if the latter was getting cut, but yeah.

As for Sorcerer's Shadow bloodline, that one I think unfortunately is because of page space.

If they are going to come, it'd probably either be in a Player Core 3 or an Ancestry Guide remake.

I'd probably be optimistic it will make a return in some form, though probably in a few years. NPC Core is already proof that the Remaster Project is going beyond Player Core 2. And with the fact that OGL content will no longer be allowed on Infinite, pressure for Paizo to port more of their content to the Remaster will likely step up from the Infinite community.

rimestocke wrote:

Fetchlings not being included is probably because they were from the Ancestry Guide. The other remastered ancestries are all from the APG (since it has the classes too, plus Orcs), the Character Guide (Leshies promoted to core), and the two that needed renames (Gnolls and Gripplis).

For the Shadowdancer archetype, don't quote me on this, but I've read in the forums here that it was likely an OGL casualty (similar to Dragon Disciple)? Shadowcaster on the other hand is from Secrets of Magic. Granted they could have maybe used Shadowcaster as Shadowdancer's "replacement" if the latter was getting cut, but yeah.

As for Sorcerer's Shadow bloodline, that one I think unfortunately is because of page space.

Ahhh, that all makes sense! thankyou <3

rimestocke wrote:
As for Sorcerer's Shadow bloodline, that one I think unfortunately is because of page space.

Personally, I also think that it needs some rework of its initial focus spell. It may have also been cut for time/effort considerations too.

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