How can I reload a double cross bow 2 bolts in free action??

Rules Questions

Rapid reload feat allow one bolt to move
Cross bow master feat two bolts to move
Bolt Ace lv11 Inexplicable Reload (Ex) is
Allow move to swift....

There is nothing more? I need just one step more to free

The Exchange

Crossbow Mastery does it. Maybe you are misreading the feat?

Benefit: The time required for you to reload any type of crossbow is reduced to a free action, regardless of the type of crossbow used.


The Double Crossbow is an exception to the normal rules. ( )
"Crossbow Mastery allows you to reload both bolts as a move action."

They didn't think the -4 to all attacks and spending two feats on Crossbow Mastery in addition to it being exotic was harsh enough for the benefit of firing two bolts during full-attacks, so it can't be reloaded as a free action even with Crossbow Mastery.

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