Black Clover builds in Pathfinder 2 and. Show your ideas, I want to steal some!

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

A little creative exercise, for those who know the anime/manga Black Clover, which characters would you bring to Pathfinder 2, and what would they be like? Show me your creations and the process behind them! A.k.a I'm out of ideas for characters and I'm definitely going to steal some builds!

The problem of Black Clover characters to be adapted to PF2 is that they are heavy specialized casters with each caster using only one type of magic.

In this concept you can get some of this with kineticist and maybe with psychics yet they will be far from cover most themes.

In my mind, the issues is that what the characters in Black Clover can accomplish is so over the top compared to what characters in Pahtfinder can do, I would find the results unsatisfying.

Maybe like early episodes of Black Clover where power level is generally still low. But things get crazy pretty quickly.

The power level isn't a real problem IMO. Many level 9 spells are visually and mechanically devastating and powerful. The main problem is for example you can make a caster focused only in illusion or darkness or poison and so on.

If we have a kineticist with the same number of possible thematic casters that black cover has it would be possible but currently you are restricted to the 4 classic elements + metal and wood.

YuriP wrote:

The problem of Black Clover characters to be adapted to PF2 is that they are heavy specialized casters with each caster using only one type of magic.

In this concept you can get some of this with kineticist and maybe with psychics yet they will be far from cover most themes.

I'd like to see it done though. Maybe as a variant rule, where there is almost open ended reskining of spells. That is use existing spells but redo all the effect flavours.

YuriP wrote:

The power level isn't a real problem IMO. Many level 9 spells are visually and mechanically devastating and powerful. The main problem is for example you can make a caster focused only in illusion or darkness or poison and so on.

If we have a kineticist with the same number of possible thematic casters that black cover has it would be possible but currently you are restricted to the 4 classic elements + metal and wood.

Yeah. So you finally get to reach the level of power of Black Clover when you reach level 17 in character.

I suppose that technically works, if you want to have a whole campaign that is primarily covering just the early parts of the show, and once s**% starts to get crazy the campaign is ending because the system doesn't have much room left for mechanical advancement.

I still personally find it to be a bigger issue, but your issue raised about making it hard to build a character around an entire concept of darkness or poison is also a valid issue.

Like if everyone were just cool with playing the elements available to kineticists and not having the huge variability of themes then it could work.

Both are problems for sure. I just happen to think the power scaling one in worse.

Claxon wrote:

Like if everyone were just cool with playing the elements available to kineticists and not having the huge variability of themes then it could work.

Both are problems for sure. I just happen to think the power scaling one in worse.

Disclosure: I'm not familiar with the manga so this is all "in theory..." -based suggestions...

1. For themed magic: rather than PCs restricting themselves to the in-game spells and powers that fit their theme, reskin in-game powers to match the theme. So fireball is available to any caster, just change "fire" to "your themed source." You could do the same thing with kineticists. Should be pretty simple GM work to tell the player to build a kineticist exactly as per the rules, but substituting appropriate traits for the official ones.

2. For power scaling: give mid-level PCs lots of -1 to -4 level NPCs to fight. That'll make the game feel more epic, cutting through tens of enemies with single AoE spells/powers. It'll also make big bad villain fights stand out. The GM would probably also want to remove resistances and immunities to the PC's themes and maybe add some weaknesses, to make them seem more powerful.

Easl wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Like if everyone were just cool with playing the elements available to kineticists and not having the huge variability of themes then it could work.

Both are problems for sure. I just happen to think the power scaling one in worse.

Disclosure: I'm not familiar with the manga so this is all "in theory..." -based suggestions...

1. For themed magic: rather than PCs restricting themselves to the in-game spells and powers that fit their theme, reskin in-game powers to match the theme. So fireball is available to any caster, just change "fire" to "your themed source." You could do the same thing with kineticists. Should be pretty simple GM work to tell the player to build a kineticist exactly as per the rules, but substituting appropriate traits for the official ones.

It's not that reskinning is bad, but like if you were to make a Darkness version of fireball...if all you did was change the damage type to.....I don't even would end up being unsatisfying (at least to me). Like shouldn't it do something else? But then it's a higher level spell (probably). Or do you lower the damage to grant an additional effect? Etc.

Like it's a good idea in theory...but what you're really doing is inventing a bunch of new spells.

It is at this point that i wish we had something like the scribe wizard from dnd. The scribe wizard was able to replace damage types of spells with damage types from other spells in the spell book of the same level.
Burning hands at rank 1 could be changed to force due to having magic missle rank 1 in his book.

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