Is there a feat or trait to give ambidexterity like the old 3.5 one?

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

I'm working on a character who's ambidextrous (not looking for any mechanical advantage just want it instead of right or left handed for a change). Just want to confirm there isn't a feat or trait floating around in pathfinder I've missed I'd need to take to add this to the character sheet.

No. They did away with it. Your character can be as handy (no pun intended) with either hand they wish. It's only when they try and use both simultaneously in combat do the penalties start applying. So theoretically you can pull the old "I'm not really left-handed!" move and swap hands and be able to attack just as well (which is kind of pointless, since you were attacking just as well with your left).

Obviously unless the GM rules it differently for some actions or reasons (like you have definitely stated that you are most definitely right handed.

Basically, they got rid of the Ambidexterity feat in 3.5, since they felt requiring it for two-weapon fighting required too many feats.

Shadow Lodge

Mechanically speaking, all 3.5 and later characters are ambidextrous: That feat was strictly a '3.0 thing' that was dropped as an unnecessary complication and feat tax (the reduced two-weapon fighting penalty was rolled into the base 'Two-Weapon Fighting' feat).

Where does it say whether your character is right-handed or left-handed? Where does it say your character isn't ambidextrous already?

Mechanically, every character is equally good with all hands. Even something like TWF, which locks a "main-hand" and "off-hand" is only for the current full-attack, you can use the hands the other way around next turn for no penalty.

Ambidextrous means you can use either hand equally well. It does not mean you can use both hands at the same time without any difficulty. Someone who is ambidextrous does better at using both hands at the same because they do not have a favored hand. If you are right-handed doing anything with your left hand is more difficult. Someone who is ambidextrous still has to split their focus between the tasks they are performing.

Pathfinder does not require a character to have a favored hand. The term primary hand and offhand only apply when using both hands at the same time. You take no penalty for using a different hand than normal, you only take penalties when trying to use both hands simultaneously.

as others stated there's no mechanical advantage/disadvantage outlined in RAW, it is Primary(Main)-hand/Off-hand or Primary/Secondary.

you can look at Deft Hands or peruse the Homebrew Forum.

It IS important when it comes to listing where equipment is, especially if the PC uses a buckler, shield, locked gauntlet etc as there may be penalties associated with that arm.

Scarab Sages

Thanks for the replies. Excellent I'm not after any mechanical benefits character uses a spear anyway so 2 handed weapon. Just wanted to have that in their bio and wanted to know if I needed to take a feat I'd probably never use to do it.

Derklord wrote:
Where does it say whether your character is right-handed or left-handed? Where does it say your character isn't ambidextrous already?

Backstory and character description same place it say's things like hair colour, eye colour, height, weight, family, hometown etc.

Well, there is an important point to note about this. You can wield two weapons and divide a normal BAB+haste assortment of attacks between both hands without any penalty at all. This can be useful if you want to use multiple weapons for certain effects, like using spell-storing weapons or throwing nets or throwing an alchemical weapon that you were holding in one hand at the start of combat. You only take penalties when using two-weapon fighting to obtain extra attacks.

Senko wrote:

Thanks for the replies. ...

Backstory and character description same place it say's things like hair colour, eye colour, height, weight, family, hometown etc.

Then just note on your character sheet that your PC is ambidextrous and carry on as there's no RAW impact or feat that addresses this topic. A search on AoN for "ambidextrous" turns up nothing.

It was just a question that confirmed there was nothing in RAW to take or that applied.
I provided some alternatives in my earlier post in case you were interested.

Scarab Sages

I do appreciate them and will keep them in mind if I do make a two weapon fighter at some point. For the moment I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something in my searches that needed to be taken for being ambidextrous.

Well, in order for characters to not be (alowed to be) ambidextrous by default, there'd need to be a general rule in the CRB that says so. Feats and traits, etc.) don't make rules, and later books can't actually limit things or impose limitaitons on things that would affect all characters, even those in a CRB only game.

Flavor wise it doesn’t fit ambidextrous, but the hand’s autonomy feat basically goes a step beyond ambidexterity

Scarab Sages

Derklord wrote:
Well, in order for characters to not be (alowed to be) ambidextrous by default, there'd need to be a general rule in the CRB that says so. Feats and traits, etc.) don't make rules, and later books can't actually limit things or impose limitaitons on things that would affect all characters, even those in a CRB only game.

Tell that to spell manifestations which I STILL haven't found actual rules for.

Melkiador wrote:
Flavor wise it doesn’t fit ambidextrous, but the hand’s autonomy feat basically goes a step beyond ambidexterity

Interesting though I don't want a ghost possessing my hand, shades of evil dead there.

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Derklord wrote:
Well, in order for characters to not be (alowed to be) ambidextrous by default, there'd need to be a general rule in the CRB that says so. Feats and traits, etc.) don't make rules, and later books can't actually limit things or impose limitaitons on things that would affect all characters, even those in a CRB only game.

I have to disagree with this. Many of the latter books have rules systems that do limit how the game works. Like anything in Pathfinder a GM is fee to use or not use them as they choose. If the GM is running a core rule book only game then obviously they will not apply, but that does not mean that the GM cannot choose to use to use those rules in a game they are running.

I do however agree that there are no rules in any book about a character being ambidextrous.

@Senko: Just read the Ambidexterity Feat from 3.0/3.5 and the only ruling that it applies to in Pathfinder is Two-Weapon Fighting - which you can remedy by taking the combat feat of the same name. That being said, I don't think there is anything to further reduce TWF penalties like you could in 3.0.

Unless I'm mistaken and someone else can provide a feat or trick that would reduce two weapon fighting penalties that stack with the two weapon fighting feat. xD

Scarab Sages

TheMonkeyFish wrote:

@Senko: Just read the Ambidexterity Feat from 3.0/3.5 and the only ruling that it applies to in Pathfinder is Two-Weapon Fighting - which you can remedy by taking the combat feat of the same name. That being said, I don't think there is anything to further reduce TWF penalties like you could in 3.0.

Unless I'm mistaken and someone else can provide a feat or trick that would reduce two weapon fighting penalties that stack with the two weapon fighting feat. xD

Thanks but I'm not looking to negate anything, character probably even wont use ambidexterity as a thing (two weapon fighting or the like) just wanted to confirm there wasn't something I did need to take to be able to say a character is ambidextrous. Like there are traits that state you were bullied growing up or a feat to say you have good powers of perception (alertness). I am actually happy that isn't the case so I can just note it on the bio along with eye and hair colour, etc.

Senko wrote:
Tell that to spell manifestations which I STILL haven't found actual rules for.

FAQs can change CRB rules. Well, at the very least FAQs on the CRB.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
I have to disagree with this. Many of the latter books have rules systems that do limit how the game works.

There are some optional rules that come with restrictions build in, limiting what characters can do if the optional system is used. But no book has the 'authority' to impose general limitations on earlier books.

Senko wrote:
Like there are traits that state you were bullied growing up or a feat to say you have good powers of perception (alertness).

Ambidexterity is indeed something that would work perfectlyfor a trait... but just like how you can make a character that was bullied without using the trait, a potential Ambidexterity would not be mandatory.

Homebrew Ambidextrous Feat c2024

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