UK product availability

Paizo General Discussion

Hi all

I know we are not a major RPG market, but I'm really struggling to get my hands on Paizo products over here.

I've searched all the onlyline retailers I can for the Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide and no luck anywhere.

Does anyone know of any retailer UK based that has stock at a reasonable price?

Are there supply issues to the UK? I love this game to bits, but I'd hate to stop playing because I can't get the books.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Not a logistics expert, but the shops I just checked seemed to be a couple of months behind. The latest Adventure Path they had was part 2 of Season of Ghosts. As that was consistent, it might be that the journey and distribution just isn’t as good for the UK and so you can’t get things as fast. did have it, but I know some people don’tlike using that route

pdfs remain available if that’s an acceptable substitute/holding pattern.

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