Adventures in Cheliax Advice


Having a bit of GM Block.

I have a group of adventurers (5 lv 5 players) traveling though Cheliax to the Wisperwoods for the main quest. As of now they just left Kintagro (Pre-Revolution) on there way there. Outside a quick attack by a group of cultists related to the main plot, I am at a loss on how to fill their cross country travels.

Do any of you have any ideas for small side adventures/encounters as they make their way to the wisperwoods?

They're along the border with Nidal, and have mountains, plains, and rivers to cross, depending on the exact route they take, so random encounter tables for any of those environments are fair game.

Cheliax is a prime place to have fun with devil encounters. An encounter with one looking to make a deal, a spellcaster looking for his escaped imp familiar (or vice versa), or maybe coming across some of the Bellflower Network.

If they enjoy lots of roleplay/engaging with NPCs, coming across a carriage or caravan that co-travels with them for a bit can scratch that itch.

Since Cheliax is a lawful evil kingdom flipping the alignment on some encounters could be interesting. Some CG bandits could be an unusual encounter. Think of Robin hood and his merry men.

or the moral dilemma of facing slavers, slave traders or escaped slaves.

The book "Cheliax, the Infernal Empire" has some official random encounter tables. For level 5 the following could be useful:

* a few hellfire ignises (CR 3 each, introduced in that book)
* a few centaurs
* 2 fiendish owlbears
* a few redcaps

* a few hellhounds
* a bulette

* 2 giant dragonfly nymphs
* a few host devils

* a few shadows
* an erinnyes

* a few hellfire ignises (again)
* Asmodean inquisitors

* 2 bison
* a drowning devil

The book has a few cool new monsters in general, you might want to check out the AoN page.

Maybe the encounters can foreshadow a kind of enemy, give a clue for an upcoming mystery, or drive home the flavor of oppressive but opulent Cheliax.

As zza ni already mentioned in a lawful evil nation the party's morals could well be the biggest encounter they face.

Slavery, devil-contracts and related things are totally normal in this nation, so any party including a good Cleric or Paladin might have difficulties dealing with "normal day business" in cheliax.

Let them come through a small village where some merchant is in the process of taking a farmers daughter as payment for debt-collection. Your party might have a problem with it, but since it's a lawful thing in cheliax they can't just intervene by beeing the good guys without breaking the law.

They might free some slaves from a caravan on the road only to discover the slaves beeing in shock for beeing freed and blaming the PCs for everything that might now happen to their families.

While SheepishEidolon presented some combat encounters, I think cheliax has great potential for interesting and morally questionable challenging social encounters.

PF1 adventures by region

Kintargo on PFwiki
rumors persist that the Order of the Torrent is not in favor. Hellknights may be doing a sweep for lost slaves as the Bellflower network may or may not be in Kintargo.
CR8 critters...

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