Santa Claus

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

This might be late for the spirit of Christmas however! If you were recreating Sana Claus as a PF-2E Class, which class would you give him. I was thinking either Fighter, Monk or Water Kineticist (Power of the north pole!)

Liberty's Edge


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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Whichever base class is decided on for Santa, the beastmaster archetype will allow four (out of eight) reindeer animal companions.

Maybe trick driver or vehicle mechanic as well for the sleigh. Miraculous Flight from vehicle mechanic would definitely be appropriate.

True but what base class do you guys think fits Santa?

I'm with Raven Black on Inventor, but I feel like milticlassing into Rogue is also in order with how stealthy Santa is.

What are his known attributes?

- He knows if you've been bad or good
- Able to move in and out of houses through chimneys, quickly and easily, in spite of being quite rotund
- Carries around an enormous bag full of toys and presents.
- Flying sleigh (run by flying reindeer)
- Able to do truly absurd numbers of things in a single night
- Has a factory at the north pole with a bunch of elvish workers.
- Is himself described as a "jolly old elf".

Well... I don't know all of this, but I can tell you how he's pulling off the chimney trick. He's a Wind Kineticist, with Cyclonic Ascent and Ash Strider (either by being wind/fire/? or by being dedicated Wind with Elemental Overlap). He probably also has fire resist, but you can get gear for that. Could get this from base class, but honestly it's pretty accessible to the archetype as well. (Dedication, and then a level 16 and level 18 feat. Perhaps he is FA?)

At the same time, I think we're going to have to accept compromises at some level. Like, PF2 does allow fro some action efficiency, but "Santa on Christmas" is a whole different level that's functionally impossible to balance properly.

Ritunn wrote:
I'm with Raven Black on Inventor, but I feel like milticlassing into Rogue is also in order with how stealthy Santa is.

"When up on the roof there arose such a clatter"

The sense of knowing who is naughty or nice feels like either a champion or perhaps a thaumaturge, to me.

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ElementalofCuteness wrote:
This might be late for the spirit of Christmas however! If you were recreating Sana Claus as a PF-2E Class, which class would you give him. I was thinking either Fighter, Monk or Water Kineticist (Power of the north pole!)

Myself I did wood/water kineticist for that Christmas tree magic.

Hail of splinters? More like pine needles. Protector tree? Covered in ornaments. Winter's clutch? Just a frosty winter eve.

And fresh produce? Milk and cookies, of course!

It was a fun character for a holiday one-shot.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Well... I don't know all of this, but I can tell you how he's pulling off the chimney trick. He's a Wind Kineticist, with Cyclonic Ascent and Ash Strider (either by being wind/fire/? or by being dedicated Wind with Elemental Overlap). He probably also has fire resist, but you can get gear for that. Could get this from base class, but honestly it's pretty accessible to the archetype as well. (Dedication, and then a level 16 and level 18 feat. Perhaps he is FA?)

I'm thinking rogue multiclassed into kineticist. He sneaks into millions of homes in a night without ever getting caught.

Blank Slate, Hidden Paragon, and others.

Rogues or Kineticist, both are very good options man!

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