Are there any Archetypes that could have easily been Alternate Classes instead, based off of how many class features get replaced / altered?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I'm looking at Green Knight (Cavalier Archetype), and I'm pretty sure it replaces and alters more class features of Cavalier than Samurai does, yet Samurai is the Alternate Class and Green Knight is only an Archetype.

Anyways, are there any other Archetypes like this?

Archaeologist replaces all bardic performances, versatile performance and well versed. An Archaeologist Bard basically changes the bard into a better version of the rogue.

The Exchange

I guess it depends on what we think an “Alternate Class” is supposed to be. You are absolutely right that the Green Knight not only changes many class features, it’s also a far different theme than that of the base cavalier.

However the Antipaladin, Ninja, and Samurai are different in one key way: not only do they change theme and class features, they also have archetypes of their own that hew closer to the alternate theme.

There definitely could have been many archetypes changes to be a newly themed alternate class. The martial artist (monk) could have been the basis for many “punchy, not necessarily meditative” archetypes.

Reksew_Trebla wrote:
I'm looking at Green Knight (Cavalier Archetype), and I'm pretty sure it replaces and alters more class features of Cavalier than Samurai does, yet Samurai is the Alternate Class and Green Knight is only an Archetype.

And yet you could fit the entire archetype description on a napkin.

The difference between an alternate class and an archetype isn't how much is removed, but rather how much new stuff is added. Look at how many pages Ninja Tricks and Samurai Orders take up in the book and you know why they're not archetype features.

Reksew_Trebla wrote:
Anyways, are there any other Archetypes like this?

Metamorph Alchemist basically removes 80% of the Alchemist class.

What I found interesting about the Green Knight is that it doesn't just allow a player to replace a ton of the Cavalier's class features, but gives them a chance to jettison the "knight trope" altogether in favor of an antagonist from the Arthurian mythos--albeit with an entirely different thematic context (a knight of the Green Order protecting nature or serving the fey, as opposed to a knight transformed by a witch to test other knights).

To answer the actual question, though, I'd offer up the Child of Acavna and Amaznen. I have no idea why anyone would pick this archetype over the Bloodrager or the Magus, but I nonetheless don't see it as a Fighter in any sense that matters.

I would have to go back and check, but I think oozemorph shifter replaces pretty much everything... but there's not really a need to create an entire class for something so niche. :)

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Many vigilante archetypes.

Phoebus Alexandros wrote:
What I found interesting about the Green Knight is that it doesn't just allow a player to replace a ton of the Cavalier's class features, but gives them a chance to jettison the "knight trope" altogether in favor of an antagonist from the Arthurian mythos--albeit with an entirely different thematic context (a knight of the Green Order protecting nature or serving the fey, as opposed to a knight transformed by a witch to test other knights).

I think it is in reference to the Green Faith, The Green Mother, or both, which are both divine sources for nature worshipers. The Green Faith being the personification of nature itself (though is not actually an entity), and The Green Mother being an Eldest (Fey Deity) of nature.

Dark Archive

Huntmaster cavalier changes everything but skills
Weapon/Armor Proficiency; Challenge; Mount; Tactician; Greater Tactician; Master Tactician; Cavalier’s Charge; Expert Trainer; Banner; Bonus Feats; Mighty Charge; Greater Banner; Supreme Charge

Kensai magus changes almost everything

Reksew_Trebla wrote:
Phoebus Alexandros wrote:
What I found interesting about the Green Knight is that it doesn't just allow a player to replace a ton of the Cavalier's class features, but gives them a chance to jettison the "knight trope" altogether in favor of an antagonist from the Arthurian mythos--albeit with an entirely different thematic context (a knight of the Green Order protecting nature or serving the fey, as opposed to a knight transformed by a witch to test other knights).
I think it is in reference to the Green Faith, The Green Mother, or both, which are both divine sources for nature worshipers. The Green Faith being the personification of nature itself (though is not actually an entity), and The Green Mother being an Eldest (Fey Deity) of nature.

I don't doubt there were other connections intended, but the Take Their Heads and Indestructible class features are directly taken from "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight."

It’s not just the mechanics. It’s about how versatile that concept is itself. Can you take that concept and then spin a wide variety of characters out of it. There are so many ways to be a ninja or a samurai but far fewer ways to be a Stonelord.

My choices would be archaeologist bard and synthesist summoner. The synthesist in particular could have been a cool monstrous martial with fewer spells like a bloodrager

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