I was also just considering this build and would like to chime in. Everyone above mentioned different actions and perceptions as far as breaking the truce and I wholeheartedly agree.
I usually gm and play at slightly larger tables with around 6 players, very often there will be combat happening in two different locations, in which case call truce also has the impediment of not being able to happen as combat rages in the next room. I am hoping the build is fine, but as for table enjoyment it is about mutual player respect for what people want to play and sharing the spotlight. A swarm appears its a blasty spell job, an evil being appears its the paladins call, etc. If intelligent enemies appear who can be bargained with or persuaded and you are up. All the players at the table need to share the spotlight. If there are a lot of negotiable enemies, do not try to talk your way through every encounter, the party will get bored. Even if you get absurd bonus to diplomacy, don't use it on the final big baddie to make him back down, its anti climatic. (nothing wrong with dropping some non lethal damage and then asking him to surrender after your party has walloped him and his lieutenants, unless there is a pc sworn to kill him or something). PS: I think the DCs for diplomacy are wonky because they are too set. Could be facing down a level 20 fighter who has -2 Cha mod and he is easier to talk around then the level one sorcerer? I much prefer the Intimidate dcs which include the oppositions hit die. I am looking at optimized choices and am seeing at level 5(20 base Cha) around a +30, plus roll twice and take higher and can shift 3 categories. Which means by level 5 you have two d20 chances to roll over their charisma mod for call truce. Then use your auto twenty to shift their attitude towards you. Usually looking at a minimum of indifferent, at which point you can start asking favors (like leave me and my friends alone), though to do it all in a minute you might need to find something that lets you adjust attitude in half the time, saw it somewhere, don't remember where or if it would drop a trait bonus from 2(bless sarenrae) to 1.
Wondering how it all works out with say a gunslinger's Dead Shot or the Pummeling Style Feat... Both are very specific in how they get a critical hit but not what the effects of that hit are. The exception in the rule book under Combat Section: Damage says "Extra damage dice over and above a weapon's normal damage are never multiplied." But I am considering a whole attack's damage for a critical hit, not a weapons right? Was this meant to refer specifically to precision damage and weapon properties such as the exception under Critical hits or does it apply to these non-standard attacks confirming critical hits as well?
So I have recently finished running an adventure path(skull & shackles) for my pathfinder group and a couple of the players have expressed interest in receiving the credit as if playing pre-generated characters. I wish to accommodate them but have a few questions.
If you have any questions of me feel free to ask.
I would like to point out for clarification the pinned check may be harder to escape artist from since penalties go from -4 Dex to Denied Dex bonus... the combat maneuver may also be harder if the grappled creature has an ability that utilizes his dex for CMB. If I were DMing I would either:
Great answer DreamAtelier, but I guess my question was a bit off. So my bad. Hex Magus states "He gains the benefit and uses of that hex as if he were a witch of a level equal to his magus level." I am a bit worried that the magus level only applies to the one hex picked at fourth level in place of spell recall. Since in the Magus Arcana feature it says nothing about using magus levels instead for all the hexes picked in place of arcana.
Hex Magus feature says the hex is resolved as if the magus levels were witch levels and specifically "that hex". Will a hex granted by Hex Arcana be considered as 0 levels as far as save DC, effect, etc... are concerned? If this question has already been answered(or included in errata), I apologize. I have spent the past hour or so browsing everything including "Hexcrafter" in the title within the rules questions board and not noticed anything regarding the question. So I have decided to put it up.
I am going to quote the intro to an old game I used to play called Ghost Master.... "Uh, anybody out there?" Btw, I ask for a thousand pardons I have made a serious error, someone please call my character on not wearing my armor to the dungeon... (Also forgot my trait +1 to stealth so respectively it should be +6/+8)
I wish to apologize for missing a post on friday, I had to work at the Roger Waters concert in Oakland. Normally I get everything I need to do on days that I work concerts done the day before and thursday was so hectic with all the extra running about, posting before I left for work slipped my mind. It was a pretty long day (check-in Noon and I didn't leave until 2:30 am) so when I got home I just went to bed and this was my first chance to post. It has also been brought to my attention that "thought posts" are generally not the best of things to do since there are no actions for anyone else to respond to. I also wish to apologize for that, but I meant it more as a "I'm still here paying attention, but have no actions for the moment" post. This is my first PBP so if anyone sees any areas for me to improve upon please feel free to point them out, I am always open to advice and constructive criticism.
I would first look at the price range which you have already done... A general estimate can be had from the magic item creation in the book... the minimum CL of invisibility is 3 so 3 minute increments, so;
That 9000 cost is much cheaper than 20,000 unlimited use ring of invisibility. This being with 5 charges per day of three minutes, each charge taken off is a 20% price decrease so 2 charges would be 3600. This of course is a standard action activation. If this item is for the npc only you could add some class and alignment resrictions. Hell you could even attune it to the npc so it is worthless to the PCs. the Vanish Spell would be cheaper if you only wanted the invisibility for 4 rounds or less at a time, otherwise it is just as expensive as the Invisibility spell The Vanish cloak value would be 1800 x number of rounds you want it to last(AKA CL) x Charges per Day/5. But you already went through all of that... for a custom item I would give for 5000 it should be able to be activated with a move action and grant 10 rounds of invisibility per day granted in 1 round increments.
These spoiler buttons sure are keeping everything nice and neat. Questions Answered: Kend is distrustful of both technology and arcane casters… but his time in the River Kingdoms has led to the realization that Numeria is just one small corner of the world, and not the entirety of it. He knows now the Technic League and the Black Sovereign’s influence does not reach everywhere. Thus there is no reason not to make the enemy’s strength his own (aka fighting fire with fire). Simple tech is no issue (simple machines and clockwork) but constructs and arcane tech are going to be met with initial distrust or, if it is affiliated with his homeland, extreme paranoia and/or open hostility. The same goes towards arcane casters.
The superstitious template represents a distrust for magic, mechanically keener senses, and being always on edge and ready for action. To be blunt I was planning on diving head first into Shadow Dancer at 6th level which means at 7th level I will already have darkvision, whereas 7 levels of superstitious Barbarian is just at lowlight… so mechanically when I do reach 10th level barbarian(probably around level 14 or 15) yes my darkvision will be 120 instead of the 90 if the class progression were reversed, but I am fine with 90 if you would prefer it. As for whether or not there will be a point at which he believes he has enough power…he might consider it if he could march to Numeria alone and destroy the Technic League, their automatons, and the Black Sovereign and his legions without the rest of his tribe… but he would still wait till the appointed time so his kinsmen could join in. The truth is he cannot rely upon any of his kinsmen to be successful(or even alive) several years now, some may not have even made it out of Numeria. No matter what he wants to believe, the world was dangerous enough when he had his brothers at his side. They split up to increase their chances of finding some true power, in doing so they no longer have each other to rely upon. As far as how he will be interacting with the party, he is no fool to attempt Dragon’s Delve on his own, so he will do his best for those he in turn relies upon. Arcane casters will be distrusted until he gets to know them better, at which time they will join the ranks of the rest of the party as potential recruits/allies for his ultimate goal(I am sure everyone will have plenty of chances to demonstrate their abilities in Kend’s eyes). This does not mean he will be looking at the rest of the party as pawns(maybe initially they will be considered expendable, he has a strong will to survive), I’m sure he will make some great friends among them. Another reason not to bow out early after obtaining power is as long as his friends are delving deeper, whatever their reason he will stand beside them(besides, there might be even more wealth and powerful artifacts in those depths).
The night was cool against his sweat-soaked skin as Kend-Krid loped across the field alongside his fellow warriors, all who knew they had made a terrible mistake. The only thing that might spare them was distance between them and the incident that would change everything. One of the scouts appeared on the ridge ahead and signaled a water source to their southeast. The man leading veered off and a score of men followed, with only the sound of footsteps and their heavy breathing disturbing the evening's silence. Soon a pond came into view and the warriors gathered at the edge waiting for a verdict as the Chief sampled it. Once proclaimed safe men knelt to drink and quench their thirst. After a few minutes had passed everyone was ready to continue, and the entire troupe departed without a single word having been spoken. There was no time to waste. They would run all night every night until they made it back to the clan. The night shielded their movements, the darkness was their ally.
The League had beat them there. The camp was destroyed and there were dead sprawled about everywhere. All of Kend’s kinsmen who were not on the raid were with the ancestors, the clan’s future was dead. The Nightfangs had paid for their rashness. Two weeks before the war party of sixty had set out to avenge one of their own, killed by a Technic sorcerer. In their minds they believed that the time had come to show the League that they had no true power over the tribes. But in their rashness they ambushed the enemy’s camp the same night they came across it. There was not one, but four of the League there, and the metal men who did their bidding. The battle was vicious, and though the Nightfangs overcame the guards, one of the sorcerers escaped. While they attacked they had tried to hide their clan affiliation but it seemed the magicians had mystical means to identify them. After the dead were gifted to the funeral pyres the Chief called for everyone to gather, there were important matters to discuss. Kend as young as he was kept out of the ensuing debate, the senior warriors were torn. All wanted vengeance, most knew that the survivors didn’t have the power to even inconvenience the League, and a few did not care. But Kend observed as the Chief talked sense into his fellow clansmen and the plans for retribution were cut down one by one with the Chiefs wisdom and logic. Eventually the Chief stood before all the remaining Nightfangs and spoke; “We all grieve for our fallen brethren, we all want to strike down those who are responsible for their deaths, and we all know we do not have the strength. Here in these lands the League holds too much power, so we must go abroad. We will find the strength we need in weapons, allies, and artifacts and build our power so that we can punish the League for what they have done. Ten winters from now we will gather here with all the might we have acquired and then challenge the sorcerers that think they have already won. Brothers, embrace the darkness’s shelter and let the night grant you strength.” The Nightfangs went separate ways, towards each of the compass points. Kend joined the warriors heading south into the River Kingdoms, but upon crossing the border set off alone. Just like all the rest, he vowed to grow stronger and come back with all he could. After two years of roaming, working as a going from job to job, the realization came that the tedium of a job could not bring about the rewards he sought. Stories he had heard in taverns implied there were great hoards of treasure and magic items just waiting for adventurer’s to take scattered everywhere about the world, if they could overcome the hazards. The closest known place, Dragon’s Delve, promised to be a challenge. For if the monsters and hazards were still there, then so might be a reward worth his time. Level 1 Barbarian(Superstitious) to start out, heading towards the Prestige Class Shadow Dancer. Might throw a level or two of fighter into the mix. I was wondering if I could use the Alternate Racial trait Heart of the Fields from the human section of the APG?
First off, No Spoilers Please
I have need for other advice(badly), but for my city founding thoughts skip to the end. My party consists of;
Which leaves myself;
SPOILER: Under a Tree:
Life debt due to a particular kobold jumping down a crevasse containing a huge centipede and myself and pouring a cure potion down my unconscious gullet. All the while the Paladin was trading blows with the centipede. Can't let my party exterminate them unless they start doin' evil, I'm honor-bound. Now while disaster seems looming, I can't help but think of how I would be building my own city differently with much different priorities. And wondering if I'll ever get the chance. Any suggestions for the above situation would definitely be considered, and it is a priority problem. What I would really like to talk about is a plan to put forth to my current leader for my own city. Now cost as far as I can tell equates to;
Once all this is established I should have an income of 1BP per turn for the +5 economy bonus. Because the size added is only equivalent to 4, the overall economy modifier is still at +1 to where it was, but loyalty and stability are down depending on stats for the economy buildings I build. The only way to make this worth my leaders while is to provide most of the initial cost, and give him an advantageous cut later on. So what do you guys think is a fair cut? My initial thoughts.
Probably take my whole life to make it past the first 2 stages(Lucky I have an heir, huh?)
The chances of getting a minor item worth 4k is roughly 10%. My DM claimed anything less would not create a significant impact to the system/economy and did not want to keep track of stuff combining up to 4000, so we worked out a compromise that everyone is happy with. Since, as he claimed, the slots only contain exceptional items that would be brought to our attention, the minimum value of the items generated is now the city's base value. Just a couple shops and already the cheap potions and scrolls have stopped showing up. Since he has a bit of a lazy streak he'll probably just throw in +2 weapons instead of re-rolling items once we get to base value 4000.
I am currently playing in a Kingmaker campaign and have some thoughts on this subject, and the one item sold per city district combined with the fact that it has to be worth 4k or more seems limiting enough without it being randomly determined from our slots. While we have not yet reached medium item slots and are still very early on in the campaign(size 17) it has already caused my party great frustration because we are limited in funds at the moment and can't buy out the slots so something new will come up. The chances of a 4k item rolling on the random minor table is roughly 10%. 2 BP every 10 turns on a successful economy check every turn(per district which does affect size and thus consumption) doesn't seem too much to me.(thats if PCs don't buy the slots free). When conveying our concerns to our DM, he came up with a compromise. Because as he claimed the item slots represent items that would be exceptional for the market(and thus brought to our attention) the items generated will now have a minimum price of our city's base value. This makes a huge difference for us now, but later on will not be extremely game altering. This was actually a very nice solution that everyone agreed with.
It talks about how it is mechanically better for the challenged foe to let his buddies take you on, but ultimately it is up to the DM to decide their actions. Not what it smartest, what the enemy would do (this is roleplaying people). If the enemy is a coward, yeah he'll run. If he is an orc boss he'll probably charge you screaming a battlecry. P.S. Power to the DMs |