Sorcerer archetype Razmiran Priest (Wildblooded-Sage) Arcane Bloodline at 5th & 11th level


Sorcerer archetype Razmiran Priest
 Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear | 11th Lvl $82000 gear. (ᶝ) need chronicle.
layout is 5th|11th and it gets a bit visually crowded

Abacade male aasimarᶝ lawbringer Sor Arch-Razmir Priest 5 | 11
NN med sz humnoid outsdr(ntv)
Init: +2|+3, Sense: darkvision 60ft, Prcptn:+4|+8

AC: 20(13), tch 16(13), fftd 18(11) (+4[frc](+1) armr, +4(+0) shld, +2 Dex) at 11th AC 21 (+3 Dex).
HP: 27 (5d6 +15){PFS=6 +4*(4) +5*(+1{FCB})}, at 11th HP:57.
Saves: F +3, R +4 , W +6, outsdr(ntv), +2 scndry saves, at 11th F +7, R +9 , W +11.
DEF: ER[acd/5 cld/5 elec/5]
Mov Spd:30

Mle: ci cestus +2|+5 (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +2|+5 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P {fragile} glassy.
Rng: +1 hvy crossbow +5<30 else +4|+9/+8 (1d10+2<30 else +1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: ci & silver[10].

race SLA cont flm:K2@Lvl 1/d.
Tattoo SLA danc lghts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Bldln Arcn Bolt 2|5@CL std tch atk 30ft (1d4 +2|5)[frc] [8|9]/d.
Spells Known (CL 5; Conc(Int) +10)|(CL 11; Conc(Int) +19, K:CL12, DC+1, roll 2d20 DEF Conc chk 3/d)
 5th(-/d|5/d): - | acid spry, icy prison:K5, ovrlnd flgt.
 4th(-/d|7/d): - | acid pit, dim door, drgn brth:K4, emrg frc sph:K4.
 3rd(-/d|7/d): - | abltv barr, disp mag, fireball:K3, lgtnbolt:K3, rmv dis, suggestion.
 2nd(5/d|8+2/d): aid, flry snoball:K2, scorch ray:K2, | & create pit, glttrdust, make whole, mir img, rst enrgy, see invis.
 1st(8/d|8+2/d): ear-prc scrm:K1, mag armr, mag mssl:K1, shield, | & hgtn aware, vanish, snoball:K1.
 0th(@will): acd splsh, det mag, mag hand, mend, prstdg, rd mag | & bleed, mssg, tch fatg.
Bloodline: Arcane Wildblooded-Sage

Abil:@5 [10,14,10,20(18),12,12], 20pt & applied: +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 Dex, headband Int +2.
 @11 [10,16(14),10,23(19),12,12], headband Int +4, belt Dex +2.
BAB: +2|+5, CMB:+2|+5 CMD: 14|17.
T1: Pragmatic Activator(Mag) trait UMD(Int).
T2: Resilient(Cmbt) +1 Fort.
F1: Point-blank Shot.
C1: BlArna cast Int, +2 Knw(arcn) & SplCrft. BlPwr Arcn Bolt (Sor/2)@CL std tch atk 30ft (1d4+(Sor/2))[frc] (3+Int)/d.
C1: False Piety(Ex). +(Sor/2) divine UMD. False Focus feat.
F3: Precise Shot.
C3: BlPwr Lay Healer(Su). BlSpl aid.
Abil4: Dex +1 (13->14).
F5: Spl Fcs(evoKation).
C5: BlSpl rmv dis.
===== then =====
F7: Var Tattoo(evoKation) +1CL.
C7: BlFeat Scribe Scroll -or- Still Spell MMag. BlSpl disp mag.
Abil8: Int +1->19.
F9: Elemental Spl MMag [acid] (+1).
C9: Razmiran Channel(Su). BlSpl dim door.
F11: Persnt Spl MMag(+2).
C11: BlSpl ovrlnd flgt.
TBD: Dazing Spl(+3), Int to 20.

Skills(rnk 30@5|66@11): Acro +5|6(3), Appr +6|7(1|2), Bluffᶜ +5|8(1|4), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +14|16(5|7)), Diplo, Dsgs, Esc Art, Fly +2|7(0|4), Intmdᶜ +8|10(2|4){+2}, Know(arcnᶜ +12|15(2|4){+2}, dngn +5|17(0|HB), engr, geog, hist, locl +7|10(2|4), natr, nobl +5|6(0|1), plns +9|+17(HB), rlgnᶜ +8|13(1|4)), Ling +6|8(1|2), Prcp +4|8(3|7), Pfrmᶜ(oratory +5|8(1|4)), Profᶜ, Ride +5|6(3), Sns Mtv +3|4(0|1){+2}, SoH +2|4(0|1), Splcrftᶜ +12|15(2|4){+2}, Stlth, UMDᶜ +11/13|16/21(3|7){/Divn +2|+5}. ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs
Lang: common(taldan), celestial, draconic, elven, halfling, sylvan, napsu-sign language, undercommon, thassalonian(HB), anc osiriani(-|HB).

Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[30] $450, Obs Mist:C1@1[30] $450.
Bndlr: Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, alch fire [2] $(40), antiplague $(25), antitoxin $(25), twitch tonic $(22.5), smelling salts $(12.5).
= = = at 11 add Wand: Ill of Calm:I1@1[30] $450, Vanish:I1@1[30] $450.
Scr: Prot Evil:A1@1{divn} $25, Lib Cmmd:T1@1{divn} $25, Rmv Sickness:C1@1{divn} $25, Sure Casting:D1@1{divn} $25, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1{divn} $25, Align Wpn:T2@3{divn} $150, Bear Endur:T2@3{divn} $150, Consecrate:K2@3{divn} $200, Lsr Restor:C2@3{divn} $150, Mag Cir vs E:A3@5{divn} $375, Rmv Blind/Deaf:C3@5{divn} $375, Remove Curse:A3@5{divn} $375. =+$2800

mwk haramaki (AC:+1, Dex:-, AChk:0, SplFail:0%) Hrd:10, HP:5, 1lb $153, cold iron(ci) cestus lgt smpl (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P Hrd:10 HP:2 1lb $10, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, Bolts: ci & WpnBlch silver [10] $2+(2.5), obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr) [8] $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Bastet) $25 with Cont Flm(free).
Aegis of recovery [neck] $1500, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $4000 = 10500-10496 -> cash 4gp.
= = = at 11 add Cloak Rest to +3(+$8000), Headband Int to +4(+$12000), Belt Dex +2[belt] $4000, Handy Haversack $2000, Crk'd Pearly White Ioun Stone $3400, Spellguard Bracers[wrist] $5000, Page of Spell Knowledge(hgtn aware:D1, vanish:I1, create pit:C2, mirror img:I2, see invis:D2) $14000, Runestone power(1st:2, 2nd:2) $20000, Holy symbol tattoo (Ulon){left thigh} $100. = 82000-10496-2800-68500 -> cash 204gp.

Azothath wrote:

Sorcerer archetype Razmiran Priest

 Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear | 11th Lvl $82000 gear....
Abacade male aasimarᶝ lawbringer Sor Arch-Razmir Priest 5 | 11
NN med sz humnoid outsdr(ntv)

it is a centric build with a good race but not the most tweaked, but who'd think a lawbringer was a razmiran priest?! I should have applied Innocent racial trait but +1 Fort ya know... Alchemical items are self crafted.

You could choose halfelf, halfling, human, ratfolk and adjust the ability scores. Humans have Comp Edu trait which is nice. Ratfolk swarm and work well with this class.
You can move some of the Equip/Gear around as a Page of spell Know would be nice at 5th. I did skimp on the wand charges...

Personally I think the class is gimped as it needs social skills AND it trades away good things. It focuses on UMD which for a caster is a trap and doing cleric spells at +1 SplLvl isn't all that. I think a dip in Rogue would cure it mostly BUT sorcerers take a beating on multiclassing. I think a Clr 1 (Bastet)/Wiz4 or Wiz10 would beat up the Razmir Sor...

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Azothath wrote:
Azothath wrote:

Sorcerer archetype Razmiran Priest

 Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear | 11th Lvl $82000 gear....
Abacade male aasimarᶝ lawbringer Sor Arch-Razmir Priest 5 | 11
NN med sz humnoid outsdr(ntv)

it is a centric build with a good race but not the most tweaked, but who'd think a lawbringer was a razmiran priest?! I should have applied Innocent racial trait but +1 Fort ya know... Alchemical items are self crafted.

You could choose halfelf, halfling, human, ratfolk and adjust the ability scores. Humans have Comp Edu trait which is nice. Ratfolk swarm and work well with this class.
You can move some of the Equip/Gear around as a Page of spell Know would be nice at 5th. I did skimp on the wand charges...

Personally I think the class is gimped as it needs social skills AND it trades away good things. It focuses on UMD which for a caster is a trap and doing cleric spells at +1 SplLvl isn't all that. I think a dip in Rogue would cure it mostly BUT sorcerers take a beating on multiclassing. I think a Clr 1 (Bastet)/Wiz4 or Wiz10 would beat up the Razmir Sor...

Well, you are entitled to your opinion Azothath. Every other opinion I have read about the Razmiran, or False, Priest is to the effect that it is brilliant.

"doing cleric spells at +1 SplLvl isn't all that" well I disagree and agree with practically everyone else.

The point is that buying a scroll of each of the more useful divine spells is quite doable by the time this ability comes online and you only have to pay once.

It isn't that you have the most powerful spell ready. But so often you have the most needed spell, be it restoration or dispel magic or neutralise poison.

I'd prefer useful comments on the actual build posted.
A post using a different character name, race and the same format I used would be great (use "reply" to copy the formatting) as readers would like to see options and how different folks use their expertise. I think it is important to do 5th & 11th with organic growth as just popping out an 11th level character with maximized gear isn't all that helpful in build guidance as equipment with "buy at full, sell at half" is very important. The PFS restriction keeps it centric and balanced as readers can tweak it for their Home Game allowances.
I think I am going to post a human enchantment focused razmir build using the same style, so please avoid that. I change the character name for simple reply posting.

Sorcerer archetype Razmiran Priest
 Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear | 11th Lvl $82000 gear. (ᶝ) need chronicle.
layout is 5th|11th and it gets a bit visually crowded

Chummany male human Sor Arch-Razmir Priest 5 | 11 Ench focused
NN med sz humnoid human
Init: +2|+3, Sense:, Prcptn:+4|+8

AC: 20(13), tch 16(13), fftd 18(11) (+4[frc](+1) armr, +4(+0) shld, +2 Dex) at 11th AC 21 (+3 Dex).
HP: 27 (5d6 +5){PFS=6 +4*(4) +5*(+1{FCB})}, at 11th HP:57.
Saves: F +3, R +4 , W +6, +2 scndry saves, at 11th F +7, R +9 , W +11.
Mov Spd:30

Mle: ci cestus +2|+5 (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +2|+5 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P {fragile} glassy.
Rng: +1 hvy crossbow +5<30 else +4|+9/+8 (1d10+2<30 else +1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: ci & silver[10].

Tattoo SLA daze:E0@Lvl 3/d.
Bldln Arcn Bolt 2|5@CL std tch atk 30ft (1d4 +2|5)[frc] [8|9]/d.
Spells Known (CL 5; Conc(Int) +10, E:CL6 DC+1)|(CL 11; Conc(Int) +19, E:CL12 DC+2, roll 2d20 DEF Conc chk 3/d)
 5th(-/d|5/d): - | feeblmind:E5(Will 23), break ench:A5, ovrlnd flgt.
 4th(-/d|7/d): - | charm mon:E4, confsn:E4, dim door, emrg frc sph:K4.
 3rd(-/d|7/d): - | abltv barr, disp mag, babble:E3, heroism:E3, rmv dis, suggestion:E3.
 2nd(5/d|8+2/d): aid, hids lghtr:E2, tch idiot:E2, | & cmpls liar:E2, glttrdust, rst enrgy, PoSK(create pit:C2, mirror img:I2, see invis:D2).
 1st(8/d|8+2/d): charm per:E1, hypnotism:E1, mag armr, mag mssl, | & shield, PoSK(cultr adapt:D1, vanish:I1).
 0th(@will): acd splsh, det mag, mag hand, lgt, mssg, rd mag | & mend, prstdg, tch fatg.
Bloodline: Arcane Wildblooded-Sage

Abil:@5 [10,14,10,20(18),12,14], 20pt & applied: +2 Int, 4th:+1 Cha, headband Int +2.
 @11 [10,16(14),10,23(19),12,14], 8th:+1 Int, headband Int +4, belt Dex +2.
BAB: +2|+5, CMB:+2|+5 CMD: 14|18.
Alt Race: Comp Eductn: Knw(any) Cls skills & +1 race for Cls Knw skls. Repl Skilled.
T1: Pragmatic Activator(Mag) trait UMD(Int).
T2: Resilient(Cmbt) +1 Fort.
H1: Point-blank Shot.
F1: Precise Shot.
C1: BlArna cast Int, +2 Knw(arcn) & SplCrft. BlPwr Arcn Bolt (Sor/2)@CL std tch atk 30ft (1d4+(Sor/2))[frc] (3+Int)/d.
C1: False Piety(Ex). +(Sor/2) divine UMD. False Focus feat.
F3: Spl Fcs(Enchantment).
C3: BlPwr Lay Healer(Su). BlSpl aid.
Abil4: Cha +1.
F5: Var Tattoo(E) +1CL.
C5: BlSpl rmv dis.
===== then =====
F7: Grt Spl Fcs(E) +2DC.
C7: BlFeat Scribe Scroll -or- Still Spell MMag. BlSpl disp mag.
Abil8: Int +1.
F9: MMag Bouncing spl (+1).
C9: Razmiran Channel(Su). BlSpl dim door.
F11: Persnt Spl MMag(+2).
C11: BlSpl ovrlnd flgt.
TBD: Dazing Spl(+3), Int to 20.

Skills(rnk 30@5|66@11): Acro +5|6(3), Appr +6|8(1|2), Bluffᶜ +6|9(1|4), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +13|16(5|7)), Diplo, Dsgs, Esc Art, Fly +2|7(0|4), Intmdᶜ +6|9(1|4), Know(arcnᶜ +10|14(1|4){+1}, dngnᶜ +8|20(0|HB), engrᶜ +9/10(1), geogᶜ, histᶜ +9|10(1), loclᶜ +10|13(2|4), natrᶜ +9|10(1), noblᶜ +8|10(0|1), plnsᶜ +13|+20(HB), rlgnᶜ +10|14(1|4){+1}), Ling +6|8(1|2), Prcp +4|8(3|7), Pfrmᶜ(oratory +6|9(1|4)), Profᶜ, Ride +5|6(3), Sns Mtv +1|2(0|1), SoH +2|4(0|1), Splcrftᶜ +10|13(2|4), Stlth, UMDᶜ +10/12|16/21(2|7){/Divn +2|+5}. ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs
Lang: common(taldan), varisian, celestial, infernal, draconic, elven, napsu-sign language, thassalonian(HB), then undercommon, anc osiriani(-|HB).

Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[30] $450, Obs Mist:C1@1[30] $450.
Bndlr: Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, alch fire [2] $(40), antiplague $(25), antitoxin $(25), twitch tonic $(22.5), smelling salts $(12.5). = $1075
= = = at 11 add Wand: Hgtn Aware:D1@1[30] $450, Ill of Calm:I1@1[30] $450.
Scr: Prot Evil:A1@1{divn} $25, Lib Cmmd:T1@1{divn} $25, Rmv Sickness:C1@1{divn} $25, Sure Casting:D1@1{divn} $25, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1{divn} $25, Align Wpn:T2@3{divn} $150, Barkskin:T2@3{divn} $150, Bear Endur:T2@3{divn} $150, Consecrate:K2@3{divn} $200, Lsr Restor:C2@3{divn} $150, Mag Cir vs E:A3@5{divn} $375, Rmv Blind/Deaf:C3@5{divn} $375, Remove Curse:A3@5{divn} $375. =+$2950

mwk haramaki (AC:+1, Dex:-, AChk:0, SplFail:0%) Hrd:10, HP:5, 1lb $153, cold iron(ci) cestus lgt smpl (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P Hrd:10 HP:2 1lb $10, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, Bolts: ci & WpnBlch silver [10] $2+(2.5), obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr) [8] $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Chaldira) $25. =$2921
Aegis of recovery [neck] $1500, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $4000 =$6500; $10500-1075-2921-6500 -> cash 4gp.
= = = at 11 add Cloak Rest to +3(+$8000), Headband Int to +4(+$12000), Belt Dex +2[belt] $4000, Handy Haversack $2000, Crk'd Pearly White Ioun Stone $3400, Spellguard Bracers[wrist] $5000, Page of Spell Knowledge(cultr adapt:D1, vanish:I1, create pit:C2, mirror img:I2, see invis:D2) $14000, Runestone power(1st:2, 2nd:2) $20000, Holy symbol tattoo (Calistria){right thigh} $100. = $68500; $82000-1075-2950-2921-6500-68500 -> cash 54gp.

for the sake of comparison

Wiz multiclass with Clr1
 Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear | 11th Lvl $82000 gear.
layout is 5th|11th and it gets a bit visually crowded

Thalevoh male human Clr arch-Vars Pilgrm(Chaldira NG Luck, Trickery; sht sword) Wiz Divnr 4 | 10
NN med sz humnoid human
Init: +4|+8, Sense:, Prcptn:+4|+8

AC: 20(13), tch 16(13), fftd 18(11) (+4[frc](+1) armr, +4(+0) shld, +2 Dex) at 11th AC 21 (+3 Dex).
HP: 27 (5d6 +5){PFS=6 +4*(4) +5*(+1{FCB})} Con:12 dying, at 11th HP:57 Con:15 dying.
Saves: F +4, R +5 , W +9, +1(2) scndry saves, +5 stblz, at 11th F +8, R +10, W +13, +5 stblz.
DEF: - | regen 1/hr(lthl & nonlthl) & Imm(bleed).
Mov Spd:30

Mle: gladius +2|+5 (1d6 c19+ *2)S|P, pfrm. {could be improved}
Mle: ci cestus +2|+5 (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +2|+5 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P {fragile} glassy.
Rng: +1 hvy crossbow +5<30 else +4|+9/+8 (1d10+2<30 else +1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: ci & silver[10].

Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Spells Prpd (CL 4; Conc(Int) +9, K:CL5 DC+1)|(CL 10; Conc(Int) +18, K:CL11 DC+2, roll 2d20 DEF Conc chk 3/d)
 5th(-/d|3+1/d){BO:1}: - | acd spry:C5, icy prison:K5, pain strk ms:K5 or prstnt lgtnbolt:K3(5) or magic jar:N5, telepthc bond:D5ᔥ.
 4th(-/d|4+1/d): - | prstnt grttrdust:C2(4) or prstnt intsfy ear-prc scream:K1(4) or enervation:N4, drgn brth:K4, emerg frc sph:K4, invis grtr:I4, scry:D4ᔥ.
 3rd(-/d|4+1+1/d): - | abltv barr:C3, arcn sgt:D3ᔥ, intsfy reach shk grsp:K3, haste:T3, fireball:K3, lgtnbolt:K3.
 2nd(3+1/d|6+1[+2]/d): glttrdust:C2, scorch ray:K2, mirr img:I2(d4+1|d4+3), see invis:D2ᔥ | & create pit:C2, invis:I2, rst enrg:A2.
 1st(5+1/d|6+1[+4]/d): cult adapt:D1ᔥ, ear-prc scrm:K1, mag armr:C1, mag mssl:K1, shield:A1, snoball:K1 | & infrnl heal:C1.
 0th(4@will): det mag:D0, mend:T0, mssg:T0, ray frost:K0.
Spells Prpd (CL 3; Conc(Wis) +4, K:CL4 DC+1)
 1st(2+1ᴰ/d): divn fvr:K1, shld fth:A1, true strk:D1ᴰ, {CLW:C1}. notable:dthwtch:N1, knw enmy:D1, prot E:A1.
 0th(3@will): crt wtr:C0, pur fd&drk:T0, stblz:C0.
DomPwr: CarvnBond(Su):2 prep'd tgt within 30ft loan Dom pwr. BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their r [4]/d. Copycat(Sp):mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to (ClrLvl)r [4]/d. Chnl(Su,+): 30ft rad 1d6 heal liv/dmg UnD DC13 [5]/d, spon cast any "cure" for Splᵎᴰ. Activate all Clr items.
SchPwr: Forewrnd(Su):act in Supr, +2|5 Init, DivnFort(Sp):std actn tch +2|5 insgt atk, skl, abil, sv 1r [8|9]/d, ScryAdpt@8:cont det scry, scry tgt 1 step famil. Activate all Wiz items.

Abil:@5 [10,14,10,20(18),12,14], 20pt & applied: +2 Int, 4th:+1 Cha, headband Int +2.
 @11 [10,16(14),10,23(19),12,14], 8th:+1 Int, headband Int +4, belt Dex +2.
BAB: +2|+5, CMB:+2|+5 CMD: 14|18.
Alt Race: Heart Wild: +[Lvl/2] race Srvl, +5 race stablz, +[Lvl/2] Con for dying. Replc skilled.
Prfc: smpl wpns, lgt armr, sht swd.
Domn: Luck: BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their r [3+Wis]/d. Spls: true strk:D1, aid:2, prot Enrg:3, free mov:4, brk E:5, mislead:6, spl turn:7, momt presc:8, miracle:9. Trick: Bluffᶜ Disgsᶜ Stlthᶜ, Copycat(Sp): mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to (ClrLvl)r [3+Wis]/d. Spls: dsgs self:I1, invis:I2, nondet:3, confsn:4, fls visn:5, mislead:6, screen:7, ms invis:8, time stop:9.
T1: Mag Knack(Mag) Clr.
T2: Deft Dodger(Cmbt) +1 Rflx.
H1: Point-blank Shot.
F1: Precise Shot.
C1: Clr1: +0 2,0,2 Spl:3,1(1)+1 DC+1 Chnl(+) spon "cure".
C2: Wiz1 BondObj(amulet) Divn(!E,!N). Spellbook 0th:all, 1st:7.
C2: W1F: Spl Fcs(evoKation) -or- Scribe Scroll.
F3: False Focus feat (same as the Razmiran).
Abil4: Cha +1.
F5: Var Tattoo(K) +1CL.
C5: Wiz4 +2 1,1,4 Spl:4,3(2)+1,2(1)+1 DC+5. Spellbook 0th:all, 1st:9+8=17, 2nd:4+8=12, 3rd:0+2=2. 50% found = cost $725.
===== then =====
C6=Wiz5F: MMag Reach Spl (+1 to +3).
F7: Grt Spl Fcs(K) +2DC.
Abil8: Int +1.
F9: MMag Intensfy (+1).
F11: Persnt Spl MMag(+2).
C11: Wiz10 +5 3,3,7 Spl:4,4(2)+1,4(2)+1,3(1)+1,3(1)+1,2(1)+1 DC+6. Spellbook 0th:all, 1st:9+13=22, 2nd:4+12=16, 3rd:4+12=16, 4th:4+8=12 5th:4+8=12. 50% found = cost $6212.5-725+2*15.
C11=W10F: Opp Rsrch (N).

TBD: Brilliant Spl Prep feat (Wiz - leave 1 SplLvlMax-2 open slot and prepare spl as std actn), Dazing Spl(+3), Int to 20.

Skills(rnk 30@5|66@11): Acro +5|6(3), Apprᶜ +9|11(1|2), Bluffᶜ +6|9(1|4), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +13|16(5|7)), Diploᶜ +6|10(1|5), Dsgsᶜ, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +5|10(0|4), Healᶜ +4|5(0|1), Intmd, Know(arcnᶜ +9|13(1|4), dngnᶜ +8|20(0|HB), engrᶜ +9/10(1), geogᶜ, histᶜ +9|10(1), loclᶜ +10|13(2|4), natrᶜ +9|10(1), noblᶜ +8|10(0|1), plnsᶜ +13|+20(HB), rlgnᶜ +9|13(1|4)), Lingᶜ +9|11(1|2), Prcp +4|8(3|7), Pfrm(oratory +3|6(1|4)), Profᶜ, Ride +5|6(3), Sns Mtvᶜ +5|6(1|2), SoH +2|4(0|1), Splcrftᶜ +10|13(2|4), Stlthᶜ, Survl +4/9|7/12(1){+2|5,+5 track}. ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs
Lang: common(taldan), varisian, celestial, infernal, draconic, elven, napsu-sign language, thassalonian(HB), then undercommon, anc osiriani(-|HB).

Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[30] $450, Obs Mist:C1@1[30] $450.
Bndlr: Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, alch fire [2] $(40), antiplague $(25), antitoxin $(25), twitch tonic $(22.5), smelling salts $(12.5). = $1075
= = = at 11 add Wand: Hgtn Aware:D1@1[30] $450, Ill of Calm:I1@1[30] $450.
Scr: Prot Evil:A1@1 $25, Lib Cmmd:T1@1 $25, Rmv Sickness:C1@1{divn} $25, Sure Casting:D1@1 $25, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1{divn} $25, Align Wpn:T2@3{divn} $150, (2)Bear Endur:T2@3 2*$150, Consecrate:K2@3{divn} $200, Lsr Restor:C2@3{divn} $150, Mag Cir vs E:A3@5 $375, Rmv Blind/Deaf:C3@5{divn} $375, Remove Curse:A3@5{divn} $375. =+$2950

mwk haramaki (AC:+1, Dex:-, AChk:0, SplFail:0%) Hrd:10, HP:5, 1lb $153, gladius $15, cold iron(ci) cestus lgt smpl (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P Hrd:10 HP:2 1lb $10, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, Bolts: ci & WpnBlch silver [10] $2+(2.5), obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr) [8] $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Chaldira) $25. =$2936
Aegis of recovery [neck] BO:$625, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $4000, spellbook $725 =$6350; $10500-1075-2936-6350 -> 5th cash 139gp -or- 5(10scribed)Scrolls:{any known arcn/divn spl}1@1 +14gp.

= = = at 11 add Aegis of Recovery(std item) +$625, Amulet spell cunning BO$5000, Cloak Rst to +3(+$8000), Headband Int to +4(+$12000), Belt Dex +2[belt] $4000, Handy Haversack $2000, Crk'd Pearly White Ioun Stone $3400, Spellguard Bracers[wrist] $5000, Pearl of Power(1st:4, 2nd:2) $12000, Holy symbol tattoo (Chaldira){right thigh} $100, spellbooks +$5521.5 = +$57646.5; $82000-1075-2950-2936-6350-57646.5 -> 11th cash 11042.5gp -or- Wand:{any}3@5[50] $11250 (less one scroll:3rd $375), 167.5gp.


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For anyone who 'worship' Raz i'd suggest picking up the overpowered trait 'Strength of Submision' and pay a caster to cast Sow Tought on you for those sweet permanent +1 to hit and damage bonuses.
my main go-to is the thought 'Razmiran is great!'.

As a sorcerer you can also use the spell yourself but sorcerer spells known are so limited it's usually better to just pay 10 gp once (and carrying 25 gp worth a scroll in case anyone dispel it) this should be a lot better then picking this spell (unless you REALY want it for other uses)

zza ni wrote:
For anyone who 'worship' Raz...

to clear up any confusion, Razmir is not a legal deity for clerics.

RAW: If a cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects two domains to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The restriction on alignment domains still applies. and no sub-domains.

The spell Sow Thoughts does not confer any bonuses per RAW but the trait ("faith in the church of razmir ...") does... interesting but these are casters and generally don't care about melee. Commentary - This is one of those corner cases where RAW is rather open ended. A GM may require a target be acting under the effect to gain the bonus and may (highly probable) limit it to melee attacks. AS this is off topic, best of luck as YMMV.
Acc'd to PFS rules the spell ends with the ending of the game session. (see initial posted requirements)

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Azothath wrote:
zza ni wrote:
For anyone who 'worship' Raz...

to clear up any confusion, Razmir is not a legal deity for clerics.

Which is why I wrote: 'worship' and not worship.

Azothath wrote:
The spell Sow Thoughts does not confer any bonuses per RAW but the trait does... interesting but these are casters and generally don't care about melee.

no but it is a permanent compulsion effect the trait does and all it need is:

'Whenever you are under the effects of a compulsion effect, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls.'

it doesn't say anything about the attack and damage only being for melee, your rays can benefit from it too, don't you just HATE missing a ranged touch attack? and bumping up even the cantrip acid splash is nice.

zza ni wrote:

For anyone who 'worship' Raz i'd suggest picking up the overpowered trait 'Strength of Submision' and pay a caster to cast Sow Tought on you for those sweet permanent +1 to hit and damage bonuses.

my main go-to is the thought 'Razmiran is great!'.

That is a neat little combo.

It would work better on a fighter or barbarian than a sorcerer, who is still poor at combat even with +1/+1.

[not PFS] Sow Thought:E1 {changling racial spell}
in PFS the term for Worship that does not grant domains etc is "venerate".

some of my other builds

Wizard arch Spell Sage at 5th & 11th level (PFS style)

Mage-killer build FlowMonk2 Wiz(Divnr)7 (PFS style)

Bard7 builds (PFS style)
Best Weapon in PF1 a collection of posts. For many it's about the same but it comes down to free proficiencies(race, class(es), trait), build with ability scores, and feats along with the weapon statistics.
Items that can save you thread c2019 as dying is to be avoided.

(last entry) Durable Aniform:T4-5 spell (links to other homebrew posts)

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