Multi-classing, Spell list access, and Magical Knack...

Rules Questions

If I dip for only 1 level of Spellslinger Wizard, and then go full Eldritch Archer Magus, would I still have access to higher level spells from the Wizard list later on?

I'm trying to go Spellslinger/Eldritch Archer multi-class, but I noticed "Named Bullet" is not on the Magus list, which is a damn shame. It would be nice to write it into my spell book at some point.

The Magus class says "A magus can learn spells from a wizard's spellbook, just as a wizard can from a magus's spellbook. The spells learned must be on the magus spell list, as normal." This is where my question comes from, because I know I can write higher level spells into my books, I just can't prepare them without the slots.

1. Do I now have access to both lists? and

2. Could I write a 4th level wizard spell into my spellbook, and cast it through my 4th level spell slot gained through Magus class levels?

3. Somewhat related: Magical Knack states you add +2 to one of your caster class levels *when you gain the trait* but people rave about it for multi-classing..? Is this only workable with "additional traits" feat, since selecting this trait at level 1 would put CL past your HD total?

Any clarification is appreciated. Thanks.

BadLuckDuck wrote:
If I dip for only 1 level of Spellslinger Wizard, and then go full Eldritch Archer Magus, would I still have access to higher level spells from the Wizard list later on?

No, you will still be a 1st level Wizard and will only have access to the spell slots allowed for a 1st level Wizard.

BadLuckDuck wrote:
I'm trying to go Spellslinger/Eldritch Archer multi-class, but I noticed "Named Bullet" is not on the Magus list, which is a damn shame. It would be nice to write it into my spell book at some point.

Take the Spell Blending Magus Arcana.

BadLuckDuck wrote:
1. Do I now have access to both lists?

Technically yes, but only Wizard spells can be prepared in Wizard spell slots and only Magus spells can be prepared in Magus spell slots.

BadLuckDuck wrote:
2. Could I write a 4th level wizard spell into my spellbook, and cast it through my 4th level spell slot gained through Magus class levels?

You can write a 4th level Wizard spell in your spellbook, but you cannot prepare it with a 4th level Magus spell slot. You will need a 4th level Wizard spell slot.

BadLuckDuck wrote:
3. Somewhat related: Magical Knack states you add +2 to one of your caster class levels *when you gain the trait* but people rave about it for multi-classing..? Is this only workable with "additional traits" feat, since selecting this trait at level 1 would put CL past your HD total?

You are misunderstanding, it would work at any level. So if I decide to take 2 levels of Paladin when playing as a Sorcerer, this trait allows me to treat me Sorcerer caster level as if it is my full character level. It does not matter when I took the trait or when I took the Paladin class levels.

Importantly, this only affects caster level. It does not affect your spell slot progression. So it's not very helpful in your situation. You are almost certainly better off taking Magical Lineage (which is a very good trait for a Magus)

One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of spells are on both spell lists. If that is the case, you learn the spell as a magus spell. In some cases, the spell level may be different in which case you would need to use the magus spell level. So, if you encountered a 4th level wizard spell that is also on the magus spell list you could write that in your magus book (at the spell level of the magus spell) and use an appropriate magus spell slot to cast it. This does not work with wizard spells that are not on the magus list.

The caster level for Magical Knack is simply a conditional bonus. Anytime your caster level is below your total HD you gain up to +2 to the caster level as long as it does not put your caster level above your HD. As Dasrak mentioned all it does is to boost your level dependent aspects of a spell by 2. It does not give you additional spell slots, nor allow you to cast higher level spells. Those are based on the class level not the caster level. Basically, anything listed in the description of the spell itself would be caster level.

magical knack would also increase other things that relay on caster level such as dispelling attempts and spell resistance penetration.

Again it would not increase your caster level beyond your hd!
So at level 1 you would only have up to caster level 1 (and not as the op wrote '..selecting this trait at level 1 would put CL past your HD..')

The Exchange

Everyone else clarified all your questions, so I'll throw in a bit of strategy that might (or might not) matter for you.

If you take the Wand Wielder magus arcana, you can use the weaponwand spell to stick a wand of named bullet in your bow. The wand (or staff) you use with the Wand Wielder arcana does not have to be on the magus spell list.

You could do this even if you didn't have the wizard level, but since you do have the wizard level you don't have to make a UMD check.

The Spell Blending arcana is probably a better choice, though. Weaponwand is fun but the casting time and duration means it is usually only cast if you have time to prep for a fight.

right, the direction on access is a bit off but they mean as far as using your spell slots to cast something as you have to use that classes spell list for that class. There are ways to get around that for specific spells or a few spells but it involves feats, class abilities, magic items, 8-9th level spells, etc. So NO, you cannot use your Magus archetype spell slots for Sor/Wiz spell list spells and have to stick to your Magus spell list.
Personally a feat/class ability is a high price to pay to gain access to one spell so it is an act of desperation. Pay cash if you can via a magic item (spontaneous caster item, wand, etc). Samsaran Mythic Past Lives is probably the easiest way but that's up front at character creation.

For magic item use/activation you have access to ALL your classes spell lists. There may be a roll and you should have the Primary Ability Score up there to simplify usage.

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