Vindictive Bastard Paladin, Sin Monk, Channeler of the Unknown Cleric, Planar Extremist Druid, Heretic Inquisitor, and Ronin Cavalier / Samurai.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Vindictive Bastard, Sin Monk, Channeler of the Unknown, Planar Extremist, Heretic, Ronin.

Before I start, this is something that I don't think I'll ever get around to using, but I already put in a lot of work just to make it work with the rules, including the story for how this happens, so I am sharing this with all of you in the hopes that someone can make use of it.

If you haven't noticed the theme, it's basically a lack of commitment to your classes. The first four are archetypes that (I think) require you to start as an actual member of the actual class (though you can have archetypes as normal), and when you become an ex class member, you can immediately switch to the ex class archetype.

The fifth archetype can be taken right from the beginning, but, with GM permission, can be swapped to if you become an ex inquisitor.

The last one, the cavalier/samurai one is just a bonus, since you never become an ex cavalier/samurai, but follows the same theme since you become an ex order member.

As for how this would work, it would work like this, levelwise:

1: Paladin

2: Monk

3: Cleric of LG Deity

4: Inquisitor of LG Deity

5: Switch to NG, Druid, Ex Paladin/Monk-> Vindictive Bastard Paladin and Sin Monk.

6: Cavalier/Samurai. Order doesn't matter, but in the interest of keeping with the theme, you'll have to make use of/follow the order for at least one battle, if not a whole level. At this level or next switch to Ronin.

7: Which class gets the level doesn't matter much. Become CG, Ex Cleric/Inquisitor/Druid-> Channeler of the Unknown Cleric, Heretic Inquisitor, and Planar Extremist Druid. If not already a Ronin, switch to it this level.

Proceed with taking levels with what fits best for this monstrosity.

In a gestalt game, it would look something like this:

1: Paladin//Monk

2: Cleric of LG Deity//Inquisitor of LG Deity

3: NG, Druid (Change Paladin to Vindictive Bastard)//Cavalier or Samurai (Change Monk to Sin Monk). This level or next become Ronin.

4: CG, which class gets the level doesn't matter much (Switch Druid to Planar Extremist/Switch Cleric to Channeler of the Unknown)//which class gets the level doesn't matter much (Switch Inquisitor to Heretic/if not already, switch Order to Ronin).

Proceed with what works best.

Now before I continue, I know that is a sudden shift from Lawful to Chaotic, especially if Fast Level up XP is used, but it doesn't have to be quite that fast. There are plenty of levels that can be used as filler levels where no change in alignment occurs to make it more smooth of a transition.

I also know this is spread thin, but whatever.

For some actual story of how this could work:

Start off as LG Paladin. You strongly believe in the good of people, but also the authority of people. You then start disciplining yourself to better help people. You are now also a Monk. You are so much in love with your Deity's teachings, as they align with your beliefs, that you learn how to benefit from them, in various ways. You are now a Cleric and Inquisitor.

But then, disaster strikes. You are rudely awoken to the harsh reality of people being more inclined to evil than good. Whether this is true or not is irrelevent, as you've seen some bad stuff. Maybe you took a trip to Cheliax. Maybe you saw a cult legally sacrifice a small child because they were a slave the cult purchased, and you were nearly deemed a criminal for trying to stop them. Whatever this rude awakening is doesn't matter. You switch to NG.

You are now a Vindictive Bastard, and you give up your self discipline in your anger, making you also a Sin Monk. You turn to nature, as nature is not evil, due to not having people. You are a Druid.

You also find some somewhat like minded people and join their order. You are a Cavalier or Samurai.

However, your troubles don't end here. You soon learn that just because nature is primarily filled with animals and plants, doesn't mean intelligent life doesn't live in it. In fact, you come upon the most important realization: Nature created people. You are repulsed by this fact, and turn to the planes. You switch to CG. You are now a Planar Extremist.

But in doing so, you fall out of favor with your Deity. While you continue to pray, they don't answer you. But something has been watching you. Something else grants you powers now. You are now a Channeler of the Unknown.

You mistake this as your Deity answering you, so with your new teachings, you become a heretic of your old faith. You are now a Heretic.

You also get into a disagreement with your order, and decide to forge your own path instead of binding yourself to a specific group. After all, you have learned that the authority of people is illegitimate. You are now a Ronin.

Anyways, I hope someone can find some use of this. You don't have to use all 6 classes for this, I just wanted to be extra when I was coming up with this. Thanks for reading all that.

Dark Archive

I like the concept of an adventuring party considering of each of these classes, but not necessarily all cramped on a single character

I think you are dead right Name Violation.

The single character described has the luck of Oedipus and the stability of Donald Trump. I have no idea how to play such a character.

If you actually put together a campaign along these lines, everyone having undergone a major reversal and mandatory change of class, it would be very different to most PF campaign.

Very morally complicated with, hopefully, lots of agonised roleplaying. And if anyone was a murder hobo, they would be painfully aware of the fact.

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Love it.

I think it would be hell to role play if you took every class literally, but might be better if you reskinned or role played the classes differently than they are classically interpreted.

Maybe all those seemingly disparate abilities are the secret teachings of a radical sect of inquisitors? (Inquisitors are the most Swiss-army knife type class of that bunch, good catch all class for this) Your paladin/samurai/monk classes all contribute to the warrior training of this weird inquisitor, the Druid/cleric/inquisitor are the spiritual aspects of the class.

To the character, these are all one class; from his perspective, nothing is relegated to this class or that class, it’s a homogeneous training of his sect.

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