Reksew_Trebla |
Look up the "Infinite Sword Glitch" in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and its sequel, Majora's Mask.
I want to do that basically. Obviously not at the same intensity (its called "Infinite" because while it obviously has a hard technological limit, it is such a high number, that nothing survives more than a moment getting hit by it, so may as well be infinite), but something like that is what I want to do.
I'm willing to consider GM only options, as I sometimes am the GM, but would prefer if this could be done by someone of the good alignment, and thus by a player character.
Also, if Mythic can do this, I'd like to know about it, even if I most likely won't get the chance to do it, just to know my options in the event I do get to play in a Mythic game.

Trokarr |

Blightburner Kineticist’s Blightburn Aura fills adjacent squares at 6th level and a 10’ radius at 11th and causes fire damage equal to your elemental overflow bonus (increasable multiple times). Also can cause sickened and fatigued condition at higher levels. Combine with expanded element Water and take the Cold Snap talent to cause creatures within 5’ to take a -4 Dex penalty.

zza ni |

or take the nemesis of that kinaticist:
- a person wearing an Amulet of Radiation Absorption (immune to radiation, such as blightburn) and now CARRY some radiated material on you for that nasty aura and a free charge up on your amulet beams.
best part, anyone with enough cash can do it, (well paladins and such might have some alignment problems with this method though).
you should also get the right kind of case to hold your radiated material when you don't want it to kill everything around you.

DeathlessOne |

It is indeed possible and for just the cost of a single metamagic rod using Benthic Spell metamagic feat. Take any shield-like spell effect that deals basic elemental damage, like Fire Shield, and profit.

Reksew_Trebla |